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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Oh Dear, who are these people, more awesome guys I don't know about?

I don't RP much :U

I should. Mao thinks I'm good at it :V

Dunno if that qualifies me. *gets shot by Phee for posting in the chat topic of an RP he isn't in*

I love you, man. No homo.


Edited by seph1212
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I think you're better then others. That's not to say you're good at it :P

In other words it doesn't mean you're good, it means others suck:P

Naming names gets me in trouble though, but I assume those who I refer to know who they are XD

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In other words it doesn't mean you're good, it means others suck:P

I've never seen someone beg for someone who isn't good to join an RP ;3

But, I won't argue that I'm good. That's subjective :P

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:/ Beg? Where do you think you stand exactly?

I pester, not beg. And begging doesn't happen without material goods for me. I don't believe in the good-will/nature of human beings.

Subjective? Nyargh, everything's subjective. Hence nothing is subjective (Don't question the logic there, cause I can't back it up) If you have an opinion stick with until you manage to force it through~

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Boris magically got points in AS, Evade, DEF, and RES. And his team status has him at 9 HP. Might want to fix that, yo.

-Shaman lost a skill point from Raw to Simple.

-At the end of hostages, there's a random 4-lines about a shaman. =/

This has been the once-per battle Stat Correction. Now off to work.

Edited by Snike
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I hope my posting using the spoiler tag is fine with everyone. My posts in this topic have been rather long and irrelivent to the group as a whole and I am trying to keep them from being obtrusive and in-the-way.

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I'm pretty sure most of us are fine with it. Though some of us might be skipping them and intentionally not reading them as well XD

Not sure what you're trying to do with your character, as her actions are irrelevant. Your choice how to spend your time, but it looks to me like you'd do better investing your time in a fanfic. Not an Rp.

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Not sure when next chapter is, but considering how she's placed half-way across the continent, I don't see that as plausible. That said, I suppose Robin's actions could be being posted in a prior time line. (Opposed to the "meanwhile Robin was doing x" feeling that's going now)

Though to be honest, I think wanting an archer in the group for the sake of stat combat is sad. If stat battles are becoming too hard, it's time for Phee to drop the difficulty level, not time for people to mass-produce stat combatants.

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It will be in a later chapter, yes. Though as Kanami pointed out, she's half-way across the continent and isn't even pointed in the right direction ATM, rendering the direct impact she's having on the group at 'pretty low, if any at all' right now. I am having fun writing for her though, and was hoping that by putting her segements in spoiler tags, I was removing what amounted to literal pages of text that is 'unneeded' from the RP.

And honestly, though Kanami would be right if we were looking for sheer RP coherency, if I tried to write everything for Robin in hindsight and post it in one massive post, I KNOW I would become weary, bogged down, forget about it for at least a month, and eventually just give up.

Kanami: Then I insist that you do one huge hindsight post.

(Saving you the time there Cuddles.)

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Though to be honest, I think wanting an archer in the group for the sake of stat combat is sad. If stat battles are becoming too hard, it's time for Phee to drop the difficulty level, not time for people to mass-produce stat combatants.

The difficulty is already lower than it should be. less than five units hit back during EP. Healers have yet to be targeted(something that is guaranteed if you fight certain people). And the enemies are equipped to a bare minimum. If the battles are getting more difficult, it's because people are having a combination of bad rolls and bad decisions.

Sooner or later, people are just going to have to start thinking more as a unit and not as an individual or risk a total defeat. Wouldn't be game over but it'd be pretty close to that without superman flying in to save the day. [/negative observation]

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