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Ch14: Open Fire (10/144)

Brighton, Marty, and Carrion each plugged an entrance. Wrath and Carrion's 4 PCC just rip enemies to shreads. Selphina and Robert take some potshots while Salem and Saphy mostly focus on healing. Leaf and Glade mostly just give support but Glade does a bit of fighting. Karin rescues Salem and Saphy out of dangerous positions or occasionally takes out an enemy. Marty promoted about halfway through the chapter, he's now quite agile because of the impressive +6 speed promotion bonus. Recruited Homer with Nanna on the last turn, if only for his Lightning Tome, using a damaged Leaf as bait so Nanna wouldn't be targeted. Cool chapter because it's the first where I was able to deploy everyone. Selphina hit Level 20, but she may not end up promoting since Salem is much higher priority for a Proof than either her or Robert.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    20.00  43  09  03  16  15  10  07  08 	
Marty   02.44  44  14  03  14  15  16  15  20
Saphy   08.24  31  05  16  14  13  10  01  03
Bright  11.46  42  20  02  12  20  08  15  15
Karin   11.92  38  16  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  09.54  49  20  04  20  20  17  16  15
Selphi  20.00  32  12  04  14  13  11  06  05
Robert  14.36  30  11  00  08  16  15  06  08
Salem   12.90  25  00  09  11  11  02  04  04
Glade   05.94  35  13  04  14  13  05  11  12

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Chapter 20

So I had Halvan and my undraftees stay at the Throne room while the bad boys take care of all the fighting. Dagda and Leaf broke their way out of the throne room taking out alot of enemies. Dalshin, Kein and Miranda opened the doors and made their way out, killing alot more enemies on the process. I had Miranda kill Barat and the enemies sorrounding. Also, along with Kein and Conomore, they did alot of capturing. Dagda and Dalshin also captured some enemies, but nowhere as much as the others. As for Shiva and Tina...I had them up at the North-East corner room to capture some Armours for the precious killers, while Tina took advantage of her infinite staff range to heal. Shiva also retrieved the Silence staff at the last turn. Tina happened to reach a B in staves right after she stole the Master proof from one of the chests, using her last use of the Unlock staff. With that, I had her promote on Turn 2.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con   Support
Leaf      8.30  41 14   4  17  17  19   8   9
Dagda    20.--  49 17   4  15  13   7  17  15 
Dalshin  15.20  47 20   1  17  17   6  20  20
shiva    18.22  44 20   2  20  20  18  17  15
Kein     15.14  48 20   1  16  20  15  17  20
Tina      4.70  21  1  16   8  20  20   2   4
Miranda  15.22  39 10  20  20  20  18  18   6
Conomore 14.20  39 14   4  18  11   4  12  13

I stole alot of...

- Master lances

- Long lances

- Thunder tomes and staves

- 3 Killing edges

- And some Vulneraries that acompanied some Priest's inventory.

14 turns.

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Ch14x: Freedom (11+5/144) (Pahn penalty)

I really hate this chapter. Left behind Brighton (fatigued), Karin (next chapter is a solo for her), Saphy (fucked up by Peg Knights), Marty (no reason to bring him really) and Selphina (Level 20 and would just be wasting the expensive weapons she needs to be useful). Anyway, rushed to the exit, with Glade rescuing Linoan to keep her out of combat. Brought Pahn to steal a bunch of Rewarp staves. Just charged north, killing stuff along the way and capturing dark mages. Salem uses his Heal staff a bunch to try and get his rank up, not at B yet though. Carrion is also fucking ridiculous, his DISMOUNTED stats are incredible and make my jaw drop. He captures the boss in one round (dismounted) and takes his Fenrir tome with 1 use left. I sit around the exit for a couple more turns and kill random stuff and steal more Rewarp staves, I'm even able to let one civilian escape. Everyone just runs eventually.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    20.00  43  09  03  16  15  10  07  08 	
Marty   02.44  44  14  03  14  15  16  15  20
Saphy   08.24  31  05  16  14  13  10  01  03
Bright  11.46  42  20  02  12  20  08  15  15
Karin   11.92  38  16  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  13.62  51  20  05  20  20  19  17  17
Selphi  20.00  32  12  04  14  13  11  06  05
Robert  19.22  35  13  00  11  19  20  08  11
Salem   15.62  27  01  10  13  12  04  05  04
Glade   06.42  36  14  04  14  14  05  11  13

I just calculated the number of Warp uses I have remaining and orgasmed EVERYWHERE. The remainder of this game is going to go by quick.

