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Just because you're smart means you have ABNORMALITIES?!


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A waste of time it is... I won't be so selfish to say that they aren't worthy of my time or thought. But if I am to blame myself for what happened, that what they did was only a reaction to something I had previously done to them, I have to assume that they aren't guilty of anything at all. They have been forgiven. Though I'm quite sure I will always remember the scenes I've been through, I don't feel embarrassed about myself anymore.

Hate is what has consumed me for a long time. And I know it's impossible to pass on wisdom, but still. Let it go. The only thing you can do is move on.

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Y'know, you could always just go work out, so that if someone does bully you, you could smash their face in.

Heck, that's what I do XD

I got pissed in gym class in grade ten, almost broke someone's neck, and no one seemed to bully me after that.

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I just stopped acting smart. It stopped the bullying and after that I just restarted. Don't rub it in, just silently go getting your 'A's, and if you understand something, share it.

Seriously, don't be a nerd, don't have a huge ego. Tell other people they are better than you at things. Be nice to everybody.

I figured this out in third grade, and I haven't had any problems since.

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How bad is bullying? Cause at my school we don't really have bullies...so...yeah smart people don't get picked on. I always see things on the news about it and stuff but I haven't actually witnessed it since maybe 5th grade. But that was just this one kid who was a jerk to everyone anyways. As I always say, be nice to everyone all the time.

Though it sucks that you had been getting picked on.

And its good it is cleared up!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hate to rant like this long after the issue has been resolved, but I feel I really need to get this off my chest.

It is extremely, extremely pretentious to walk around thinking you're smarter than everyone else. Because what? You scored higher on the joke of a scale they call the "intelligence quotient"?. If you think you're smarter than everyone else, you are 1) wrong, and 2) too dumb to realise you're wrong.

And if you're still one of those types who thinks they're more intelligent than everyone else, think about it this way: being an ass about how smart you are will NOT help you whether you are intelligent or not. You can just silently reassure yourself that you're better than others in an IMMEASURABLE QUANTITY, because the rest of us don't care.

/end rant.

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I wouldn't say there's much wrong about assuming you're more intelligent than most of the people you interact with. There's just something wrong with making it known through behavior or conversation. I believe that I am more intelligent than some pals I know, but I wouldn't ever say this to their faces in a truly serious fashion.

In any event, I do agree with you that pretentious dicks that seem to emanate douchiness in their personal sense of intellectual superiority can be beyond obnoxious.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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I think I'm smarter then most of the people I interact with.

It doesn't help that most of them freely admit that I'm smarter then them.

I just don't need to be smugly superior about it. I already know I'm better. You know I'm superior. Now go get me my god damn pancakes. And can I get an extra thing of jam? Thanks.

Also, smart people are freaks and need to burn, OP. kthnx.

Edited by Furby
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The high school I attended must have been one of the rare few, then. Anyone smart was extremely popular and always treated with respect. Of course, they never put others down for not being as smart as them, so there were no problems. I used to rub my intelligence in other peoples' faces, and I only got shit back for it. After I started to be nicer to others, I became somewhat popular among the smarter kids in school. This was mostly because I saw them all in my Calculus class. As with everyone else, I didn't have time to repair those relationships, and I now regret being the way I was. Now I am in college, and I act towards everyone the way I ended treating others in high school, and I am very well liked! Another trick is to join a group with common interests. I joined the Advocates for Sexual Equality (the campus "gay group") and I have made some great relationships there! I now have a lot of gay friends as well as a lot of Asian friends (the ASE is very close friends with the Asian Student Union or "ASU".) It's hard to imagine life being any better. :)

EDIT: Oh, this topic is older than I thought. Looks like it was long resolved! Good.

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first of all I just want to make it clear that eclipse is my favorite

Bullies. Um...when I was about 3 there was a kid who punched me in the face? Fuck him

When I was 12 a smart guy tripped me. He later had to apologize and offer to be my friend to come off as polite to my friend's mother who was supervising whatever thing we happened to be in the same room for.

That's it. All I can remember. Any further bullying beyond that was in the form of neglect.

If I had to attribute it to something, I would attribute it to not getting into other peoples' shit. If you don't have something tact to say shut the fuck up!

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My personal strategy is to act like everyone else...unless I'm in my AP classes. I strongly dislike the arrogant ones, of whom are usually fooling themselves and others around them. "I know a lot of stuff (usually not true) so therefore I'm intelligent." It's really annoying, and I'm saddened by the amount of people who buy into it.

Arrogance, to me, is a huge character flaw that is easily changed. I treat arrogant nerds the same as I would jocks: with no respect.

I used to think I was smart, until I realized how little above-average I really am. Things like science and history come easily, but where it counts, in math, I'm a disaster compared to what I thought I was. It's actually quite frustrating.

Anyway, it's pretty odd how quickly you, the OP, were able to flip your situation around.

TL;DR (sorta): Don't be an arrogant asshole and no one will bully you.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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