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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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So instead of banning Warp, just ban Warp and Rescue. It seems perfectly logical to me and absolutely nobody has given me a good reason not to.

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So instead of banning Warp, just ban Warp and Rescue. It seems perfectly logical to me and absolutely nobody has given me a good reason not to.

That's why I want to start a topic, you haven't played the game yet, so you cannot decide if it's logical! D=<

I'll start a topic, since I have probably had the most experiece with these staves, and hammerne. And I'll try to make it as clear as possible, so people can discuss everything and hopfully we can come to a reasonable verdict in the end.

/Me sprints off to make a word document.

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People should list themselves as their original names in draft threads.

Except I have a bad habit of editing it to whatever is current at the time just to thwart people like you who change their names incessantly.

I also change draftee's names to the translations I prefer :p

@Sal: You go do that. Again, I only know what I'm told - when I say it seems like a logical choice, it's because nobody has done anything to convince me otherwise.

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Except I have a bad habit of editing it to whatever is current at the time just to thwart people like you who change their names incessantly.

I mean them OPs.

I also change draftee's names to the translations I prefer :p

What a waste of time.

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You don't run the list, now do you? I don't like Katua and Paora, so I change them before they go into my logs.

EDIT: And to top that off, it enforces consistency which prevents the list from looking like shit when it goes from one translation to another in two lines. I don't think it looks nice when FE3 Draft 1 has Kashim and FE3 Draft 2 has Castor, do you?

Edited by Integrity
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If you want to play the "I think it's ..." game, I think it's Palla. :P

But I know I've seen both Paola and Paora used, even if Paola is more common by a good bit.

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fe10 NM draft is finished drafting.

Dave strider - Haar, Aran, Laura, Mordecai, Soren, Leonardo, Ranulf,Kyza, Pelleas.

S. Harpoon - Jill, Gatrie, Janaff, Calill, Astrid, Fiona. Cain,Stefan, Bastian

Slayer x - Nolan, Elincia, Tanith, Rhys, Kieran, Tauroneo., Giffca, Gareth,Ena.

Phokingbeast - Edward, Mia, Nephenee, Ulki, Tibarn, Skrirmir, Muarim, Devdan,Lyre

PKL - Titania, Marcia, Zihark, Brom, Rolf, Tormod, Sanaki, Makalov, Renning.

Quintessence - Boyd, Ilyana, Nealuchi, Meg, Lucia, Naesala, Nasir, Volke, Kurth

Thisisjaye - Volug, Oscar, Nailah, Shinon, Sigrun, Mist , Vika, Lethe, Oliver

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Looks like it's time to put in all sorts of silly translations! Using both mine and Darros' rulesets, I've got a suggestion for the FE3 ruleset. Stuff in bold I'm not sure about.


1. This draft is for 5 people, each receiving 10 units.

2. Marth, Julian, Ricardo, Elice, Jeigan (Book 1) and Arran (Book 2) are free.

3. Standard snake draft! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2... etc.

4. Units are drafted across both books. Drafting Matthis lets you use him for both books.

5. There's a 24 hour time limit on drafting. After that, the drafted unit is decided randomly.


1. Undrafted units are free to meatshield, talk to units, get recruited, shop, find hidden items and die.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything else! Including but not limited to the following; attack, promote, use a staff, use an item or use the arena.

3. An illegal action by an undrafted unit results in an 4 turn penalty for that chapter. Using multiple undrafted units results in stacked penalties.

3. Drafted units are free to die or not be recruited.

4. Arena use is permitted for drafted units.

5. Warp is permitted to be used on any unit excluding Marth. The exceptions are in the final chapter of each book, where Warp is not allowed at all. Marth may only be warped to Arran or Samson's village in book 1. Illegal use of warp results in a 50 turn penalty.

6. Rescue use is permitted as long as Yumina has not been warped previously. A warped Yumina may not use the Rescue Staff for that chapter or will otherwise incur a 20 turn penalty.

