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On ‎2‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 5:06 AM, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

I repeat your question.

Oh gosh, where to start.

Citizenship: Japan:
I strongly recommend going around the various temples and ruins in Kyoto and Nara for pre-modern history. The old town of Kanazawa is another place where you can tour around to seek out the culture during the Edo period. Meiji-era and onwards are somewhat harder, due to the relative lack of heritage conservation seen in Australia and Euro-America, but we can start with Meiji-Mura near Nagoya which features some of the Meiji and Early Taisho era buildings that were salvaged. Two buildings that stands out to my mind are the Mitsubishi Building No 1 (which was one of Tokyo's very first white-collar office buildings), and Tokyo Station (possibly the only surviving railway terminus) nearby. Osaka has the Central Public Hall, while Kyoto has the National Museum For a general history of Tokyo, you can also visit the Edo Tokyo Museum, which showcases the quintessential exhibits throughout Tokyo's history. For World War Two, there is obviously the Atomic Dome in Hiroshima, but there is also a Showa-kan (Showa Pavilion) in Tokyo, which has exhibits regarding the Japanese side of World War Two.

Current Residency: Sydney, Australia:
Sadly, I do not know much about the Indigenous/Aboriginal/first residents' culture so you'll have to go to a tourist bureau for that. Definitely go around The Rocks district, or Hyde Park Barracks on Macquarie Street, both inside downtown Sydney (or as we call it, the Sydney CBD), if you want to know more about the early history of the European Settlement. Cockatoo Island in the middle of the harbor/bay is also another good place to visit as it exhibits some of the history regarding the convict settlers. The Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park would showcase some of Australia's military history, although a better place may be the Remembrance Shrine in Melbourne, or Anzac Memorial in Canberra. Finally, the Opera House on the harbour, and Australia Square in the CBD are modern architectural wonders which signified Sydney's transition from an outpost city of Imperial Britain to a modern metropolis in its own right.

How much of the following have you played: Fire Emblem, Pokémon, and/or Zelda?

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50 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

Who is best girl and why is it Clarine?

A so-called "best girl" simply does not exist and Clarine is most certainly not it. In fact, anybody attracted to Clarine possess an unspeakably dreadful taste in women. If I am to say, I even prefer Cecilia. The sole reasons as to why I chose a character for my profile is simply due to the resemblance within our personalities.

Do you find being a passenger of public transport, especially with Tokyo's congested subway service, to be most vexing?

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52 minutes ago, henrymidfields said:

How much of the following have you played: Fire Emblem, Pokémon, and/or Zelda?

All fire emblems, all pokemon games, only triforce heroes.


Hot or cold chocolate?

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23 minutes ago, Clarine said:

Do you find being a passenger of public transport, especially with Tokyo's congested subway service, to be most vexing?

Depends on the time and location. If it is outside of rush hour, then it is not too bad. Actually, I'm having a feeling that rush hour isn't as bad as it used to be, perhaps due to decreasing workforce population. Plus, Tokyo's people at least have manners, such as not barging in while people are trying to get out, actually moving in as far as they can to let other people in, or actually stepping off the train to let people out. Sydney's trains may not be as crowded, and I get to sit on most occasions, but in some cases it can be even more tiring than in a Tokyo train when I actually have to fight my way through inconsiderate people on the former.

I was intending this for @Clarine, but oh whatever, I'm going to ask both you (@Michelaar) and her: How's the public transport on your end?

Edited by henrymidfields
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9 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

@henrymidfields What restaurants you commonly eat in? 

Mainly (but not exclusively) at Asian restaurants as they are the only cuisine with meals at or below $10 in Sydney.

Do you do drawings? Or other arts?

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1 hour ago, Michelaar said:

Hot or cold chocolate?

I would prefer cold chocolate, for an excessively high temperature oftentimes removes the taste of any beverage or dish if I am ever to indulge in such things.

1 hour ago, henrymidfields said:

I was intending this for @Clarine, but whatever: How's the public transport on your end?

Public transport is truly dreadful here, for many simply lack any form of etiquette. In fact, I refuse to partake in being a passenger of such forms of transport! I suppose such is ideal for a lady such a myself as I can actually afford to not use a bus or subway service intended for unrefined peasants.

When playing a video game, just how would you describe your avatar's attire and accessory choices when customising your character? If one must know, I shall specially request for your answer in regards to a Pokémon video game.

