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With the imminent coming of high school here, the consequences of procrastination should be showing up for people with summer homework. This year, I actually did most of my work and plan on finishing tomorrow. On the other hand, my friend hasn't done a bit of his gee_wiz_emoticon.gif.

Even though it was different this year, I've put off many science projects and book reports until the day before they're due. But somehow I've always pulled it off with success laugh.gif. I regret procrastinating every time because I hate doing all the work in one day, but I'm too lazy to start on it in the beginning.

So, if you want to share about you or someone you know:

Were (you / they) successful even though (you / they) procrastinated?

If not, were there any consequences?

Did (you / they) regret it?

Woo~ My first topic, what a milestone.

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I procrastinate literally all the time. I'm procrastinating right now. I have a referral essay to finish, but I'm here writing about not doing it because I'm procrastinating.

Although I do procrastinate alot as far as revision and essay writing is concerned, I still manage to pass nearly everything, even if it's just by the skin of my teeth in some cases. In other cases, despite doing things last minute, I do just as well as those who say they spent all week preparing.

Procrastination is basically why I am doing a couple of resits over July and August, because I procrastinated when I really shouldn't have been.

However, no matter what happens, I doubt I will get rid of my procrastinating ways. It's a near impossibility.

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I procrastinate sometimes, but it's usually because my best inspiration comes at night (the night before usually). I usually make great projects at the cost of a few minutes of sleep (which can not be renewed as well the next afternoon/night). I kind of regret it sometimes, but then it doesn't end up horrible most of the time - except that one time I ended up making a visual English project the night before (I made a comic with FE sprites lol - too bad I couldn't do the optional presentation), which was due at 8:30 am (my first class) and I went to sleep at around 5 am, and although I did hear the alarms, I, in my sleeplessness turned then off and didn't wake up til 11 am, by which time I missed my first 2 classes and lost points on lateness. But since I did a bonus work, I got an A- anyways.

And cool for first topic - 1-week-behind welcome!

Edited by Silent Mercenary
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I've procrastinated like almost all my schoolwork except for Math since it's easy for me. I'm a relatively good student in class so I get away with it most of the time since I force myself to work. The consequences of a grade average drop is scary.

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I don't see a problem with procrastination.

I always procrastinate. Last year I don't think I completed one book on time. I commonly didn't do homework, especially in pre-cal. The teacher would try to get mad at me but he couldn't because I had an A in that class all year, even after failing 2 tests. During class i constantly talk and don't do my classwork either. I still get A's. In 10th grade English we were supposed to do 100 note-cards for a research paper. I did 40. I still got an A.

I never study, for anything.

So far this summer I have finished none of 4 summer reading books. I start school on Wednesday. I'm 100 pages through For Whom the Bell Tolls(it has over 400 pages) but have put that on hold to read Beowulf real quick.

Though I have to admit that procrastination is the reason I don't have a 4.0 GPA and why I suck at standardized tests.

Edited by acey555
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I always "procrastinated" until a few days (occasionally the day before, I won't lie) a project is due. It's an excellent motivator, the looming threat of a deadline. Not to mention if you start really early you might get lazier because in the back of your mind you're saying, "I already have this started, I'm practically done anyway."

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Admittedly I do procrastinate from time to time, but only on small projects that can be done in a day or something.

I once had to write a report for a society class that had to be at least 50 pages long. You really don't want to start with that a few days before it's due -_-

So I'm not much of a procrastinator...

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I have my personal statement and my physics A2 coursework.

Normally when I leave things til the last moment I get a bit more than 50%.

Also screw the night before real men do it on the train on the way to school :awesome:

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I procrastinate a lot on small assignments, but not usually on huge projects. I think I've actually gotten worse over the past year, though.

One thing I did notice in the past year is that when I'm at school and there's nothing better for me to be doing, I work really efficiently, but when I arrive home and have stuff like the computer and TV tempting me, I fare worse. So I just need to isolate myself from entertainment to get work done... which is easier said than done...

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Needless to say, I have procrastinated before, probably somehow doing it now, and it will most likely do it again in the future. Back when I was younger (near middle school days), I used to procrastinate a lot on projects. Like doing it the day after it's due.