Edited by Silvercrow
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Ch15: The Two Pathes (3/147)

Could've warpskipped, but decided it was better to keep Saphy's fatigue down. Karin rescues Leaf over the mountains. Brighton captures a guy to get an axe. Karin visits the Killer Lance village before Leaf visits the church.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    20.00  43  09  03  16  15  10  07  08 	
Marty   02.44  44  14  03  14  15  16  15  20
Saphy   08.24  31  05  16  14  13  10  01  03
Bright  11.66  42  20  02  12  20  08  15  15
Karin   11.92  38  16  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  13.62  51  20  05  20  20  19  17  17
Selphi  20.00  32  12  04  14  13  11  06  05
Robert  19.22  35  13  00  11  19  20  08  11
Salem   15.62  27  01  10  13  12  04  05  04
Glade   06.42  36  14  04  14  14  05  11  13

Ch16A: Norden Line (3/150)

Warpskip. Took a turn extra to get the Knight Proof village. Also got the Holy Water because I could.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    20.00  43  09  03  16  15  10  07  08     
Marty   02.44  44  14  03  14  15  16  15  20
Saphy   09.84  31  06  17  15  13  10  01  03
Bright  11.66  42  20  02  12  20  08  15  15
Karin   12.12  38  17  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  15.70  53  20  05  20  20  20  18  18
Selphi  20.00  32  12  04  14  13  11  06  05
Robert  19.22  35  13  00  11  19  20  08  11
Salem   16.62  28  01  10  13  13  04  05  04
Glade   06.42  36  14  04  14  14  05  11  13

Edited by Silvercrow
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Ch17A: Lenster's Gate (5/155)

Warpskip. Saphy repairs the staff on turn 1 while Karin flies off to get the Warp and Rescue Staff villages. Marty moves north to distract Misha the ugly. Turn 2, Carrion gets warped and oneshots the boss with an Armorslayer crit. Karin moves further north. Turn 3, Leaf gets Warped and Karin gets the Warp staff. Turn 4, Karin gets the Rescue Staff and Glade gets warped up to the platform with the dark mages. He crits with the Killer Lance and captures the mage boss. This required a bit of luck to get Glade not to take too many Yotsmungandr hits. Luckily, they have around 50% hit rates and Glade can take 2 hits without dying, so with proper positioning and a bit of luck he was able to survive. Turn 5, Glade takes his Warp and Fortify Staves, along with his Fenrir. Leaf seizes.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    20.00  43  09  03  16  15  10  07  08 	
Marty   03.14  45  14  03  14  15  17  15  20
Saphy   12.84  31  08  18  18  15  10  01  03
Bright  11.66  42  20  02  12  20  08  15  15
Karin   13.72  38  17  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  17.00  54  20  05  20  20  20  19  19
Selphi  20.00  32  12  04  14  13  11  06  05
Robert  19.22  35  13  00  11  19  20  08  11
Salem   18.12  29  01  11  15  13  04  06  04
Glade   08.02  38  15  04  14  14  06  12  14

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God damn. I mean, I had a chance of second, but then...>_>

Tina and Safy ugh....

And he stole Salem too.

Don't forget round 3 Karin. Early flier with great speed and luck and decent str (especially with scroll help). I doubt Olwen is better than Karin. Not when there's only, what, 3 easy to get fliers? And one of them is Eda?

The programmers seemed to have forgotten that the higher leveled, same class unit is supposed to have a lower PCC than the underleveled guy. See Selphina and Robert. And they gave him two movement starts to add insult to injury. Seriously, wha? All she's got is a luck lead.

