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My mate that I always refer to only played FE9 on the second playthrough whenever I was there to nag him. Apart from that, I convinced someone to buy FE10, but that's pretty much it.

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My mom is slowly making her way through Shadow Dragon (by slow, I mean six hours going into Chapter 4). Abel and Frey are cooperating; Cain, not so much.

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My mom is slowly making her way through Shadow Dragon (by slow, I mean six hours going into Chapter 4). Abel and Frey are cooperating; Cain, not so much.

Gotta hand it to your mom. She's like one of the few gamer mom's out there these days. Wish my mom can understand how fun FE is. She's still in her days.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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I got my friend interested in FE when I started playing FE10 while he was around. He somehow dicked around, got past 1-3 on HM BEFORE me (stupid crit on Burton), then he got to 1-5 and bought the game for himself. Now he says the game sucks. Blegh.

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In my opinion, FE10 isn't really the best of the FE games to use to introduce someone to the series. But because of the popularity of the Wii and the availability of FE9 and FE10 compared to other FE titles, it's not uncommon I guess.

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I noticed that your girlfriend is finally starting to discover the dreaded Devil Axe. Let's see how she handles Gorgons with Stone.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I did introduce one of my friends to FE. I let him borrow my FE7 cartridge for a while. He liked it, but didn't stick with it. Most of my friends like Final Fantasy 'n' stuff. My sister has watched me play Fire Emblem a few times, though she has never played herself. She refers to it as "the one with the grid." She also thinks that Dart, Tibarn, and Largo are hot.

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Dude Tibarn is hot stuff yo.

I tried to get my sister into it and all, but in truth I'm the primary convert here. Although I wasn't quite OMG IS ROY OR MARTH IN IT? IMA PLAY so much as "Oh wait I think that was the series that had that Marth dude." Since, you know, I had the sense to notice that Marth and Roy were in seperate games, and therefore different games had different characters. XD

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I got my sister to play Radiant Dawn a while back. First time, she plays for her whole day off, so like 10 hours straight or something like that, tells me that she has developed a massive crush on Sothe, and then never touches the game again. it was kinda weird...

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I've never showed FE to anyone I know. My sisters just call it "the game." My five year old little brother refers to FE:RD as your game, as he refers to the Metroid series as The Robot game. He says that Rexflame "makes fire" in RD. :)

My mom thinks that I'm addicted thinks that FE is stupid. Suffice to say, I'm never really going to convert anyone, because I wouldn't be able to explain it right. I got a couple friends hooked to the Advance Wars series, which I started out with in 2003. (That gives AW a six year advantage over FE for me)

On a side note, FE:RD is the third most played Wii game on the Wii at my house (I buy all of the Wii games, admittedly) behind Mario Kart Wii and Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. Do you know just how boring it is to play through a game based on a movie...Five times in a row? For over 100 hours? (I forget the exact Nintendo Channel figure...) The horror... :facepalm:

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I convinced my friend to play. When i got him to play FE7, I ended up playing half of the game for him as he sucks horridly. He's playing through Sacred Stones right now.

Wanna know how bad he sucks? When he played FE7, he believed Marcus was the best unit in the game. Yeah. That bad.

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Wanna know how bad he sucks? When he played FE7, he believed Marcus was the best unit in the game. Yeah. That bad.

... ... ... I want to say something so badly now, but ... how to word it?

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I have manage to make people play Blazing Sword. Of the original 4that I forced installed the rom, only 1 remains and he is at raven's chapter with: 1 his hector screwed 2 Marcus as his best unit and 3 everybody dead except sain kent marcus and the lords. :facepalm:

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I noticed that your girlfriend is finally starting to discover the dreaded Devil Axe. Let's see how she handles Gorgons with Stone.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I did introduce one of my friends to FE. I let him borrow my FE7 cartridge for a while. He liked it, but didn't stick with it. Most of my friends like Final Fantasy 'n' stuff. My sister has watched me play Fire Emblem a few times, though she has never played herself. She refers to it as "the one with the grid." She also thinks that Dart, Tibarn, and Largo are hot.

Your sister likes her men ripped, doesn't she tongue.gif. She has good tastes.

I got my sister to beat Sacred Stones, but she wasn't very impressed with the story. She started PoR, but stopped after her Ilyana kept dying in Chapter 11. She also started FE7 but didn't make it pass The Dread Isle. She watches me play very often though, and she thinks Radiant Dawn looks interesting and fun so I might be able to somehow get her back into the seriestongue.gif.

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I got a couple of my friends into it who are slowly playing through FE7 and 8. I let another one play Shadow Dragon on my DS while he was around, and he absolutely loves it. Unfortunately, thanks to his brothers amazing ability to break anything and everything, he only has a PS2 and PS3. Maybe next time I see him I'll show him how he can emulate them.

Edit: This is the friend who was confused as to why people are upset about your units dieing when they die.

Edited by Slize
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I have converted my best friend into a FE fan. She now has played all the gba games (including Fuunin no Tsurugi). I also showed her PoR and RD, but she doesn't have a game cube or a wii so she can't play. I also managed to make her interested in the plotine for Seisen and Tharcia.

Sadly, my sister just tried SD, and quit because she didn't want to sacrifice anyone....

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well, the closest I came to getting a family member to play any video game with me were a few times in my childhood where my mom and some of her boyfriends then might play one with me; last actual memory though was when I was 12 and I got my mom and my stepdad to play Melee (as in SSBM) with me a little; that was some fun (though I always won)

In the past year, I did manage to get a friend into playing the FE games. He played all the GBA ones out of somewhat boredom but then because he did like the games and also he recently bought and completed RD (lucky bastard, I still wish I could play it but alas, no Wii and my computer isn't quite fit to run Dolphin). He rather likes paladins (which I barely ever used myself until a bit more, recently) and doesn't quite see the point in utility units so, alas, I don't really get to talk much about FE and stuff I like about it with him (and I'd want to because he does like games in general more than most of my friends).

