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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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Something orange landed in Arrin's lap: the cat was up. "Hello there," he told it as Esphyr left the room. "I guess she's all right, so where shall we go?"

Familiar voices sounded from the common room: it sounded as though people were up. Arrin picked up his plate, allowing the cat to hop up to his shoulder, and wandered in to sit with the others. There was an empty spot on the bench between Isotov and one of the pegasus knights. Arrin headed for the spot, wanting to ask if the tome had been important other than being a memento, but lost the opportunity as the cat, in a fit of boredom, leapt from his shoulder and affixed itself to Jasmine's head. "Oh no, I'm sorry--" Arrin began, freezing: he couldn't drop the plate he was holding; what should he do?

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Morgan pondered Lev's words. "I'll consider it, thank you for your assistance."

Morgan listened to Tessa, putting her hand on her chin. "Hmm. I wonder what their motivation is? A demon in disguise? A Septimian reformist? Or another wayward scholar? I would like to speak with this man, though last night I was feeling...out of sorts. Anyway, if you hear anyone speaking about the Crimson Weapons to strangers, I would like to hear about it. They will be dealt with appropriately." she said.

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Irina and Levski

Now the blond healer was there. She seemed healthy. That made sense since she was carrying around a magical stick and she could summon dogs into green haired mages. Seeing that she had the stick, she was probably performing "Last Rites" for the sick infertile one. They assumed their master would be eating her soon. They bowed their heads down as some humans did at the reference of the dead. Irina looked back at them and gawked.

Irina: What the heck are you guys doing?

Isotov Viveka and Jasmine

Right as Arrin came close, the orange cat leaped onto Jasmine's head! She looked up at the cat and it looked back at her.

Jasmine: Awwww. He's cute! What's his name?

Iso: Orange Cat?

EDIT: Arrin is slow to sit >_>'

Edited by Phoenix
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OOC: Arrin hasn't actually sat down yet; the cat jumped pretty far.

"Er-- I haven't--" You have a cat on your head, how are you not surprised?! Arrin thought, though the panic was subsiding. "We still haven't really named him. Er, sorry about the cat, but may I sit here?"

This one also had potential, thought the cat, jumping down from Jasmine's head to the table to steal some of her breakfast.

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Isotov Viveka and Jasmine

Iso: Sure go'head. The seats there, and Viveka is talking to Chase right now so ...

Jasmine: I don't mind. Cats can be really ... "independent". I used to have one when I was younger. They're too cute to get mad at.

When the cat leaped down near her plate, she paused to see what he would do. Viveka watched from nearby.

Viveka: Oh boy ... looks like he's about to pull an Iso ... ... or is it called a Kelas? I don't know, they both did it >_>'

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"Well, he seemed mostly driven by curiousity, it seemed." Drawing herself up and attempting to imitate the man, she continued, "'I will not leave until I get answers!' 'Knowledge is its own justification.' and things of similar nature. I mean, on the one hand it seems benign enough, but it was... a little disconcerting how much he already seemed to know." Tessa herself hadn't even really known much of anything about the Crimson Weapons until a couple weeks ago, when she'd chanced across the group.

Nodding at Morgan's request, she agreed, "If I see him again, I'll make sure that you can speak with him. As best I'm able, at any rate. Are you feeling better this morning at least? If you have some spare time a little later before we have to head off, I do have a personal question about something that's been troubling me I wouldn't mind getting your advice on... but I suppose I should let you get back to what you were discussing. Sorry for intruding!" Realizing she had started to ramble a bit, she reined things in and cut it off with that.

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Eric & Dani

"Probably won't be long," Eric said. "It's near midday, and they'll need to eat." The swordsman leaned against the window, but quickly straightened up as the was a knock on the window. Opening the window, he pulled Dani up and into the room.

"Next time, jump," he joked, as the thunder mage let go of bag she was carrying, and began to pull out four black cloaks\ and two bottles, on full with a light blue fluid, the other with a dark blue.

"... This again?" Eric asked, sighing.

"Better than breaking out of here," his friend replied, tossing him a blue coat, not unlike the one he had lost weeks earlier. "There you go, now run with it."

"Pushy as always. Thanks for the replacement coat, even if it was to bribe me. Now, I guess we should explain this to them. Alright, so, we're going to split into two groups, one of three, and one of two," he began, lowering his voice to a whisper. "What is going to happen is that the group of three is going to go out at one of the other gates, while the group of two goes out the nearest gates. We will be posing as siblings, and wearing these cloaks. Any questions, before we divide the groups?"