I always procrastinate. Last year I don't think I completed one book on time. I commonly didn't do homework, especially in pre-cal. The teacher would try to get mad at me but he couldn't because I had an A in that class all year, even after failing 2 tests. During class i constantly talk and don't do my classwork either. I still get A's. In 10th grade English we were supposed to do 100 note-cards for a research paper. I did 40. I still got an A.

Damn, what school did you go to?

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I always procrastinate. Last year I don't think I completed one book on time. I commonly didn't do homework, especially in pre-cal. The teacher would try to get mad at me but he couldn't because I had an A in that class all year, even after failing 2 tests. During class i constantly talk and don't do my classwork either. I still get A's. In 10th grade English we were supposed to do 100 note-cards for a research paper. I did 40. I still got an A.

How did you have an A after failing 2 tests? Bribery?

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I don't see a problem with procrastination.

Oh, really?

Though I have to admit that procrastination is the reason I don't have a 4.0 GPA and why I suck at standardized tests.

This is a problem with procrastination.

I have to say that my freshman year in college forced me to develop some discipline. I'm still terrible with getting things like research position applications completed, though.

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I procrastination ALL THE TIME ON BIG PROJECTS. I usually do tiny bits it (like 2 or 5 mins of work) a day and when it's finally due I still have less then 50% done and I finish it that night. And I NEVER gotten below a 95%. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif (Either that or I have something planned so I work my butt off and finish a "two week" assignment in a few hours. (And I still never gotten less then a 95%. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif )

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There's nothing like procrastination to make you feel like shit about yourself. But I doubt you're going to find too many in internet communities like these who don't engage in that practice, at least to some degree.

One of my fondest memories of high school is my second to last day. I got to school early, on the tail of a couple all-nighters, and planted myself on one of the school computers to work as all the people celebrated around me. Four hours before the final, and four hours after. I was BSing a project on which I'd been expected to focus exclusively in its class for half the semester. Since I didn't have the time or facilities to do the project traditionally, I decided I'd pretend to have done it. I did my exhaustive research for the long accompanying paper entirely on Google and used an unrelated by convenient photo I'd found and decided on the night before as the evidence I'd done the project physically. My diagrams, copied from Wikipedia with just enough tweaking, were done in two different colors since my pen died halfway through and I couldn't quickly locate another in the same color. In the end I got the eleven-page report to the relevant teacher just as he was putting his things in a big suitcase and locking the door for the summer. He gave me an 82, it would have been higher but I'd technically missed the due-date.

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I procrastinated madly throughout all of highschool and I loved it. There were slight consequences in grades, but I'm going to one of the best colleges in the country. Its just the way 50+% of people work. Don't give anyone telling you that your just being lazy and ruining your production value any attention.

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Oh god. I'm a horrible procrastinator. Essays assigned two weeks before, I do the night before. Or worse, the 4AM before. Or worse yet, lunch time on my laptop.

My grades actually didn't suffer, since I managed to get my work in. Besides English, but I've always sucked at English that it wouldn't have mattered much anyway. Well, I'm not taking AP next year in English, at least.

However, let's just say I didn't get to sleep much.

Speaking of which, I still haven't started on my AP summer assignment yet.

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I procrastinate most of the time on school projects. Sometimes, and its a rare occurrence that i do it slowly through out the week(s) when it was assigned until due date.

Most of the time though i come here and talk instead of work on the prject.

It isn't so bad though. I had a project for religion in which i had like 3 months to do it. But i decided it wasn't worth it so i ignored it. That is until the day after it was due, i did it that night and handed in the next. (1 day late and no points off or anything.) And i got 2 points higher than my friend who spent like 2 months doing it XD. Hers was really nice and all while mine was all crappy and such... :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

My friend procrastinated during her first year in college. Bad idea, given that most people underestimate the difficulty spike between high school and freshman weeder classes. Consequence: Academic probation due to low GPA. School forbade taking more half the normal amount of class and threatened expulsion if GPA remained at a low level.

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My friend procrastinated during her first year in college. Bad idea, given that most people underestimate the difficulty spike between high school and freshman weeder classes. Consequence: Academic probation due to low GPA. School forbade taking more half the normal amount of class and threatened expulsion if GPA remained at a low level.

Ouch. Forbade taking more than half the normal amount? That would make it a LOT harder to graduate on time, and to get your GPA back up. Whadda beach.

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