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(FE5) Draft


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The base class' base stats are simply substituted by the promoted class' base stats. That goes for weapon ranks too, so you have no motive to postpone a promotion if you have a lv. 20 character and a proof reserved for him.

Okay, I just wanted to make sure before I did anything. Thanks for clarifying.

Ch21: The Liberation Wars (2/182)

Warpskip. Out of all people, I sent SELPHINA to kill the boss, since he was boxed in and Fire Sword Carrion didn't do much of anything against his existent mag. Warped Leaf afterwards. Robert promotes and Marty gets the Holy Water village.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    06.02  48  13  05  19  20  11  09  09 	
Marty   04.36  46  15  03  14  15  18  15  20
Saphy   16.04  32  10  20  19  17  10  02  03
Bright  15.90  45  20  02  14  20  09  16  15
Karin   13.72  38  17  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  20.00  57  20  05  20  20  20  20  20
Selphi  05.96  35  14  05  17  17  14  09  06
Robert  01.00  35  15  01  14  20  20  10  12
Salem   20.00  30  01  12  17  15  04  06  05
Glade   09.76  39  16  04  15  14  06  12  14

Ch21x: The Detention Center (6/190) (adjusted to account for penalties I didn't know about, like Fred in 11x... still think he should be free there)

Warped Carrion in, had him capture a Warp Staff priest. Rescued him out. Repeated. Let Glade get hit by a Javelin Soldier so Salem could heal him, and he FINALLY got A staves. Took him long enough. Just left after that, nothing else to do here worth spending any time on.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    06.02  48  13  05  19  20  11  09  09     
Marty   04.36  46  15  03  14  15  18  15  20
Saphy   19.24  32  11  20  20  19  10  02  03
Bright  15.90  45  20  02  14  20  09  16  15
Karin   13.72  38  17  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  20.00  57  20  05  20  20  20  20  20
Selphi  06.08  36  14  05  17  17  15  10  06
Robert  01.42  35  15  01  14  20  20  10  12
Salem   02.20  31  01  15  19  15  05  10  05
Glade   09.90  39  16  04  15  14  06  12  14

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Warning! Lots of logging.

Ch. 13: 10 turns

Finally a new addition to the four man army. But this chapter is not very range happy. Gave Trewd a Wrath manual and all my scrolls(only collected the Hezul and Sety so far). Glade leaves the map with all his army's stuff and the strongest generic lance knight sits on the gate and surprisingly lives(Proof that gate bonuses are broken). I could have shaved off maybe a turn, if it weren't for Othin's huge ass(one disadvantage to max build) but maybe not with the cut movement. Basically just charge in and Othin covered the rear.

Ch. 14: 10 turns

FUCK YEAH CHAPTER 14! Four ballistas really close to the starting point, lots of enemies with 2-range, three houses at least I need to visit in the middle of all the cross-fire, houses with good stuff inside, but blocked by lots of enemies, non-draftees can't get hit, and asshole bosses with leadership stars. Now this is a difficult chapter!

Strategy was to leave Othin on the gate, while eveyone leaves the inner area. Gave Dean the Leg ring, since I don't plan on Leaf ever needing to move ever(since the rest of the chapters I can warp-skip or rescue him to the goal). Finding time to visit three villages throws off the turns I need to clear enemies out of the way. The two ballistas to the west are taken out by Fin and Dean, while Othin deals with the moving boss and his personal army. Dean flies over to the Rezire village, Trewd fends off some armors by plugging a wall with Leaf for King Sword boost and Fin and Lifis go towards Paul. After the amazing duo clear the enemies, Dean visits the village and gets the Dragon Lance. Dragon Knights from the south were troublesome, but I dealt with most with Trewd and Dean, again King Sword FTW.

Ch. 14x: 20 turns

I find this chapter forgetable, since I usually skip it in my ranked runs. Now coming back to it, it's annoying as hell, especially when you're forced to deploy a non-draftee and can't let him get hit once, and this chapter is ninja heaven. No strategy was really involved, since enemy reinforcement postioning is randomized and I needed to get lucky. I camped a great deal in this chapter to get some stamina drinks I think I would need(I only got 3, but I don't think I will use much later). Also Trewd promoted.

Ch. 15: 3 turns

Pretty much a free refresh your units chapter if you have a flier. I just used the rescue swap method to get Leaf across the mountains to the church. The only promblem was getting Ralph to spawn close enough for Leaf to talk to him, since NPCs have stupid AI. Leaf re-moved on the next turn, which was helpful and if it didn't happen, I could've rescue-drop him closer to the church, and he goes to the shop to load up on door keys(If he didn't, replace Leaf with Ralph on the next turn). Dean also gets the Ulir scroll village, thanks to his god-like movement.

Ch. 16A: 11 turns

Just a rushing chapter. I distract Eyrios with an unarmed Leaf and recruit him with Karin so I get his sexy items. Yeah more ballista spam, which was annoying to deal with. Got Sleuf and Fin gets Kempt(or whatever his name was) out of the way. Also, Trewd is an amazing boss killer, no more annoying Great Sheild spam.

Ch. 17A: 5 turns

I like Misha and all, but her AI sucks a lot. Her soldiers almost never suicide on Dean and just block my way. Sleeped More(funny name for a dark bishop) and captured him for his Warp staff, then gave to Sleuf to warp Trewd holding Leaf to the boss. Also sleeped Misha and captured her with Dean, who makes his way to the Rescue and Warp village. Yeah warp skip slaughter is coming.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I did recruit Misha. I did bring Karin to talk to her. The point should have been clear when I captured her.

