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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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"yes integrity you have the perfect format there don't change a damn thing"


Also, I was going to say the same thing Hawk King said. What about creating a new thread and have Page 1 (20 posts) contain logs, clears, ruleset, etc. Something like Post#1: Intro, definition, ruleset, etc. Post#2: FE1 drafts and clears, Post#3: FE2, Post#4: FE3 and so on, with just title of draft, ID/whatever number and drafters (drafter name): (final TC).

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yes integrity you have the perfect format there don't change a damn thing

I don't think it's too big of a loss to not have the teams. As long as the thread number is there, you're only like 5 seconds away from seeing your team for that draft. I didn't really think that knowing the host was important.

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Also, I was going to say the same thing Hawk King said. What about creating a new thread and have Page 1 (20 posts) contain logs, clears, ruleset, etc. Something like Post#1: Intro, definition, ruleset, etc. Post#2: FE1 drafts and clears, Post#3: FE2, Post#4: FE3 and so on, with just title of draft, ID/whatever number and drafters (drafter name): (final TC).

If the call ends up being a new thread/shooping en masse, I sure as fuck won't be dedicating a single post to each game. FE1 takes up 400 characters. FE4 takes up twenty-two thousand.

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The question isn't the number of posts, mate. I'll redeploy based on what looks best and what splits fairly even, just like I did when I split the line down between FE8 and FE9.

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#35560 FE12 sadist draft has finished drafting.

Jedi: Palla, Caeda

*PKL: Ryan, Merric

Kempf: Cecille, Ellerean

Lucina: Catria, Darros

Xinnidy: Rody, Linde

Baldrick: Luke, Yumina

SB: Draug, Athena

Strider: Ogma, Wrys

Dio: Gordin, Sirius

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Integ, I can have a list with logs and clears while DTE is under reconstruction :p

I'm updating the documents on my local machine. Once this is all sorted the public logs will be completely up-to-date.

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PKL forgot to report this:

FE7 Tier List Testing Draft #2 #35705 has finished drafting:

ZM456: Florina, Pent, Oswin, Dorcas, Serra, Legault, Nino

Horace: Fiora, Erk, Eliwood, Hawkeye, Bartre/Karla, Jaffar, Vaida

*PKL: Lowen, Canas, Rath, Dart, Raven, Wil, Guy

Lucina: Sain, Lucius, Farina, Matthew, Harken, Rebecca, Renault

Jedi: Kent, Heath, Isadora, Priscilla, Lyn, Louise, Karel

I finished it in 150 turns.

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Finished [FE11] Person-Promo SOYO Draft #33574 in 179 turns. All glory to the Maria!

Also I totally concur with the new format, but this is coming from someone who has like, a OneNote document of all of his teams and the turncounts for each draft haha.

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That solution is pointless and also an actively bad idea, because I'd probably succumb to the temptation to actively censor certain people when they tried to get into too many drafts, then I'd face disciplinary action and fun stuff would happen.

EDIT: For the time being, then, I'm going to go through the painstaking process of reformatting every draft in the logs. That's going to take time. I'll keep a fully formatted copy of the logs as they were 22.10.12 in case there's some big uprising when we all realize not having teams SUCKS and IS LAME.

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Integrity, I suggest that Sharpy be blacklisted from joining any more drafts or starting drafts that other people will join until he finishes all of his old drafts WITH sufficient logs and justification. Not his "I finished X in Y turns" bullshit. It drives everyone crazy.

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When someone or something is blacklisted it isnt enforced by some "governing power". It's up to the drafting community to join together to blacklist Sharpy. Like a mob.

With that being said, I already refuse to join a draft that he makes and if I ever did host one I would refuse to let him join.

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#26165, FE5 Draft #2

cleared in 214 turns about 1 year and 3 months ago but I don't know if I reported it then

#35076, Everybody hates Gen 1

98 turn clear

I liked the old formatting because it let me do mental math with turncounts and stuff. More information = good. My preferred solution is to shoop in extra posts or make a new thread entirely.

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I actually think creating a new thread wouldn't be too horrible an idea. This topic could be locked, Integ gets 5 posts or something for logs, everything works out fine.

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I liked the old formatting because it let me do mental math with turncounts and stuff. More information = good. My preferred solution is to shoop in extra posts or make a new thread entirely.

How do you mean, predicting turncounts based on peoples' teams?

EDIT: and of course neither of you show up /before/ I'm actively fixing :|

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How do you mean, predicting turncounts based on peoples' teams?

EDIT: and of course neither of you show up /before/ I'm actively fixing :|

Well I'm sorry, I happened to wander into DTE to post up my final TC for a draft. I don't check this thread all that regularly. I also pay some attention to FE4 drafting, and yes, one can kind of tell how those drafts went/are going to go just by looking at the teams, now that we've apparently settled on a rescue-all-the-things-and-dance metagame. I know the information is still available in the individual threads, but now if I want to do side-by-side comparisons across drafts, or things like that, I've got to pull and compile all of it myself.

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The facts were these:

DTElogs1.odt, remaining as it was at the moment of breakage, is a massive document spanning 91595 characters, 12774 words, 1672 lines, and 35 pages.

DTElogs1TRIM.odt, as you see it now, spans 29290 characters, 4125 words, 775 lines, and 16 pages. That's 32% of the characters, 32% of the words, 46% of the lines, and therefore 46% of the pages.

DTElogs2.odt, remaining as it was when DTElogs1.odt broke, has much the same story, spanning 77109 characters, 10732 words, 1267 lines, and 26 pages.

DTElogs2TRIM.odt, as you see it now, spans 19659 characters, 2766 words, 475 lines, and 10 pages. That's 25% of the characters, 26% of the words, 37% of the lines, and 38% of the pages.


EDIT: NOTES: I have NOT caught up on the logs updates, despite what I said. Also, please comb the logs at your collective leisure and try to find mistakes.

EDIT2: Also, special thanks to newcomer, non-drafter, and guy-who-happened-to-be-on-IP-at-the-time Gorgar for suggesting what become my final implementation of draft takeovers. Crack open a cold one for this guy.

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