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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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I LOVE the generic Halberdier generic portraits~~~

Oh, just started playing Tale 2, and when Tenzo comes out, There is a small Typo (Assasin is used, and not Assassin)

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When the reinforcements came at the start of turn 12 enemy phase, my game froze soon after they started moving:



after recruiting Erik, Erik can Talk to Hector with the same recruitment conversation.

Lastly, is the super experience gain from Halberdier kills (I'm pretty sure it was always 100 for me) intentional?

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Having played through Tale 1, and Tale 1 pt.2, I'd just like to say, these are brilliant. Starting up Tale 2, I found this error in the starting conversation:

Hector: ... rumons among the public. I am truly sorry.

Rumons should be rumors. Aside from that, I haven't found anything else yet. Great job anyway!

Edit: Actually, I found another. At the ending scene in Tale 2, when Raven is about to kill Thorben:

Raven: Pray to your diety, you'll need all the mercy you can muster. Because I'll give you none.

Diety should be deity, I believe.

And in Tale 3:

Lyn: Ah, the crisp, fresh air. The smell of the sacean grass.

Shouldn't the 'S' in sacean be captialised?

Edited by Mist
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Yeah, there were quite a few typoes...the only one that springs to mind is Eliwood being referred to in his R-description as leading a 'duchie'.

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Yeah, there were quite a few typoes...the only one that springs to mind is Eliwood being referred to in his R-description as leading a 'duchie'.

Heh, I noticed this as well. I was thinking to myself it could have been worse, he could be leading a douche. That would be unpleasant.

Oh nice work by the way Arch, pt 3 is excellent.

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When the reinforcements came at the start of turn 12 enemy phase, my game froze soon after they started moving:


Same scenario for me.

Sucks 'cause Hector was gonna engage the boss next turn too =(

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I don't understand the reported Tale 5 glitches, but I think I've got a potential solution. None of my betatesters picked up anything remotely like this, btw. All links should be updated with the current bug-fixed patch. The .ups inside should be "Elibian Nights 3-2.ups"


Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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I don't know what your problem is then. It would be more helpful if you could describe the conditions that lead to the crash, as nobody else (besides RFoF) has reported this glitch and all I know is that the game crashes. Try having the units around the northern village move before Turn 12, see if that solves anything (I've got a hunch about what may be causing this).

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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... Aight, went through and recorded a chapter up to the bug.

I'm gonna upload it to Youtube and I'll link it when I get back from class since it's too big to attach and stuff

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I've just experienced the same bug, but on Tale 1 Pt. 2, start of Turn 9, however after reloading and doing Turn 8 again, the bug did not occur, but one of the reinforcements did some wacky movement as he appeared on the map before stopping.

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I'm at Pent's tale right now and I've already encountered 3 "Princes" already. aka the young boy Nayr and Arch tell the stories to. They are both druids and have super low stats and can't use their magic.

Apart from that... can't remember too much what else was glitchy. Enjoying it so far, though.

EDIT: Screenies 1 - 2

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I've just experienced the same bug, but on Tale 1 Pt. 2, start of Turn 9, however after reloading and doing Turn 8 again, the bug did not occur, but one of the reinforcements did some wacky movement as he appeared on the map before stopping.

I just restarted this tale and the same bug happend to me

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Another bug:


And the real prince, his R-button info of his name is wrong. It says a creature given life by supernatural power.

Oh yeah, in tale 2, the chests can be opened up infinitely, you forgot to apply the tile change there.

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I don't think anyone has noticed the glitchy map in Tale 4x yet, maybe no one found out how to unlock it...

Anyway the map is pretty messed up at the bottom of the screen. (Awesome idea for a gaiden requirement, though I did guess what to do first time, lol)


Oh and about the Tale 5 glitch, is it possible that some of your reinforcements load off screen (below the map), since that was the cause with me when I experienced a similar glitch.

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Oh and about the Tale 5 glitch, is it possible that some of your reinforcements load off screen (below the map), since that was the cause with me when I experienced a similar glitch.