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9 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

thief, i'll steal your heart in the middle of the night

what unique robot abilities do you possess that your terminator brethren do not (this question was for arcanite)

edit: opinions on everyone's favourite magical girl, dark magician grill (this question is for grarl)

She's fine... Not much to say about her really. Though with her recent support cards, she and her fellow magician's actually can make a pretty solid deck. Not a fan of the card myself and even less a fan of the insane, horny, exploitative fandom around her, but she not a terrible card either. She's just there and she's the mascot because they needed a sexy magical girl mascot for the show and... there she is.

2 hours ago, Clarine said:

Fascinating, I do not believe I have ever been truly acquainted with these cards, excepting Jinzo. Perhaps we may be able to discuss such a game another time? In fact, it behooves me to allow to you request for similar information after forcing you into typing such a passage. I say, perchance, such may even interest you.

There was no forcing involved. Typing such lengthy passages is enjoyable for me (Even if others might find it rather irritating). And yes, I believe I will take that question. Your favorite cards to run in a Yu-Gi-Oh deck or just favorite cards in general. (Oh, good, I was able to type this while you were next in line.)

Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh cards?

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2 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

She's fine... Not much to say about her really. Though with her recent support cards, she and her fellow magician's actually can make a pretty solid deck. Not a fan of the card myself and even less a fan of the insane, horny, exploitative fandom around her, but she not a terrible card either. She's just there and she's the mascot because they needed a sexy magical girl mascot for the show and... there she is.

There was no forcing involved. Typing such lengthy passages is enjoyable for me (Even if others might find it rather irritating). And yes, I believe I will take that question. Your favorite cards to run in a Yu-Gi-Oh deck or just favorite cards in general. (Oh, good, I was able to type this while you were next in line.)

Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh cards?

Hold. Did you just mistakenly insinuated the notion that you think Dark Magician Girl is "sexy"? At least such was what your words implied. Truly, one ought to be careful as to how they are to structure their sentences.

Very well, let us digress no further. One might say I channel my inner Maximillion Pegasus as I am one to use Toons. Perhaps this should be playing now, no? Now if you would excuse me, I shall promptly clean my mildly dusty deck for this showcase.

First, I shall introduce you to my kingdom—my Toon Kingdom. Toons are known for the field card known as "Toon World" but I for one prefer to use the newer and upgraded version. For usage, one is to banish three cards from the top of my deck in which allows me to set Toon Kingdom so I can have my Toons attack my opponent directly and bestow all my Toons protection from any card effects and destruction from combat. If one of my Toons is ever to be a victim of a most dreadful assault, I shall simply sustain the damage and banish yet another card from the top of my deck. In fact, I do recall each piece of Toon Kingdom costing approximately thirty dollars which is easily at least twenty-two pound sterling. One might deem such to be expensive for a card but I suppose it only show my wealth to those foolish enough to challenge me.



Very well, allow me to state my other Toon cards.

Toon Table of Contents is a very economic card and yet it is truly wonderful. Simply said, such functions as a "joker" of my deck and allows me to select any card containing "Toon" in its name. Of course, that would include Toon Kingdom and my Toon monsters.



Perhaps this may be my favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! card ever released and such would be known as Comic Hand. This dazzling and splendid card allows me to directly steal an opponent's face up monster and transform the poor soul into a cutesy Toon. One may wish to imagine them as a Toon if such is desired. Of course, it allows me to attack my opponent directly if they are not to possess a Toon on their side their field. And I simply must ask of you, just whomever would use a deck with Toons? As such, this card is highly effective against nearly every opponent if I am ever to partake in a duel.



If I may, I shall allude to the existence of Shadow Toon, a Spell Card that allows me to directly damage an opponent's life points equal to the attack points of a selected monster on their field. Mind you, if I am to select their powerful monster, they can easily be inflicted approximately three-thousand damage and of course, I can then steal that monster using Comic Hand. Such would equal six-thousand damage and assuming one is to start a duel with eight-thousand life points—a game quite like this would simply show my overwhelming strength. If my knowledge of the game is correct, I do believe this card can be selected with Toon Table of Contents, thus allowing me to end my enemies most efficiently.



I suppose I can also mention other Toon cards such as Toon Rollback which grants me the power to make a Toon attack twice during a single turn and the Toon Mask Trap Card in which can allow me to summon any Toon from my deck with an equal or lower level than a target monster. As such, I would be able to summon a more powerful Toon most quickly.

My two primary and perhaps frustrating Toon monsters includes Toon Masked Sorcerer and Toon Gemini Elf in which allows me to draw a card and force my opponent to discard a card from their hand once attacked respectively.

