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The Most Lovable and Hatable


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There's too much discussion about statistics and power and what not about who is the best character. Well I'm starting this topic to discuss characters we hate and love based on their personalities, or even they physical appearances. Because, lets face it, sometimes we use a character because we love their personality and therefor deserve game-time to prove our love, and of course vice-versa, characters we hate because of their personality and therefor deserve no game-time. So I'll go ahead and give some guidelines. Please tell what you qualities in personality or physical appearance the character has that you like. Also remember to tell what game they are in, since you must remember many of the people on these forums haven't played all the games(including myself). Also please leave stats out of the conversation. Remember that the point of the topic is personality and appearance, not statistics.

So without further ado.....

Characters I love:


How do you not love Ike? His innocence is so charming, yet at the same time his innocence gives him power. He has the uncanny ability of making friends extremely easily. He instantly befriends almost anyone he crosses paths with, from the lonely Branded Boy Soren to the powerful Lion King Caineghis. He's also the common man. He's not especially smart, nor does he have any form of political or military power(initially). He understands that money is money and as a working-class Crimean he has to do work given to him, but also understands that he has the ability to choose who he works for, which most Mercenaries tend to ignore. He's just an instantly lovable on all levels.

But now I gotta finish up my post, and I'll add more later. But start posting characters you love/hate and why!

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Probably Roy

From what I've heard he's even less of a badass than his father. How he achieved this is a mystery, but he managed it.

Clarine, Serra, L'Arachel...

UHuhghhhh. Serra is...marginally better than the others, being incredibly fucked up and everything. glah.


Stupid, naive, reliant and overly trusting.


Stupid, foolhardy, unappreciative and a braggart.


Literally everything about her pisses me off.



Has absolutely no place on the battlefield. Doesn't give a flying fuck.

Dozla and Largo


Dozla especially.


Suuuuure he's an arrogant racist ne'erdowell. But he makes a change from all the actual good guys on my team.


Save yourself and let Seth or Ephraim take Eirika. You deserve Tethys. One of the few noblemen on this list.


This is probably the only other. He was the only lord I've actually respected as being the real hero...Hector, while great, was pretty much Eliwood's manly bodyguard...and basically everything he did...yeah.


Fin. Refuses. To. Surrender. And he's Irish.


I have no idea why he wears a turban. All I know is this makes him a total badass, along with an actual personality *COUGHNOISHCOUGH*.


Sticks with :Innes: to the end. A credit to his entire class.


Some say he explodes soldiers just by looking at them, and that he once played Top Trumps with Death, and was victorious. All we know is he's called The Ogma.

Seriously, that's like all we know. FE11 is not known for its wealth of characterisation. But I think he looks Finnish.


In spite of everything.

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I'll only discuss the ones I dislike and the ones I love the most because I love a lot of them ^_^ out of playables only.


I can't think of any FE1/3/11/12 character I hate or dislike but I'm not fond of Nabarl, Jeigan, Doga, Marth, or Merric.

Levin- I hate him! He's so cruel to his own children and wife (fury) I know this due to Thracia's plot.

Roy- Not really a reason, but I'm annoyed of his lack of coolness compared to all the other lords.

Clarine- Stupid brat and she's quite a b too.

Niime- I can't tolerate her meanilyness towards Hugh, although I don't hate her and I sometimes use her I don't like her much.

Jaffar- The character I hate the most in the series! I couldn't forgive him even after he turned good at the time, I usually always have him get killed. I would have really liked if he was a recruitable enemy because I'd have Matthew kill him with a killing edge or a brave sword.

Karel-I hate Karel in FE7! He is way too sadistic! He's one of the few characters I won't restart for if they get killed.

Hector- For the major part he seemed sadistic, I did like part of his character but mostly I was on the err side of him.

Innes- Although I like every FE8 character he's probably my least liked becuase of that arrogant attitude, he's like a kinder version of Shinnon.

Lethe- She's such a b in PoR and I really did not like that. Although she's tolerable overall to me.

Mia- Somehow Mia annoys me and idk why, Guy and Marisa also annoy me with their "kill kill kill" attitude (except Guy is slightly more loveable).

Sothe- I dislike him alot, he's one of the most annoying characters ever! Being a forced non-lord doesn't help either, i see him as a non-lord anyway.

Shinnon- I don't like his rude manners in both games against Ike (in PoR especially) and his hate against laguz, I intrepret it as if he's both a sexist and a racist when he argues with Lyre. The only thing I like about him besides stats is that he is nice to Rolf.