Ch. 18: 2 turns

FUCK YEAH, NO NEED TO GET XAVIER! Rescue-swaped Leaf to Trewd and warped him to the boss, then dropped off Leaf. Next turn, killed the boss with Trewd and seized.

Unit  Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con
Leaf   1.00  33  12  3   13  18  13  8   7
Othin 13.60  56  17  3   17  20* 20*17  20*
Fin   17.78  40  20* 2   16  20* 15 17  10
Evyle I forgot, but it won't make much of a difference, right?
Lifis 13.48  43  20* 4   15  20*  1 11   9
Trewd  7.44  48  19  3   20* 20* 11 11  13
Dean   8.46  39  15  5   15  16   6 16  13
Linoa 19.28  32   1 14   13  18  16  1   5
Ralph  3.84  Base
Sleuf  9.50  18   0 12   15   4   9  1   4
Misha  4.74  Base

If you find Linoan's HP to be too high, I gave her the Life Ring and Hezul scroll. Dean got the Speed ring.

Also I find it weird that I've been lacking in numbers for most of the beginning and starting from 12x, they start coming all at once(Trewd's in 12x, Dean's in 14, Linoan's in 14x, Ralph's in 15, Sleuf's in 16A and Misha's in 17A).

Also would it be hilarious in Ch.19 to deploy non-draftees, ditch them and get a 1 turn clear?

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I also need Amalda so I can't really do that. >_>

Technically, I suppose you could. I'm leaving those that aren't drafted behind, I know that.

Is that 14x before or after the 20 turn buffer/penalties?

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In the end, Crow was right. You did leave Misha behind, Lance. :(

Fliers are pretty valuable, even if you already have one filling in that spot.

Huh? I recruited Misha. I'll note I talked to her with Karin to avoid confusion. I thought it was obvious I recruited her when I said "captured her," because there would be no point wasting turns if I didn't get her.

20 turns don't count in gaidens, which is why I specifically escaped on that turn.

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Ch22: Across the River (1/191)

Warp Selphina in. Onerounding the boss only requires one crit from the Brave Bow, which she delivers. Warp Leaf and seize immediately.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    06.02  48  13  05  19  20  11  09  09 	
Marty   04.36  46  15  03  14  15  18  15  20
Saphy   20.00  32  11  20  20  19  10  02  03
Bright  15.90  45  20  02  14  20  09  16  15
Karin   13.72  38  17  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  20.00  57  20  05  20  20  20  20  20
Selphi  07.08  36  14  05  17  18  16  10  06
Robert  01.42  35  15  01  14  20  20  10  12
Salem   03.00  32  01  16  20  15  05  10  06
Glade   09.90  39  16  04  15  14  06  12  14

Ch23: The Palace of Evil (1/192)

I take back whatever I may have said about Selphina being bad. The Brave Bow is a frighteningly powerful weapon, with 20 crit and 4 attacks on a character with Charge. Selphina gets warped, onerounds the boss, Leaf gets warped and seizes.

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    06.02  48  13  05  19  20  11  09  09 	
Marty   04.36  46  15  03  14  15  18  15  20
Saphy   20.00  32  11  20  20  19  10  02  03
Bright  15.90  45  20  02  14  20  09  16  15
Karin   13.72  38  17  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  20.00  57  20  05  20  20  20  20  20
Selphi  08.08  37  14  05  17  18  17  10  06
Robert  01.42  35  15  01  14  20  20  10  12
Salem   03.80  32  01  16  20  15  05  10  06
Glade   09.90  39  16  04  15  14  06  12  14

Ch24: The Baron in Black (1/193)

Warp Mareeta to Galzus and recruit him. Galzus stomps Redric with a Meteor + Moonlight proc. Warp Leaf to seize. Who says you need the Blagi Sword?

   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  BD
Leaf    06.02  48  13  05  19  20  11  09  09 	
Marty   04.36  46  15  03  14  15  18  15  20
Saphy   20.00  32  11  20  20  19  10  02  03
Bright  15.90  45  20  02  14  20  09  16  15
Karin   13.72  38  17  12  16  20  20  15  05
Carrio  20.00  57  20  05  20  20  20  20  20
Selphi  08.08  37  14  05  17  18  17  10  06
Robert  01.42  35  15  01  14  20  20  10  12
Salem   04.60  33  01  16  20  16  05  10  06
Glade   09.90  39  16  04  15  14  06  12  14
Galzus  20.00  Fuck that, I'm not typing out this guy's stats. 

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Yea, I have it. They were just like: OMG REDRIC IS INVINCIBOL YOU NEED DIS SWORD. But then I didn't.

Final Chapter: An Undying Oath (6/199)

I wasn't sure how to approach this chapter at first, but I finally managed to make it work. Deployed a bunch of undrafted units to manipulate the positions of my other peeps. My biggest issue here is that I only had 4 Door Keys... oops. Just means warping some (specifically, for Elf and Zwolf). Anyway, I'll just state how the Warlords died since I don't even remember what convoluted plan ended up working and telling it this way worked well for FE7.

Eins: Blagi Sworded by Leaf.