If I may, I shall also introduce Toon Dark Magician Girl in which is the aforementioned monster of this thread but far more innocent. Truly, that is a redeemable quality itself, no? Oh, of course, it can defeat my opponent most easily in which justifies her appearance in the deck.



Oh my, this nearly escaped my mind—Toon Ancient Gear Golem exists and such would be my so-called "powerhouse". And of course, such a monster can also attack directly with three-thousand attack points. One might find this card to be mildly amusing, for it possesses a silly face.



General cards I oftentimes use with these consists of the Field Barrier continuous spell which protects my Toon Kingdom and the Vengeful Bog Spirit spell card that also forces my opponent to wait a turn before they are able to attack. Of course, I find the traditional Magic Cylinders to serve me well. Oh, of course—I am one to use Terraforming to quickly find Toon Kingdom and Emergency Provisions to redeem any spare spells or traps for life points.

Now, I shall introduce you to Wiretap, in which is my choice to secure my victory. If one is to use a Trap Card against me, I shall simply activate my Wiretap to send their card back into their unrefined deck. As such, there is a high chance of me never seeing that card again throughout the game. Of course, I am fond of this card as there are no penalties for activating this.



I suppose this concludes my showcase of Toons. Might I also say, if I am to use my spare Magician deck, I am one to use the Rapid-Fire Magician alongside spells that directly damage my opponent. As one might know, this would deplete my opponent's life points most quickly if I am to possess multiple of these magicians on my field.



If you would excuse me, I shall now indulge in a cup of tea. Typing this passage was mildly taxing if I am to confess.

Might I ask, what are your sentiments regarding this explanation?

Edited by Clarine
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6 minutes ago, Clarine said:

Hold. Did you just mistakenly insinuated the notion that you think Dark Magician Girl is "sexy"? At least such was what your words implied. Truly, one ought to be careful as to how they are to structure their sentences.

Very well, let us digress no further. One might say I channel my inner Maximillion Pegasus as I am one to use Toons. Perhaps this should be playing now, no? Now if you would excuse me, I shall promptly clean my mildly dusty deck for this showcase.

First, I shall introduce you to my kingdom—my Toon Kingdom. Toons are known for the field card known as "Toon World" but I for one prefer to use the newer and upgraded version. For usage, one is to banish three cards from the top of my deck in which allows me to set Toon Kingdom so I can have my Toons attack my opponent directly and bestow all my Toons protection from any card effects and destruction from combat. If one of my Toons is ever to be a victim of a most dreadful assault, I shall simply sustain the damage and banish yet another card from the top of my deck. In fact, I do recall each piece of Toon Kingdom costing approximately thirty dollars which is easily at least twenty-two pound sterling. One might deem such to be expensive for a card but I suppose it only show my wealth to those foolish enough to challenge me.

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Very well, allow me to state my other Toon cards.

Toon Table of Contents is a very economic card and yet it is truly wonderful. Simply said, such functions as a "joker" of my deck and allows me to select any card containing "Toon" in its name. Of course, that would include Toon Kingdom and my Toon monsters.

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Perhaps this may be my favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! card ever released and such would be known as Comic Hand. This dazzling and splendid card allows me to directly steal an opponent's face up monster and transform the poor soul into a cutesy Toon. One may wish to imagine them as a Toon if such is desired. Of course, it allows me to attack my opponent directly if they are not to possess a Toon on their side their field. And I simply must ask of you, just whomever would use a deck with Toons? As such, this card is highly effective against nearly every opponent if I am ever to partake in a duel.

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If I may, I shall allude to the existence of Shadow Toon, a Spell Card that allows me to directly damage an opponent's life points equal to the attack points of a select monster on their field. Mind you, if I am to select their powerful monster, they can easily be inflicted approximately three-thousand damage and of course, I can then steal that monster using Comic Hand. Such would equal six-thousand damage and assuming one is to start a duel with eight-thousand life points—a game quite like this would simply show my overwhelming strength. If my knowledge of the game is correct, I do believe this card can be selected with Toon Table of Contents, thus allowing me to end my enemies most efficiently.

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I suppose I can also mention other Toon cards such as Toon Rollback which grants me the power to make a Toon attack twice during a single turn and the Toon Mask Trap Card in which can allow me to summon any Toon from my deck with an equal or lower level than a target monster. As such, I would be able to summon a more powerful Toon most quickly.

My two primary and perhaps frustrating Toon monsters includes Toon Masked Sorcerer and Toon Gemini Elf in which allows me to draw a card and force my opponent to discard a card from their hand once attacked respectively.

