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Unicycle Mafia - Pretty Unpleasant Guys win

General Spoon

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A fucking reminder: Please reply to your goddamn role PM with "Idling" or something if you aren't using your fucking ability this cycle.


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After stewing around for sometime, people figure that its a pretty good idea to kill that 13thshadow guy. And so they do.

Dear 13thshadow,

You are Yahtzee Croshaw.

You are British-born, currently Australian-based writer and gamer. You also review video games.

You currently have no abilities. You will gain the abilities of certain members of your team if they die, though you will not be able to perform their actions as well you they could.

You are allied with the Terrified Locals. You win if the Terrified Locals eliminate all other factions.

Also today somebody brought Radiant Dragon to court, prosecuted him for crimes he may have committed, and got him the death penalty. Radiant Dragon was:

Dear Radiant Dragon,

You are Tom.

A resident of the undersea town of Bikini Bottom, you are a green fish who loves chocolate. You also have an inability to keep a stable job.

During a cycle you may reply to your role PM with “Cycle X – Did you say chocolate <user>?” At the end of the cycle you will kidnap <user>, thinking that he is selling chocolate. At the end of the following cycle you will realize that <user> isn't selling anything, and will release him. While <user> is kidnapped he may not post in the game thread, use any of his abilities, be lynched or be the target of any actions. If <user> does post in the game thread you will kill him in a chocolate fueled rage.

You are allied with the Antagonistic Individuals. You win if the Antagonistic Individuals eliminate all other factions.

The police have released another report today:

Good morning, everyone! Today looks like--hey, what's this?
Dear Survivor,

You are Princess Vespa.

You are the Princess of Druidia, a planet that was once targeted by the Spaceballs for its air supply, and were kidnapped by them because of it.

You have been friends with Princess Leia, who you know is <snip>, from a young age. As such, you know she is allied with the Terrified Locals. If Princess Leia dies, your vote towards lynches will count as two.

You are allied with the Terrified Locals. You win if the Terrified Locals eliminate all other factions.

Let's all say thank you to the mysterious person on IRC who sent that to me. I can't say who it was, because that person didn't show up in the town square. Anyway. . .GOOD JOB FOR NOT LISTENING TO YOUR LEADER!!! Please don't do that again.

And another thing. The same smartass from yesterday notices that Haze has returned.

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God damnit 13th.

Results from our claimed Inspector came in.

Dear Obviam,

You are Wojtek.

A brown bear, you were found and adopted by members of the Polish army during WWII, and you served under the Polish flag. You like drinking and smoking as well.

During a cycle you may reply to your role PM with "Cycle X – Socialize with <user>" You will wander over to <user> and share a drink with him. While he isn't looking you will pick up the crate he put his role PM in, and walk off with it.

You are allied with the Pretty Unpleasant Guys. You win if the Pretty Unpleasant Guys eliminate all other factions.

Edit - Removing vote for now.

Edited by Haze
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Okay Haze is giving me a lot of shit and it's become apparent to me with what eclipse announced (assuming that's even eclipse, haha) that someone (I'm going with Life) is apparently staging this really well. Obviously it's someone who's good at coming up with fake roles, and I'd be surprised if it wasn't the same person.

Some mysterious person told you, eclipse? Really? You can't pin a name on them? Life apparently got crafty after being lazy throughout my game and made a bold move, sending you some fake shit about him to make himself look good. Or maybe you're in on it too? We already know Life is in contact with Haze, so of course he'd send him stuff to say.

PTG all over again, Life? Do I bother you that much?

But seriously, who would claim role checker and then say that the person they checked was a role checker? What the hell kind of stupid move was that?

whatever, ##Vote: Life Admiral

At least the vig knows what they're doing.

Edit: Haze seems to be indicating that he might have fallen for the bullshit rather than actually having been the part of cause of it.

I'm keeping my vote for now though. Like I said, I would regret it if I was right again and let Life get away with shit.

Edited by Obviam
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Lol, I know I curse frequently

I just don't usually see Spoon doing it

also, my IRC isn't working again.

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Just incase its the forest applet you are using, its not working. Use mibbit or mIRC. Again this is just in case you are using the forest irc...

Edited by SlayerX
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Oh, yeah. It seems like eclipse because her ellipses are spaced

and also, Obviam is mafia probably calling shit just because

but if Life is pulling shit again I will be very disappointed

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Just incase its the forest applet you are using, its not working. Use mibbit or mIRC. Again this is just in case you are using the forest irc...

No, dude, I use mIRC. My computer is shit, and it's lagging like a motherfucker tonight

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No, dude, I use mIRC. My computer is shit, and it's lagging like a motherfucker tonight

I feel your pain... shitty computers are horrible.

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WTF everyone, I posted my claim in the very first announcement!

Obviam, I--wait, no. I will lose my temper again. You get a response when I'm through seeing red.

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