Soren- I don't like Soren's aggressive personality at all, and I like how Titania shuts him up several times because of his mean attitude toward others.

Jeigan/Fin/Marcus/Seth/Titania- I'm not fond of jeigans/ouifayes much I usually ignore them. Although I like all of their personalities (especially Fin he has a sad story) I don't like using them much.

Sephiran- I dislike him due to RD's plot.

Ike- In RD at least, why must all the Dawn Brigade attention be taken away and given to him if he had his own game? He's so spoiled.


Gordin/Ryan- They're so cute although they kind of suck I see them as a cheerful un-crybaby version of Rolf.

Palla- The serene one of the sisters she has green hair and is the eldest.

Catria- Catria is quite calm for being the middle child, and I like her for that.

Linde- She's so pretty I think of Aeris from Final Fantasy when I see her.

Ellis- She's so nice she sacrifices herself for her brother.

Shiida- Wing Spear is nice! and she's a nice character as well.

Abel- Oh my! Abel he's green and serene.

Matthis- I like him the most of all cavs, I find him to be quite funny in a way.

Cain- I think I personally like Cain more than Abel.

Midia- When I see Midia and JAgen I think of Marcus and Isadora, I always prefer Midia/Isadora because they are cooler.

Sigurd- What a gentleman he is, and he lives a tragic life which makes him a very lovable and memorable character.

Ethlin&Cuan- They are sooo cute together! and the tragedy of their lives makes them so memorable and loveable even more than Sigrud.

Ayra/Fury- Their intentions, tragic story and personality make them very loveable.

Fergus- His funny demeanor, he's like a pre-Haar mixed with pre-Dozla.

Karin- She's so cute/funny with Fergus and a very loyal young lady.

Asvel- He's so cute ^^'

Selphina&Glade- They're so cute and I like their niceness and supportiveness.

Ellen- I love Ellen because she is so supportive even if she doens't have to be.

Thany/Tate- She's so cute x3/She's so pretty and they're both pegasi

Lugh/Ray- Very adorable :3 especially Ray.

Dorothy&Saul- I love them together! They're so interesting especially Saul's flirtyness.

Gonzales- He's a teddy bear at heart and I like him for that.

Sophia- I love dark mages and she's the only female and she's pretty as well.

Yuno- I love Yuno! she's my favorite ^_^ I like how she is a motherly figure.

Hugh- I find him to be loveable and interesting.

Sain- He's funny and flirty

Rebecca- She's soo adorable!

Serra- I love Serra she's like Saul minus the flirtyness but much cooler.

Matthew- I feel so bad for him.

Fiora/Farina- I like their characters personality but Fiora is the more interesting ones.

Heath- He's so troubled and something about him makes me want to cuddle him.

Pent&Louise- I love couples especially Parent-figures like them.

Karla- She's really cool yet nice unlike her brother.

Isadora- The only female of all the cavs and my second favorite right after Sain. (Sain > Isa > Lowen > Kent >>>>> Marcus)

Eirika&Seth- She's so stupid! Makes me feel sorry for her but I like her character overall I can see why she is the way she is but I really like how she stands up to be a great heroine instead of playing a damsel in distress role compared to Nyna. Seth is that knight every princess dreams of ^^'.

Neimi&Colm- So cute! ^_^ I think they are the cutest couple! He is such a douche and she is a crybaby. Great way to balance them out, and I like how he likes to think he's so badass when he knows he's such a sweetheart. I mean he goes to attack bandits just to get back her mirror, what a gentleman.

Joshua- Poor Joshua! He's my favorite myrmidon in the entire series because he's so badass. He leaves his country just to see how regular people live like, so he becomes a better king, and the loss of his mother is such a tragedy.

Natasha- She's like Ellen, and she does it all in good favor. I prefer her over Moulder 100%.

Dozla&L'Arachel&Rennac- I think of them as the Lulz bandwagon, although L'Arachel and Dozla are my favorite ^_^ She's so hilarious with her "purity" and he doesn't fall behind.

Tana- She's such a good friend! Except that she's quite ditzy.

Vanessa- I can't tell who is more serene between Syrene and Vanessa, but I love how she keeps quiet most of the time about her love interest (Innes).

Syrene- My favorite of the pegasi in this game. Her outfit is pretty cool too in the official picture of her.

Cormag- Poor Cormag :( He's such as badass too I love killing Valter with Cormag.

Tethys- The coolest dancer in the series imo, she's just so down to earth.

Franz- Those googly eyes! I can never ignore him.