If I may, I shall also introduce Toon Dark Magician Girl in which is the aforementioned monster of this thread but far more innocent. Truly, that is a redeemable quality itself, no? Oh, of course, it can defeat my opponent most easily in which justifies her appearance in the deck.

  Reveal hidden contents


Oh my, this nearly escaped my mind—Toon Ancient Gear Golem exists and such would be my so-called "powerhouse". And of course, such a monster can also attack directly with three-thousand attack points. One might find this card to be mildly amusing, for it possesses a silly face.

  Reveal hidden contents


General cards I oftentimes use with these consists of the Field Barrier continuous spell which protects my Toon Kingdom and the Vengeful Bog Spirit spell card that also forces my opponent to wait a turn before they are able to attack. Of course, I find the traditional Magic Cylinders to serve me well. Oh, of course—I am one to use Terraforming to quickly find Toon Kingdom and Emergency Provisions to redeem any spare spells or traps for life points.

Now, I shall introduce you to Wiretap, in which is my choice to secure my victory. If one is to use a Trap Card against me, I shall simply activate my Wiretap to send their card back into their unrefined deck. As such, there is a high chance of me never seeing that card again throughout the game. Of course, I am fond of this card as there are no penalties for activating this.

  Reveal hidden contents


I suppose this concludes my showcase of Toons. Might I also say, if I am to use my spare Magician deck, I am one to use the Rapid-Fire Magician alongside spells that directly damage my opponent. As one might know, this would deplete my opponent's life points most quickly if I am to possess multiple of these magicians on my field.

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If you would excuse me, I shall now indulge in a cup of tea. Typing this passage was mildly taxing if I am to confess.

Might I ask, what are your sentiments regarding this explanation?

To the cards? And your deck choice in general?

Actually, I like the idea of Toons for a long time, and with more recent support cards, they have actually become pretty good cards in general. I actually used to run Toon Gemini Elf in my deck, just because it didn't require Toon World to keep on the field, and was a pretty solid attacker. A lot of Toon support came from the Spells and Trap cards you've shown off. Such as Toon Kingdom and Toon Table of Context. Comic Hand is a good way to gain control of an opponent's monster and it a Toon deck, it literally has no downside except that it's destroyed when Toon World is. Which is basically every toon in the game. I can easily see why a card like this would be enjoyed. Imagining a toon of literally every single monster in the game is rather enjoyable. ... Now I just want to imagine a toon version of Guardian Grarl.

Toon Ancient Gear Golem is a pretty good beater and in my opinion, better than Blue Eyes-Toon. Not only does it sport the 3000 ATK, but it also does piercing, doesn't cost you 500 LP to attack with it, and your opponent can't activate traps or spells when it attacks, basically making Mirror Force useless. There's no reason to run Blue-Eyes Toon, when Gear Golem is better in almost every way.


As for the Dark Magician Girl comment... I do see where that would come from. I know I stated that I didn't think she was sexy... And in the very next sentence I completely contradict what I had just said. Chalk that up to inconstancy with my words. ... I don't really have any excuse beyond that.


Didn't know which subject the question was toward, so I answered both.


What are cards you consider to be the worst, but you still love them for one reason or another?

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6 hours ago, henrymidfields said:

Depends on the time and location. If it is outside of rush hour, then it is not too bad. Actually, I'm having a feeling that rush hour isn't as bad as it used to be, perhaps due to decreasing workforce population. Plus, Tokyo's people at least have manners, such as not barging in while people are trying to get out, actually moving in as far as they can to let other people in, or actually stepping off the train to let people out. Sydney's trains may not be as crowded, and I get to sit on most occasions, but in some cases it can be even more tiring than in a Tokyo train when I actually have to fight my way through inconsiderate people on the former.

I was intending this for @Clarine, but oh whatever, I'm going to ask both you (@Michelaar) and her: How's the public transport on your end?

Public transport is really smooth!


Do you like your job?

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Since you have a TMS avatar, I'm assuming you've played it. How would you list its main characters (playables + Tiki + Berry + Maiko) from favorite to list favorite?

15 hours ago, Arcanite said:

I know you're trying to go with your name but do you ever get tired or bored of having whiteness all over your profile?

Yes. I need a glorious new avatar like Kawaii Stalin, Surprised Tsubasa, get smoked demi fiend or vibrating chihuahua, but i haven't seen a image as good as those in a while

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2 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

As for the Dark Magician Girl comment... I do see where that would come from. I know I stated that I didn't think she was sexy... And in the very next sentence I completely contradict what I had just said. Chalk that up to inconstancy with my words. ... I don't really have any excuse beyond that.


