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So after much editing my post shouldn't have any of the weird coding stuff and should have even spacing. I can't seem to get rid of the bolding in the spoilers tag, though. Well, at least I managed to get the rest under control. *whew*

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So after much editing my post shouldn't have any of the weird coding stuff and should have even spacing. I can't seem to get rid of the bolding in the spoilers tag, though. Well, at least I managed to get the rest under control. *whew*

Did you asked Phoenix for permission to CC his characters?

And I know this isn't much but... the heck was that dream? And the name thing is irritating, I'd like it if you could please stop it.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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It was a dream sequence. I think Merc can do those things. That reminds me.... Sophia and Chelsea need to go on a magic pillow ride.

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I think I should remove Robin from combat for a while. You guys get more points and Robin will be getting the average which is much more than she normally gets.

Edit: For those of you who are wondering, Robin is currently 80 points behind the starting average. She almost never earns the average in fights, so that is only going to increase unless I hedge it right now.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Aww. You're just mad that you spoke against Gytha~


Also. Yes. Magic Pillow Ride.

Not really, at this point I no longer question her trollish derailments of logic to want to know why John was there. And maybe its making me bias since I hate Gytha, but it really is annoying now the name stuff.

I still don't get what is a magic pillow ride... :huh:

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Wait we need to make a reason.

Oh I know:

1. Robin walking.

2. Stampede of bunnies

3. Robin gets trampled and thus injured.

4. Bunny Mechas appear in the next fight, paralyzingly Robin with fear


6. Profit!!

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*sigh* No. I take it back. I won't pull her out... but something does need to be done about her abyssal point total.

You know I spent a good while writing up a recklessly worded response to your battle skipping scheme that I've got no reason to post now. If anyone would like a copy, just send a message and I'll send one your way. It's little people don't already know about my views on this stuff but it's quite ... direct~

Though one part of it still fits here so I'll just post an excerpt in response to that^ quote.

Your point obsession makes me sick,

I may as well bring up an idea that came up that I don't really support as is but would like to gauge overall interest in ... since we're on the subject :dry:

Note that this is merely a concept.

Exp Concept:

Basically it would be a small overhaul of the current exp system which would from then on only grant points for completing objectives. Kills, heals, defends, and staff use would no longer grant points.


If implemented as is, point totals relative to each other(such as Robin's -80) would become permanent barring arenas. Only known fix would be to bump all units up to the same point total.

So just thought I'd put that out there and see what the general response was.

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I would suggest bumping all units up to the current starting total who are below it, but even if not, I approve. The current system seems to reward last-hitters way too much. Unit X shoots at a unit and gets them down to only a few HP, doesn't matter. Unit Y tinks for juuuuust enough and BANG! EXP!

FYI, I'm not obsessed with points. I'm obsessed with not having my characters become useless. Here is Gytha's stats: Stats: HP: 8 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 4 RES: 2 and here is Robin's: HP: 5 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 9 SPD: 7 LCK: 3 DEF: 3 RES: 1 and just so people don't think I'm picking on Merc/Gytha, Fred's stats as well: HP: 10 Str: 8 Mag: 0 Skl: 3 Spd: 4 Lck: 1 Def: 7 Res: 3. Gytha does everything Robin can do except for 2 points of hit and a uncounterable attack every other turn. Otherwise Gytha is far more durable and does everything else Robin does almost as well (it's going to be another level-up before Robin has a chance of doubling something Gytha cannot... and even that is lulzy as it's the difference between a 3 AS enemy and a 4 AS enemy). Fred, meanwhile, just joined and deals more damage than Robin and is FAR, FAR more durable than either Gytha or Robin. He has trouble hitting, sure, but he's a defender through and through and he will, eventually, roll auto-hits, hit enemies with low evade, and such. If I had chosen to sacrifice some HP, his hit wouldn't be anywhere near this bad. That's my problem with Robin's point deficit. It's not that she's below average, it's that she's REALLY below average!

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The fact that one character is doing poorly due to inadequate planning by the RPer isn't really the fault of the system. I feel the current exp system is sufficient for our purposes, and to switch to objective-based experience-gathering would penalize the players who are making all the right moves statistically.

Also, wrt the stats, it is nice to mention that Gytha is also a tier above Robin and is actually using the strength stat and an iron sword instead of relying on a weakened skill stat brought on by a ranged weapon. If she had a normal 70 point weapon, she might fare better.

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You could compare Chelsea with Nadya.

Nadya is a demon because CynCyn planned right.

Meanwhile I have not planned well, have not been in every battle... And I honestly don't know how well Chelsea would do simply because I have not had the pleasure of fighting with her in done time.... I do wonder how much damage I'd do.... Someone calculate with a 6,6,6 roll on both Chelsea and Nadya?

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FYI, I'm not obsessed with points. I'm obsessed with not having my characters become useless.

Man, at this rate I'm going to have to whip out more excerpts. Snowy, you've gotten it into your head that without a certain amount of points, you can't pull off any kind of significant damage in battle. Now if I start sending out knights all the time, that'll be the case, but your point total won't have squat to do with it, so stop making bad comparisons and consider this ...

Robin only has to invest in one offensive stat, period. That affords her a stat she can put somewhere more needful during each and every level up, just like Amon. Robin can get a free attack in every other PP like Snike pointed out, and now that she has 15 hp, she can take a hit from your average enemy and not be outright doomed. Barring that, her evade isn't too shabby, either. Last but not least, Robin can bypass defenders ... I will have no mercy on you if you try to downplay this ability. These advantages might stick out more for you if you stop worrying about what the tier 2s are doing and stop worrying about how many points you don't have.

