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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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I don't think his armor would change THAT much.

Have you even SEEN Orun or Duessel? Great Knights are a LOT heavier armoured than Cavaliers.

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Have you even SEEN Orun or Duessel? Great Knights are a LOT heavier armoured than Cavaliers.

I think they were referring more to the "explosion" of cyan in his armour more than the amount thereof, but I could be wrong.

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Don't you just love how this place turns into a spriting CnC topic every time I post someone's work?

Anyways, I'll have the public beta out at some point today. Finishing up the last scene for the second part of Tale 8 (I've put off writing it for about 2 months, hahah) and sprucing up things best I can for the release.

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It's still Sunday in my part of the world, hahah.

Anyways, here's the link to the public beta patch:


A few notes:

  • Three achievements aren't unlockable. Two of these will be fixed for the non-beta v4 patch, one won't be unlockable until v5.
  • Some of the bonus content isn't complete yet.
  • A few planned graphical updates are missing.
  • Shaver spell plays map animations, I'm working on fixing the spell animation (FEditor hates it).
  • In the prologue, the Lyn's mode ending credits were supposed to be converted to a credits sequence. Will be done for the non-beta version.

Bug reports, obviously, are greatly appreciated. I'm under no delusion that this is bug-free. Other comments are also welcome, suggestions on how to improve anything, as long as they're constructive criticisms, will always be taken to heart. However, the dominating focus is purging the game of bugs, so please keep that in mind.

Edited by Arch
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In the prologue, Arch says "Well, that shouldn't be a problem for us, Dane." twice,

And then, even though I chose male, it says "Luckily for you, little girl"

I'm really freakin' excited for this, and I'm glad you released a public beta. If I find any more errors, or actual bugs, I'll let ya know.

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I'm certain you will, hahah. Thanks for the reports!

Raven vs. Alastor

The quote talks about Excaliber and features Legault

Better yet I'll show it to you


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Also I had spoken to DaneIIRC and when asked to view the achievements I pressed yes. Then I had talked to Kaleva and the achievement was unlocked, problem is

I hadn't even played a single Tale at that point.

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K, so, a few more

When Rath and Lyn talk after Rath's tale, Lyn is the one who says "Do you regret coming back?" to Lyn.

In Rath's tale, there's a dragon knight with a silver axe, but his axe rank isn't high enough to use it, so he's just flying around disarmed.

In Rath's tale I got trolled. Hard. This isn't a glitch, but I wanted you to know you suck</3

In Merlinus' tale, I killed the boss with Rebecca, and animations on, and his death quote had a different mug than his regular mug. I'll upload a screenshot later if you need.

In Pent's tale on turn 1 Enemy Phase, the animation for Shaver was stuck on the sage's cape flapping, had to reset my emulator a few times. Turning off animations fixed this.

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Onslow's protrait is switched to some other guy i don't know when his death quote appears

EDIT: beaten to it

Edit2: FOUND SOMETHING, by completeing chapter 1x, i managed to get the "Jumping the shark" achievment thats suppost to be gotten in tale 3 right? also for me "jumping the shark" appeared after i beat 1x since i completed 1 then checked the achivements and it wasn't there before

EDIT3: another thing i found was that i did "jumping the shark" for real this time and not only did i was i not allowed to go to the next tale, it went to another screen and said i unlocked demonic streak, when i checked the achivements demonic streak wasn't unlocked.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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I noticed something else regarding Jumping the Shark. Before selecting any tale I went to the achievements screen, and unlocked it just by talking to Kaleva there.

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- The Battle Axe's palette turns one Brigand in Lost Resolve into a zombie, apparently

- Killing Halberdiers with anybody is still almost always a free level up. Don't tell me this is intentional? :p

- I forget, but in Raven's tale do you get any lances out of those chests? If not, Heath's usefulness is short-lived...

- Perhaps Artemis ought to be toned down; it doubles almost everything in Raven's tale and makes Divine rather pathetic by comparison

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Eliwood's Tale: (Will come back to later.)

Raven's Tale: There are "Boss" generals in the mode. Three of them, to be exact.

Lyn's Tale: (Will come back to later.)

Pent's Tale: (Will come back to later.)

Hector's Tale: None of the villages close after visiting them. Palettes on the Wyvern Knight are messed up. There are "Boss" Bishops roaming around as well.

Karel's Tale: I cannot even load it. I return to the main title screen.

Zealot's Tale: I found a couple of things, again, mainly with graphics. Farina's eye frames are misaligned. One of frames makes her head bulge... Peg Knights & Mercs in Ilia have messed up palettes as well. Neither house in Ilia’s Map closes.

Side Chapter 1: Again, villages do not close. Wow, a non graphical bug. When Rebecca trades after killing Onslow, a convo from Karel's chapter pops up. It wouldn't go away, so I had to restart the chapter.

Side Chapter 2: (Will come back to later.)

Achievements: I found all three items, killed all three Master Sword users, and all found three of the "Amigos" but none of them were unlocked. Also, Erk, Nils, and Damas do not have a talk command. Well, Damas Does, but he only repeats with Siguard said in a weird way, it is not in a normal textbox. Also, secret shop made me :(.

I've found many of the same bugs that other members have already pointed out, so I didn't bother mentioning them.

Edited by Bryan
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Are you supposed to be able to use the Support command in Lyn's tale? I'm guessing no, since using it with Guy/Dayan results in an instant A support with no conversation. Lyn/Florina can also use it.

ffff where did my black knight badge run away to

Edited by Rambo M
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I've noticed a few things so far.

1) Is there supposed to be an achievement called "The Three Amigops"? Or should that be "amigos"?

2) I doubt Hawkeye is supposed to have a support with Ephidel.

3) The chests in Rath's tale don't open. I think someone already mentioned villages.

4) Is Ephidel supposed to turn into Limstella when you fight him and when he dies? (Battle and Death Quotes)

5) In the conversation between Renault and Kishuna, Karel appears and says something random, and Kishuna is invisible.

6) In Pent's tale, when I tried to use the Power Staff, the game froze. Animations were off because of the Shaver thing if that helps.

There were a few other things but I think they've already been brought up.


There are "Boss" generals in the mode. Three of them, to be exact.
There are "Boss" Bishops roaming around as well.

I'm guessing this is deliberate?

There are "Boss" female druids in Rath's tale also.

Are you supposed to be able to use the Support command in Lyn's tale? I'm guessing no, since using it with Guy/Dayan results in an instant A support with no conversation. Lyn/Florina can also use it.

This happens with various characters, I've noticed. Supports are there, but no convos?

EDIT: I should clarify, in the case of number 3, I mean that I can still get the item or have a rogue spawn, but they don't open afterwards (ie.Tile changes).

Edited by Ephwood
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1) Is there supposed to be an achievement called "The Three Amigops"? Or should that be "amigos"?

I think that is just a little nod to a Jimmy Neutron episode where they called themselves the 3 amigops

also here's a screenshot of me "unlocking" Demonic Streak right after actually getting Jumping the Shark.


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