Yeah, I recall seeing that.

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Well I cheated my way through the rest of tale 5 (I was doing very well, routed almost all enemies and was on my way up to the eastern forest and about to recruit Fargus, so no biggie), and I found another bug:


...it seems everyone here encounters different glitches and bugs... really weird.

EDIT: Apparently Erik is Guy O.o

EDIT EDIT: Dawson has his own portrait in all other battles. Dawson VS Erik just seems to load the Uhai VS Guy convo.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Aaaaand another bug:


...this hack really is glitch city if you ask me. Such a waste, becuase it's utterly awesome... Well I suppose it's still a beta release, so no biggie.

Aaaaaaaand another, well this is just something you forgot, basically:


...you should make me one of the beta testers, I'm so good at spotting bugs wheeheehee~

AAAAAAAAAAAnd another....


Karel's on the forest top-left. Some bandits moved and got killed, after the swordreaver one attacked (wasnt killed), it crashed when something else tried to move.

^it's this off screen bandit here:


...defeating Riordan didnt end the chapter.

My job is done here for now, can't continue since I can't attack the off-screen bandit,

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Poor Arch, he tried so hard to get this to be bug-free, and yet now that others play it, so many bugs are found. =(

I'm gonna try and do you a favor (and me a favor) while I wait for the bugs to get fixed (putting games on my DS is a pain, so despite how long I've been waiting, I'll wait a little more so I don't have to repatch multiple times...), here's the list of problems thus far:

- Oh, just started playing Tale 2, and when Tenzo comes out, There is a small Typo (Assasin is used, and not Assassin)

- In tale 5, Dawson repeats a section of dialogue twice after he talks to Erik.

- When the reinforcements came at the start of turn 12 enemy phase, my game froze soon after they started moving: (Hint: check turn events, if not, check area events) (video--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUuMfqSLfZ4) (Superluigi's guess: Oh and about the Tale 5 glitch, is it possible that some of your reinforcements load off screen (below the map), since that was the cause with me when I experienced a similar glitch.)

- Lastly, is the super experience gain from Halberdier kills (I'm pretty sure it was always 100 for me) intentional? (hint: check class relative power)

- Hector: ... rumons among the public. I am truly sorry. (Tale 2 beginning, fix "rumons")

- Raven: Pray to your diety, you'll need all the mercy you can muster. Because I'll give you none. (End of Tale 2, vs. Thorben, fix "deity")

- Lyn: Ah, the crisp, fresh air. The smell of the sacean grass. (fix Sacaen)

- Eliwood being referred to in his R-description as leading a 'duchie'.

- I'm at Pent's tale right now and I've already encountered 3 "Princes" already. aka the young boy Nayr and Arch tell the stories to. They are both druids and have super low stats and can't use their magic. (Probably just accidentally using the wrong class or some class disorder or something...)

- apparently some prince and magic-using class confusion... screenshot: http://gyazo.com/62fb4a9d6765a87401d82ded3bad921b.png "And the real prince, his R-button info of his name is wrong. It says a creature given life by supernatural power."

- "Oh yeah, in tale 2, the chests can be opened up infinitely, you forgot to apply the tile change there." (??? did he patch wrong???)

- "I don't think anyone has noticed the glitchy map in Tale 4x yet, maybe no one found out how to unlock it..." (Superluigi also provided a screenshot: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Neo-SL/Glitches/fire_emblem_-_elibian_nights_glitchy.png)

- this whole post (I really think Feaw patched it wrong or something, but he insists he didn't...) http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=21305&view=findpost&p=1477272

That's it for now, sorry for the trouble, Arch. Hopefully this list comes in handy for your speedy bugfix-patch (it seems long but it's really not, most of them are minor problems if you ask me!).

Oh, and just a heads-up, try playing the game with v1.7.2., I've had glitches that only occur on older versions of emulators... It took me a while to make Tactics Universe emulator-friendly... >_>

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