Funf: Master Sworded by Galzus after she killed Glade. :( RIP soldier.

Elf: vs. Brave Sword Carrion? Not even Wrath+Rezire will save you you little bitch.

Drei: Slept by Salem, then Brave Bowed by Selphina.

Zwei: Slept by Salem, and Lightning Critted by Saphy while she was standing in the circle thing. That is not something you want to be hit by.

Zwolf: Slept by Salem, and destroyed by Robert, of all people.

The turn before the door to Veld would open, Saphy rewarped herself down to the stairs. The Berserkers have horrible hit rates, and this put her exactly where I needed her. Next turn, Saphy Rescued Galzus. He destroyed Veld with the Master Axe in a combination of Meteor + Moonlight hits. Again. Salem then warped Leaf, and he seized.

Will write up a final thoughts post shortly.

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Final Turncount: 199 turns.

Rank: B


Prince   9.36  51  14  05  19  20  12  12  11    

Normally, Leaf sucks. He was sort of okay, though, since he reached Level 20 very quickly which allowed him to be a powerhouse for a few chapters. He slowed down drastically after hitting 20, then picked back up a bit after promoting. Overall, though, he wasn't very good, but he was instrumental for Manster (obviously) so I guess I shouldn't complain. Honestly, his leadership bonus + the King sword was probably his most useful overall contribution.


Warrior   6.52  48  15  03  14  16  15  17  20    

He wasn't terrible. His availability was very good and he captured people early to allow me not to worry about weapons for a while. His speed actually managed to catch up, and Wrath made him quite dangerous. Overall, a decent character, not bad at all for a 5th round pick. His usefulness unfortunately dropped off after around chapter 14, though. =/


High Priestess   20.00  32  11  20  20  19  10  02  03    

I screwed up bigtime with her, by underestimating her. I knew she was good, but I really didn't use her nearly enough. For the record, she has 4 uses of the Repair Staff remaining. That's, count them, 12 more warps. 6 chapters that I could have skipped. Easily my biggest mistake of the run was not using Saphy to her fullest. I should have easily gotten a lot less turns just because of that. I'm such an idiot... Still, she was MVP. No doubt.


Great Knight   16.10  46  20  02  14  20  09  18 15    

An absolutely excellent character. He did everything I drafted him for, which included: Making Manster something a little less than hell, destroying fools with Wrath, and being a mounted rapist when the need arose. I have absolutely no complaints about him, except that he slowed down towards the end due to him not being Carrion/Galzus/Selphina/a staffer. He opened a door in the final chapter and killed a Knight, though!


Pegasus Knight   16.60  41  18  12  16  20  20  14  05    

Karin is awesome. There to help out in Manster and your only flier until chapter 14, which gives her 10 chapters of utility over the next best option, Dean. She was definitely great to have, since she not only enabled me to get a whole bunch of items that were otherwise out of reach, but also was able to not only ferry Leaf to the throne but also not fly around hitting targets of opportunity. I might have been able to make a little better use of her, looking back... but she was still excellent. Like many of my other units, slowed down drastically towards the end.


Paladin   20.00  57  20  05  20  20  20  20  20    

This guy... holy fucking jesus. Just look at those stats, they say everything. Having better stats than Galzus on a mounted unit... WHILE DISMOUNTED is nothing to blink at. The Elite Sword got him there fast and his 4 PCC ripped enemies apart before he even got to the point where he was beyond ridiculous. He also was the only sword wielder except for Leaf (who wasn't fighting), and there are way more good swords than other weapons... you know what that means. Easily the combat MVP here, nobody even came close to comparing with him.


Bow Knight   09.08  38  13  05  16  16  18  09  06    

The Brave Bow actually made her quite good, and in a couple chapters even Carrion couldn't compare to what she did, since Carrion's indirect damage (Fire Sword) is quite weak compared to 4x (sometimes 8x) attacks with a high crit weapon. She really wasn't terrible, all things considered, although she needed scrolls to help her stats. Certainly useful for a 2nd-to-last pick.


Bow Knight   06.00  39  16  01  17  20  20  10  13    

He was okay. His stats and PCC were both really nice. His biggest issue was really that he didn't perform any role that Selphina didn't already cover, he was largely a support bot or just another Selphina. His low Bow Rank really, really hurts him, and he never aspired to any weapon better than Steel Bows (all he needed to KO Zwolf, though ;) ). For a last pick, I suppose he wasn't too bad. I mean, he could've been Shanam.


Dark Mage   09.36  37  02  18  20  19  05  10  08    

I neglected to staff spam him enough (or it just took longer than I'd thought) and he didn't reach A Staves until quite late, unfortunately. Even still, he was very helpful in getting 1-turn clears on a few chapters, and absolutely indispensable in the final chapter with the Sleep staff, since Saphy couldn't be everywhere. Overall, an excellent draft and a great character.


Duke Knight   09.something 	idk he died   

I rather liked Glade. Even in chapters where he himself wasn't useful, his leadership star was. He also had access to the better Lances in the game, since Karin's rank was actually pretty horrible. He's not Fin, but he's far from terrible. Unfortunately, I don't think I could have saved him from Funf in the final chapter... poor guy. Is it weird that I actually feel bad when I let characters die? Lol.


