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what would you do if you wanted to get banned


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Make an alt and start an ATTN: topic aimed at myself. Furetchen would respond, hotly, and a massive flame would ensue. Hells, I may even get some respect until someone notices...

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I would open up a Serious Discussion topic on the merits of pornography and post pictures as examples.

Because if I'm going to be banned, I'm going to make people THINK WHILE DOING IT.

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I would open up a Serious Discussion topic on the merits of pornography and post pictures as examples.

Because if I'm going to be banned, I'm going to make people THINK WHILE DOING IT.

That sir, is pure WIN!

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I would open up a Serious Discussion topic on the merits of pornography and post pictures as examples.

Because if I'm going to be banned, I'm going to make people THINK WHILE DOING IT.


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I would ask Fireman to ban me. Why Fireman, I dunno, he seems like the guy for the job

In all srsness, I wouldn't wanna be banned here. It's a cool place.

Edited by Lightning
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Not likely. There are 7 staff members. Two of them are Vincent and Jyosua, meaning that 5 of them are picked. But since the SF community is about 85% male or so, there's a (.85)^5 or 44.3% chance that they'd all be male.

In other words, don't expect to win the lawsuit. (The fact that there have been 2 female mods in the past doesn't help with that either.)

...Lol this equation.

FE hentai. Lots and lots of FE hentai. Not that I'd ever want to be banned here. This place is awesome.

Actually, this thread is just scouting for the best ideas you can use to get yourself banned, isn't it? Isn't it?

Edited by Naglfar
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I'd take SF down with me. The ol'drama stirring bone still functions, and I think I've got enough favors around town that I could cause a pretty big shit storm. Plus I could probably cobble together a convincing enough case to cause at least some people to freak out completely at X member or group of members. If I was really good I wouldn't even get banned.

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I'd do what a "very" special person did on a certain YGO board.

First, he completely ignored the conventions of grammar. Second, he constantly tried to argue that MST was the best card ever, while doing his best to mock everyone that disagreed with him. Once everyone was done laughing at him, he proceeded to make a YouTube video that did a bad job of insulting half the board. I don't know if he was the one that posted it, or if someone else found it by accident, because it started another round of facepalm/laughter.

I'm not sure how many rules that breaks, but I'd feel so stupid I'd never want to come back.

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