Riding back into town, Derek slowed as he entered, and dismounted his mare, who he still didn't give a name to do. Leading her back into the stables, he saw Heinz walk past him, but decided to stable the mare before doing anything else.

Edit: Ack! Grammar! >.<

Edited by Snike
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"None. For now, we wait till lunch. Although...I'm kind of hungry right now. Tell you what. I can eat with them and slip in the spiritleaves while you guys help out. I'll be right with you afterwards."

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Walking out from the stables, Heinz looked up in surprise to see Morgan, Lev, and Irina on the rooftops, with Tessa speaking to the three of them. Wonder why they're up there? He could vaguely hear what they were saying from up on the roof, ignoring the strange nodding behavior of the wyverns. Good, that healer told Morgan about that shaman.

He paused, debating whether to go up to the rooftops himself or search for the strange shaman from yesterday. Suddenly Derek showed up, dismounting a gray horse and heading back to the stables. Heinz frowned. I suppose he got new armor while he was out. Don't think he had a horse before either, following the mercenary back into the stables.

"Hey, Derek right?" he said casually. "You borrow a horse from the stables? Doesn't look like one of the group's."

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Dani & Eric

"Hair dye, milady. If we are to pose as siblings, would it not make sense to have similarly colored hair?" Dani said, unplugging the bottles. "Well, if you are going alone, Alferis, it makes things easier. We go in pairs. You Highness, I will leave it up to you, as to who you choose to go with, but I think Eric and I should be on separate pairs. We've done this several times in the past, you see," she explained.

"More like I was bribed, but anyways, she is right. It would be for the best that we go with different people," Eric said, picking up a cloak.


Closing the stall door, Derek heard a voice behind him say, "Hey, Derek right? You borrow a horse from the stables? Doesn't look like one of the group's."

Lifting the visor of his helm, the cavalier turned around to see Heinz. "No, she's mine. I bought her yesterday," he explained. "Just took her out for a ride. Did I miss something while I was out?"

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Irina and Levski

Lev: A shaman who's interested in the crimson weapons?

Irina: (Where have I heard that one before ... >_>' )

Lev: Thanks for the info, Tessa. Oh, where were we? Right, so now that you know what you need to do next, do you have any people in mind for the positions I just mentioned to you?

The wyverns continued to watch ... and still the sick infertile one had not been consumed. They must have been missing something. Then again, humans were odd creatures. They made a lot of different noises and it always led to a number of different things, from mating, to gold scale exchanges, to outright violence. Perhaps he wanted to save the infertile one. Perhaps even a sick female was useful for more than just mating, although a leader position seemed like a poorly picked choice from their perspective.

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"I will go with you Sir Eric, I suppose." Charlotte looked at the hair dye with trepidation. At least I don't have to pose as a boy like the Headmaster wanted...

"Well, Tessa just acted as my ears and ears just now, did she not?" Morgan replied. "As for supporters...I can usually count on Chase to agree with me, most of the others have little sense. I am not sure who to hire to administer...punishments though."

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"Save the final cloak though. I'll still need it when I get out of here, or if I'm seen with you guys, our cover is blown instantly. Ok, lunch seems to be starting, so I'll meet you guys later," said Alf, depositing the spiritleaves in his pocket and leaving the room.

"What are you doing here? You're not supposed to leave," said one of the guards confronting him.

"Well a man does need a good lunch, and it's best if I order from up there. I'd hate to burden you with having to tell you what I want."

"Just don't try anything," said the guard walking with him to the dining room.

After picking out a table with the other guards and ordering his meal, Alf began to sprinkle some tiny fragments of spiritleaf into his soup.

"Mmmmmm...." he said, hoping to get their attention after taking a bite.

"What is that herb?"

"Nothing more than a seasoning here. It gives it a nice sharp exotic taste, though it's not too overbearing. Here, try some," he said, sprinkling some in the guard's bowl. The guard pulled the bowl away from the leaf fragments.

"How do we know that's not poison."

"....Would anyone knowingly poison themselves? Now are you men or are you shrinking flowers? C'mon, I'll give you all some."

After some generous amounts of spiritleaf sprinklings, the soldiers began to wheeze and and their eyes turned a bloodshot red. They're heads grew limp and their eyes were completely out of focus.

"Whoaaa. C-check it out. I can see feet all over the place..."

"No rea-heally? Everything's starting to swirl round an' round an' round!" The guard then seized up and fell unconcious, face in his food.

