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FE7 HHM 0% growths (with commentary) CANCELLED


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But he gets to sex her up in the end.

dondon is going to waste turns getting Bartre X Karla to A Support, isn't he?

Besides, you're probably doing Bartre a favor. He's the only guy in Fire Emblem that scores a hot chick... that later dies...

Edited by Colonel M
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dondon is going to waste turns getting Bartre X Karla to A Support, isn't he?

Besides, you're probably doing Bartre a favor. He's the only guy in Fire Emblem that scores a hot chick... that later dies...

Eliwood? Fin? Levin?

Shame that Fir takes after her mother, though. It would be better if she had Bartre's strength.

Edited by Anouleth
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Maybe he meant the only guy who isn't a standard hot guy (well, that's subjective, but I'm pretty sure Bartre doesn't have a substantial fanbase just over his looks) that gets to screw a hot chick that dies later.


Also agreed on Fir.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I just wish IS doesn't /have/ to make every female unit have less str growth than her male counterparts (except, like, Catria and Palla, but there's no male pegs so that's moot). It's not like there aren't any chicks stronger than dudes IRL, and Fir needs the str far more than Rutger does, seeing that she joins with bases inferior to Rutger's several chapters later (although they are good for level 1, but why should she even be level 1?), and Rutger destroys enough face as is.

I mean, like Colonel M said, she IS Bartre's daughter, after all.

At least she's better off than FE8's Marisa, though. Fir gets to join in an axefest which is to her advantage, and 7 base str is even worse than 9, especially in a lancefest.

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I just wish IS doesn't /have/ to make every female unit have less str growth than her male counterparts (except, like, Catria and Palla, but there's no male pegs so that's moot). It's not like there aren't any chicks stronger than dudes IRL, and Fir needs the str far more than Rutger does, seeing that she joins with bases inferior to Rutger's several chapters later (although they are good for level 1, but why should she even be level 1?), and Rutger destroys enough face as is.

1. Fir has the same strength as Rutger.

2. This is not communism, if every character got what they "needed", then every character would end up the same. And certainly, Fir does not "need" to be as good as Rutger.

3. Not everything is about WOMEN VS. MEN. You do not have to relentlessly compare every female character to their male equivalent. Fir's base strength is better than Oujay's and the same as Dieck's, for instance. She's overall stronger than Noah, who is supposed to be her teacher. She has the same strength as Bors and Karel.

4. Not every woman in FE has less strength than their male equivalent. Titania has some of the best strength in FE10. Tanith has similarly good strength. Mia's strength is better than Zihark's. Neimi is stronger than Innes, Amelia is as strong as Forde. Igrene and Dorothy are as strong or stronger than Klein and Wolt even in HM. Wendy is stronger than Bors. So there are plenty of counterexamples.

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//checks stats

Conceded, but it'd still be nice if she had something like, not 25% or slightly better bases at a slightly higher level. Same could really be said about a lot of FE6's characters, though. They're just so outclassed by people who came before them that they're hardly worth using.

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//checks stats

Conceded, but it'd still be nice if she had something like, not 25% or slightly better bases at a slightly higher level. Same could really be said about a lot of FE6's characters, though. They're just so outclassed by people who came before them that they're hardly worth using.

Well, if Fir isn't worth using because she's not as good as Rutger, then your standards are impossibly high.

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* A growth unit not as good as Rutger ever that is of the same class as him that joins like 6 chapters after him with Echidna joining like, two chapter after with better bases and B rank axes

Eh, I use her anyway because I have a soft spot for all myrmchicks, but doesn't make her actually worth it as a unit either.

But I think I should stop clogging up dondon's thread now. *waits patiently for C27*

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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(although they are good for level 1, but why should she even be level 1?)

Well, pretty much her entire character gimmick is "I'm inexperienced and naive".

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Except she actually isn't.

I am aware of that. But every time I've played through Rutger's Lck is pretty abysmal, and he ends up getting critkilled more than I'm happy with. Fir is a better dodge tank and doesn't get critkilled by everything like Rutger. I'm aware of the differences between them such as join time and Con, but I prefer training Fir regardless.

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In even more casual play, you can tag on a +Dieck and watch a triangle of win wreck shit. Slow as fuck but man

So much overkill

it's hilarious

And still somehow get A rank Tactics in the end because Tactics rank in FE6 is nonexistent.

Obviously this won't happen in anything resembling efficiency, but eh, if assuming casual, might as well go all out~

Not saying it's not okay to prefer Fir over Rutger. I prefer Machua to Othin for god sakes, but it'd be preposterous to say the former is better than the latter.

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