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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 53


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Best: Forest is going to win, so I'll say FE4 Mountain instead. +30 AVO F-YEAH.

Actually, changing vote to FE4 Road.

I just remembered that enemies won't even attack you if they have 0 hit, so the -10 Avo comes in handy at times. To get enemies to have low but existent hit rates on you so you can annihilate everything while moving faster. Awesome.

Worst: Desert. Specifically, FE4 Desert because even your mages have trouble crossing them. Cue Levin and Sigurd taking N amount of turns to cross that damn desert at C5 end. >:{

Don't know anything about Tellius, though. So can't comment on them.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Best: FE4 road. Bonus movement = do want.

Worst: Desert. I don't think I have to specify which FE. Hindering movement to every single unit sans flyers and magic units (as well as thieves in FE9 and transformed beast laguz in both Tellius games) = a tough time clearing a chapter while keeping turn count at a low number.

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Best: FE4 road. Bonus movement = do want.

Worst: Desert. I don't think I have to specify which FE. Hindering movement to every single unit sans flyers and magic units (as well as thieves in FE9 and transformed beast laguz in both Tellius games) = a tough time clearing a chapter while keeping turn count at a low number.

Actually, transformed beast laguz weren't hindered by desert in RD. However, they were affected by desert in PoR. But no matter which way you slice it, deserts stink.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Im not going to go forest/desert so..

Best: Throne (FEDS)

Worst: Peak. Theyre so annoying! :/

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Because road and forest are going to win, I'm going to vote FE5 Mountain for best. Asvel destroying an entire enemy army on his own? Yes please!

Worst: Peak. Effectively the same thing as Sea, but I've been more annoyed by this than Sea.

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Best: FE4 Road. +1 MOV <3

Worst: Desert. Hell on everyone but mages and fliers, horses and armors especially. Thieves get the worst of it because they're the ones finding the treasures (why didn't they keep them as an exception like in FE9? That was a good idea! IS why do you hate good ideas?!)

Edited by El Rey León
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Best: FE4 Roads. Yes.

Honorable mention is FE7 Flats, which appear in Valorous Roland only but have a cool sounding name.

Worst: FE10 ledges. Just fuck those, not letting me on a square even with fliers, what is this I don't even.

Dishonorable mention goes to deserts, but they have hidden stuff sometimes so yeah.

Edited by Lightning
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Best: FE10 Ledge (This concept has and can still provide different strategies and tactics! If they expand to include gaps and fences, you could have some intriguing maps.)

Worst: FE4 Sea (The only game where the sea makes you easier to hit? It makes sense, but still...)

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Best: FE4 Road. Incredibly useful, enemies like them which can cut down their evasion, and it's hilarious to see a 9 move unit with Leg Ring (say, Celice right after promotion) basically cross a country in one turn

Worst: FE5 Throne. Dear lord they are infuriating, especially early in the game.

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Uh... why? Mountain and Peaks are different enough in the GBA, SNES and DS games to warrant being counted as separate.

Really? Okay, I'll count them seperately then.

Thanks for that!

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Wasn't this already done?

According to the list in the first post, no (why doesn't anybody check the first post before they ask that question?)

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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According to the list in the first post, no (why doesn't anybody check the first post before they ask that question?)

Hm. I remember this happening before.

Of course, that might of been when I was the one doing these, and I'm not the most attentive person around...

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