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Pokemon Black: Serenes Forest Edition


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Some of you have probably heard (read?) me about this before, but I am doing a Serenes Forest themed run for my Pokemon Black first playthrough. What I know about this game:

-N is evil

-some of the pokemon

There, that is basically all I know. Let's get this up to speed where I am.

Trainer Luka, goooo!


Part 1: I forgot the names of the first two towns already. Fuck.

(The first town, route 1, and... the second town)

I like this already. I pick Oshawott because it looks cute and I know the evolution is perfect for someone: who but Musashi! I beat Bianca and Cheren (this guy's like me a lot. looks, behavior a bit, attitude... sweet) and I laugh at the room's fate. My mom would never do this IRL. Bianca and her dad are arguing or something. I meet the professor and... wow, Pokedex already. That means no backtracking! Onward to Route 1 where Prof J catches a Patrat and leaves after giving us Pokeballs. Cheren makes some smart-ass comment about how she forgot to say Pokemon jump out of tall grass. We're more alike by the second! So we have a contest to see who gets the most Pokemon. My first is a Lillipup- caught it and named it Ether. I battle a bit, and then go meet them. We all have two apparently. We go on and I am arbitrarily taken to the Pokemon Center- which now has the Pokemart in it too, which is neat. I wonder what this means for department stores though...

After healing up I am taken to a meeting where some guy named Ghetsis (hello mr. obvious villain) says some stuff about liberating Pokemon. Uhuh. Sure. Then some kid walks up to me and says he hears my Pokemon. K. Or should I say N, since apparently that's his name. Battle go!

He goes down pretty quick. He says he talks to Pokemon and wants to free them because they are his friends. Yeah, sure. I look at my Pokedex now. I can get one of those Purrloins he had next route, and I can also get a Patrat that I did not catch earlier so I see no point in going back to get one on Route 1. But first I talk to some people... two of which change the background music! Awesome. It even stays that way when I go into the Pokemon Center and exit, but it leaves if I go out of town. Oh well, it's still pretty cool. Moving on.

Part 2: Stepping up in life

(Route 2, Striaton City, and the Dreakworks)

I catch 'Rey Leon' the Purrloin and 'Astra' the Patrat. Fight a little. Hi Bianca. She's not too tough. I walk around the city, battle Cheren in the Trainer's school, go west to the Dreamworks and get 'Ragen' the Pansear, train a bit on Route 2, and gogogo gym! Some guy asks me my starter. Okay. The trainers aren't too bad, but I need to heal between them regardless. Now for the Gym leader- Cilan for me. I don't think he'll be too bad, but... he wrecks most of my team. Ragen takes it out, though. For Pansage, I use Musashi as a distraction to use the Fresh Water on Pansear and I feel kind of bad, but I don't sweat it too much. We go back and forth for a few moves, and I realize I'm going to lose if he uses a potion, and...

he... didn't. Well that worked out better than expected. I win and get the badge as well as a TM, which are now unlimited use. Cool. Team Plasma stuff. etc etc etc. Not too hard. I run around in the grass a bit and the first Pokemon's a Munna! Catch it and name it Tangerne, but I don't think it's something I want to use it so I put it in the PC. Onwards!

Part 3: Dust Problems

(Route 3, Wellspring Cave, Nicrene City, Pinwheel Forest Exterior)

I fight a bunch of kids and feel bad for taking their money, but one of them hilariously mentions Hyper Beam. Suddenly Cheren! I was unprepared so he was kinda hard but I win anyways. Plasma. Cave time. Routed Plasma and catch some people. I get some dudes there and fail a bunch of times to get a Drilbur (Musashi crits the two I see and the rest all have gems. wtf). I'll come back for it. Stuff, Cheren mentions stuff called Double Grass. Get some guys. Cool. Nicrene City!

I go by most stuff to the forest and get 'Slayer' the Timburr and 'Rei Rei' the Sawk. Musashi is Dewott. Challenge Rock. Gym! Puzzles are not too bad but the last one is weird. Gym Trainers didn't need to be healed between. Rei Rei is gr9mazing. I heal up only for the gym leader. I didn't need to. Rei Rei is now officially overkill.

Plasma. Go to forest, get 'Levity(musicnote)' the Cottonee! :D :D :D That's a wrap for now.


TEAM (Update 1)

Musashi- Dewott LV 18 Tackle/Razor Shell/Water Gun/Focus Energy

Levity(musicnote)- Cottonee LV 15 iunnolol

Kiryn- Blitzle LV 13 the only stuff it has learned naturally by now

Astra- Patrat LV 13 Tackle/Work Up/Cut/Bite

Rei Rei- Sawk LV 18 DKick/Focus Energy/Leer/Low Sweep

Ragen- Pansear LV 15 Incinerate/Scratch/Fury Swipes/Leer


TEAM (Current)


PC (current)

Box SForest (1)

Ether- Lillipup LV 10

Rey Leon- Purrloin LV 12

Fourth Fox- Audino LV 8

Tangerine- Munna LV 8

Slayer- Timburr LV 16

Lumi- Roggenrola LV 10

Tibarn- Pidove LV 8

DestnyHero- Scraggy LV 17

Kiryn- Blitzle LV 19

Ragen- Pansear LV 19

Freohr- Archen LV 25

Snike- Marractus LV 20

NeoReyLeon- Liepard LV 22

bunch of other dudes

Box unwanted (7)