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... ... ... I want to say something so badly now, but ... how to word it?

Have at it. I can't help wanting to see what you say in response to a person laughing at someone thinking one of the best units (arguably the best for efficiency) in fe7 is the best unit.

Tell you what, if you are afraid you'll get warned for a comment, just PM it to me. That way you can be sure you won't get warned. (and if it is a warnable comment, at least I'll have the joy of reading it even if nobody else does)

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Well, my fears were more along the lines of how I'm hardly the greatest representative this forum could hire, but...well, I've mentioned the burden. Now to shoulder it.

Wanna know how bad he sucks? When he played FE7, he believed Marcus was the best unit in the game. Yeah. That bad.

My friend, that man's instinct for the path of least resistance is, indeed, the path of least resistance. Your man's simple grasp of arithmetic seems to have taken Marcus' ability to crush everything without being constrained to the speeds of a stunned walrus to heart. However, I can see where you are coming from. Sort of. I'm sure where you come from, hard work is its own reward, and there ain't nothin' like seeing some big numbers in that lovely shade of green which I fear Marcus may somewhat lack.

I will poetically turn to metaphor to make my next point. Two people have to slaughter an airport of innocent civilians. One man has a massive gatling gun with which to slaughter the innocent civilians with relative ease. The other man has been given a small piece of bark, and only once he has killed eighty civilians with this piece of bark is he allotted a more suitable, slightly larger gatling gun.

Now, perhaps this is all a matter of perception. Perhaps you feel that instead of a gatling gun, the other man has instead a small pistol, and you will catch up his killing spree in good order later on. This will be an invalid argument so long as 17 AS is the upper echelons of the enemy field, and those with slightly less modest statistics exist in a universe containing Athos. And Harken, and Pent, and Hawkeye, and Jaffar, and Geitz.

But I digress. If it not turncount you seek, perhaps it is merely the hope of not seeing Nino's dreams and life crushed before your eyes. Read her supports and endings with A Jaffar. Job completed. Or perhaps, having raged at Nergal for the entire game, you finally wish to rape his skull until his fragile cranium explodes into a thousand pieces of wildly pulsating meat. However, this settles not the grievances which must be settled with such foes as the mighty Zagan the Flatulent, Lord of the Hills. Zagan should not be more of an obstacle in the plot than Nergal.

But finally, I hear you cry, it is none of these I seek. I wish not to explode the entire early- and midgame before having an almost challenging and satisfying finale! I seek not to use my resources well and efficiently! I seek not 'efficient play', or even to achieve 'ranked' goals! I seek none of these things! ... But even though I'm the opposite of an authority on this, Marcus still sucks and anyone who likes him sucks!

You have no goals in life and are doomed to wander the streets of the suburbs as a mindless, lifeless husk.

I rest my case.

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Not to mention that my main use for Marcus is roving axe murderer. Unlike the amazing Fighters and Pirate you pick up, Marcus gets decent Skill growth, and has the correct supports to make him even more accurate (the only one of the unpromoted guys who can get +25 Hit off of supports is Dart). He's not going to end up as godly as Red and Green, but I'd like to see either of those two attempt to wield Basilikos without some major boss abuse.

Otherwise. . .that rant made my night. Thank you.

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Jeez Laweez, man. I don't think that Joerachi was saying that Marcus is a bad unit,just that he is not the best unit in the game. When I was a beginner,I thought Marcus was pretty good myself (I wouldn't say I considered him the best unit in the game,though).

Now I know never to say anything bad about Marcus on this site,or I will be bombarded with a wall of text.....

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Well, I convinced 2 friends to play FE8, the story would be that; I brought over my FE8 Cart to one of my friends sleep overs, mind you this was a good 2 years ago? So anyway, I was playing, they were like, "What is that?", then I tell them about FE, they seemed interested, so I let them play on my cart. Grinding in the tower of Valni.

Then I went home the next day, the next time I went over to my friends house I found that he emulated FE8 and 7 already, and bought FE11, whoopie.

And my other friend had bought FE11.

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Jeez Laweez, man. I don't think that Joerachi was saying that Marcus is a bad unit,just that he is not the best unit in the game. When I was a beginner,I thought Marcus was pretty good myself (I wouldn't say I considered him the best unit in the game,though).

You don't think Joerachi was saying Marcus was a bad unit. You just think he thinks his mate is shit at FEmblem for believing Marcus was the best unit in the game. Right.

This isn't primary school English. You're allowed to read between the lines.

Edited by Agent Dale Cooper
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Latest update, I got her to download a GBA emulator and an FE7 ROM.

[story]She's on Ch. 7 of Lyn's story, the one where Lyn gets shot at by an arrow and Ninian/Nils's foresight saves her, yeah that one. Anyway I advised her to send just one unit to the right to get to the village, and send everyone else down towards the boss. She was like "Yeah I know, I'll just send her", to which she placed the cursor over Lucius. "Him." I said, to which she replied, "Her." This sequence repeated another three times before she said "You're joking." To which I replied, "No." She shook her head and continued playing.[/story]

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I still hold my theory that Lucia disguised herself as a man so she could become a Monk. I mean really.

Anyway, I've convinced a few friends to play FE from looking over my shoulder and such. Nothing unusual.

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Haha. Latest news is that she's recently called Erk a girl, stating "But he looks like a girl".

She also likes Shamans because they do that thing with their arms.

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