7. All chapters in book 2 must be visited. Obtaining the bad ending results in a 50 turn penalty.

8. Sirius is banned other than in the chapter mentioned below.


1. Linde and Palla are free in chapter 3 (Book 2), Oguma and Sirius are free in Chapter 4 (Book 2), Marich is free in Chapter 10 (Book 2), the four princesses are also free in Book 2's final chapter.

2. As stated previously, Marth can only be warped to Samson or Arran's village in book 1.

Quite a few of the Orb fragments are found in chests, as well as anyone drafting a thief ending up with a massive advantage. They can steal some swag and can actually fight pretty well due to the horrible caps. The discussion on Rescue in FE12 probably applies to FE3 as well. The warp rule seems to work pretty well in FE11, so maybe it's worth a shot here? Chapters 3 and 4 are pretty much down to luck, if you don't have an archer, those dragons are nasty. Oguma has a horrible tendency to die in chapter 4, so maybe making Sirius free for that chapter could help.

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Political Draft (#28971)

1. Dr. Will, courtesy Cobalt: {Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna}, {Briggid, Patty, Faval}, Dew, Holyn, Arden, Dimna, Cuan, Laylea, Johalva, Sharlow

2. Dokutayuu, courtesy Lorddomu: {Sylvia, Leen, Corple}, {Aideen, Lana, Lester}, Midir, Claude, Alec, Hawk, Femina, Radney, Hannibal, Jamka

3. Lorddomu, courtesy Dokutayuu: {Ayra, Lakche, Skasaher}, {Ethlin, Altenna, Leaf}, Lex, Fin, Ares, Janne, Shanan, Linda, Amid, Daisy

4. Cobalt, courtesy Dr. Will: {Fury, Fee, Sety}, {Tiltyu, Tinny, Arthur}, Azel, Levin, Mana, Noish, Tristan, Rodolbahn, Johan, Beowulf

Daros hosted but did not participate.

I even used Midir and Ares. B|

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- Horace(1) and Integ*(2) - (Ethlin,Leaf,Altenna), (Brigid,Patty,Faval), Noish, Claude, Azel, Dew - Linda, Femina, Tristan, Dimna
- Lumi(1) and Furet*(2) - (Ira,Lakche,Skasaha), (Lachesis,Nanna,Delmud), Holyn, Beowulf, Arec - Aless, Yoharuba, Mana, Aserlo, Hanivall
- Rein(1) and Psych*(2) - (Tailto,Arthur,Tinny), (Aideen,Lana,Lester), Lex, Midale, Cuan - Laylea, Hawk, Loddervan, Radnay, Yamuka
- [b]Kim/Iris(1) and Kam*(2)[/b] - (Fury,Fee,Sety), (Sylvia,Leen,Corple), Levin, Fin - Shanan, Amid, Daisy, Aldan, Yahne, Yohan, Yohan

Edited by Kam
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@Darros: Wait, what the fuck somebody got Levin!Tiltyu in a DRAFTING BY PROXY game? How retarded were your drafters?

Also, while you may not be able to comprehend how I appreciate you using Midir and Ares, you misspelled one word in your post:

Darros. :p

@Kam: Okay, fine, don't fix your deliberately fuxed translations for me.

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...I misspelled my own name.


I think the intent was for Levin!Fury, but maybe Dr.Will forgot that he had Tiltyu too.

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If we are banning warp/rescue/again being cast on marth by anyone, and banning feena dancing for him, where is the problem? Where is the loophole?

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If we are banning warp/rescue/again being cast on marth by anyone, and banning feena dancing for him, where is the problem? Where is the loophole?

So basically it's Fe11 again.

The thing is, everyone can get those staves, everyone can use them. The person (MEMEMEMEALLTHETIME) who drafts malliesia, faces an immediate 6 turns extra, getting her, and her faraway staff. She makes up for it still, but it isn't overpowered. IS balanced that.

