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Games you are impeccably good at


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Good at? The Golden Sun and Baten Kaitos games by a mile.

And what I suck at? Man, I sucked at Half-Life 2 when I rented it. And Portal took me a while to beat.

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Dont feel bad. While i dominate at VP1, i sucked ass in VP2 as well.

Same here.

VP1 is fun. Auto Item + Guts = Nigh invincibility from everything except maybe the Hamsters. Sorcerers can do ridiculous amounts of damage to the entire enemy party as well. It's a little too easy at times...

VP2, though... Normal Mode is easy enough, but even Hard 1's (out of 50...) bosses have ridiculous amounts of HP, so boss battles turn into marathons. Some normal battles can be really painful as well, especially later in Chapter 3.

As for other games, I'm pretty good at turn-based strategy games, decent at other RPGs, and horrible at FPSes.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Let's see...I'm not impeccably good at God Hand, but I'm fairly well-versed at it. I guess I'm also better than your average person at Contra: Hard Corps, and I'm pretty good at Raiden Fighters 2. Otherwise I'm about average at every other game (from what I can remember right now).

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As much as this embarrasses me. . .

. . .way back when, I was pretty damn good at Para Para Paradise. If you don't know what this is, don't ask. I swear I'll get back into DDR shape!

I really suck at RTS. I'm trying to suck less at fighters, but so far, the only one I've had luck with is Tekken (I'm still pretty bad).

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I'm apparently Godlike at the original Unreal Tournament and...around Adept in UT '04, both the PC versions only. I'm not really that good with other FPSs.

In fact, laughably bad at any FPS involving two analog sticks.

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I have literally never met another person that has consistently beaten me in any fighting game, whether I have played it or not. I have no idea why. I simply have to pick them up, and in most cases, I find I can beat people who have been playing for months or sometimes years.

As for games I am utterly terrible at...it would have to be a toss-up between RTS and shooting games. I have never been good at playing games like AoE, and I'm generally not very good at any shooter. I have found I'm marginally alright at Quake, however. No clue what was up with that.

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I'm pretty good at Super Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker and Okami, because I play them a lot. Not too bad at Brawl; I beat all my friends but get my ass kicked at tournaments. Yay.

I suck at FPS games though. That involve an analog stick. Yeah.

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I'm pretty good at soccer games like Fifa 10. Beating the shit out of teams stronger than you on Legendary is pretty sweet.

On the other hand, I'm pretty bad at FPS. I'm so good that I can go 0-25 if I play long enough, before finally killing an inactive.

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I'm completly horribly average at every game i play. Except maybe, Mario Kart wii. I'm not so great running against people, but my time trials in a car are pretty good.

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Oh yeah. I am GOD at Borderlands but that's because I had some really sick weapons (Elephant Gun Sniper Rifle that doubled as a shotgun, crazy strong Revolver) and skills. And being pretty good at FPSs.

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I'm good at Advance Wars. I win quite a lot on the random online. I never really played much against the really good players like Delta or Gipface though, the one time I did play Gipface was really fun though. It's a shame his YT account is down. And Fire Emblem as well, I guess.

I'm also good at Mario Kart. It always just seems really easy to beat my friends. I don't know if it's because they suck, but I win most of the time.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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I'm bad at just about any FPS except Left 4 Dead... I'm actually somewhat decent at that game.

I'm good at most Zelda games, but I'm stuck on the first one ;_;

I'm okay at Brawl....I beat most people......no where near tourney level though

Fire Emblem

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I'm completly horribly average at every game i play. Except maybe, Mario Kart wii. I'm not so great running against people, but my time trials in a car are pretty good.

This is pretty much me. Except I am pretty below average at every game I play. And hardly do I ever finish them. Like the only games I have beaten are FE games and Okami(which I think I am rather good at). So yeah I enjoy fighters and FPSs and RTSs and MMORPGs but I completely suck at all of them.

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The good :

I'm pretty good at Puyo Puyo and its variations. I also fare well at Light Gun games with a little training.

Back in the days, I mastered a good chunk of my Megadrive library (like Shinobi 3 on Expert Mode with no Shurikens for example), but I haven't played them since long ago, so I'm sure my skills have rusted. Same for Colony Wars 1 and Final Doom on PS1.

Among my most recent games, I've pretty much mastered Mitsumete Knight.

The bad :

I'm terrible at shoot-em-up games.

I do enjoy some of them, such as Thunder Force 4, Twinbee or Parodius, but I can't finish them without continues to save my life. And since the programmers of the Tokimeki Memorial series seem to be shoot-em-up maniacs, they included at least one of those as a mini-game in each of them, and I can't help but cringe each time I realize I'll have to go through one.

I'm also not good at rythmn games.

Beatmania is a litteral torture, Pop'n'Music is too much for me, and I can barely manage at Dance Dance Revolution. In fact, currently I'm playing Tokimeki Memorial 2 Substories: Dancing Summer Vacation, which is an Adventure game heavily geared around Dance Dance Revolution, and while I easily manage in the story parts, I'm laughably bad at the DDR part (doesn't help that "Hero", the main DDR song for this game, is an evil song. Why couldn't them allow the player to choose the other songs, such as the easier and much pleasant to hear "Tokimeki no Orugooru" or "Anata ni Aete", even if those Dancing Summer Vacation remixes of them are worse than the original versions ?!). I'll show you my pitiful performances soon on my Youtube channel, since I'm currently recording the run.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was pretty awesome at the Phantom Hourglass multiplayer :) GO GO PHANTOMS DESTROY LITTLE LINK. BTW Spirit Tracks multiplayer blows chunks.

I have an under 4 minute time in Cave Story (hell).

I've beaten resident evil 4 on pro.

I haven't beaten the original Devil May Cry on Dante Must Die mode :(

I am executive level at Aerobiz

I kick ass at Dead Space, have memorized where just about every necro is (not that the game is very hard).

I'm pretty good at FE10 HM, not as good as some people on here but I think I have pretty low turncounts. I only played through twice tho, cuz my wii disappeared in the mail.

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eclipse you never told me you had moves!

Also I want at least one of you to put an honest effort into beating me at Halo. 3 or Reach, you pick. I'm really bad at 3 right now if you want a chance.

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eclipse you never told me you had moves!

Also I want at least one of you to put an honest effort into beating me at Halo. 3 or Reach, you pick. I'm really bad at 3 right now if you want a chance.

If I had halo 3 and if I had an xbox and if I had xbox live I would challenge you to a cart race on the last level of the game, if you can do multiplayer campaign online. I love that level.

If count = 4

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