Hero   20.00   Meteor Sword    

He helped out, for sure. I was desperately in need of reliable characters in the Final Chapter, and he delivered for sure. Meteor + Moonlight Sword procing together just isn't even fair, especially on ranged axes... wtf. Anyway, he killed Redric and Veld, so he earned his place.


A lot, actually. Mostly how much better I could have done... this was my first time having ever completed the game. There was a lot I was unprepared for, a lot I didn't know how to deal with, and a lot of uses for my characters I just never explored (see: SAPHY'S FUCKING STAFF WITH 4 USES LEFT). God knows how many more turns I could've saved with the same team and just a bit more knowledge.

Overall, though, I'm just happy to say I've finished FE5--on a draft run, no less. People thought it'd be impossible, but far from it. In fact, I hope more of these spring up, I found it immensely enjoyable and I find that I really like FE5 as a whole. It might even beat out FE7 for my favorite FE game... not sure yet.

Good luck to everyone else!

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Yeah, now you know why Saphy tops all respectable fe5 tier lists.

Honestly, if someone does another of these drafts? At least make the repair staff free for all players. It's just unfair. Saphy's worth a first round pick just for how early she gets A staves.

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Honestly, if someone does another of these drafts? At least make the repair staff free for all players. It's just unfair. Saphy's worth a first round pick just for how early she gets A staves.

I'd have to agree. Or perhaps ban the Warp staff altogether except for the final chapter (but still allow Rescue and Rewarp, they're slightly less flexible).

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Chapter 21

I have Miranda rescue Leaf and Tina Warp them up to the throne.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con   Support
Leaf     13.08  46 17   5  20  20  20   9   9
Miranda  17.42  40 12  20  20  20  18  18   6

3 turns.

Chapter 21x

Miranda warps to the outside court at the center of the map, and kills most enemies there, and snatches two Warp staves. Leaf does the same, but at another room. They both get Rescued by Tina and escape the map, along with the others.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con   Support
Leaf     13.40  46 17   5  20  20  20   9   9
Miranda  20.--  40 12  20  20  20  20  18   7
Tina     10.30  25  1  19  11  20  20   2   4

6 turns.

Chapter 22

The same as Ch 21. Except I have Kein & Shiva rescue-drop Leaf for Miranda to carry him (and so she doesn't waste a Phase rescuing him). Tina Warps them up to the throne, and they stand in forests for a good protection.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con   Support
Leaf     14.64  46 15   5  20  20  20  10   9
Miranda  20.--  40 12  20  20  20  20  18   7
Tina     11.10  25  1  19  11  20  20   2   4

3 turns.

Chapter 23

The same as the other two chapters. Miranda takes Leaf up to the throne, Leaf recruits Sety, and Cyas gets Rescued due to his very valuable items.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con   Support
Leaf     15.12  47 18   5  20  20  20  10   9
Miranda  20.--  40 12  20  20  20  20  18   7
Tina     11.90  25  1  19  11  20  20   2   4

3 turns.

Chapter 24

Warpskip Leaf to 1RKO Redric. Re-move proc. Seize.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con   Support
Leaf     17.48  48 18   5  20  20  20  11  10
Sety     15.18  32  3  18  17  17  10   9   8

1 turn.

Yay, Warpskipping.

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Ch. 19: 1 turn

Carrion, Kein, Alba, Brighton, Asvel, Pahn, Salem and Safy: Help us, Lord Leaf!

Leaf: Hey guys, I'm ditching all of you to save up on turns. Sorry.

Everyone: :(

Ch. 20: 14 turns

Just rushed to the boss, steal his Tordo scroll and kill him with Trewd. Boring set number of turns clear chapter.

Ch. 21: 3 turns

Turn 1: Warp Linoan to the chruch to promote.

Turn 2: Warp Othin to kill the boss with Pugi.

Turn 3: Warp in Leaf to seize(which surprisingly wasn't blocked off on the enemy phase).

Ch. 21x: 17 turns

Everyone I ditched in Ch.19+Fergus and Tanya: Lord Leaf, you came to save us after all! We knew you wouldn't abandon us!

Leaf: Hey, we're here to get warp staves. That's the only reason anyone chooses to go to this map. I would bust you all out of those cells, if there weren't 3 long range magic users, reinforcements warping to us, and a bunch of doors in our way. Oh, we do have a rescue staff, but I'm having Linoan use it to rescue Lifis after being warped in to steal a warp staff.

Everyone: But you have 20 turns to clear this map with no penalties! What else would you be doing here?

Linoan: Staff grinding my staves to A. *got A in staves*

Leaf: Sweet, now we can leave here without leaving anything of importance behind.

Everyone: :(

Sleuf: Hey guys. I randomly promoted, but my stats are still shit.

Leaf: You're lucky you have A staves, or we would have ditched you back there.

Ch. 22: 1 turn

Warp Othin to kill the boss with Pugi. Then warp Leaf in to seize.

Ch. 23: 1 turn

Warped Trewd in to kill the boss and warp Leaf in to seize. Also raided Cyas' stuff to give his Warp staff to Sleuf on the next map.

Ch 24: 3 turns

Ugh. Auto positioning killed my 1 or 2 turn posibility on this map. Rewarped Sleuf to Leaf, then warped him next turn to Leidrick to kill. Could 1 turn with movement star procs, but I figured that would be too cheap.