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Selphina actually has a really significant lead in her weapon rank over Robert, which means she can use Killer/Brave Bows when nobody else can. She also gives Glade like 30 crit with an Iron Lance.

Niche uses, but maybe better than Robert's okayish combat.

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The programmers seemed to have forgotten that the higher leveled, same class unit is supposed to have a lower PCC than the underleveled guy. See Selphina and Robert. And they gave him two movement starts to add insult to injury. Seriously, wha? All she's got is a luck lead.

Ahem sir, I do believe you forget the Dragon Lance.

If Eda could use it she wouldn't be that worthless.

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Ch15: The Two Pathes (3/147)

Could've warpskipped, but decided it was better to keep Saphy's fatigue down. Karin rescues Leaf over the mountains. Brighton captures a guy to get an axe. Karin visits the Killer Lance village before Leaf visits the church.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    20.00  43  09  03  16  15  10  07  08 	
Marty   02.44  44  14  03  14  15  16  15  20
Saphy   08.24  31  05  16  14  13  10  01  03
Bright  11.66  42  20  02  12  20  08  15  15
Karin   11.92  38  16  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  13.62  51  20  05  20  20  19  17  17
Selphi  20.00  32  12  04  14  13  11  06  05
Robert  19.22  35  13  00  11  19  20  08  11
Salem   15.62  27  01  10  13  12  04  05  04
Glade   06.42  36  14  04  14  14  05  11  13

You could have 2-turned it by having Brighton rescue Leaf, then canto one square around Karin, have someone swap him to her and drop Leaf off near the church on turn one.

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Selphina actually has a really significant lead in her weapon rank over Robert, which means she can use Killer/Brave Bows when nobody else can. She also gives Glade like 30 crit with an Iron Lance.

Niche uses, but maybe better than Robert's okayish combat.

Don't get me wrong, I love her for her weapon rank. If I were to ever use a mounted bow unit in fe5, I'm sure I'd use her instead of him.

It's just that they at least gave him something, to maybe one day make him better than her.

Eda has the deck stacked against her in comparison to Dean. And I guess I kinda forgot his PRF.

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Eh. At this point I just want to finish. Looking back, there are tons of turns I could have shaved. Like I said though, I've been playing very sloppily.

And yea, Eda is just terrible. Poor girl.

Ch18: The Liberation of Lenster (2/157)

Fuck this chapter. Fuck Xavier. And fuck unit placement. And most of all, fuck Salem not having A Staves yet. :| Warped Karin up with the Killing Edge. She dealt 1 crit to Gustav on each round on combat and it took her 3 to bring him down. Warped Leaf on turn 2 and seized. LEAF FINALLY PROMOTES THANK CHRIST ALLMIGHTY.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    01.00  43  10  04  17  16  10  08  08     
Marty   03.14  45  14  03  14  15  17  15  20
Saphy   14.44  32  09  19  18  16  10  01  03
Bright  11.66  42  20  02  12  20  08  15  15
Karin   13.72  38  17  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  17.00  54  20  05  20  20  20  19  19
Selphi  20.00  32  12  04  14  13  11  06  05
Robert  19.46  35  13  00  11  19  20  08  11
Salem   18.12  29  01  11  15  13  04  06  04
Glade   08.02  38  15  04  14  14  06  12  14

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Ch19: The Empire Strikes [back] (9/166)

No way to really do this pretty, and Saphy was fatigued anyway so she sat out. Manipulated it so a bunch of undrafted mounted units would be at the bottom of the map along with Brighton, Carrion, and Glade. The undraftees rescued the civilians and headed for the hills. Carrion, Brighton, and to a lesser extent Glade tried their best to hold off the enemies, but they're actually quite powerful in this chapter. Once they brought down Amalda and Conomore, though, it got a whole lot easier since the units lost leadership and they began to miss quite frequently. Leaf got a Wind tome and a Heal staff. Just went as fast as I could. Salem healed a couple times, STILL no B staves, wtf are you doing man?