Knoll- He's so mysterious XD I love Knoll for that.

Ilyana- So cute x3

Boyd- I just love Boyd for some reason.

Astrid- She flees her home to live like a regular knight, such as badass she is.

Jill- One of the most interesting characters in FE9/10.

Marcia&Makalov- Makalov that trouble maker! and poor Marcia picking after him

Titania- She's so mature and so nice as well.

Gatrie- A toned down version of Sain, I feel bad for his ending.

Haar- You big clumsy! He's so cool though.

Zihark- You fight for others rights? What a hero, as cool as Ike if not cooler.

Tormod&Muarim- What a great duet! They fight for whats right.

Mordecai- I'm surprised that he is incredibly nice. Whats not to like about Mordy?

Tanith- She's mean but I still like her somehow, its her class.

Largo- He reminds me of Dozla thats why.

Elincia- Of course! :P She's my most favorite ever! She's a royal and she's so humble and nice to everyone.

Fiona- You go girl stand up for those innocent civilians.

Sigrun- Overprotecting that little brat. She doesn't have to be loyal but I like that she is.

Vika- Meep

Nolan- Because he's the nest badass after Sothe and I actually like him.

Edward- So cute! ^_^

Meg/Brom- ^

Heather- She is hilarious and quite the flirt too!

Rafiel- :3 The best heron imo.

Nailah&Tibarn- They're such mother/father figures.

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Shinon: Nuff' said.

And thats about it for hate.


Boyd: Well he's protective of the people he cares for and thats how I am.

Rolf: Because he's one of the three brothers and he's not like Shinon.

Tormod: Because he has shorts. Plus he' sensitive when it comes to his size.

Lugh: Kind and somewhat innocent.

Rei/Ray: Negative and determined I guess.

I'll think of more later.

(I don't want to try now obviously.)

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Pelleas - To trust freaking IZUKA, of all people... What the hell?

Lyon - You go and tamper with your country's Sacred Stone even though it's a move that can cause more harm than good? And the result of trying to fulfill your stupid pipe dream? Your country (and you as well) gets corrupted.

Soren - That personality... Ugh.

Makalov - I can't understand how anyone can like you, with a personality like yours...

Lyre - Her personality reminds me of Lethe in FE9, but even worse.

Valtome - Ugh, ugh, UGH...


Ellen - She's so supportive of her allies.

Elice - She was willing to sacrifice herself for Marth.

Maria - Even after being imprisoned (by her own brother, no less), she's still cheerful. And she's cute as well.

Camus - He may be a villain, but he's honorable. :awesome:

Lena - She's selfless.

I'll edit some more in later.

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Nyna - You are a princess/queen, so don't be surprised when you don't end up with the one you love! The guy you married isn't that bad!

Camus - Wherever he goes, clusterfuck follows. Oh, and break things CLEANLY with Nyna, so she doesn't hang on you like a coat.

Michalis - Unrepentant even after IS saved his pathetic hide. I'd prefer Matthis as king over this jerk!

Clarine - No one cares about you, please die.

Cath - You're a brat who takes too long to recruit.

Louise - Gave birth and (probably) raised Clarine to be the brat she is.

Lute - No, you are not the best thing since sliced bread. Shut up.

Jill - Went from interesting to. . .the hell happened to your personality in RD?!

Sothe - No personality, AND a main character?

Calill - See Clarine and Lute? Join them.

Lyre - WTF is this ditz who sucks as a unit?

Kyza - A little less fanatical devotion to Ranulf, m'kay? It's disturbing.


Cain - I think a small skit best describes why he's in my Favorite tier.

Jagen: I trust you can hold off bleeding to death for a little longer, Cain.

Cain: Bug off, sir.

The Wolfguard - Sedgar for talking sense into Wolf (and for having his act together), Vyland for his New Mystery ending, and Roshea for starting the defection. Wolf's here because he's cute.

Dolph - Go read BigKlingy's New Mystery run. I gained a ton of respect for him and the other prisoners after that conversation (well. . .the playable ones in NM, at least).

Ayra - Means business.

Legault - Smooth, sarcastic, and smart enough to know when things aren't gonna work out.

Geitz - For all his tough acting, he's a total sweetie.

Forde - Paired ending with Vanessa. That's why he's here.

Tormod - The ADD Fire Mage of Tellius, who could probably get his own title, if he whined enough.

Ranulf - Is competent? Check. Is a complete wiseass otherwise? Check. Occasionally mouthes off to superiors? CHECK.

