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most over rated/ under rated video game


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Overrated? Bioshock. Sure, the story was great, but the gameplay was tepid.

Underrated? Was gonna say Avernum, but now I'll just say Myth II. Bungie's best game, possibly matched or beaten by Marathon/Pathways into Darkness.

If that's the game I'm thinking of, I love that game. So much more depth than stuff like Doom and Duke Nukem (other games at the time of a similar vein, if you can even call them similar).

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Is there any distinguishing here between overrated and overhyped? I ask this because I keep seeing Ocarina of Time being mentioned, which I wouldn't say is overrated at all but may very well just be overhyped. It certainly was great in its time with what it did and remains very fun today. The fanbase for it can obviously be annoying, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're wrong; it just means they need to shut up.

To be honest, I couldn't really find another game that I would declare "overrated" or anything, so I just went with Musashi just so I had something to call overrated. Now that you mention it, though, it actually is over-hyped and not overrated, I suppose.

The problem I see with Ocarina of Time is that, while it excels at doing some things (and remains an enjoyable game to this day), it also has several design flaws which people tend to overlook and instead magnify the good in the game to ridiculous proportions. But I can forgive that, due to the many amazing, deep, thought-provoking and entirely philosophical and scientific, not to mention fantastic, quirks the game has.

Edited by Nightmare
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Breath of Fire III

Yes. That whole series is actually very underrated. Im a big fan of Breath of Fire IV however. I just loved that game. Its extremely underrated actually.

Okami is underrated but also like someone said, not very well known.

Overrated? Ehhh...Theres many. So so many. In the Zelda fanbase, Majora's Mask is reaching that point. While it IS an awesome game and full of really interesting characters, etc, its not the best thing ever. (ALttP people! :P)

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Underrated? The Etrian Odyssey series.

Overrated? Several have been mentioned already like Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy 7. There are more but that would take a while to list.

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It's disingenuous to call Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy VII, or Halo overrated right now, because that is what absolutely everyone is saying. If everyone agrees that it's overrated, then it's no longer overrated.

So, in that regard, I'd have to say other games that usually aren't challenged when someone calls them 10/10 are overrated. Half-Life, Portal, really anything made by Valve.

As for underrated? Can't think of many off the top of my head, but Shadow of the Colossus comes to mind. Kind of fizzled out compared to the popularity that ICO garnered over the years.

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So, in that regard, I'd have to say other games that usually aren't challenged when someone calls them 10/10 are overrated. Half-Life, Portal, really anything made by Valve.

I know what your saying but you can't really call Half-Life overrated, at it's realese the game was brilliant and it still holds up very well today. some games do deserve the scores they are given.

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I know what your saying but you can't really call Half-Life overrated, at it's realese the game was brilliant and it still holds up very well today. some games do deserve the scores they are given.

He absolutely can and he just did.

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Kind of fizzled out compared to the popularity that ICO garnered over the years.

I've been under the impression that SotC was the game that's become more popular as time went on while ICO faded into obscurity.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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Zelda: The Windwaker

Overrated? The biggest complaint about this game I've heard is the graphics, and my only complaint is the pick up/drop control system, but thats incredibly minor. The only thing I can think of is people saying that its worse than OoT

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Overrated? The biggest complaint about this game I've heard is the graphics, and my only complaint is the pick up/drop control system, but thats incredibly minor. The only thing I can think of is people saying that its worse than OoT

Since I'm the only person that said "Windwaker" in this topic I assume you quoted me. I didn't say it was overrated. It was in my possibly underrated section.

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Since I'm the only person that said "Windwaker" in this topic I assume you quoted me. I didn't say it was overrated. It was in my possibly underrated section.

I meant underrated, but said overrated, sorry :/.

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I know what your saying but you can't really call Half-Life overrated, at it's realese the game was brilliant and it still holds up very well today. some games do deserve the scores they are given.

I don't think Half Life deserves the constant never-ending waves of adulation it receives.