Alf himself was feeling a little woozy. I think I might've put in a little too much for me. Oh well, it still shouldn't be too debilitating. I was very careful. Within 15 minutes, all the guards dropped off while Alf calmly finished his meal. He left to the room where the others were, wondering if they took off yet.

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"Not much," debating whether to tell the man about the shaman. He'll probably find out from one of the others soon enough anyway. "Some shaman came to the inn yesterday," Heinz said, pointing in the general direction of the inn. "He kept asking about the Crimson Weapons, but he gave up and ran off after awhile. Did you happen to see him while you were riding? Purple and black robe, short hair, and a tendency to act rather..... dramatic. Strange fellow, Morgan wants to question him."

Heinz paused for a second. "Speaking of which, are you going to keep wearing that armor? Seems kinda bulky." You can't run around without being spotted in that, at least.

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Irina and Levski

Lev: Yeah, Tessa would definitely be a good choice. Don't forget. "Trust" is important. Don't lose it if you can help it. As for muscle, you could always hire me if you can't think of anyone else. I've got nothing better to do.

Irina: (So you were just trying to earn a little extra money on the side ... oooh, okay, I thought you were actually interested in Morgan. Whew ... wait ... what if that's just an excuse?! No no, Lev's not like that. He's always straight forward and leaves clues. His normal rate for any job is at least thirty gold, and she couldn't possibly afford that, so as long as he doesn't give her a discount ... no problem ... right.)

The word hire had come up this time. It seemed that gold scales would be exchanged. It was starting to make sense. Even sick females could conger up gold scales, otherwise no one would bother to be around them. His master was trying to get gold scales, Krinkov thought.

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Dani & Eric

"Alright, then. Looks like I'm going with you, Rita!" Dani said, already dying her hair. Within minutes, it was a light blue. Taking another hood on the ground, the mage put it on, pulling it over her head. "C'mon!" she exclaimed, pulling the myrm by the hand and hopping out the window again.

Eric waited until they were out of sight, then plugged the light blue bottle and placed it on a coat pocket. "Well Your Highness, it looks like it is our turn to go," he said. "At your command."


"Should've joined an acting troupe, if he's like as you say," Derek said, smirking. "He just disappeared? I saw no one, on my ride, sadly. And, as for the armor, yes, I plan on keep wearin it. Better to be slower and safer, than to get nailed by a lucky arrow, you see." He neglected to mention that he saw the shaman, mainly because he had forgot about the encounter.

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Irina and Levski

Lev: Well how much can you afford? I can't charge you anymore than that without you declining the offer.

Irina: (Oooh nooo! It's not about the money at all is it?!)

Lev: For beating people up on cue, I would usually have to charge based on my rank, which is around thirty gold per knock out, but since I've been reduced to a packmule, I'll just go with the regular weekly rates. Those are less of rip off, no?

Irina: (Lev, how could you? She's not even that pretty ;_; )

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Alferis rushed to the room, careful to make little noise as possible to avoid waking up the guards. When he arrived he saw the window open and an extra cloak on the ground. He looked out the window and saw the others leaving in their new disguises. He quickly put on his cloak, mussed up his hair a bit and jumped out the window.

"Ok guys. I managed to drug the guards and I'm not exactly sure when they'll wake up. So we should really get a move on."

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With a slight look of annoyance at seeing neither Tessa nor Damian in the hallway, Esphyr approached Damian's door. He had to know what had just happened; both as her employer... and... Ummm...

Her fist came down on the wood of the door. "Damian?" she asked. "It's Esphyr. May I come in?"

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Every muscle in Damian's body was giving mixed reactions, every nerve flaring. The images kept popping into his head, as he began to writhe on the bed, clutching his head in pain.

"Why is this happening? Go away, dammit, just go away, you stupid thoughts, provacations... just back off..." Damian muttered, beginning to calm his body down.

He was still drenched in sweat, and looking at a mirror hanging from the wall, he looked like a wreck.

"Nngh... what a way to start a day..."

A knock at the door.

"Damian? It's Esphyr. May I come in?"


'Red roses'

"Gah!" A sharp pain coursed through him, muscle spasms beginning again. Starting at his arms and legs, they worked their way up his limbs and into his torso. His entire body was shaking, his breathing became laboured.

'Red roses'

A sharp pain in his head. Gae-Borg egging him on, begging to taste blood.

'No...I won't let you have her... I won't let you have anybody!'

A recession. An even sharper pain. The body gave it's natural reaction. A pained scream.


Esphyr would surely hear it, she would worry.

'Why won't it just go away, like before?'

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