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"Stats" I like. You might want Intellegence as well as Magic, just because you can have an idiot magic user. *coughHelioscough*

But do have a nation that worships women, or at least places them higher! D:

It sounds great for plot ideas, and just seems cool.

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One of the main reasons I don't use stats is because they ask me to define a character's abilities, when I actually prefer to start with what's essentially a blank slate and develop them from there.

So if it's just stats for sign-up's sake, and won't come into play during the RP, I guess I can try it out, but don't expect me to adhere to them like a holy code.

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"Stats" I like. You might want Intellegence as well as Magic, just because you can have an idiot magic user. *coughHelioscough*

But do have a nation that worships women, or at least places them higher! D:

It sounds great for plot ideas, and just seems cool.


...............Really, Psych. I dont mean to sound sexist but thats just dumb

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I mostly see stats as a way to measure how good characters are at things. Usually characters do start with talents of some sort, and stats help to clarify these.

Let's say a character is described as "strong, fast, and good with a sword". What does this mean? Is he Superman Swordmaster extraordinare? Or he is above average physically with some basic sword training? There's a big difference. It is possible to clarify with descriptive text, but I find a statistical system provides a sort of meaurable basis for characters.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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...............Really, Psych. I dont mean to sound sexist but thats just dumb

... I'm agreeing with Kai a lot lately.

Fuck, I think this qualifies as "Kai and Rein don't argue for a whole RL week". 3/7ths of the way to the Apoacalypse, aaaaaaa

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@Stat Indicators

Yes, they'll play a very little role in the RP, I just don't want to see a 8 year old girl hurling boulders. As stated above I'm not too worried about SQ'ers since they go in depth with their post. If you're hiding from someone, you're probably more likely to write something more proper then. "Bob hid in the shadows and the guards that had been tailing him blindly ran past." If you can validate your actions through logic and plausibility I don't mind someone with 1 Stealth being sneaky and well concealed.


That's once stat I'm opposed to. It was the second category to come to mind, but (Using your example, no offense Kai) Helios with an intelligence of 5 would not alter your opinion in the slightest about him, correct? It's still Kai controlling him, and Helios is still acting the same way.

@Nation that worships women

......... Do I get shot if I say I've already implemented one? XD It's a Rakutan concept, while it doesn't worship women, it does put them in a higher social position due to the ability to give birth and raise children, while still accomplish tasks males can. (Hunting). Yes, it's a rather sexist concept. Men can...vaccum?...wash?.....ummm Ah cook! Right men can cook just as well as women sure, but Rakutan food isn't really complex. (Pick of tree -> eat)

On the flipside, Izuna has a belief that women should be absolutely loyal to their spouses and therefore have little to no say in family matter. And as a result be of lower social standing.

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I think Helios is still your character, considering Bal hasn't made a Helios post yet and you seem to be online more than him anyway.

Its a weekend. If you havent noticed yet, Im not online on the weekdays. Bal was online today.....

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Rakutans: Rakutans are often considered the heretics of Sakenda due to their belief in Mother Earth. They believe that the land itself is alive and breathing, and everything spawns from the ground beneath them. At one stage Rakutans were willing to accept Granfords concept of a Father God, but due to the politcal complications of the past they now reject the idea of Gods and Demons as mythical tattle tales.

Rakutans live primarily for their own families. And are taught to value their parents and siblings first and foremost, then Mother Earth and finally their tribe. Due to this tribal loyalty, while strong, is not what controls Rakutan society. The only acception to this is the tribal chief who must place the welfare of the tribe first. Rakutans are generally vegetarians, and seem to prefer to eat food in it's natural form without blending tastes.

Rakutan women are generally considered more important then males. They are believed to be more pure and closer to mother earth, which has resulted in child raising to be a womans task. However due to their ability to hunt and fight just as well as men have raised them to the higher levels of society. A woman status is also measured by how many children she was able to give birth to. Since Rakutans deaths are common due to their minor skirmishes with Menolka and Granford.

I started with Rakutans first since I'm finding the minor nations alot easier to do then the major ones. Is this adequate for cultural background, or am I missing a significant section?

Speaking of weekends, should we be worried Phoenix isn't around? I mean, I thought he lived here :/

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I actually like your stat concept a lot. Simple, elegant, and has room for flexible writing.

It'll be good practice for me.

And yay for harsh GMing! Now, no more moron plots! Hopefully, we can avoid the Helios or Conrad like characters.

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I thought

Rakuta tribe were near anihilation and their once absolute power in the region is being contested by the other tribes.
Was a decent indicator, but maybe it wasn't enough. I'd also like to state here that (Nomad=Rakuta region) = False. Rakuta is home to archers, cavaliers, myrmidons and whatever else. Nomads can also be found in other regions across the land, (if a player wants) just not at such a large scale. The only units which are exclusive to a nation are the Pegasi, and Wyvern belonging to Granford and Garius respectively.


It doesn't play too big a role, as you can see from the map, I've got more nations then I can effectively handle, so I'm not willing to make each nation have their own religion. Rakutans have their "Mother Earth" Granford/Crestia believe in a Holy Father. And that's pretty much it. Most other nations are agnostic/atheists in principle. The title really just refers to Granfords role and their fanaticism. Though I'll probably end up changing my plot plans every week XD


Not worried, just curious. Since he's probably the most active person in these RP's that I know of.

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If you were wondering why I wasn't around, two reasons ...

I'm on holiday and I'm ... -just go look in my gallery.

@ Intelligence indicators

Absolutely useless IMO. I've found that a character's overall intelligence is determined by the rper and in some areas it's not voluntary.

Some examples:

Conrad: He never says anything stupid because Lightning is careful with him(voluntary), but he's also not the smartest or most tactically sound person in the group(involuntary).

Helios: ... self explanatory.

Ixion: He's smart enough for what I need him to do(voluntary), but his intelligence can't go beyond my own like I'd like it to(involuntary).

Basically our characters aren't going to surpass us so the rper is pretty important making stats for smarts useless. "The mind cannot create anything greater than itself" as the saying goes.

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"The mind cannot create anything greater than itself" as the saying goes.

... I wonder if I'd be going too far off topic if I turned this into a religious debate? XD

Intelligence being indicated by an integer is a flat out no. So there's not much point in discussing it further.

As for "Mother Earth"..... well I want to lure Kiryn out of lurking so I'll let her comment on that.

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@Lurking: Arg blarg. I don't really care about Psych's "silly nomad" cracks, even if he's bad at comparisons. I think he mixed one of my other characters in there when he was doing that, I don't know.

@This thing as a whole: Looks like it could be interesting. I'll think about it.

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@ Cuddles

Well ... there is serious discussion ... ... not that I enjoy such a dreadful place.

I disagree. I am nowhere near as smart as The Brute.

That's what I said about Ixion (and Miranda) until I realized that every aspect of his personality and pretty much all the other characters I made came from me. I may not actively access and use these methods of thinking, but they are in my mind and a part of me, therefore Ixion is a lesser mind than I. Not to be a contrary dick but I think it's the same with you and The Brute.

@ This thing as a whole

Activity is slow enough that I can manage another rp though I will obviously only be using one character but I'm more likely to join than not join at this point ... depending on the developing details.

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