Unit  Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con
Leaf   9.68  39  15  4   17  20* 18 10   9
Othin 16.64  59  18  3   18  20* 20*18  20*
Fin   17.96  43  20* 2   16  20* 15 17  10
Evyle Skiped 24x, so she never comes back.
Lifis 19.80  47  20* 4   17  20*  2 11   9
Trewd 11.24  52  19  3   20* 20* 13 13  13
Dean  11.66  42  17  5   15  17   8 16  13
Linoa  8.76  32   2 20*  20* 20* 20* 5   7
Ralph  5.92  39  13  1   14  14   7 10  16 
Sleuf  3.80  25   0 19   20* 10   9  3   4
Misha  8.0   31   9 13   11  18   9  5   6 

Yeah, one chapter left. During those chapters, Linoan and Sleuf were fatigued at one point, but I gave them two of my five stamina drinks to continue warp-skipping.

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Sorry, but I need to double post to bump my update >_>

Final Chapter: 10 turns

This chapter required so much thought, because of my rag-tag team in horrible positions, underleveled due to too much warping and no Sleep staff to make the bosses total wimps. You could tell this took me forever to do.

Eins: Dean opens the door and re-moves to kill the dark bishop. Leaf kills Eins on turn 1. Then killed off the armors afterwards.

Zwolf: Lifis opened the door and Ambush crit'd Zwolf. I lol'd.

Elf: Sleuf opens the door and Othin kills her with Pugi. Yeah she was one of the more annoying ones.

Funf: Sleuf warps Othin to her area and Othin killed her on the enemy phase.

Drei: Linoan opened the door and Trewd killed the dark bishop. Drei died to Linoan on the enemy phase with a critical.

Zwei: Probably the hardest of the 6. Ralph and Fin could not do anything to him so they moved to the other areas(Ralph to Lifis, Fin to Sleuf). My plan was to warp Trewd in, since he has Nihil and nullifies his sword skills, and attempt to kill Zwei, but he was too hard to beat. Then, I just forced him off the trigger(he Fire Swords from 2 range if you're next to him) and stood on it. The only Warlord I didn't kill.

Berdo: Even though he's the easiest boss in FE, I don't have any overpowered units to effectively one-round him(Othin can't one-round with 2 Pugi crits). So Leaf moves up to help Othin kill Berdo and it's pretty much up to criticals to help kill him(you can tell thrones are really cheap in this game.) Eventually I critted with Leaf and seized the throne.

Turn counts:

Ch. 1: 5 turns

Ch. 2: 5 turns

Ch. 2x: 10 turns

Ch. 3: 8+3 turns

Ch. 4: 16 turns

Ch. 4x: 13 turns

Ch. 5: 26 turns

Ch. 6: 8 turns

Ch. 7: 8 turns

Ch. 8: 7 turns

Ch. 8x: 12 turns

Ch. 9: 8 turns

Ch. 10: 10 turns

Ch. 11: 8 turns

Ch. 11x: 9 turns

Ch. 12: 10 turns

Ch. 12x: 16 turns

Ch. 13: 10 turns

Ch. 14: 10 turns

Ch. 14x: 20 turns

Ch. 15: 3 turns

Ch. 16A: 11 turns

Ch. 17A: 5 turns

Ch. 18: 2 turns

Ch. 19: 1 turn

Ch. 20: 15 turns

Ch. 21: 3 turns

Ch. 21x: 17 turns

Ch. 22: 1 turn

Ch. 23: 1 turn

Ch. 24: 3 turns

Final Chapter: 10 turns

Total: 197 turns(minus gaidens)

Later today, I'll post my final thoughts.

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I dropped my jaw at two turns too. Although I could have shaved a few turns too, like that Marty penalty.

Final thoughts about the draft:

My Draftees:

Othin: An impressive first pick. His high HP allowed me to field him so many times and his offense is no joke. Give him a hand axe or a regular axe and watch him clear crowds with his awesome Wrath skill. With Pugi, he became one of the prime boss killers near the end of the game and really help with the lack of powerful 2-rangers. The reason I didn't pick Saphy first was because I wanted to ensure a powerful unit first, since her warping skills reflect the units she warps, which won't matter much without good boss killers.

Fin: Another solid pick. He pretty much always owns outdoors with his Brave Lance and higher movement than Othin. He was also reliable to catching most enemies and bosses, as well as providing the team with his leadership star. Add in his two-way Leaf support and you can see why he kicks ass. Indoors, he doesn't do so hot without lances, but still ok.

Lifis: At first, I was worried about him being my next pick. I didn't feel too confident about Leaf soloing the Manster Escape, so I pretty much needed Lifis to help him out and it was really hard getting him to shape. I first gave him a Life ring to buff up his durabilitity, then glued the Hezul scroll to him for most of the escape to cover his horrible luck stat. Needless to say, he paid off big time in the end, since drafting him means no penalties for opening doors(which is more helpful then you think, since I would wanna save door keys for chapters when he's fatigued), stealing(he miraculously gained enough build to steal Warps) and movement stars. Overall, I underestimated his role as a thief and he's not that bad as a fighter too.

Trewd: I underrated him too. High HP means "yay multiple fieldings," for me, but his bases were pretty meh. I gave him the Wrath manual, Sety scroll and Hezul scroll to build up quickly, since he needs the most help in the team. He paid off big time with all that stuff I gave him and B swords helped up his offense quickly. Add in Nihil and he chopped up some bosses like nothing happened. This draft made me realize how much Trewd owns.