Leonardo - After reading the developer's notes, he has a friggin' excuse to be melancholy!

Volug - He tries so hard, but. . .his A support. . .*giggles*

I'm sure I'll think of more later.

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Sain. He's just so goofy and irresponsible. I can't understand why anyone would like him better than Kent.

Est. Maybe she acts differently in the other games, but in FE11 she's a total attention whore. (see her conversations with Minerva, Catria, and Palla in the chapter when she joins)

Makalov. Again, goofy and even more irresponsible.

Roger. Because he acts so loyal until Caeda tricks him into joining up. Which is just pathetic.

Tana, she's so immature and dumb.


LYON! I can't even begin to list all the reasons why Lyon is awesome.

Stefan. I would prefer not to explain this one.

Pelleas, obviously, because he has basically the same personality as Lyon.

Shinon. Yeah, mostly he's a jerk, but he's really nice to Rolf.

Soren. Same reason as Stefan. And because of how he's always so blunt, and doesn't care about the opinions of anyone except Ike.

Knoll. His support conversations are cool, except the Lute one. And yes, he does have a personality.

Karel (FE7). He's not particularly sadistic, really. He just doesn't give a damn about anyone. There's a difference.

Marisa. Anyone who has to practice being sociable automatically gets a place on this list. And she's left-handed, which is cool.

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I tend to avoid hating, there are those you could call 'ignorables' but no hating.


Lute - gotta love that A support with Artur

Ilyana - she's a bit like me, always eating, never getting fat. only difference, she's hot.

Nephenee - what can I say, I just really like shy girls ^^'

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Valter: GTFO

Roy: Lame..

Sain: He's so irresponsible, I dont like him


Sirius, or rather everyone around him: Are they that stupid?

Nyna: FREAKING WHORE. I hate her.

Boah: Even more so for making Nyna a freaking whore

Matthis: Coward -_-

Michalis: Overcocky ass -_-

Wolf: A spaz? Do not want.

Lute: Level 1 mages arent too amazing honey.


Artur: How does he survive Lute? lol

Ross: For actually being ambitious and wanting to constantly get better.

Luke: Ex-gambler turned soldier? Cool

story bro :)

Theres more but low battery + School soon.

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All for the same reason, they're shitty female mages with waaaaay too many fanboys, and generally grating personalities (except Lilina).













I like their support conversations.







Just badass.



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Noah - So gentle, so nice... I like it!

Juno - She's so kind and serene....

Lucius - Gentleness and bad-assery in one package!

Thany - Probably my first Fire Emblem character to have a crush on....

Fir - What's so cuter than a girl trying to train up to be better?

Kyle - Tanky knight with some SRS vibes? He softens up with Syrene... awww....

Syrene - I don't give a f*ck to stats... She has some awww... moments... (see above)

Kieran - I always fall victim to his hilarious ego... He's so strong but stupid enough to be loved!

Marcia - LOL at the food explicits!

L'Arachel - Well... She has that ego, so she is hilarious!

Dozla - Stat-wise, he sucks... Personality-wise, he's enough to KO me in one round!

Clarine - She may be a bitch, but she has hilarious lines! LOL at the recruiting chapter... LOL at Rutger and Dorothy... XP

Serra - Princess bitch again... but with a crazy twist!

Lute - IMA Prodigy with the ego, YAY!

Pent - I already like his oh-so-lovey doveyness with Louise!

Louise - Child-like, joyous and radiant...

Lowen - Well, he has his time in being so... funny! Especially with Rebecca!

Franz - Just adorable...


Valter - EW! Perverted rapist and killer in one package!

Narshen - Hello pedophilia!

Aran - Eww.... no personality.... ew... ew.. eww... *vomits*

Garret - Noticing, he's nothing but a huge pile of red in your screen... Personality of a ROCK!

Valtome - He has hilarious lines, but he has a lot of issues... He's narcisstic and rude to Elincia and he's also the Alfred Ashford / Kuja counterpart of Fire Emblem, considering he has the icky tranny appearance to boot!

Zephiel - He's such a meanie in FE6!

Gheb - Same as Valter/Narshen....

Makalov - Icky personality + Icky lifestyle = DO NOT WANT!

Karel - For some reason, his killing habits in FE7, makes me don't like him....

Lekain - Power-craving mutt!

Hugh - Not funny enough and is a money-pilfering dolt!

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Okay I'm back and ready to talk more!

Characters I love:

Ross: He's a lot like me. He constantly wants to get better at what he does.

