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What languages do you speak?


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I'd very much like to learn Greek, actually.

I complained to my Latin teacher that there were no Greek classes.

Quite honestly, he'd be qualified to teach Greek too.

Ha ha! My school is offering a Greek class for all of those smart kids who already completed AP Latin and have nothing better to do. That does not include me. I'll have enough trouble trying to complete AP Latin, most likely.

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Ha ha! My school is offering a Greek class for all of those smart kids who already completed AP Latin and have nothing better to do. That does not include me. I'll have enough trouble trying to complete AP Latin, most likely.


I could've probably done AP Latin last year to get it at the expense of any possible free time.

AP Latin is... tons of works. An raeging at Vergil for making -is endings accusative. DAMN YOU VERGIL. And all those neuters. GAH NEUTERS.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I could've probably done AP Latin last year to get it at the expense of any possible free time.

AP Latin is... tons of works. An raeging at Vergil for making -is endings accusative. DAMN YOU VERGIL. And all those neuters. GAH NEUTERS.

Ugh...I hate neuters. Too many variables involved. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Vergil MESSED WITH THE NOUN ENDINGS?!?!?!?! Aieeeeeee!!!! I'm gonna' hate this, I can already tell! angry.gif

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Ugh. Well, We've learned all of the noun endings for all declensions, but I'm guessing that our Latin teacher is waiting to tell us about the major deviations for 4th/5th until later. Either that, or he told us already and I just wasn't paying attention...

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5th is quite regular.

4th is just... TOO MANY DAMN u's.

You never know when -us is nominative s/p, genitive, or accusative plural/(neuter singular). And then once in a while, happened once, I think, that Vergil put in a dative ending with -u instead of -ui.

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Interesting, I'm the only Cantonese speaker on the forums? Seems like Mandarin/Cantonese has been generalized into mere "Chinese" nowadays. Skitarii is not pleased.


Location: California

Languages known: English, Cantonese, Mandarin


English: Being born in the US....I think I don't need to comment.

Cantonese: Funny, unlike most American-born Chinese I know, I don't speak English outside of school. So my Cantonese is pretty much on the very fluent level....

Mandarin: I've had about 9-10 years of Saturday Chinese school, where I learned how to speak Mandarin and read/write Chinese characters. Unfortunately there isn't much of a chance for me to use Mandarin very much.

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Cantonese: Funny, unlike most American-born Chinese I know, I don't speak English outside of school. So my Cantonese is pretty much on the very fluent level....

Subsitute Cantonese for Mandarin and you got me.

Well, at home anyway. Can't exactly talk Mandarin to my English-only friends.

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Sometimes I wonder if I even know English.

I speak quite a bit of assembly and object oriented fluff. Oh you meant natural languages

every time there's a 'what languages you speak' topic in any forum, eventually, someone always goes ahead and mentions programming languages. XD

Well while we're at it, I speak English (obviously), some Spanish I learned from high school, a -very- minimal amount of japanese, and maybe a few random words in a bunch of other languages.

Oh and also...

## Computer languages
known = ["BASIC", "some GCS's that use a syntax similar to BASIC", "HTML", "CSS", "some PHP", "Javascript", "mIRC scripting", "Python", "C++"]
print "As for computer languages, I know: "
for lang in known:
   print lang


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Interesting, I'm the only Cantonese speaker on the forums?

...I could probably fool a particularly thick-headed non-Cantonese or Mandarin speaker into thinking I speak Cantonese?

I dunno, I like the language but it's virtually guaranteed I'll never learn to speak it.

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...I could probably fool a particularly thick-headed non-Cantonese or Mandarin speaker into thinking I speak Cantonese?

I dunno, I like the language but it's virtually guaranteed I'll never learn to speak it.

As my aunt used to joke.......just twist the pronunciation of the words and you have the other dialect..... gee_wiz_emoticon.gif Yeah you might be able to pull it off. And yeah...I don't see any Cantonese schools around here. It's all Mandarin.

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@Kev: I can only guess, did you mean "Ich spreche ziemlich gut Deutsch"? Because that sentence makes hardly any sense. What did you want to say in English?

Maybe you guessed from this, I'm a native german speaker. Also, I speak English, a bit Latin (some pieces left from two years of school lessons) and French, though I absolutely hate the last one.

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