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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 61


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Best: Michalis. Honorable mention to Innes. 'Cause both actually make sense and don't seem like they had been waiting around in IS's Rubbish Bin of Unused Names, ready to be slapped onto a random character. Without needing to be ridiculously obvious. *glares at Elibe series*

Worst: Dorcas.

Nomination: Best/Worst Weapon Name

Edited by SilentShaman
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Worst: Gatrie. I mean really...Gay Tree.

Whoa, for some reason I always thought there was a 'c' in there, making it Gatrice... Whoa, what a strange name...:blink:

Worst: Wrys. Who the hell names their kid Wrys?

...It was 'Riff' in the first versions.


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Hmhm. . .

Best: Laura (it fits perfectly). Honorable mentions to Lena, Etzel and Azel.

Worst: Long list. . .but I'll have to go with Vyland (even if his Japanese name was just as bad).

Nominate: Best/Worst Overseas Name Changes

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Worst: Gatrie. I mean really...Gay Tree.

I always pronounced "Gatrie" as "Gah (short "a") - tree." I don't think it's such a bad name. :/

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Also Bors is the name of one of King Arthur's Knights.

Doesnt mean it's a good name.

Edited by Spykor
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EVERYONE, Nominate this so we can expose SMs as overrated! :D

Or maybe you just don't know how to play properly?

Name the ones that are overrated. Do it. Tell me how Rutger or Shanan or Mia (fe10) are overrated. Please.

If you name guys like Edward, I'll tell you that most people here don't overrate him at all. Gamefaqs is different, but here?

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EVERYONE, Nominate this so we can expose SMs as overrated! :D

Actually, it was just me and ERL voting for SMs in the HnH before we got help.

And we were established SM fans.

I don't see how it counts as overrated.

... and have you seen the stuff Lakche does? Or do I need to direct you to my Youtube channel?

Or have her WTA all over your pirates?

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Lumi, shuddup ;)

I have friends IRL who I showed FEDS to.

Guess who they liked instantly.

Navarre. Whom I think is extremely overrated. Strength + Defense > Speed and Skill IMO.

Guy is overrated, and so is Radd.


The only one that overrates the Red Skittle, IMHO, is me. But that's because I think he's awesome.

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Lumi, shuddup ;)

I have friends IRL who I showed FEDS to.

Guess who they liked instantly.

Navarre. Whom I think is extremely overrated. Strength + Defense > Speed and Skill IMO.

Guy is overrated, and so is Radd.

Are your friends girls? If so, that'd explain it. Navarre is an attractive male. Of course they are going to go for attractive males.

FE11 and FE7 are two games out of 9 that has SMs. And FE4-6 SMs can easily override that. Especially FE4. Let me show you Lakche, again. An average Holyn!Lakche has insane HP, good defense, Capped STR/SKL/SPD-with strength caps being the highest in the game tied with a few other classes. An average Lex!Lakche has good HP, capped STR/SKL/DEF, and should cap SPD more often than not.

And you want that SPD and SKL in FE12 Hard+ when enemies starts capping speed and WILL double you and their auto +10 avo.

Radd is overrated? Since when? I've never heard of such a thing.

'sides eclipse who has every reason to.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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