Orson: I know he betrays his country and all, but he's in love! He'll do what it takes to be with his loved one, even if it is just an animated body of her dead soul.

Joshua: The prince of a great country who runs away to gamble and be a mercenary? Uhm, hey Bad Ass'

Gatrie: Gatrie, you'll get the girl sometime!

Mist: Although she can be annoying, I think she's hot.

Devdan: Such a beast. His Support Convos are amazing. But I dislike Danved(see below)

Janaaf: Supports :D

Ulki: Supports, Mainly Boyd's :D

Edward: How do you not love Edward? He's cheerful and loves to be helpful. What a beast.

Bastian: I love Bastian. He's such a beast.

Ranulf: Comic Relief :D


Lyre: Go die in a hole. You're really annoying and whiny.

Sanaki: You;'re really stuck up.

Sephiran: You're a loser. Stop trying to act like a human and be a fucking bird.


Shinon: Other than being nice to Rolf, you're a fucking ass hole.

Sothe: ... You're annoying

Erika: You're really naïve.

Yeah thats about it for now....

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I dislike:

Every goddamn Myrmidon that doesn't have a life other than "I want to be stronger". This includes Guy, Fir and Marisa from the FEs I've played so far. I think Mia would be an exception though.

Diadora. I don't know why though. I just dislike her!

Lachesis. She didn't pull off the "incestuous staff-user" role as nearly as well as Clarine, that's for sure.

Midayle. Ugh just have a personality and stop drooling over Aideen.

Old Merlinus. He's just AWFUL in FE6. He's so completely territorial about Roy that I'm surprised he doesn't yell with Lilina as well. Also he's always whining about how ROy can't just help people selflessly. Die please!

Shin, if only because he's completely overrated for someone so devoid of a personality.

Young Karel. Completely one-note and uninteresting, especially compared to his alternative, Harken. Sorry, "KILL KILL KILL" is not enough for me.

Neimi. The fact that I hate her whining more than the boring personalities of half of FE8's characters says something.

I REALLY love:

Annoying, self-centered, arrogant and shallow staff-users that have a soft side. In other words, Serra and Clarine. And to a lesser extent L'Arachel.

Tiltyu. Not only she's funny in a more serious than usual game, I love her story and how it continues with Tinny. So I really love Arthur and Tinny as well.

Ayra, Lakche and Skasaher because it's impossible not to.

Fa. Too cute. colon3.gif

Lilina. She's so completely selfless and nice!

Lugh and Ray: Lugh for apparently having a happy.gif face on all the time and Ray for being as cute as Lugh on the inside.

Niime. Fierce old lady that bitchslaps her only grandson around and is also the wisest and best Dark magic user (in the storyline at least)? Yes please. wub.gif

Hugh, for being said lady's grandson that was also tricked by a kid.

Canas. Niime's son, Hugh's father, AND he does the "I <3 knowledge" thing better than Erk. I like Erk a bit, though.

Percival. BADASS. Period. Not to mention he's so good-looking.

Wolt. He's overall a great guy and as nice as his mother, but his support with Roy is the main reason I love him. Clearly a predestined couple wub.gif

Rebecca. She's cute and Wolt's mother yay!

Lucius, because he's a TRAP, has a paired ending with another guy, AND has an interesting backstory on top of it.

Florina. Not (only) because she's cute, but because her shyness is hilarious in too many occasions.

Ewan. I usually like most of the womanizers, but one THIS young? laugh.gif

Forde. He's fun and interesting without being too loud.

Gerik. He's perfect in every way deal with it.

Joshua for possibly being the ONLY interesting Myrmidon in the three GBA games.

Lute. I love her arrogance!

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Hmm, lets see here...



Sothe: Kid go buy a shirt that fits!!!


Matthis: His pic in SD looks he's about to cry. Buddy you're in a war!!! Man up!!!









Sigurds father(Byron?): I just thought he looked cool.

Michalis: He looks like Walter Bernhard from Castlevania. Which is my favorite CV bad guy.

Lorenz: His looks remind me of Big Boss.






I might think of more later.

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Louise - Gave birth and (probably) raised Clarine to be the brat she is.

There's actually a pretty solid chance that that Clarine knew Serra while she was growing up and this had an influence on her behavior.

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There's actually a pretty solid chance that that Clarine knew Serra while she was growing up and this had an influence on her behavior.

UGH! Goodness knows my parents would've yelled that out of me if I started to act like that. Were Pent and Louise too busy to pay attention to their offspring?!

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Rath: You're too antisocial, and I'm pretty sure Lyn would want someone with a personality to be with her.