Why should feena not be able to dance for marth? Lalum & Elphin etc get to do that all the time. Feena is usable by everyone right now, because if she was draftable, that person would automatically win. The again staff has only 3 uses, you get two of them. That's six uses, and max 12 for hammerne (i'm not counting the stupid to get pre final chapter staff btw) . Since hammerne + malicia costs 6 turns, she equals that out. Hammerne-ing again staves doesn't help saving turns. You'd only make up for malicia's cost. Everyone can get the again staves, they aren't that hard to get, you even have a thief staff with entire map range to get them. It's level E or D btw, so a bishop can wield it. And why should we not be able to cast again on marth? It helps to recruit people who have matthis syndrome, like samson on sheema, instead of having to endure an attack of samson, marth can get agained, and recruit them both immeiately, saving a stupid scenario where sheema can't reach samson. The again staff also doesn't give marth infinite range, he gets 9 extra move out of it. Not an entire map, which is why warping marth is banned. Banning either feena or the again staff is ridiculous, since neither give marth the entire map as his playground, and both have problems. Feena has trouble keeping up with marth and is frail, she hates ballistae. The again staff has only 3 uses.

Warp and rescue:

Let me begin with that there is nothing wrong with the current rules that have been transferred from fe11, and the added rescue rule is ok as well. I'd like to see added to that the prohibiting of staff chains, which I explained earlier. The thing is: This is a new game with old rules, things work different here, if something is different, you shouldn't ban it because it doesn't fit with your current image of good (fe11), but analyze it and see what needs to happen. If it's deemed to broken, then it can be banned. The same happened with the RD penalties system. It had non standard penalties for a long time, after that, people decided it didn't work quite as well as they wanted, and the standard penalties were introduced, with exceptions for certain chapters.

Warping marth is overpowered, clear case, it gives marth infinite range, and then he can still move his ass somewhere. Warping a rescue user to rescue marth has the same effect. Warping a rescue user to rescue the warper who then rescues marth has the same effect. And the chain begins. So ban rescue chains at least. Banning warp on marth is good. We need warp however, for other characters. Tiki would love to become a wyvern, wyvernstones can only be gotten by use of warp. Etc. So just no warping marth. Other units may benefit from it in different ways.

Then we have rescue... The use of rescue determines how effective it is. For use on marth that is. Again staves on marth are staightforward, warp on marth is as well. Rescue however, is influenced by what marth has to do. And a lot of strategies rely on it right now, strategies that everyone can utilize. We need to get Virgo, a starshard, minerva has it, so marth has to go to her village, everyone with E staves can go for the seize while he does that, and rescue marth. This can save like... three turns? Rescue can be used for a 1 turn of chapter 6, it saves only one turn there. The use of Rescue determines the impact it has on a turncount. Rescue is the only staff right now ito have that effect, this is the only staff that isn't straightforward, and I plan on doing more research on these staves, I have already opened a topic, I am making preparations for a Fe12 ABSOLUTE lowest turncount. I then want to host a "Do these staves need to be banned draft" by Selecting a team the size of a draft team, with me using all the staves, and the others being able to use only one staff/no staves at all. Feena might also be involved, but well, feena should either be banned or free for all, draftable makes her broken. And then compare the resulats, see what turns I could get, and what others had to do the hard way. I am making preparations for all this, and after I finish some drafts, I will launch it.

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For that absolute lowest TC thing, Sal, Horace might be giving you a good rival. He's hitting minimum possible TCs every single chapter so far. (My draft).

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For that absolute lowest TC thing, Sal, Horace might be giving you a good rival. He's hitting minimum possible TCs every single chapter so far. (My draft).

I saw, however, Malicia will be better later on. So we will see. I will be using my rescue uses differently this time, not on 6x, where it saves only one turn. Fe12 cannot be Absolute lowest turncounted, as in marth seizes as effieciently possible everywhere when you are using staves, because you need mailiesia anyway, and as I stated, the rescue staff has different turns saving depending on where you use it. i will be asking you, horace and some others for using the no staves/only one staff teams. The teams will probably be the same, minimizing variation except for staves.

Edit: Indeed Horace, I will be having to catch up to you later in fe12, but I will. :)

Edited by Vicious Sal
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