Gytha does everything Robin can do except for 2 points of hit and a uncounterable attack every other turn. Otherwise Gytha is far more durable and does everything else Robin does almost as well

Why on earth are you comparing an attacker to an off-tank? Gytha has ... four more points in her stats than Robin does, that's it. Four. She's more durable, but that just means we'll have her swinging at grenades for Raquel and Co as often as actually attacking.

Fred, meanwhile, just joined and deals more damage than Robin and is FAR, FAR more durable than either Gytha or Robin.

Army Sergeant: Okay so over here we have a sniper ... and next to her we have an armored jeep with a really big gun turret ... and last we have an Abrams (it's a battletank if you want to ruin the skit by not knowing what that is). Any guesses on which one can take more hits from small arms fire? :B):

Seriously dude, what's the point of these comparisons? Fred is a knight, and he also only has four more stat points than Robin.

That's my problem with Robin's point deficit. It's not that she's below average, it's that she's REALLY below average!

Well ... at least you're not pretending to give a damn about any of the other below average PCs. That was what annoyed me the most about this crap during the other times you suggested throwing out free points.

@ Disky

42 mt on a demon lethal (if target has no resistance) ... I think. 45 for Nadya.

Edited by Phoenix
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I think the point system is good as-is and agree with Snike and Disky's points.

@ Snowy: Just work on her with what you have and plan with others. You'll start to see your points go up again. Remember, this isn't a vicious cycle. Every character's individual point totals will fluxuate in proportion with the average.

Did you asked Phoenix for permission to CC his characters?

Do you mean in the spoilers tag? Cause Phoenix and I rp'd that out via SF PM. Also, wrt dream sequences, the only character actually in play is the dreamer seeing as any and all characters used in his/her dream is based upon the dreamer him/herself. They are in no way to be perceived as the actual character since all this is dependent on the mind of the dreamer. There will be misrepresentation due to the fact that it's the character who is dreaming and also because dreams tend not to make much sense anyway (except to the dreamer until (s)he wakes up.)

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PLEASE don't change the point system to that... thing. I've spent a lot of time planning my characters and planned to be rewarded for that.

ALSO, if people are having trouble with point totals, maybe they should coordinate more with other RPers. Most of us are willing to give someone a kill if it's planned out beforehand or we're asked. I know I've set up kills for some of you guys just because you asked me to. >_>

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Do you mean in the spoilers tag? Cause Phoenix and I rp'd that out via SF PM. Also, wrt dream sequences, the only character actually in play is the dreamer seeing as any and all characters used in his/her dream is based upon the dreamer him/herself. They are in no way to be perceived as the actual character since all this is dependent on the mind of the dreamer. There will be misrepresentation due to the fact that it's the character who is dreaming and also because dreams tend not to make much sense anyway (except to the dreamer until (s)he wakes up.)

I still don't like it. But I know the chances of her stopping it are slim, so why should I even bother...

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You could compare Chelsea with Nadya.

Nadya is a demon because CynCyn planned right.

Meanwhile I have not planned well, have not been in every battle... And I honestly don't know how well Chelsea would do simply because I have not had the pleasure of fighting with her in done time.... I do wonder how much damage I'd do.... Someone calculate with a 6,6,6 roll on both Chelsea and Nadya?

Well Nadya's more durable, but Chelsea has more hit. People don't seem to defend Chelsea a lot though.

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Tier wise, Nadya has more availability than Chelsea...we're all FE players right? We all like availability...Also, when wanting to act with Chelsea, make sure your tank can get his/her post in to defend her or she'll be free food for enemies just because she acted.

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If anyone can please kick me out of the mibbit chat I would appreciate it. Something is wrong and nothing is working.

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-OP updated.

-Items list updated.

-Some other thing updated.

-Triangle books now only have a two turn cooldown.

-Slayer categories amended:

Spellslayer added

Bard targeting transferred from Mageslayer to Spellslayer

-Magician class added.

Magicians: Expert magic users who specialize in counterspells.

Counter: These spellslingers send curses that deal ½ of their base Magic back in damage when the enemy initates the combat round. This does not preclude them from their ordinary counter.

Starting Stats: HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 4 SKL: 4 SPD: 3 LCK: 1 DEF: 2 RES: 2

Warlock promotion bonus

+ 2 MAG, +1 SPD +1 SKL

Sorcerer promotion bonus

+1 MAG, +2 SPD, +1 SKL

Proficiencies: Dark/Anima

Upgrade 1: The automatic counter now deals full magic dealt back.

Upgrade 2: Any enemy who attacks this unit has their evasion reduced by 25% for two phases.

-Monk class added.

Monks: Talented magic users who can seal off abilities.

Seal: These wizards can prevent an enemies’ class skill from being used for 2 phases. To do so, however, requires the monk to forgo an action.

Starting Stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 4 SKL: 5 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Adept promotion bonus

+1 MAG, +1 SKL, +1 DEF, +1 RES

Savant promotion bonus

+1 MAG, +1 SKL, +1 DEF, +1 RES

Proficiencies: Dark/Anima/Light

Upgrade 1: Instead of sealing off the enemies' class skill, they can now prevent the enemy from changing weapons for 2 phases. The original skill is still accessible, but cannot be used in conjunction with this ability. This is still considered an action.

Upgrade 2: Instead of sealing off the enemies' class skill, they can now prevent the enemy from being healed for 2 phases. The original skill is still accessible, but cannot be used in conjunction with this ability. This is still considered an action.

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You really want more magic users.... While it is interesting. I'm still about confused about these classes. Would you explain them in more detail.

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