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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Animation progress.

Now I have to edit the other two lords.

Not gonna lie, I think it is super awesome that you gave Renair her own animation but it looks a fair bit worse. I know the original was just beta Eirika but still.

Though I can't really critique it a whole lot considering it is a video. Though I am studying at the moment to see what I can critique. :P Unless you don't want it which is completely cool as well.

Edited by eCut
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oh god no

I once bought a 3.50 drink with ten bucks. Paid me back in silver shrapnel.

There was a flimsy piece of plastic in front of the coins. This caused it to jam.

My fingers hurt that day, rather a lot... BUT BY GOD, I GOT MY SIX FUCKING DOLLARS.

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lol did we ever get complaints BEFORE we edited

and you know

made it objectively better and more fitting

Nobody's going to say bad stuff about an IS animation on a thread for a hack, because that's not your problem. Plus, Beta Eirika and Renair matched pretty well, so pretty much nobody will have complaints on whether or not it makes sense for Renair to have that animation. Now, when you do a custom animation, people will totally sayhow discontent they are about it because now it is your problem.

Though honestly, I think it looks great.

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oh god no

I once bought a 3.50 drink with ten bucks. Paid me back in silver shrapnel.

There was a flimsy piece of plastic in front of the coins. This caused it to jam.

My fingers hurt that day, rather a lot... BUT BY GOD, I GOT MY SIX FUCKING DOLLARS.

So you were still short 50 cents?

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lol did we ever get complaints BEFORE we edited

and you know

made it objectively better and more fitting


Basically what I was saying up there

Edited by Jubby
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Nobody's going to say bad stuff about an IS animation on a thread for a hack, because that's not your problem.

This basically.

I'm not saying drop everything and do a amazing special super duper awesome animation, I just think that in probably the most graphically edited FE hack I've seen, the main character deserves to get a unique, non-wonky animation.

Tbh it looks the same as beta eirika still imo

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Tbh it looks the same as beta eirika still imo

yeah they didn't change how the animation ran

they only wanted to make the animation look like Renair :V

and not everyone is Yeti; it'd take way too much time to give her a custom animation.

Beta!Eirika edit looks fine IMO.

Though I'm sure if they get free time and find someone who's good enough at making battle animations that they'll probably consider giving her her own custom one.

Edited by seph1212
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a) it is still beta eirika it just has some between frames and a hair change

b) i bet you that if there had been no video announcement nobody would have even noticed

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Nobody's going to say bad stuff about an IS animation on a thread for a hack, because that's not your problem. Plus, Beta Eirika and Renair matched pretty well, so pretty much nobody will have complaints on whether or not it makes sense for Renair to have that animation.

Well, good thing we went out of our way to make beta Eirika fit better and make it a satisfactory animation with an acceptable framecount.


Now, when you do a custom animation, people will totally sayhow discontent they are about it because now it is your problem.

It's not a custom animation. It's the old animation with more frames. Is it our problem that we don't have the time to make a completely new animation when the current one works fine?

So you were still short 50 cents?



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Well, good thing we went out of our way to make beta Eirika fit better and make it a satisfactory animation with an acceptable framecount.


It's not a custom animation. It's the old animation with more frames. Is it our problem that we don't have the time to make a completely new animation when the current one works fine?

I say custom because it's got a new head and stuff like that. It's not your problem (you being the people working on DoF) but people didn't like how the Beta Eirika animation looked in the first place. However, before that animation was made, there's nothing people could do. Even if people said that they didn't like the animation, and it's not like it could be swapped with any other pre-existing animation. It was even eventually announced that Renair was getting a custom animation, so it didn't really matter at that point. Now that there is a custom animation, people see an opening to show how they do not like the animation and how it should have enhanced, custom frames. Of course, time is pressed and the Battle animation creation department of DoF does not have as many people compared to other departments. I'm also sure that people have additional reasons to why they don't like it, but I am not them, so it is hard to speak on behalf of them.

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It's just an edit of BetaEiri to make it fit Renair's OA more, is all.

I don't think there's that many custom battlespriters period.

Of competence, that is. I could count the ones I know on one hand. And I don't even need a hand to count the ones with any free time because there aren't any.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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On a more graphics replacement side of the hack


You should play around with the transition effect too (the way the gradient tiles away). You can get some cool patterns going on, from what I remember.

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So much graphical changes o_O

I can't even contemplate how much time you must have put in to redesign such obscure parts of the game. keep up the hard work (it looks cool even if it says "planer phase").

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I blame Medici Text. Might not be the best font choice now that I think about it (I'm used to how it looks since I use it a lot but now that you guys mention it does look like a n XD) but the other one I found that works here is ridiculously fancy and convoluted as hell. Should probably go font-hunting at some point again.

Took me like 5 minutes in PS though. :P

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