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Interceptor I thought you got banned! Good to see you're back.

Liberalism = mental disorder.



YAY MICHAEL SAVAGE. He's crazyyyy but I love him :wub:

Hey, are you one of those guys who thinks that Reagan didn't raise taxes, and that he shrunk the size of government?

Let's not forget about Reagan's (temporary) use of Paul Volcker to deal with stagflation.

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Hey, are you one of those guys who thinks that Reagan didn't raise taxes, and that he shrunk the size of government?

Reagan can't raise taxes, that's congress's job. He can just sign it. He did, however, cut more taxes than Congress rasied while in office.

Also, Reagan couldn't shrink the government if he wanted to, since Congress was Democrat controlled. It wasn't until Newt Gingrich retook the Congress that anyone even had the chance to shrink government. And since Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama are all progressives... (Yes, Bush was a Progressive. A Conservative Progressive, but a Progressive nonetheless.)

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Interceptor I thought you got banned! Good to see you're back.

Why would you think that? I never left.

Reagan can't raise taxes, that's congress's job. He can just sign it.

Distinction without a difference. If he doesn't sign it, it does not become law unless over-ridden.

He did, however, cut more taxes than Congress rasied while in office.

Reagan can't cut taxes, that's Congress's job.

Also, Reagan couldn't shrink the government if he wanted to, since Congress was Democrat controlled. It wasn't until Newt Gingrich retook the Congress that anyone even had the chance to shrink government. And since Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama are all progressives... (Yes, Bush was a Progressive. A Conservative Progressive, but a Progressive nonetheless.)

So what you're saying is... Reagan was impotent, and everything good that happening during his administration was because of a Democratic Congress. Well, I find your argument highly compelling, to be honest.

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Distinction without a difference. If he doesn't sign it, it does not become law unless over-ridden.

Reagan can't cut taxes, that's Congress's job.

So what you're saying is... Reagan was impotent, and everything good that happening during his administration was because of a Democratic Congress. Well, I find your argument highly compelling, to be honest.

Overrides happen.

That doesn't mean there weren't tax cuts that Congress wanted too. I bet most of those got signed.

There are things a President can do without Congress's consent, and even then, the reverse argument can be made for Bill Clinton, where everything good that happening during his administration was because of a Republican Congress.

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Overrides happen.

So you're saying that Reagan's tax increases were veto over-rides? No, of course you aren't, you're just implying it, because you suspect that you are wrong. Which you are. He agreed to raise taxes twice, substantially: first to un-do part of his fiscally irresponsible 1981 tax cuts, and then again later to increase the payroll tax.

argument can be made

Are you going to make one, or do you just want me to stomp all over your ignorance? I'm fine with either.

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So you're saying that Reagan's tax increases were veto over-rides? No, of course you aren't, you're just implying it, because you suspect that you are wrong. Which you are. He agreed to raise taxes twice, substantially: first to un-do part of his fiscally irresponsible 1981 tax cuts, and then again later to increase the payroll tax.

Are you going to make one, or do you just want me to stomp all over your ignorance? I'm fine with either.

Oh wow, two tax increases. Whoopdee do. There was still more taxes cut than raised.

I already did. Your Chewbacca Defense is ineffective.

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It'd be on topic if they made supply-side economics into an anime.

Watch Spice and Wolf. It might not be exactly what you're looking for but it's the most economics-based anime I've seen, that's for sure.

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There was still more taxes cut than raised.

Yes, there were, as evidenced by the giant, yawning budget deficits that Reagan handed over to the next administration, which were then handed over to Clinton. Who turned it into a budget surplus.

I already did. Your Chewbacca Defense is ineffective.

If Lotton responds with inaccurate partisan pedantry to a question that was not directed at him in the first place, you must acquit?

Watch Spice and Wolf. It might not be exactly what you're looking for but it's the most economics-based anime I've seen, that's for sure.

I was not looking, but thanks for the recommendation anyway.

Edited by Interceptor
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If you mean I'm more conservative than Nishi, then I'll take that as a compliment, as liberalism is a mental disorder. :)



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Oh, politics!

My opinion, both parties need to get their act together. I personally try not to get caught up with Left vs. Right, but with the nature of some of the liberal ideologies (abortion and opposing the enforcement of immigration laws, among others), I tend to lean more right. All and all, my main gripe with Obama is that he either does absolutely nothing, or tries to stop an actually good idea (like the Arizona's attempt to stop illegal immigration). I still don't know what to think of the health care bill, since I haven't exactly experienced its benefits or set backs yet. I don't really understand why people try to blame him for BP, but I do agree that such slow reactions to the problem is sort of bad. If politicians weren't caught up with their own parties' ideologies, and actually listened to the people, I can imagine we would improve. Flexibility is the good leader's best tool!

And that was a basic overview of my political opinion of current events!

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My opinion, both parties need to get their act together. [...] And that was a basic overview of my political opinion of current events!

The fact that there are pro-choice conservatives and pro-life liberals should tell you all that you need to know about Left vs. Right: it's a sham. Politics is about coalitions, which leads to strange bedfellows. The current Republican party is a mishmash of social conservatives (right-wing fundamentalists), businesses, anti-government libertarians (Tea Party), etc. All three of those groups have entirely different views on something major like TARP, but all are considered conservative. This is why I laugh whenever some ignoramus calls themselves a "conservative" without specifying any of their underlying beliefs.

Immigration is a federal issue. Arizona's reaction is understandable (from a politics perspective only), but wrong.

The health care bill could have been pretty amazing if Congress had the balls to pass Wyden-Bennett, or if the intransigent Republicans actually participated in the process in good faith. We could have gotten a lot of good cost controls if they didn't demonize the process as a government takeover that'll lead to pulling the plug on Grandma. Unfortunately, they did, which forced the Dems to negotiate with Ben Nelson. So I'll hold my nose, but what they got was better than nothing.

People blame Obama for BP because they are idiots. President McCain would have run into the same thing. The regulators were in bed (literally) with the people that they were supposed to be watching over, thanks in part to eight years of Bush. The response was "slow" because no response to a disaster of this magnitude is ever going to be fast enough.

Obama is a left-of-center moderate. His problem is that he too often takes the middle road, giving away all of his bargaining positions before a negotiation, and trying to deal in good faith with people who have no incentive to compromise with him in the first place.

Reagan is God.

Reagan is the best! He has two terms of presidential experience!

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well if both me and Red Fox like an anime a lot, i'm pretty sure that would mean it can appeal to anyone given how drastically different our favorites are on MAL

lol i hope i don't get warned for double posting in the spam board :(

Edited by Inui
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lol i hope i don't get warned for double posting in the spam board :(

This is a double shame. Not only is failing to read the forum description (which says specifically that double-posting rules do not apply here) not worthy of a warn, but I'd actually get warned myself if I insulted your utter obliviousness.

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This is a double shame. Not only is failing to read the forum description (which says specifically that double-posting rules do not apply here) not worthy of a warn, but I'd actually get warned myself if I insulted your utter obliviousness.

...I lol'd

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