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What's your encounter with the staff like?

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Was it due to breaking the rules or did you see them on a topic that you were interested in as well?

Share your experiences! If you want, can you share your first time impressions?

Mine was due to breaking the rules. On the very first day I created my account......

And staff, please share your opinions on us as well.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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Someone necroed, and I posted something unfortunately rather near in time. I got hit with a Verbal Warn for about two minutes before the mistake was realised. Now I've been made forever paranoid of this reoccurring XD

Seem like good people to me. Significantly more approachable and ... human than a number of other forum staff.

Edited by Agent Dale Cooper
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I think it was when I argued the new Transformers movie's merit with Red Fox. Not a very good first impression, but I'm not one for first impressions anyway, so I still liked her after that. We didn't become friends until a few months later, though.

If you mean stuff like warns then...I haven't been actually warned. Both of my warns are a -1 from Arc and Wist, the first one being a joke warn (when I requested Arc to mod me) and the second one being a birthday wish from Wist.

I "asked" for a rom (not one of my more thoughtful moments), and nearly got warned halfway to non-existence.

This makes me laugh for some reason.

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I "asked" for a rom (not one of my more thoughtful moments), and nearly got warned halfway to non-existence.

I remember that.

I think it was when I argued the new Transformers movie's merit with Red Fox. Not a very good first impression, but I'm not one for first impressions anyway, so I still liked her after that. We didn't become friends until a few months later, though.

I do not remember that. Somehow I get the feeling I do not want to remember it, either.

My first encounter...well, I don't think I really had one, at least not until I actually became a staff member, and then I was on staff for a year and a half, so...although I guess the day before I became a mod might count, since that was the day Vincent practically shut down the forum and I was one of the ones who PM'd him like mad about it.

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I think there was that one time someone necroposted in the FE8 forum and I foolishly said "lol necro" forgetting that it wasn't FFTF. Red Fox caught it though it isn't much of an encounter since there was no PM about it.

After that, just the invitation to join the staff as a Global Moderator, though if it counts, multiple PM conversations with VASM regarding the stuff I've submitted to the main site and a "custom report" to Wist that he apparently found amusing.

Edited by Sirius
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I do not remember that. Somehow I get the feeling I do not want to remember it, either.

It wasn't that bad. I don't even think it was so much arguing as it was "It was a great movie" "It sucked" "No, I loved it."

I honestly don't remember it being more than three posts.

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Once I posted a simple reply to a thread without really explaining

my position(don't remember what it was about), and it got deleted.

I went back to the thread and I was like "hm? I thought I posted

here...? 'Guess not." So I posted it again, and that got me a warn

and a PM from Jyosua about it.

Just like talking to a regular user. They do post, you know.

You LIE. They can ban.

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The staff here are generally cool. I've given Jyoshua a verbal warning for breaking the rules, and been given a verbal warning for double posting.

Yes, you did read that right. In fact, I can probably find it.... Yeah, wasn't hard. Here it is. Okay, I guess I told him to warn himself rather than warning him, but same difference.

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Quite a few warns. Poking around with Srs before he became a mod/admin too. Then there's always Fireman... and I guess Myth for when he was an Admin on April Fools Day last year. XD

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I've only been warned once, and it's because my sister created an account from within this house and I forgot to clear it by the admins.

Cue a PM from Tino "uh, I got two accounts with the same IP here..." and a brief and reconciled scandal.

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My intro topic got locked by Musashi. My ambition was to secretly reopen it when I got to Heron when there was still member groups XD

Other than that, I see the mods fairly often, say hi to Fireman every once in a while, got warned by Srs twice for spam utside of FFtF and a verbal warn from Fireman once, and not much else.

Edited by Lightning
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I got warned by:

-Wist, for being a mean asshat on someone's intro topic (I think his name has fruitloop in it). Death also got warned IIRC but Death was joking around.

-Nightmare, for a "shoutout" to Phoenix.

-Sirius, for posting a spammy post in general discussion. (I thought I was in FftF)

The staff here are generally cool. I've given Jyoshua a verbal warning for breaking the rules, and been given a verbal warning for double posting.

Yes, you did read that right. In fact, I can probably find it.... Yeah, wasn't hard. Here it is. Okay, I guess I told him to warn himself rather than warning him, but same difference.


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lets see, i got a no change to warn lvl thing from nightmare for being mean to homo's =/ and then like a week later srs warned me for flaming.(i still dont believe this was a valid warn >.>)

ive talked to most of the mods and admins, they all seem very different but yet its like they all have something in common. im not going into more detail about mods cause im scared :S

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lets see, i got a no change to warn lvl thing from nightmare for being mean to homo's =/ and then like a week later srs warned me for flaming.(i still dont believe this was a valid warn >.>)

ive talked to most of the mods and admins, they all seem very different but yet its like they all have something in common. im not going into more detail about mods cause im scared :S

Haha. Could it be that they are mods?

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Haha. Could it be that they are mods?

I'd assume he meant something beyond that. Obviously we are all:

members at sf

post more than never

are mods

Since all that is obvious, I'd assume that he meant more than that.

My first real "conversation" was probably asking RF if I could doublepost in the topic that was trying to figure out how fe10 supports work (I was needing to update). Actually that was my first PM to anyone here ever, unless I deleted one at some point.

Never got warned, though I was one of the people calling Inui by his hated alter-ego before Tino posted in a thread telling everyone to stop.

Also, if you count it, random posts in the fe10 tier list where RF was also posting would come before the PM.

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Some of them are my friends; I will admit that I used to be incredibly intimidated by all mods and admins. I never believed any of them liked me (I was annoying and immature back then), and I'm usually just another tiny insect in all of the forums I joined. I've never had a good experience with big, important people...

As for warns, I've never been even remotely warned at all. The only thing I could think of is when my signature went over the pixel limit in height and had to be shortened.

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Some of them are my friends; I will admit that I used to be incredibly intimidated by all mods and admins. I never believed any of them liked me (I was annoying and immature back then), and I'm usually just another tiny insect in all of the forums I joined. I've never had a good experience with big, important people...

As for warns, I've never been even remotely warned at all. The only thing I could think of is when my signature went over the pixel limit in height and had to be shortened.

Haha. I actually contacted someone on this forum about shortening their signature size once because the rules got changed and I noticed they were over. I don't remember why I did, it's kind of silly.

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Haha. I actually contacted someone on this forum about shortening their signature size once because the rules got changed and I noticed they were over. I don't remember why I did, it's kind of silly.

Were you doing it as a friend to let them know that a mod might come and warn them or were you minimodding?

If it's the latter: +1 for minimodding. :P

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