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Fire Emblem Forever (status: dead?)


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Whoo! Great knight MU!

dondon, you don't have to pretend to be excited, we all know you'd prefer a paladin I know I would

But looking good. I'm a bit apprehensive about the number of Killers being toted around, however. Did you get a Female Rogue animation for Patty, or is she using the male animation?

Edited by Anouleth
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Well, I already expressed that I'd prefer cavalier -> paladin, but since Krad was determined to make him a knight, getting a great knight promotion is the best outcome.

But yes, I'm also not a fan of enemies having killer weapons. It's way too swingy.

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Well, I made him a Knight rather than a Cavalier for a two main reasons:

-There's already 4 potential Paladins (Oifey, Delmud, Fin and Aless), with I think one more coming on the way

-I wanted to have a mono-lance unit since there's a lack of lance units in this hack (counting MU, so far only 9 units can use lances), and the other classes that had lances just didn't work as well (Soldier would require adding a Halberdier, thing that I don't really want to do; and Wyverns I don't want to add yet)

-Personal preference made me want to have an unpromoted Knight, and making Hannibal a Knight didn't look right at all.

Also, GKs have 7 move after promotion, so they aren't really that behind Paladins.

Patty is using the male Rogue animation, since it looks androgynous enough for it to work.

As far as Killers are concerned, there really aren't that many. Before C5, there's none, in C5 there are 5, and in C6 there's 4 only (which considering it's a 20 turn chapter, then it's quite low). Meanwhile, the player only has 3 (a sword, a lance and an axe).

Edited by Krad
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  • 1 month later...

Whee update.


Chapter 6 has been entirely rewritten, finished most of the promoted palettes, altered most of the characters base stats (in almost all cases, lowering them, specially the LCK stats), did a few changes in the earlier chapters, and some other stuff.

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  • 1 month later...

Actually working on this hack? I'm surprised too.


Got Chapter 6, Chapter 6x and Chapter 7 done. That leaves 3 more chapters to get to the next release, and it is my intention to actually get that done before March.

Also as you can probably notice, that soldier isn't the most pleasant thing to look at (it was made by myself, so that was to be expected), so I'm wondering if someone could help with making a new one. It would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm not a spriter so I can't comment on the technical aspects of it, but I think it's really good. I like the asthetics, at least. Liking the snow stuff too, the the one space doors seem a tad off.

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The soldier doesn't look fundamentally flawed, it just needs some softening/border thickening.

Then again, I can't sprite to save my life, so what do I know? :P

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Krad, IIRC, someone here made a female rogue sprite if you'd rather use that. I just don't remember who made it or i'd link you.

I love how you have the actual mugs from FE4 in here. Is that because they only use 16 colors, or do you have to make any edits yourself?

Edited by Eliwood of Pherae
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I love how you have the actual mugs from FE4 in here. Is that because they only use 16 colors, or do you have to make any edits yourself?

He does edit in some shoulders here and there, I notice. But they do only use 16 colors. The GBA and SNES share some basic limitations, so all one really has to do is port them over. However, to animate them properly, you either do without, raise the mugs (I don't think Krad does this?) or modify the game to animate tiles a little lower than usual :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Fixed some stuff on Chapter 7 (actually the pic is a bit outdated, since it's now Survive for 10 turns), finished Chapter 8 and am currenly working on Chapter 9. After 9x is done, I'll request for about 4 people to do some beta testing, and then I'll release the patch.

Also added a poll for Nanna's promotion choice, since that is the only one I'm not sure about yet. Any of the choices is fine with me, so I'm leaving it up to user choice.

Edited by Krad
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kradwick lemme beta test so i can map nitpick at the same time ;>

Yeah, let me test too, Krad (always love to test good hacks).Btw, voted Light + Stave Valk.

Sure, no problem.

apparent saturation differences in last pic

It was supposed to be raining, I just forgot it when I took the pic.

Also this

I just love when this stuff happens without any RNG abuse.

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Do you think I could test it also? if anything the fact that i do it with a debugger makes it more reliable since i can see anything coming before it happens


dafuq is his mistolin?

What L95 said. You don't get the holy weapons right away, but you will be able to get two of them in this version of the patch. This is just to keep some sort of balance and making you use your whole team, rather than only the Holy Weapon characters.

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