Psych Woobat LV 10



Hydreigon- Nightmare

Sandile-13thshadow (ingame thirteen)

Volcanaro- IntegerZero

Pawniar- crashman alpha (ingame: alphacrash)

Vanillite- Frostbite (Frosty)

Vullaby- StSS (Strawman)

Bouffalant- Emerald

unspecified- Silvercrow, Claude_C_Kenny(ClaudeCK)

Reshiram- classified 8]


You can ask to reserve any Pokemon and be named it unless I already have one for you. If you are picked by me you have no choice. Don't be dumb and pick a White Exclusive. Also if its infuriatingly difficult to get I may give up, so you can have a backup if that is the case. And don't tell me stuff about the game. I want to figure out stuff for myself. This run will be completed when I have done all the postgame stuff possible, then I will conclude by going through the New Elite Four and defeating Alder.

That is all.

Edited by Reinfleche
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I named you a Woobat because I don't like it.

Anyways, routed the forest. Went back to the Pokemon Center and...

Nurse Joy wished me a happy birthday! Wow. That's an awesome little touch they made there. Now I'm going to get Hika, and after that I go to... uh... I need to figure out what direction I'm going in first.

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Of course! Also hooray, first non-requested signup!

Even bigger hooray, I got Hikarusa! Training is going to be a nightmare but it's Hika and Drilbur looks cool so I bet it'll be totally worth it. I hope so, I burnt like 30 repels on getting him. That took a srsly fucking long time.

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You can have some more. I got across the amazing bridge of awesome and got to a city I am quite literally lost in. Right now I'm in the Battle Company. It's kind of annoying (Petilil is the most assholish thing ever. srsly)

also considering getting a different cottonee with the priority-status ability instead of what it has now, but Iunno. It is level 16, not much training. Do you guys think it would be worth it?

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While the spot of the first non-starter is flattering, Lillipup doesn't seem to suit me much at all... might I ask what gave you the idea to name it after me? I wanted something cool like Moxie!Krookodile... I mean, it hurts to be dropped in the first log, man.

Edited by Ether
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While the spot of the first non-starter is flattering, Lillipup doesn't seem to suit me much at all... might I ask what gave you the idea to name it after me? I wanted something cool like Moxie!Krookodile... I mean, it hurts to be dropped in the first log, man.

You're a pretty nice guy and stuff I guess and dogs tend to be pretty nice. You stayed for the first 2 gyms. More than a few can say. I was horribly off about your level too, you were LV 14.

Wow, lots of requests! All accepted, of course.

Team update after Battle Co:

Musashi LV 20

Hikarusa LV 15

Kiryn LV 13

Rei Rei LV 22

Ragen LV 18

Levity LV 19

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For the first guy I used Ragen and got him to literally 1 HP, then Ragen down (would've lasted longer if I remembered to give him Eviolite). Burgh Hyper Potions. Then I used Hikarusa and brought his accuracy really low with Mud-Slaps (I got 6 off and was only hit once), then whittle away with Metal Claw, but he got KO'd by a second lucky Poison Tail. He Hyper Potions again D: Then I send out Kiryn who beats him down dodging everything (hooray mud slap!) and learns Flame Charge which replaces Thunder Wave. Then she gets OHKO'd by a crithit!SmackDown. Now I have Levity, Muasashi, and Rei Rei, the first two of who will be mauled supereffectively, so out goes Rei Rei. Who takes 5 damage and 4HKO's the other dude (2 Double Kicks). Last guy I was expecting will be worse. Protect, Low Sweep does nothing. Low Sweep, Razor Leaf misses. Low Sweep, Razor Leaf hits. Now I know I can't win with Low Sweeps because that took off almost half of his HP and he's not even at half HP, so I take a risk and go for Counter. GREAT SUCCESS! He's really overlevelled now. Whatever, he deserves to be.

Team update:

Ragen(Pansear) LV 18 Eviolite Scratch/FurySwipes/Yawn/Incincerate

Rei Rei(Sawk) LV 23 BlackBelt DoubleKick/LowSweep/Counter/FocusEnergy

Levity(Cottonee) LV 19 MiracleSeed MegaDrain/RazorLeaf/StunSpore/Growth

Musashi(Dewott) LV 20 MysticWater Tackle/WaterGun/RazorShell/FocusEnergy

Kiryn(Blitzle) LV 18 ScopeLens QuickAttack/Charge/FlameCharge/ShockWave

Hikarusa(Drilbur) LV 16 ExpShare MetalClaw/MudSlap/FurySwipes/somethingican'tremember

So fuck you and your Swoobat Psych, I did fine without it. Onwards to... the next place!

edit: was horrible wrong about items, edited

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I'm Purrloin? Haha. And why aren't Bizz and I fighting together?

because you're not useful anymore and bizz is

@ESR: What's a Joltik.

@Emerald: Yes.

Beat Bianca and Reinlookalike I mean Cheren. Team has not changed significantly though. I am supposed to get some stuff in this desert, so that'll be cool and stuff.

updating OP with a full list

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