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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 64


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Best: OMG! I'll go with... AUDHULMA! Cause I liek Icy weapons... and it's Norse too! I don't care if its a freakin' ice cow anyway....

Worst: I haven't played FE10... but Lughnasadh or whatever... err... Lughnashidadiwablelol takes the damn dump!

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Best name: Fimbulvetr. BEST SPELL EVER. It was a tough call between this, Argyraurae and Naglfar, though. Spell names are so epic. <3

Worst name: Rexcalibur. Worst "Excalibur" variant ever since it only adds a fucking R. It IS called Fimbulvetr in French FE10 though!

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Worst: Double Bow (it's like they aren't even trying)

For FE9 it was actually sort of smart since, compared to most other bows, the range doubled from 2 to 4. In FE10...I guess it's twice as awesome? I dunno.

Worst : Nosferatu (FE 10)

Just out of curiosity, why FE10's specifically? Light Nosferatu was in FE9 as well, if that's what you were getting at.

Best: FireFlorete (Had a few other candidates for this: Siegmund, Sieglinde, Tarvos, Excalibur)

Worst: Nidhogg. That just sounds weird.

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Just out of curiosity, why FE10's specifically? Light Nosferatu was in FE9 as well, if that's what you were getting at.

I know this much, but NM tends to be a bit picky with stuff like this, though it mostly applies to characters.

But yeah, it is for the light version. The name's fine with the dark version, but light and vampires don't mix too well unless it's sparkles and Twilight.

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I think we've decided as a community that by the time IS gets to naming the bows they just give up.

EDIT: Also, I'm changing my nomination for 'worst' to Silver Bow. It's the least practical-sounding weapon I've ever heard of. In every way.

Edited by Furetchen
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Best: Swanchika - Despite the images of swans, it's still impressive sounding.

Worst: Armads - It just doesn't sound terribly legendary to me.

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Best: Hauteclere.

Honarble mention to Gradivus/Gradius

Worst: Miracle Sword.

Mercurius is cool but its japanese name is STUPID.

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Best: Ichival. Tempted to vote Rienfleche but that'd be too easy, and we can't have that. can we?

Honorable mentions go to the other holy weapons, Rienfleche obviously, Durandal, and Toy Bow.

Worst: Hmmmm... gotta go with Excalibur. Because it should've been a sword, dammit.

The name's fine with the dark version, but light and vampires don't mix too well unless it's sparkles and Twilight.

Also, totally profile paging this.

Edited by Luka Megurine
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For FE9 it was actually sort of smart since, compared to most other bows, the range doubled from 2 to 4. In FE10...I guess it's twice as awesome? I dunno.

fe9 it sorta works, but it still just sounds simplistic. FE10 it's terrible, but then they carried over all the names from fe9 so it shouldn't bother me. But it does.

Just out of curiosity, why FE10's specifically? Light Nosferatu was in FE9 as well, if that's what you were getting at.

I don't know why they couldn't have just gone with Resire.

But yeah, it is for the light version. The name's fine with the dark version, but light and vampires don't mix too well unless it's sparkles and Twilight.

Actually, a good reason for picking fe10 is that fe9 didn't actually have any dark magic. fe10 did, so using the dark name for the light version is even worse.

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I agree that Nosferatu should not be light magic white Dark's around. Resire should be fine.

Best: the French name for Rexbolt: Mjolnir. If that's not allowed then Excalibur I guess

Worst: EDIT: Nosferatu (FE10 only) for the reasons stated above and below

Dishonorable mention: Lughnasadh. Fine weapon, bad name.

Edited by Byte2222
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Best: Alondite (FE10). Honorable mentions to Rienfleche, Gradivus, and Durandal (Song of Roland!)

Worst: Laundry Pole (FE12). You're kidding, right? Dishonorable mentions to Double Bow and Lughnasadh.

Nomination: Best/Worst Artwork

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Actually, a good reason for picking fe10 is that fe9 didn't actually have any dark magic. fe10 did, so using the dark name for the light version is even worse.

Yes, but then

FE10 it's terrible, but then they carried over all the names from fe9 so it shouldn't bother me. But it does.


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Actually, a good reason for picking fe10 is that fe9 didn't actually have any dark magic. fe10 did, so using the dark name for the light version is even worse.

Yes, but then

FE10 it's terrible, but then they carried over all the names from fe9 so it shouldn't bother me. But it does.


True, but also

But it does.

I'm aware that they carried over the names from fe9 to fe10 for just about anything that makes a reappearance, but the names that are even stranger in fe10 than they were in fe9 still bother me that much more.

It's not rational, it's emotional.

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Best: I like a lot of them, but I'll have to go with Tyrfing. Pure epic name

Honorable mentions to: Caladbolg. I don't know why, but I just really like this name. There are lost of others but it really just came between these two.

Worst: Baselard (I pronounce it as "bass-eh-lahrd" but it is still the combination between "base" and "lard.")

Unhonorable mentions: Sadly, there were a lot to choose from. Gaeborg I kinda can understand but there are so many jokes that can be made... So I'll just go with that. Also, Ettard. Not bad in of its self, but... Yeah. These two, but moreso to the Gaeborg.

Laundry pole and frying pan are just a couple I would say may be fitting to someone who is just discovering weapons and such, but they are still lol-worthy. I keep thinking of Wishblade as a sword. Only recently have I accepted that its a lance.

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Best: Gurgurant. Badass name for a badass looking weapon.

Worst: Lolugnadsea.

It's not rational, it's emotional.

Roboticism is where it's at, my friend.

Edited by Kevin
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Worst: Wishblade. I never realized how freaking funny that was until now. I WIELD THE MIGHTY....Wishblade?

I don't see what's so funny. And lances have a blade too.

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