Sue: With the way you look and act, I'd mistake you for Rath 2.0 if it weren't for the fact thatyou're a girl. Pretty much a gener-swapped carbon copy of your father (if Rath is even your father) is what you are.

Florina: How you are able to defeat enemies is beyond me. So pathetically timid and weak beyond all reason. Even how other people even think you and Hector make a good couple is beyond all reason. You really have no place on the battlefield.

Serra: Your support conversations are good (as is your conversation with Hector during 31xH), but could you be as you are in your support conversations instead of being annoying during the main story?

Gheb: Why are you so popular with the fans when you're just another chazzer waiting to sleep with the fishes?

Oliver: See Gheb.

Glass: The gods fear your name? Oh please! If anything, the gods are most likely making fun of your name.

Batta: There's nothing beastly about you, and you deserved getting killed by Lyn.

Numida: Another chazzer waiting to die.

Lekain: See Numida.

Jiol: Betraying your alliance with Altea was a real stupid move you chazzer.

Narshen: He's a worm, plain and simple.

Valter: A sadistic piece of crud who gets what's coming to him when he kills Glen.

Sonia: Nothing likable about her, and her backstory with Nino doesn't help.

Denning: All you are is a literal broken record. Why do you even have fans?

Ashnard: There's quite a list of reasons why I don't like you.

Zephiel: You used to be such a good kid. What happened to you that made me hate you?

Manfroy: Screwing with the lives of Alvis and Dierdre just to resurrect a demon seems like a good enough reason to hate you.


Hector: He's just cool. Loyal to his friends and isn't afraid of anything.

Sain: I like how he tries to hit on women.

Nino: So cute, yet such a sad background.

Lilina: She's stouthearted, kind, and always willing to help whenever she can.

Lyn: Read Lilina, and is also not afraid of anything. Heck, I daresay she's one of the reasons Lilina turned out like she did.

Ninian: Beautiful, and she reminds me a bit of Aerith.

Kent: Trying to keep Sain under control, and is pretty supportive.

Fiora: I like her the most out of the FE7 pegasus sisters. And I love her supports with Kent.

Wil: Gotta love that A support with Rebecca.

Legault: There's nothing to hate over here.

Bartre: His supports = :awesome:

Canas: It's such a shame you die before FE6 starts.

Lucius: Always willing to see things through to the end. Is also the founder of the orphanage Lou and Ray are sent to.

Tiltyu: I like how she's upbeat in a dark setting, and how her story continues with Tinny.

Tinny: She's Nino's precursor.

Ayra: Badass mother bear thing going on. Is also, in a sense, Lyn's precursor.

Lex: He's Hector's precursor.

Sigurd: I like how he never seems to give up searching for Dierdre when she's kidnapped (by Manfroy). His end was also pretty tragic.

Levin: He's cool, lovable, and contrary to popular belief, he does care about his friends and family.

I'd imagine so much to the extent where there might be a piece of him left in his body, as even though Holsety's occupying his body, he does shed tears when hearing about the fate of Tiltyu.

I might put more later...

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I have times where I think FE8's cast is great and times where they all make me headdesk, so I won't include them.

Dislike: Most villains are either shallow or jacasses. Exceptions: The original Black Fang peeps in FE7, Glen, Bryce, those guys in FE9 chapter 14, and a bunch of people from FE4.

Shinon: He's not THAT bad, but he's kind of a jerk and I'm not exactly positively enamored of him. he's the only archer-type guy that isn't one of my favorites, actually, besides like Leonardo.

Speaking of which, Leonardo. I don't get this guy. he's either dull and dreary or upbeat. STICK WITH ONE OR THE OTHER, KTHX.

Mia half the time: The half the time where she disappoints me for her weakish strength and her somewhat over-devoted personality she fits here.

Alec, Noish, Alan, and Lance: They have terrible personalities. Seriously. It was acceptable for some of the FE1/2/3 people, but these guys disappoint me.

Serra half the time pisses me off with her personality.

Ken and Sain: Ugh, I don't even know where to start with these two... they just bother me so much (Kent is slightly better because of Elibian Nights explaining him a bit, regardless of whether or not it's official). Just ugh.

Est. My god. She has a terrible personality and is pretty pitiful statwise.



All archers. They're usually interesting (Wil, Rebekah, Innes) or at least different (Neimi, Rolf) in personality, and they get respect points for me because of how they function differently.