Dean: Pretty much Fin, but add in flying, replace Brave Lance with Dragon Lance, two-way Leaf support with Linoan and came in the second half of the game. Ballista made it annoying to effectively use him, but I gave him a Leg ring to outrun ballista range and destroy them. His indoors drops harder than Fin's, since his drops from mount are noticable enough to make a difference. Still a godly flier to have for the outdoor chapters.

Linoan: I needed another staff user close to A, and Linoan was the best out of who were left. Two-way support with Dean was helpful and pretty much the only who can use Rezire. Healing via staves is another plus, since vulenaries take a turn to use and I could use that turn to clear enemies. She also can defend herself before promotion, which made her another good choice.

Ralph: Ughhhh. I don't have much to say about him, but what can I say about him for someone who hasn't done much? His bases are meh, but he couldn't help much against the enemies. Although he has some good weapon ranks, I would rather give them to my better units like Othin and Trewd who need them to kill bosses quickly. Pretty much he was a roadblock in Ch.20, and that was it.

Sleuf: The guy that made it all possible. His stats are shit, but A staves is the only reason I drafted him. That's about it :/

Misha: Same as Ralph, except magic swords help her offense be a tad better than Ralph and not much competition for them. Not much use in LTCs like 60% of the units in this game, but I got her because I like her.


Silvercrow: Safy, Brighton, Karin, Salem, Carrion, Marty, Glade, Galzus, Selphina, Robert

My biggest competition. Saphy alone was a threat to me, since he gets to warp-skip earlier than anyone else and has Repair staff to keep on warping. The rest of his team is pretty good, with a early flier, good amount of mounted units(and they all support each other), another staff user to get up to A and a guy that rapes Endgame. Yes, I think Marty is meh. I barely beat him in the end.

Psych: Lara, Machua, Olwen, Tania, Homeros, Fred, Eda, Almalda, Cyas, Xavier

His team was pretty weak in the beginning, and couldn't really stand up to most of us with everyone else taking the overpowered units. Tania and Lara for most of the beginning is really hard until Ch.11x, and even then, they have low HP and leave Leaf to solo a map eventually. I didn't mind him much, but I pity him with that team.

Soul: Halvan, Dagda, Shiva, Tina, Hicks, Sety, Dalsin, Kein, Miranda, Conomore

You would have been a decent competitior, if you didn't skip 4x. He had the hardest Manster Escape out of all of us, since its mostly a Leaf solo most of the time and Dalsin can't catch up with him most of the time. After that, he gets a whole load of good units to use and starts making up for the Manster Escape. His problem was penalties he takes to beat chapters easier, although I guess that makes life easier so I don't blame you.

Iris: Asvel, Felgus, Nanna, Pahn, Mareeta, Sara, Eyrios, Delmud, Ronan, Alva

Non-existant due to no updates

Just kidding. She has amazing boss killers, good army clearers, good stave users and Ronan. But being limited to warping in the second half of the game, since Sara starts with B staves, really limits her turn count total. Her team is nice, but not a definite prize winner without much warpage in the game.

Final Stats:

Unit  Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Con
Leaf  15.08  44  17  5   18  20* 19 11  10 
Othin 20.00  62  18  3   18  20* 20*20* 20*
Fin   18.04  44  20* 2   17  20* 16 17  10
Lifis 20.00  48  20* 6   18  20*  2 11   9
Trewd 13.18  53  19  3   20* 20* 13 13  14
Dean  13.10  44  15  7   15  16   9 12  13
Linoa 12.04  36   2 20*  20* 20* 20* 6   7
Ralph  6.16  40  13  1   14  14   7 10  16 
Sleuf  7.48  27   0 20*  20* 13  10  3   4
Misha  8.14  31   9 13   11  18   9  5   6 

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Well, there are some penalties I could've avoided too (for example, I was unclear about how penalties worked on gaidens so I ended up eating an unnecessary Pahn penalty and a -supposedly- avoidable Fred penalty), and in general just lots of turns I could've saved here and there. Overall, I was really impressed with my team, though. They were all excellent with the exceptions of Marty and Robert... even with exceptional stats, they were easily replaceable. I also luckily got a lot of the mounted units that are still good indoors, as Carrion, Selphina, and Robert all keep their weapon ranks, and Brighton has a good sword rank + wrath and Glade still has his leadership star. Only Karin really suffered indoors, fortunately.

But you did a much better job with what you had than I did, though. Maybe eventually if I have a lot of free time I would do this again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lots and lots of logs here. Just 3 more chapters too.

Chapter 12 19 turns/220 turns (Mareeta Penalty)

Tania gets slept around turn 3. Machua 4. >_> After stealing the Ambush manual, Olwen uses it. I'm tempted to give her the 2nd Magic Ring, but I know she has plenty of time to level, and with so many Brave Weapons....I save it for Homeros.

Chapter 12x 18 turns (So 0)

I decide to leave Fred for Safy to recruit Tina for some reason. Case I need a penalty to grab Xavier. Now here's my dilema though. I know I'm gonna promote Lara to Dancer, but then I have no thief to steal stuff. Olwen and Fred and Machua can capture more, but...I don't know how I'm gonna grab both the Dame Thunder and the Holy Sword, since I'd have to sleep Reinhardt to get the Thunder, but then they can't talk. By that point though I only have like 2-3 chapters left and might just make Lara a Thief Fighter again though. Now, I probably want that turn 30 Warp Staff, but I don't think it's worth it....Oh hey wait, Dancer Lara still has Steal. :awesome:

Chapter 13 11 turns/235 turns (Glade Penalty)

Oh, fuck you Selphina. If I didn't have a bow user....Tanya grabs a nifty bow though. Left Selphina and her fail knights behind. Yes, I brought Robert, Kein, and Alva just to leave them.

