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First love, crush, kiss


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First love, not truly there yet. inb4 bizz

First crush? Sorta depends. I got along pretty well with this girl in first grade, but then I moved. I don't remember her very much.

First kiss, awkwardly enough, has happened.

... I don't wanna get into it. :|

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There's a term for what Eclipse is telling you to avoid, it's called "Desperate" XD

Honestly though, there's no need to rush things, if you're just looking for a quick experience I suppose you could just throw yourself at whatever comes up to offer. It's not like most of those early teen relationships turn out serious.

the kissing and stuff isn't my primary goal, it's mainly about the feelings I so desperately want. and even though a lot of teenage relationships don't turn out serious, these teenagers have still (think to have) experienced these feelings.

so yes, I'm desperate, but I won't just "dive into" anything.

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first crush: Well, haven't truly "crushed" over anyone, though I do get let down aplenty. First person I ever liked enough to think I'd like to date them was when I was either 9 or 10 and attended a relative's wedding reception (some cousin of my mom's got hitched). She was a nice girl named Heather, never saw her elsewhere but it was the first time I ever danced with someone (she asked me) and it was a fun night since we danced longer than anyone else there, haha. Could be one of my distant cousins but, so what? XD

first love: First girlfriend was named Korryn. Again, very nice person and we were friends at school for a few months before basically asking each other out at the same time. It was 6th grade, so I was 11 years old then.

first kiss: With Korryn.

yes, "french"-style included, lol

Not bad at all, though I'm more of a cuddling-type, myself.

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Oh boy oh boy.

First Crush: 8th grade.

First Love: None. Because I am Asian the "no dating until college and beyond" rule applies here, but I myself am not interested in relationships. Crushing's fine, but no dating.

First Kiss: Untaken. Would anyone like to reserve one? HA!

Now I hope none of my real life friends can identify who I am here.

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Kiss: About 5, her name was Lyndsey or some other spelling of that. She was the "girlfriend", then she and her mother moved somewhere, haven't seen her since I think.

Crush: About 10, her name was Simone. I don't think I loved her then, but we were together for like 2 or 3 year, but we hardly saw eachother.

Love: About 16, the same Simone. I thought about her alot more than I usually do, then grabbed my balls and asked her out. Over MSN. We lasted 20 months, at least it was good while we lasted.

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First crush (that I count) would be Isa who is ironically my best friend nowadays

First kiss didn't happen yet.

First love is bound to happen in the coming weeks between me and a girl named Janne, once she finds out I reciprocate her feelings >_>

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  • 3 weeks later...

First crush: Some Asian girl who switched into my math class in 7th grade. And guess what? Now the most popular guy in my grade's her boyfriend! HAhahaahaAHa!! But that never stopped me! From sneaking behind her and sketching her, I mean. What?

Edited by Ken Zomg
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First love: 17(although dunno, I did technically get intimate in terms of feelings with someone when I was 14-ish, although we never did anything physical per-se. The relationship was short-lived as well IE it ended after like a week or two)

First Crush: 13

First Kiss: 17

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Oh, this stuff. Sometimes wish I didn't try.

First Love: lol, what? (Nope.)

First Crush: Started at late 14, and went for ~18 months, the point when I asked her. Bad idea on my part. (Well, at least she doesn't hate me. But I've moved on.)

First Kiss: Nope, not yet.

Well, I've learned a bit: Never, EVER tell anyone (and I mean ANYONE) else about a crush. You will regret it majorly. Also, don't think about their actions too much. You can plant ideas in your head that may not be true.

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Yeah, because 14-15 year old girls are into coffee. :awesome:


First love: 13, still ongoing~

First crush: Back when I was 3 at Pre-K. I still know the girl. I saw her like four years ago.

First kiss: Hasn't happened.

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I think better advice would be to not wait before making a move.

The longer you wait, the more likely you'll be friendzoned, and the more the crush will develop. Waiting and waiting and then finally letting it out will 99.9% of the time end in bad news. If you're interested in a girl, talk to her and make a move ASAP. Doesn't have to be anything major, just asking her to get a coffee with you or something could be somewhere to start. If you get rejected, so what? There are billions of girls in the world and you'll learn from the experience. The longer you wait, the more the rejection is going to hurt.

Good point. Guess that means I'll be waiting quite a while then. :/

(Also, not really into coffee. Not my thing.)

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Yeah, because 14-15 year old girls are into coffee. :awesome:

....Well what about 17??? ................................... =3

Though everyone in my family always look young for their age so maybe I'll still look 14-15 at least.

You know what I realized? Back when I was 14-16, I realized that I hardly crushed on anybody and my tastes in boys was... idk, I guess limited? But recently I've become much more loose about who I crush on.... =/ Back then I was proud of how picky I was because I thought that might mean that I'd be more likely to find the person right for me since I made sure they fit into my strict tastes. And now my brain and heart have been soaring around. Aaawwwww......

Cause I crushed on about 3 people back then. Now I'm up to 8-10......

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