I've been under the impression that SotC was the game that's become more popular as time went on while ICO faded into obscurity.

ICO's always been the poster-boy for videogame art debates. As discussion has become more heated over whether they as a medium constitute a form of artistic expression, it's the one that's always cited for proponents. So as a result, even though both of them were met with sales that didn't reflect (in my opinion) the quality of the games, ICO was the one that was raised up to be used and as a result was almost sort of rediscovered, whereas SotC sort of fell by the wayside. Like, I have seen some conversations where it's cited, but it's always on the coattails of ICO. It's always "ICO was a great game, man. Awesome. And so was that other one."

Kind of disappointing since I adored Shadow of the Colossus far more than I ever did ICO. The first I found very memorable, but the castle itself could feel choking even in all its splendor, whereas I didn't have that feeling with SotC.

Underrated: Final Fantasy Thir-- *shot*

*high-fives sniper*

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Underrated: Final Fantasy Thir-- *shot*

*wastes money on a Phoenix Down*

I played that game on my awful CRT, and managed to get through it. I'm quite grateful the game was made the way it was, because I'm hopeless when it comes to navigating.

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Overated: Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Easily. I tried it once and immediately thought "well, this is a step backwards for Nintendo, why is every claiming that it's the greatest thing since sliced cheese?". Honourable mentions go to Wii Anything (Sports, Resort, Party, ect...).

Actually, the entire Wii collection with the exception of FE10 could be considered overrated of some sorts. The Wii really isn't as great as everyone thinks it is... or so I think. And I tried out my friend's Wii for about 2 months.

Underrated: Oh dear. So many games could easily be on this list... Warning, spoilers may come.

Baten Kaitos 1 & 2 - Both get praised but get lost in the shuffle when talking about great NGC RPGs. Terrible voice acting in the first game drags them down but the story is one of the deepest I've ever experienced. And I don't want to spoil the incredible obvious but unexpected plot twist (even though I probably have). As for the second game, the reference to Donkey Kong ("Who throws barrels at people? What are you, some giant ape who's made off with a pretty wench?") probably sealed it as being my hands down favourite NGC game of all time. Not to mention that game's plot twist which is pretty cool.

Ninety Nine Nights - Meh voice-acting but when the goal is to kill thousands of enemies with a bigass sword in a short amount of time, what could possibly go wrong?

Final Fantasy IX - Most people skip over this gem when praising the PS1 era of FF games. While FFVII clearly has a bigger fanbase (very fun at points and downright dull at others), Final Fantasy IX actually makes me care about comical characters and enjoy the game entirely. When Aeris died in FFVII (spoiler alert, too bad if you didn't know), I was heartbroken that I had left a pretty good Armlet on her and wouldn't get it back. When Vivi gets really depressed in the Black Mage Village, I genuinely felt bad for the guy. Story's quite good and Kuja is one of those bad guys that actually makes you hate him enough to the point that you love kicking his ass. Plus the clowns (Zorn and Thorn) are a riot.

Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet - This game was fantastic on the NGC. It felt like an epic Zelda game without trying to be an epic Zelda game. And the best part is that the game was less reliant on hand-to-hand combat and more puzzle based than you'd expect.

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It's always "ICO was a great game, man. Awesome. And so was that other one."

Strange, everywhere I've been to it's "SotC is an amazing game and a great example for games as art" with ICO nowhere to be mentioned.

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Overated : The Smash series as a whole. Not a bad party game, but the old Mario Kart games are better in my mind. As a fighting game there's a lot better.

Underrated : The Street Fighter III series, though 3rd Strike is a cult favorite nowadays, but both New Generation and Second Impact are very good as well. They just live in the shadows of the more well known titles of SF.

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I don't get out into the gaming forums too much but fanboyism is urging me to put Lylat wars nd Metroid prime trilogy as under rated although I haven't seen how much love they tend to receive.

As far as over rated goes I generlly dislike the CoD games along with most shoot-em-ups now, yet there seems to be an abundance of them

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