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WTF is up with the release date?

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Release dates for all(?) upcoming DS games revealed(with FE12 absent)

^ :(

...Time to brush aside the thought of the sequel to the Shadow Dragon game coming to America without a fight or two directed at Nintendo with the purpose of helping to get it there. :(

EDIT: Of course, the above is true unless an unexpected surprise(don't want to totally break the bad news, in case most of you still are hoping) occurs by the end of Nintendo's 2011-12 fiscal year(which ends after March 2012), however, that is not likely to happen. Outside of that, feel free to either fan-translate or complain to Nintendo, as it looks(almost?) certain that FE12 is not going to make it out of Japan under legitimate means in terms of the non-Japanese markets... :(

Edited by shadowjam
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As a sort of love letter, Itadaki Street is finally getting localized, which is going to confuse the fuck out of new players expecting something like Mario Party. It's a bump of the DS Itadaki Street, coming to Wii this fall, titled 'Fortune Street.'

And no plans for Fire Emblem 3 DS... but a slightly esoteric title that has never formally been seen outside of Japan? XD But hey, I wub the Itadaki Street games~

Edited by Celice
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I wouldn't say it so definitively just yet. I think we're at least at the point where we can say we shouldn't be expecting it, but it'll take more time before we can say, with near certainty, that it's definitely not coming.

How many niche games do you know of that have taken 11+ months to get localized?

I wasn't saying that that poll should influence sales. I'm saying that a series that can beat those kinds of games should not be ignored.

And if Nintendo doesn't care about stuff like that, then I'll tell them what I think with something they actually care about- my money. Don't like what a company is doing, don't give 'em your money.

And I'm saying that Nintendo probably doesn't care what GameFAQs thinks. Fire Emblem didn't beat Mario and Kirby in sales for recent games, as a whole over the world.

And you can say that, but I highly doubt you'll never buy another Mario/Kirby/Pokémon/etc. game from Nintendo.

The only reason I haven't given up all hope is because I don't see the logic in not releasing it internationally.

Because it would cost too much for them to spend time localizing it, and wouldn't get enough net gain in return? Yes, I'm sure everyone here would buy the game, but with the last sales of FE games in NA, it's not surprising that they don't want to take the chance.

The new Kirby game and SMT seem like they'll be good buys, as well as the new Kirby game on the Wii and Skyward sword. Looks like that list has some pretty good titles for release.

Edited by seph1212
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How many niche games do you know of that have taken 11+ months to get localized?

Does it matter? It's as I said; I'm not expecting it, but I'm not about to say "It definitely isn't coming," either.

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How many niche games do you know of that have taken 11+ months to get localized?

Tales of Graces F isn't coming out until 2012.

but with the last sales of FE games in NA

The latest sales of FE games in the U.S.A. would actually be a good thing considering FE9 and FE10 sold better in the U.S.A. than Japan and Nintendo probably only made a profit from those games because they were released in the U.S.A. FE11 also sold decently in the U.S.A.

The most likely reason as to why Nintendo would probably be afraid to release this game is because it came out to close to the 3DS and because Golden Sun DD (another RPG) was likely a flop and definitely didn't reach the sales they wanted it too.

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The most likely reason as to why Nintendo would probably be afraid to release this game is because it came out to close to the 3DS and because Golden Sun DD (another RPG) was likely a flop and definitely didn't reach the sales they wanted it too.

I don't really see that as a reason, because there are still a lot of DS games planned for release, and I doubt FE being a TRPG would be the deterrent for a release.

And yeah, ToGF would be a pretty good example.

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The release of the DS in 2004 didn't stop them from localizing FE8 in 2005, did it?

I doubt the release of the 3DS in 2011 will stop them from localizing FE12 in 2012, or at least it won't be the only reason why they don't.

Edited by Paper Jam
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It feels like Nintendo is eager to regain the sales momentum they had with the Wii and DS and they're pouring all of their translation resources into their two new systems. By the time the translation team has time for FE3DS, the DS will probably be considered too old or outdated for them to bother with. Remember that for Nintendo to want to translate it, it not only has to turn a profit, but turn more of a profit during that release timeframe than they would make translating some other game. Same thing happened to Front Mission 5, another classic tactics title. Square's translation team was busy with other major projects, PS2 got old and fell by the wayside. In the end it just never made it. I really doubt it's coming at this point.

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Keep in mind, the GBA continued until 2006, 2 years after the DS was released. Many games still sold decently on the GBA. While I'm not going to say there's a moderate possibility that it's going to be released (It wasn't mentioned at E3 or any of it's release announcements, what the hell Nintendo), there's still a slim chance that it might be released in the US quietly.