All refresh units (dancer/bard/heron) go here because they have this unique feel to them. I also just like Leen for being cheerful in a somewhat depressing game, and I have a cousin named something similar to Lalum that I can't quite spell (who ironically enough dances) which nets them individual bonus points.

Mia and Serra the other half the time.

Legault for having existent common sense. I have used him over Matthew once just for that.

Briggid gets her own spot for having a unique and awesome story, being a great archer, having a fucking amazing bow, and... well, being pretty awesome in both games she's in.

Lastly, Sigurd. I really don't think he needs explaining: he's awesome.

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[spoiler=hates and dislikes]Hate:

Est-After all that Abel did for you---I mean, dude loved you enough to betray Marth for you, even though he did the right thing and joined Marth again, and after all that, you leave him? Seriously woman, at least stay with him or something.

Valter-Creeper tryin' to take Seth's lady? Fuck off, man.

Beowulf-The Thracia implications too-About being Felgus's dad and all-- slept with some princess then left her, void of any responsibility. That and that smug look bothers me in general. At least his kids are cool though.

Narshen: Valter's prototype, only he's a pedo this time. Fun.


Serra-Meh.Overly hyperactive annoying girl. At least Clarine's what, a 13-year-old brat who's probably going to grow out of it eventually? Just how old is Serra acting like that? But eh. More of an annoyance than hate, so I put her in dislike.



Seth-The fact that he's a literal one-man-army aside, while being (IMO) insanely hot (though my own fanarts helped, ohoho), I have a weakness for loyal characters. On top that, he's intelligent-C8 chapter opening-so perceptive! And on top of that, I got the vibe that he's just suppressing his romantic side, no? I love this man. /fangirl

Eirika-Yeah. She's naive as hell, but poor girl, being thrust into a war so suddenly at the betrayal of her allies, and despite her hatred for war she took on a leadership role instead of staying back at Frelia like a good little princess? I respect her for her strength. And if I didn't like her, why would I trust her with Seth?

Gerik-Badass man is badass. Sticks to his word and is not afraid of anything.

Lakche and Ayra-Maybe it's because I see a lot of myself in them, but those two--putting them in the same catergory because like mother, like daughter--are absolute awesome. They are warriors, and not some little girl thinking they can wield a sword but will run from true danger. Ayra and Lex's C5 conversation and Lakche and (Verdane inheritor male)'s ending conversation proves such, and it's the reason why Lakche sits above just about every hot guy besides Seth on my favorite characters list.

Shanan-He's so cute when he's a kid and so insanely hot when he's an adult >o< That aside, I found it kinda sweet that he's still blaming himself for the whole Diadora thing. So dedicated! And the Lakche lover convo~ The prince can be a tease too, eh? <3

Skasaher-He IS Lakche's brother, so he gets points for that. And he's like, the calmer, male version of Lakche.

Fuck it. I love all Issacian royalty/nobility. I think it's been established. So Imma gonna mention Holyn, Galzus, and Mareeta too. I LOVE THEM ALL.

Joshua-Gambling prince-merc with a cool hat. How can you not love this guy?

Ogma-Like Gerik except he came earlier, loyal to the end. He knows what being manly truly is.

Navarre-The fact that he can tolerate Feena hanging around him and haven't killed Samto yet...

Dieck-He's too manly for his shirt. Yes, I said it. *shot*

Trabant-Whatever he does, he did for his country. Yeah, I love Cuan and Ethlin and all, but I just can't bring myself to hate Trabant when I know why he's doing all this. He's trying to improve the conditions in his own country. He's willing to hire the army out as mercenaries to get the resources so his people can live comfortably. If that's not a good king, I don't know what is.

Fin-Again, my weakness for loyal characters. He stayed with Cuan, stayed with Leaf, and that three years he disappeared for he probably went to find Lachesis. Beautiful character.

Marcus-ELIBE'S BEST KNIGHT HANDS DOWN. Serving for three generations, what is this? He's the man. He's probably the character I have the most respect for out of all of FE.

Abel-My second favorite Pallie in the series~ A romantic, too. He'd be the ideal knight a girl would go for---look what he'd do for the woman he loves! Poor guy. Est doesn't deserve him.

Any Camus Archetype ever.

Sigurd-I'd totally have Sigurd as my best friend. Why? He'd start a war because of me. True friend indeed.

Haar-Man sleeps on Wyvern. Man is awesome.

