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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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Actually releasing the hack motivated me to work on Tale 5 (I've been dreading Tale 5). 4 hours of work brought me to this:


Damn those enemies. Still have a lot of writing and some more events to do for this chapter.

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Great Knights, Rogues, Halberdiers, Morphs (presumably) and Hector.

Someone hand me a less rigid pair of Okay that joke went overboard but seriously...hell yes.

Edited by Furetchen
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No morphs, but we've got Mage Knights in the chapter. Dawson just happens to have a similar mouth to Darin's.

I've also got the second (and FINAL) bugfix patch out. I really need to be more thorough in my beta testing... This fixes all the bugs MK404 and others have mentioned. The hack should be bug-free now.

Download (Bugfix2)

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Actually releasing the hack motivated me to work on Tale 5 (I've been dreading Tale 5). 4 hours of work brought me to this:


Damn those enemies. Still have a lot of writing and some more events to do for this chapter.

Dawson = Lv.10, Erik = Lv.7, I can only hope this means Erik's playable...

Anyway nice progress Arch, love the new patch, I guess I should get back to my hack now.

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Are there going to be ingame requirements to reach Gaidens, like clearing in a certain number of turns, or can they be played automatically?

Good stuff. The character dialogue is written so well there were times I actually felt like I was playing a canon sequel instead of a fan hack. I've played the first three tales and the gaiden and look forward to more. Where's mah RathxLyn?

Oh, I did find some problems, though I didn't think to screen any of them. Sorry about that. Anyway, there were some typos (more than one instance of "our" being "out" for example, some words left out. Nothing major, though) and the part near the end of tale 1 where Eliwood has the special conversation with his mother glitched up for me right at the special moment (I only know what happened based on the context that followed).

Oh, and Tale 3 can be beaten in 3 turns. Is that intentional?

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Using the second bugfix, there's a glitch during the chapter end convo in Tale 1. This happens:


After that, it cuts to Marcus saying "Lord Eliwood, I am so sorry..." after a 3 second pause or so.

EDIT: Damn you Fox, you ninja. At least I have a pic of it :P

Edited by JB25
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Dawson = Lv.10, Erik = Lv.7, I can only hope this means Erik's playable...

Anyway nice progress Arch, love the new patch, I guess I should get back to my hack now.

Yes, yes you should :D.

Are there going to be ingame requirements to reach Gaidens, like clearing in a certain number of turns, or can they be played automatically?

Good stuff. The character dialogue is written so well there were times I actually felt like I was playing a canon sequel instead of a fan hack. I've played the first three tales and the gaiden and look forward to more. Where's mah RathxLyn?

Oh, I did find some problems, though I didn't think to screen any of them. Sorry about that. Anyway, there were some typos (more than one instance of "our" being "out" for example, some words left out. Nothing major, though) and the part near the end of tale 1 where Eliwood has the special conversation with his mother glitched up for me right at the special moment (I only know what happened based on the context that followed).

Oh, and Tale 3 can be beaten in 3 turns. Is that intentional?

There already are ingame requirements to reach the gaidens, they all revolve around triggering certain events though.

Ugh...one last glitch

Oh what a bitch

That one last glitch

That I must fix!

I suppose I'll fix that three turn completion of Tale 3 while I'm at it (you cheapos).

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All of the links now go to the bug fixer and none to the patch itself :(

Add me to the successfully trolled list:lol:

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Just one thing about Lyn's tale... I liked Vellimir :(

But, wow, Halberdiers! I just hope they're not barely edited Ephraims like they usually are, but you guys are too good for that, right?

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Download the Final v2 Patch

Alright, I'm 99.9% sure I've gotten every bug fixed. This should be suitable for LPers or reviewers to use for their work.

But, wow, Halberdiers! I just hope they're not barely edited Ephraims like they usually are, but you guys are too good for that, right?


Depends what you consider a barely edited Ephraim and whether you think we're too good for Mage Knight 404 (which I'm pretty sure we aren't, since MK404 is amazing). Please note that the screenshot was just me testing the animations in FE7. No Halberdiers for Tale 2 unless I decide to revamp it (which I might for the next release).

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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If you've seen some fan-made Halberdiers (except for BwdYeti's), you'll see that they're just Ephraim animations with armor on. I'm hoping that the Halberdier will do something different from Ephraim, like jumping towards his opponent before jabbing at him.

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Well, you might be disappointed then :P.

Anyways, I've got a question for those who've played the game. Out of the five tales, which was your favorite? Explain a bit what you liked about the tale if you would be so kind.

Also, I've been mulling over this idea of adding a tale that would star Karel (with Karel being the only playable character). It would be similar to a gauntlet of difficult boss-like enemies (with some story obviously), would you like this to be included in Elibian Nights? (I currently don't have any plans for Karel to make a playable appearance).