Chapter 14 10 turns/245 turns

Lulz. 1st thing I have to say. I hate Balista. Homeros grabbed a Shield Ring and Magic Ring, and I captured a few Thunder tomes and nabbed the Rezire too. Dark mages and NPC dracos are so annoying. >_>

Chapter 14x 12 turns/260 turns (Linoan Penalty)

Ugh. Lara and Olwen stayed back cause they were close to Fatiguing. Linoan used the torch staff, but I had to be careful she didn't get captured. Eda isn't doing well in the exp department, bu 4x exp has Homeros at level 16 at the end of the chapter. Thunder is better than Wind right? :awesome: I manage to nab two S drinks, but I couldn't get Eda or Fred to capture the boss without dying so I couldn't get a Killer Axe.

Chapter 15 3 turns/263 turns

I'm really starting to want healing. Machua, Tanya, and Fred get to rest. FLIER SKIP! Eda grabs Leaf. Lara and Olwen run to grab the Ulir scroll. Homeros walks around to get a little exp to promote. I want the Killer lance, but I grab the Skill Ring.

Chapter 16A 13 turns/276 turns

This is going to be hell. Everyone comes. I'm probably going to regret that for Misha. >_> Homeros promotes at level 18 since I need staves for this thing. Eda uses the last chapter's Skill Ring, and I decide to give Machua the Sol manual. I've decide to give Eda the Continue Manual, and Olwen can grab the Awareness. My favoritism for her knows no bounds. >_> But then I realize Conomore comes on turn 20, so I'm like screw that. Also: Eda flying off alone is hurting her exp gain, even on Elite Mode. Olwen can make Kempf rage. :awesome: But me talking to him before I'm ready makes a bit of a predicamint. Long story short and many RN's wasted, Kempf captures Leaf. I lose a Slim Sword and an Iron Blade though. :/ Things go okay and I grab Sleuf and a couple things from the Boss. I'm glad that Lara retains her thief abilities in addition to her Dancer skills. :P

Chapter 17A 9 turns/287 turns

Trying to have Eda nab the Warp staff from the Dark Mage would result in suicide via Misha, so I resort to more air dropping. Lara could steal the Wind sword, but I don't feel comfortable about that either. Homeros tanks with Rezire. 20's everywhere, 8 in defense, 0 strength. He's awesome. And I anger Misha and her squad. Nice dodge and Rezire combo finishes the boss, grab the villages except for the Holy Water.

Chapter 18 19 turns/304 turns (Safy and Tina Penalty)

LOL Xavier. :awesome: Homeros is fatigued, but no Warp or Rescue with D staves anyway. Eda sucks indoors. Lara will get fatigued this chapter. Tina and Safy come along to help. :awesome: Stole a Rewarp, got the essential chests, nabbed the Continue Manual, and had Safy repair the King, Brave, and Light Sword, breaking the Repair Staff....Tania one rounded Xavier with the Brave Bow. Who needs the Member's Card? Pfft!

Chapter 19 13 turns/317 turns

And we have sacrifices. Mostly mounts and fliers. Luckily Sleuf is down near Amalda. Olwen and Dame Thunder make quick work of Conormore and Amalda's posse. Fred, Homeros, and Tania run down to stop some thieves, and Dean, Carrion, and Karen run the villagers home. Oh my god, Amalda's Mathis syndrome is insane, she even suicides on to Olwen a couple times. My party retreated, left the others.

Chapter 20 14 turns/331 turns

And I forgot to give people door keys. >_> I had to rush to open Eda's cell since she didn't have any swords. Nab some good spoils, and even grab the Tordo scroll. Delmund doesn't see his sister. D:

Chapter 21 9 turns/340 turns

Tania needs to rest and Eda finally promotes. Balista are annoying, as is Sleep. >_>

Chapter 21x 20 turns (So 0)

Lots of people died. Then we ran away.

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Chapters 1-2x

Some of the turn counts may be wrong since I did this a while ago... But, I'm pretty sure they're right, and I'll check when the end screen comes up.

Chapter 3: The Gate of Kelves (12/27)

IIRC, I gave Leaf Life Ring. So, the usual. With the little door keys I have, Evayl and Leaf rush to boss. Everyone else ferries the kids over to houses. lolRonan and his magic tying with strength. Evayl gives Leaf fire sword (for future use aka Felgus) before seizing.

Unit	Level   Class	HP  Str  Mgc  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Bld
Leaf	9.50    Lord	34   08   00   05  09   10   06   07   
Evayl	16.24   SwdMstr	30   11   05   20  20   10   07   08
Ronan   12.36   Archer  24   05   05   07  12   05   02   07

Chapter 4: The Dungeon (15+4/46)

This chapter was a pain in the ass. I had to make sure most of the people escaped, since they are needed to recruit future draftees. Nothing much aside from that. Oh, and I recruited lolDalshin because he was blocking the path way to the exit, and I needed to get Karin out. Dalshin and Brighton are left behind because their move sucks, and they couldn't get to escape on time. Oh, and took a Machua penalty, since Lara can't defend herself for life, until she reaches Leaf and co.