Lucius-I like trapboys.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Mkay ill start with love first~

Obviously adore Karel <3

FE7 and FE6 versions of him. Though i definatly prefer the FE6 Karel, he seems just so sweet and kind towards everyone even though hes obviously had some hard times. I wish he got a paired ending with someone finally..he needs someone to love him. I would :). FE7 Karel can be slightly annoying although he does have some interesting things about him. I like the fact he is just completly insane, and..hot. He just has no rationality and i find that prettty interesting about him. But overall my view on Karel is that he really just needs a hug and a cookie. I'll give him both


I love this man, hes just so..unarsed about anything. well he pretends to be anyway. He seems like a awesome guy aswell. And loyal to Mr Fizzart ( i cant spell his name ever)


I call him bigbird for many reasons. This man is a legend. The wings, the hair, the awesomeness. I like how he is obviously pretty damn strong but he doesnt act like a complete idiot with it. Like hes not always oh yeah lets go crush people because im so big etc etc. He seems pretty level headed.


Money. That is all


Doesnt get sarcaism or jokes generally. He also hasnt got much of a sense of humour, Which i find funny about him.


Another complete lunatic. And he was depressed (awww).I love his character since in POR he seems quite a minor character who i didnt think much of but in RD he just suddenly comes out and says hey im pretty much insane and i wanna destroy the world.


After watching the anime Fire Emblem, dude this guy has gotta be taking some freaky drugs. He was the first of the attractive cold swordsmaster/mercenary type people


Even though hes an ass, everything he says makes me laugh. He pretty much hates everything.


I love you man. Your just plain weird. <3


Michaiahdfhg( cant ever spell her annoying name): All I can say about her is shut up and go marry someone your own age. Leave Sothe alone.

The Pellman ( Pelleas): Oh just go die in a hole somewhere. If you are that stupid to believe Izuka that you are the future king of daein..making you branded..which im sure Pelleas should have realised he didnt age slowly...then you dont even deserve to live. Idiot

Noah: Just no...Fir will never like you...your annoying also. Just got a really annoying face

Fir: Get over your obsession with your mother and uncle and go make your own life. Think for yourself!

Nino: Stop crying over not being loved. Sonia's a bitch..you should have learnt. You are useless..correct

Roy: Grow some balls. That is all.

Ephraim: Go visit Sigmund Freud..please..for some help

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Robert, Selfina, Midir, those Bow Knights with Glade, etc. - I like Bow Knights, but not Nomads. there's a huge difference shut up

Glade - Sit on a throne? BE INVULNERABLE.

Lowen - Because fuck Sain and Kent.

Matthis - Because nobody likes him.

Moulder - Certainly better than any of the other non-mustachioed healers, and the only non-FE11/12 one I was actually able to raise.

Belf, Raiden, Robert squared - I don't know.


Most staff girls - Either they're huge bitches or they're "delicate flowers" types and they're both stupidly annoying.

And there's probably others, but I don't feel like listing them.

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Fir, see Mia.

Innes, your mullet is an eyesore. Yer an effing sniper, not king of the world! Asshole.

Geoffrey, have you no pride man? You also suck!

Micaiah, COUGHMarySueCOUGH! "Im the most wonderful person ever!" Shut up, twat!

Valter, yer such a creeper...

Callil, PoR version mostly. YOU AINT HOT! STOP ACTING AS IF YOU ARE!

Sothe, really? REALLY? Put a cork in it!

Clarine, yer such a prat.

Ewan, i dont mind you as a unit that much but TEACHER TEACHER I DECLARE! THERES A DUMBASS AROUND HERE!

Tethys, keep yer legs closed, ktnxbye.

Sanaki, dont backsass Tibarn. Just dont.

Farina, you kick ass as a unit but things are more important than money! D:<

Roy, ugh...pansy.

Almedha, SHUT UP!

Rafiel, see Roy.


Florina, yer so cute!


Joshua, Mr Badass has arrived. Nice hat, sir.

Soren, i love your snarky little butt to bits! <3 <3

Ashnard, you evil bastard! <3

Fiona, awwww! I love how your balls are bigger than a lot of the dudes!

Boyd, LOL! <3

Oscar, cook for me!

L'Arachel, LOLOLOL! Piss and vinegar! Love it!

Danved/Devdan, he fights like ten men and likes flowers!

Astrid, i always imagine her speaking in a British accent.

Tibarn, helllooooo sir! <3

Leanne, another case of bigger balls than some men.


Meg, teehee! You lift that cow!

Zihark, you swinger, you!

Marcia, oh horsemeat! <3

Hector, badass!

Lowen, hes so goofy!

Forde, <33333

Eirika, wants to get shit done!

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