If not, oh well. Nintendo's loss.

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It feels like Nintendo is eager to regain the sales momentum they had with the Wii and DS and they're pouring all of their translation resources into their two new systems. By the time the translation team has time for FE3DS, the DS will probably be considered too old or outdated for them to bother with. Remember that for Nintendo to want to translate it, it not only has to turn a profit, but turn more of a profit during that release timeframe than they would make translating some other game. Same thing happened to Front Mission 5, another classic tactics title. Square's translation team was busy with other major projects, PS2 got old and fell by the wayside. In the end it just never made it. I really doubt it's coming at this point.

And while a translation effort may not seem as expensive as creating an entirely new game, in that, only the text really has to be altered, and that in a sense, it should turn an easy profit... there's still remanufacturing a shitton of games to resell with a different set of text. And then a bunch of useless additional charges, for marketing, printing booklets and cases, copyright shits, things about setting up franchises in other countries shit, other shit

Fan translations really spoil us :3

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Speaking of which. How close to the original text is kept in this remake? Also, how far is any translation work in the event we never get what we would like?

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I only briefly read the dialogue when playing around a year ago, but I got the impression that most of the dialogue is the same, except some parts are changed slightly to accommodate My Unit. There was one notable change that I noticed, which is in Chapter 14, Gotoh doesn't mention anything about

Adrah being the one who stole the Shield of Seals (presumably to continue the retcon of Artemis's Curse from Shadow Dragon)


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[spoiler=Story spoilers]In the original FE1/3, Adrah stole the Shield of Seals, selling the Orbs to fund an army and conquer the continent. During FE3 Chapter 14, Marth mentions that the curse of the Fire Emblem probably resulted from Adrah's actions.

However, in FE11/12, it is stated somewhere that Artemis cursed the Fire Emblem herself before handing it over to Cartas during Medeus's first invasion. Combined with the removed Adrah reference in FE12's Chapter 14, it seems to me that IS tried to change the origin of the Fire Emblem's curse in the remakes.

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That seems strange and rather pointless.

And, this may be a rather stupid question, but what is the curse of the Fire Emblem?

I thought it was bit weird and pointless as well, which is was disappointing as well since it was one of the more interesting reveals.

The curse of the Fire Emblem (aka Artemis's Curse) is along the lines of the person who gives away the Fire Emblem never finds true happiness.

thats another question i had i mean i know its changed around but this is still a remake and the original has been translated so that has to make it a little easier to translate right?

Not speaking for the translation team, but I'm thinking not necessarily. I think chances are high that somebody will translate it from scratch for various reasons. There's also the new content to consider, which is quite large (around 15 new chapters and 300 new conversations).

Edited by VincentASM
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Not speaking for the translation team, but I'm thinking not necessarily. I think chances are high that somebody will translate it from scratch for various reasons. There's also the new content to consider, which is quite large (around 15 new chapters and 300 new conversations).

what? when was it translated before?

Edited by geozeldadude
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The curse of the Fire Emblem (aka Artemis's Curse) is along the lines of the person who gives away the Fire Emblem never finds true happiness.


I guess the person who gives it away had better find another Fire Emblem.

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I dont mind waiting for the new FE because with time...comes quality? With games i think that the more time it takes, the better the game will be, i mean look at COD. They produce a game EVERY year and they usually play like shit, end up glitchy, bad graphics, etc. With Pokemon, it got weird after Emerald and im not trying to hate on B/W but what im saying is yes, pokemon is fun, but Emerald was the last game that i didnt have to look at the game's cover and shake my head in sadness

The one game i dont want to see realeased ever is the new Advance Wars...after reading that the "Days of Ruin" style would be returning i turned off the computer and QQ'd

Be happy though, FE is fun and when you finally get the game, you will probably feel that the time investment was worth it

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I dont mind waiting for the new FE because with time...comes quality? With games i think that the more time it takes, the better the game will be, i mean look at COD. They produce a game EVERY year and they usually play like shit, end up glitchy, bad graphics, etc. With Pokemon, it got weird after Emerald and im not trying to hate on B/W but what im saying is yes, pokemon is fun, but Emerald was the last game that i didnt have to look at the game's cover and shake my head in sadness

The one game i dont want to see realeased ever is the new Advance Wars...after reading that the "Days of Ruin" style would be returning i turned off the computer and QQ'd

Be happy though, FE is fun and when you finally get the game, you will probably feel that the time investment was worth it

I think we're talking about something else here, though...

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