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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Maybe I can help you!


Making the halberdier assume this frame moving through the air before stabbing may make him look like Ephraim less :P (you might want to make him kneel lower before using it though)

I really liked Pent's tale. The writing was excellent, and the leftover Morphs and damaged Ephidel gave it a horror fiction feel to it.

Hmm, Karel. Maybe you could add his duel with Guy somehow.

Edited by Ken Zomg
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I really liked Pent's tale. The writing was excellent, and the leftover Morphs and damaged Ephidel gave it a horror fiction feel to it.

Hmm, Karel. Maybe you could add his duel with Guy somehow.

^^ Def pent's tale.

And maybe Karel and Guy should fight... Even though it has one inevitable outcome :(

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My favorite tale is certainly *not* Tale 1. Haven't played any beyond it, actually. (Damn boss got lucky and killed Eliwood right before finishing.)

You know, Arch, with all of these screenshots on display recently, I've become even more enamored with this. So much so, in fact, that I think I'd like to whip up a handful of custom weapon icons for the characters that need them. (Granted, I likely won't be able to start for another week or two weeks, but I figured I'd at least make the offer.)

(And, I see no issue with extra content. Plus, I would think that a tale of one man taking on an entire army would be something that would be suited to telling as a story to a kid.)

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About the stories, my favorite would be Pent's.

It was a good to see the Morphs hadn't fallen out of the story altoguether, though Ephidel appearing again was really a surprise. And considering the approach the story was taking, that with Pent doing a research trip there and all, I quite liked it. (Though it wasn't without it's sad moments like Renault dying or that perhaps this is what Canas last did before that fated snowstorm...) That in mind, something it surprised me as well was Ephidel reacting like that to the Forblaze. To think an emotion-less being could truly feel something like fear... it makes you wonder just how much the potential a Morph could have. I also liked the amount of different tomes and staves there was, that sure was creative. One thing that bothers me is about Renault and about the Manakete Blood, but then again, I'm not sure how it's works anyway so, oh well...

A tale about Karel...? It could be a good idea. Maybe even adding how he became the Sword Saint. That would be something to see in my opinion.

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I'm a bit iffy on the Guy x Karel fight (especially since Guy already appears in two tales). The tale would basically be a gauntlet, one boss fight after another. The setting would change as soon as the boss is defeated. The story would focus on his transformation from the Sword Demon to the Sword Saint.

You know' date=' Arch, with all of these screenshots on display recently, I've become even more enamored with this. So much so, in fact, that I think I'd like to whip up a handful of custom weapon icons for the characters that need them. (Granted, I likely won't be able to start for another week or two weeks, but I figured I'd at least make the offer.)[/quote']

That would be amazing. There aren't too many weapons that need icons (5-6 by my count, since I already took care of Tale 4's numerous new items), but I'll definitely send requests your way (stealing from other FE games for "new" weapons is kinda lame).

Oh, and I hope you play past Tale 1 (since it's one of my least favorite).

Also, I'm noticing a lot of love for Tale 4. Tale 5 has a tough act to follow!

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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That would be amazing. There aren't too many weapons that need icons (5-6 by my count, since I already took care of Tale 4's numerous new items), but I'll definitely send requests your way (stealing from other FE games for "new" weapons is kinda lame).

Oh, and I hope you play past Tale 1 (since it's one of my least favorite).

Just send me the rough details in a PM or something and I'll try and crank them out once the semester finishes. Depending on what you would prefer, I can either stick them all on one sheet and send the sheet when they would all be finished, or I could send them individually when each one is finished. (Also, do you want them as BMPs for easier insertion or are PNGs fine?)

And, I do intend on playing more of the project, especially with the new release. Well, once finals are done, that is.

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^ Alright, I'll definitely PM you in the future. Good luck on your finals!

Anyways' date=' I've got a question for those who've played the game. Out of the five tales, which was your favorite? Explain a bit what you liked about the tale if you would be so kind.[/quote']

Another question (since Tale 4 seems so beloved). What was your least favorite tale? Explain a bit what you didn't like about the tale if you would be so kind.

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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Being honest, I'd say Tale 1. The reason would be that in my opinion it's a little generic in it's plot. While the other tales had something very interesting going on, this was just dealing with a bandit attack. I'd say it's gaiden made it more interesting with it's unique goal though, it still dealt with bandits attacking.

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The bugfix IS the actual patch, just with fixed bugs.

Whoops sorry, I just assumed it wasn't because its a .rar file rather than an IPS or UPS

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Sorry Arch, but... I found a bug in tale 1x. In the middle of the chapter, the game goes back to the opening. If I try to go back, after a second it does it again.

Another one I found doesn't do anything, but its weird. In the tale select, if I try to go on tale 1x, Merlinus dies, we hear the die sound 6-7 times, then the tale begins.

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