Unit	Level   Class	HP  Str  Mgc  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Bld
Leaf	11.14    Lord	36   09   00   06   09  12   07   09
Felgus  5.40   FreeKnt  28   05   00   07   08  07   06   08

Chapter 4x: The Hero of the Winds (0/46) - 16+4 Turns

So, took a Lifis penalty, so he could steal some tomes for Asvel. Got Asvel, and Karin talks to Sety. Nothing much. Got all treasures, freed children, everyone escapes.

Unit	Level   Class	HP  Str  Mgc  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Bld
Leaf	13.08    Lord	38   09   00   06   11  13   07   09
Felgus  11.18  FreeKnt  33   08   00   12   09  09   07   10
Asvel    3.26  	Mage    23   00   04   05   09  05   00   06

Chapter 5: Mother and Child (23/69)

Ignored the chest outside. Evayl and Nanna do the usual, rush towards door. Lara opens door, cue scene, and Evayl turns to stone. Everyone proceeds to escape, but I felt like getting the chests at the left, and had Lara + chest key holder get them before escaping. Yup. Asvel's luck makes me asdf, though, it's way below average. The sword rank of Felgus is now B, and he uses Fire Sword and Rapier to maul. I think Leaf reaches A swords here- I don't remember.

Unit	Level   Class	HP  Str  Mgc  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Bld
Leaf	17.38    Lord	41   11   01   08   13  15   07   10
Evayl	16.60   SwdMstr	30   11   05   20   20  10   07   08
Felgus  15.74  FreeKnt  34   11   02   15   12  10   07   12
Asvel	12.74  	Mage	29   00   06   10   13  05   00   08
Nanna   8.24   Troubdr  20   05   06   11   09  13   05   06

Chapter 6: The Escape (11/80)

Let's see... Karin ferries undrafted characters to an exit, and visits a shop, selling Brighton's Steel Axe and broken weapons, and buys two door keys for future use. Everyone else goes left, and down towards the other exit, visiting villages. Accidentally wasted a turn recruiting Hicks, but whatever. Felgus just visits villages, because I don't want his fatigue to go over so I can use him to capture chapter 8's boss. He uses the other life ring for this reason.

Unit	Level   Class	HP  Str  Mgc  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Bld
Leaf	18.86    Lord	42   11   01   08   14  15   07   10
Felgus  15.74  FreeKnt  41   11   02   15   12  10   07   12
Asvel	16.68  	Mage	32   00   08   12   16  05   01   08
Nanna  15.44   Troubdr  22   06   07   15   15  15   07   06

Chapter 7: The Shield of Thracia (12/92)

I could have done this way faster, but, while I was doing this, I was talking to Lumi, and when I mentioned I was going to kill Shiva, she was, "NUUUUU, SHIVA." How can I say no to her? So, I had Karin ferry Safy upwards, and recruited Shiva. Eventually, everyone escaped. Oh, and Felgus gets into a few battles, but his fatigue limit does not go over.

Unit	Level   Class	HP  Str  Mgc  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Bld
Leaf	19.18    Lord	42   11   01   09   15  16   08   10
Felgus  15.94  FreeKnt  41   11   02   15   12  10   07   12
Asvel	17.58  	Mage	33   00   08   12   17  05   01   08
Nanna  17.94  Troubdr   23   06   07   16   17  16   08   06

Chapter 8: Purple Dragon Mountain (11/103)

I loled when I found out Leaf could have captured the boss but whatever. Wasted turns getting Luck Ring which Asvel desperately needs. Nothing much, really.

Unit	Level   Class	HP  Str  Mgc  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Bld
Leaf	20.00    Lord	43   11   01   10   15  16   08   10
Ronan   12.36   Archer  25   06   07   09  15   05   02   07
Felgus  17.64  FreeKnt  41   12   02   15   14  10   08   13

Chapter 8x: Dagda's Mansion (0/103) - 12+8 Turns

Penalties for Lifis and Safy. Lifis went and stole all the important chests, Neir, Wrath. Dagda defended himself and Tania. Nanna with chest key got the Leg Ring. Safy repairs Leaf's Light Sword. Asvel kills boss with Graphicalibur. Oh, and Nanna promotes. I'll promote Asvel next chapter, if I bring him. Ronan is being Ronan- look at his magic being higher than his strength. Oh, and Nanna's staff rank gets to D, and Asvel's fire rank gets to D, as well.

Unit	Level   Class	HP  Str  Mgc  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Bld
Leaf	19.18    Lord	42   11   01   09   15  16   08   10
Ronan   12.36   Archer  24   05   05   07  12   05   02   07
Asvel	20.00  	Mage	33   00   10   14   20  06   02   08
Nanna   1.00  Paladin   26   07   11   19   20  17   08   07


I applaud Lancelot and Silvercrow for their turncounts. I expected Lancelot to get first, him being a seasoned FE5 player, and then Silvercrow for lolSafy.

In terms of my position, I could have scraped a lot of turns off, but I guess I'll go for third. I'm ahead of Psych and Soul IIRC.

Well, at least exams are over. My next update will probably come after my grandmother's funeral... When they set a date, that is...

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