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How fast of a typer are you???

Freohr Datia

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Being a typer on the internet and story-typer, my typing has much improved in the past 4-5 years and I got onto typingtest.com to find out my speed.

But now I wanna see how everyone else is. I remember when watching The Office Jim and Pam were discussing their wpm and Jim thought he was a fast typer but learned from Pam that his typing speed was actually pretty slow. Since I forget what his was I have nothing to compare it to so I wanna make sure whether or not I'm a fast typer by comparing it to everybody else so that I can brag hahahahahahaha =P. I just don't wanna think I'm typing fast when I really am not.

I was just thinking since everyone on here types so much then their typing must have gotten pretty fast from forums. And if you're faster than me then you can brag. =D

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I got 56 words per minute, but in my defense I was pretty high while taking the test and made a number of mistakes which I wasted time correcting.

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58 wpm, which I would consider fairly average, but it says was well above average. It said I made 5 errors though, I counted 2, so it probably should have been 59 wpm or 60 (I did the 3 minute test).

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72 for me. The thing is I never really got into the habit of never looking at the keyboard, I kind of glance down every so often or something, so having to read something as I type it slows me down a little. This is my explanation for why I am better than Nightmare even though he had a faster score.

Fuck you, Nightmare, I am the man. I AM THE MAN.

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I thought I'd do better. Not sure where the errors came from, but I wrote 58 words and had 15 errors. 43 wpm.

I'm going to retake it, typing EVERYTHING. Even punctuation.

Edit: Redid it properly, got 52 wpm, with 2 errors, so 50 WPM. Meh.

Edited by VanguardRaven
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77 WPM, it seems. Not very fast.

Not... very... NOT VERY FAST??? >=/

80wpm-15 errors= 65.

FYI I type with mostly two index fingers with the occasional ring finger here and there(although I hit space with my thumbs)

Ooh 80

72 for me. The thing is I never really got into the habit of never looking at the keyboard, I kind of glance down every so often or something, so having to read something as I type it slows me down a little. This is my explanation for why I am better than Nightmare even though he had a faster score.

Fuck you, Nightmare, I am the man. I AM THE MAN.

Yeah I had a hard time adjusting to that.

=o heehee

80WPM for me.

Aah and another 80.

Mine was 75-2=73

Stinky Night saying that's slow. But that was my point for The Office. I think Jim mighta said his wpm was around 65 or something and Pam told him that that wasn't fast. Idk if that was what he said or not though.

EDIT: Ooh but what if it's just cause my hands are freezing right now cause air's blowing on them and making them numb so I bet that gives me an excuse =PPPPP

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I'm just gonna through this out there but wouldn't it be better if everyone took the same test for the same amount of time to keep it fair? Just saying.

I got 39. =/

I'm so slow. tongue.gif

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53 WPM. I'm quicker with short messages then I am with long sentences.

EDIT: 63 when I was going fast on a different test. I'd say 53 is my relaxed speed.

EDIT 2: 73 when I was rushing on a different test yet. I go up by 10 when I increment my speed!

Edited by Furby
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