Didn't know which subject the question was toward, so I answered both.


What are cards you consider to be the worst, but you still love them for one reason or another?

My word, you are simply not eloquent with your words! But if one must know, I was referring the the entire passage in general. But the answer remains, what are your true sentiments regarding Dark Magician Girl?

Worst cards, you say? I do not believe I "love" any cards but if one wishes to know a truly useless card, I shall present to you the card known as "Yu-Jo Friendship". Essentially, it is a card that demands you to request your opponent to partake in a "handshake" with you or if you are in possession of the "Unity" card, you force your opponent to give you a "handshake" against their will. If such is done, both of your Life Points are shared. I say, such is a truly absurd card is mildly amusing simply due to the concept.



Fortunately, I essentially always wear gloves so I need not fret regarding the notion of touching the hands of a peasant that likely bathed their hands in potato crisps or other "snacks" without washing their hands.

If you are to choose an avatar, where might you wish for it originate from? Or otherwise, which character would you consider changing your avatar into?

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16 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

what unique robot abilities do you possess that your terminator brethren do not (this question was for arcanite)

The ability to befriend humans easily~

There are different robots for different purposes, and mine is to examine you closely and take note of your behaviors. 


Have you played the old GBA Yu Gi Oh games? If so, which ones?

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Look outside your window. What do you see?

10 hours ago, Clarine said:

Oh my, how dreadfully specific. This television show is becoming ever so curiouser and curiouser. One wonders how Mabel even wins.

You should totally watch it! It's a great show. Though, I don't know if you'd appreciate most of the humor...

19 hours ago, Nobody said:

What are your five favorite Fire Emblem songs?

In no particular order... and probably missing a couple...

A Dark Fall

Shaman in the Dark

Road Taken

Praise this Despair!

Id (Purpose)

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

Have you played the old GBA Yu Gi Oh games? If so, which ones?

No, I do not believe I have. In fact, I can only recall the Yu-Gi-Oh! video games I have played being a Tag Force installment on the PlayStation Portable and the so-called "Duel Links" on a mobile device. As one might wish to know, the length of which these video games entertained me never truly lasted very long.

If I may ask, are there any Gravity Falls characters you can perhaps "relate to"?

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If you could choose one, what character would you like to join Smash Bros.?

2 hours ago, Clarine said:

If I may ask, are there any Gravity Falls characters you can perhaps "relate to"?

Not particularly. All of the characters are great and funny, but I don't really relate to any. The closest would be Dipper, because he likes to think and solve puzzles, but even then its a very small connection. Though, he does have a very realistic relationship with his sister and "grunkle," so I guess I can relate to that.

And, of course, there's Bill Cipher, but he's more insane and chaotic, where I'm more insane and orderly.

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38 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

If you could choose one, what character would you like to join Smash Bros.?

Not particularly. All of the characters are great and funny, but I don't really relate to any. The closest would be Dipper, because he likes to think and solve puzzles, but even then its a very small connection. Though, he does have a very realistic relationship with his sister and "grunkle," so I guess I can relate to that.

And, of course, there's Bill Cipher, but he's more insane and chaotic, where I'm more insane and orderly.

I suppose we are both insane in a way. At least such could be said if I am to look upon myself through a logical manner.

As for your question, I desire not to have any characters I would be fond of to join the Super Smash Bros franchise, for doing so would force them into the spotlight of popularity. I say—from my view, this is a death sentence for fictional characters.

As such, my answer shall be Fernand for the following reasons:

- It would be most entertaining to see the reactions of the fanatics. One might accuse me of being sadistic but such is simply humourous, no?
- He can belittle most of the characters for being peasants.
- "No more Fire Emblem characters" being ignored.
- And perhaps the reason that matters the least, his colour palettes can be themed around the other Fire Emblem characters of his video game.



May I ask, what are your sentiments regarding "Valentine's Day"?

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Do you enjoy playing multiplayer video games? If so, which are your favorites?

5 hours ago, Clarine said:

If you are to choose an avatar, where might you wish for it originate from? Or otherwise, which character would you consider changing your avatar into?

I like to have funny (but not meme-y) images as my avatars, but if I were to use a character, I guess it would be the Demi Fiend from SMT Nocturne.


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12 minutes ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

What do you do if you want to be keot awake?

Do you mean "kept awake"? If so, then there is simply nothing I specifically do to avoid slumber. In fact, my inconsistent nocturnal lifestyle is acceptable as it is.

If you are to describe yourself using three adjectives, whatever might they be?

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