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    01.00  43  10  04  17  16  10  08  08 	
Marty   03.14  45  14  03  14  15  17  15  20
Saphy   14.44  32  09  19  18  16  10  01  03
Bright  14.86  44  20  02  13  20  09  16  15
Karin   13.72  38  17  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  18.14  55  20  05  20  20  20  20  20
Selphi  20.00  32  12  04  14  13  11  06  05
Robert  20.00  35  13  00  11  20  20  08  11
Salem   18.72  29  01  11  15  13  04  06  04
Glade   08.62  38  15  04  14  14  06  12  14

This is officially the furthest I've made it in FE5. Lovely. And lol at Carrion's stats.

I have a spare Knight Proof now... Selphina or Robert? I really can't decide. Robert's stats are definitely superior, but Selphina gets better weapons...

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The undraftees are free to rescue in that chapter?

Also, use it on Selphina. The only noticable advantage Robert has over Selphina is HP & Spd. Selphina has the upper hand because she can support with Glade, and again, can use better weapons. Just make sure you have her use scrolls.

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The undraftees are free to rescue in that chapter?

Also, use it on Selphina. The only noticable advantage Robert has over Selphina is HP & Spd. Selphina has the upper hand because she can support with Glade, and again, can use better weapons. Just make sure you have her use scrolls.

It has a 16 minimum deployment, so I had to have them out anyway. But yes, undraftees can rescue NPCs. Psych made a note of it in chapter 3.

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Promote Salem. Another A staffer is top priority.

I already have another Proof reserved for Salem. He isn't at B Staves yet, though, and I'm not 100% on how weapon ranks on promotion gains work in this game (whether they give wexp or just bump you up to the next rank), and he doesn't particularly benefit until he has B staves in the first place.

Ch20: The Child of Light (14/180)

This is a cool chapter. I wait a turn or two for most of the doors to be open, then get to work. Carrion ended up closest to the boss and had the wall to his room broken down first. He cleared a path with the Armorslayer and Robert's help, capturing an Armor or two along the way. Marty dealt with the Killing Edge guys, managing to capture one of them and grab his weapon. Leaf, Glade, and Selphina had to come down from the throne room, so they were out of commission for a bit. Salem alone was trapped in the left-side room thing (along with undrafted Pahn, who is a low priority target luckily), but a Vulnerary + Wind Tome meant he was more or less invincible. Brighton was on the right side. Basically, Carrion just captured a whole bunch of people while everyone else got EXP. Salem made a futile effort to use enough staves to hit B rank, but nope. Goddamn. Marty grabbed the final Knight Proof I need once that door got opened by the Unlock Staff bishops. Somewhere in here, Carrion proced movement. He also onerounded Barat. Karin and Saphy sat out for fatigue.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    06.02  48  13  05  19  20  11  09  09     
Marty   04.36  46  15  03  14  15  18  15  20
Saphy   14.44  32  09  19  18  16  10  01  03
Bright  15.90  45  20  02  14  20  09  16  15
Karin   13.72  38  17  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  20.00  57  20  05  20  20  20  20  20
Selphi  03.00  33  14  05  17  15  13  08  06
Robert  20.00  35  13  00  11  20  20  08  11
Salem   20.00  30  01  12  17  15  04  06  05
Glade   09.76  39  16  04  15  14  06  12  14

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Salem will indeed go up a full rank if you promote him. I did it with Tina and got her from a B, to an A.

I know, what I mean is: Does it give you 50 wexp (ie: you will go up a rank and retain your wexp) or does it just bump you up a rank (ie: You have C+49 wexp, you go to B+0wexp)?

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I already have another Proof reserved for Salem. He isn't at B Staves yet, though, and I'm not 100% on how weapon ranks on promotion gains work in this game (whether they give wexp or just bump you up to the next rank), and he doesn't particularly benefit until he has B staves in the first place.

The base class' base stats are simply substituted by the promoted class' base stats. That goes for weapon ranks too, so you have no motive to postpone a promotion if you have a lv. 20 character and a proof reserved for him.

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