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Mitnala Rising

Radiant Dragon

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maybe other driver won't contact because he's afraid you're going to want him dead?

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Evidently the mayor was hoping for more mindless voting. Well, he's out of office now.

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Night One has ended.

[spoiler=Night One flavor]Elizabeth could often be found wandering Mitnala's streets, experiencing all the small town has to offer. She had just moved to Mitnala recently, shortly before the murders started, and she found she quite liked living there. Although she had started to wonder if it would still be the same after everything was over.

As she turned onto her street and the street lights turned on, she found Hector waiting for her, leaning against a fence. He saw her and said "That went unexpectedly well, didn't it?" Elizabeth had to agree. She didn't expect the town to do their job for them by getting rid of Mortimer.

"Yes, but... We're not done yet. There's still the rest of the High-Risers to take care of, not to mention the others in town that will get in our way." She replied.

Hector laughed. "The High-Risers, who have everything this pathetic town has to offer, and still want more. And us, the Low-Risers, who shall rise to the top, and rule Mitnala!"

"You really pride yourself on coming up with those names, don't you?"

"Why not?" Hector asked, and laughed again. "Anyway, they're waiting for you at Duncan's house, so you better get over there. I've got a job to do, so I'll see you some other time."

Elizabeth nodded, and walked the short distance to Duncan's house, which also doubled as their base of operations.

She entered the house and turned on the lights (the others never seemed to do this, for some reason), then went to the living room where Duncan and Jason were waiting. Duncan looked around as she entered the room and said "Finally returned from the Fool's Parade?"

"Those 'fools' just did our job for us, Duncan.' Jason countered.

"So?" Duncan replied. "Mortimer was only one man, and his operation is much bigger than that."

"Are you sure you didn't just want to kill him yourself?" Elizabeth asked.

"Is that so wrong? Those idiots have robbed me of my revenge." Elizabeth only shook her head in lieu of an answer. "Still, I can't deny things are going well so far. Let's make sure we keep them that way."


It was early morning as Vivian climbed Haven Lighthouse's staircase. Stories told how the first settlers came to Mitnala by ship, and were suffering from lack of food and fresh water. The lighthouse showed them the way to land and saved them. Oddly, the lighthouse was the only building the settlers could find for miles once they landed; the area had been completely uninhabited until they arrived. Vivian had always wondered how it was possible for a lighthouse to be there with no one to build it, but no one had been able to provide a satisfactory answer.

She reached the top balcony and leaned into the morning air, watching the sun rise over the ocean and admiring the effect it had on the water. It almost made her forget the town's trouble for a short while. Almost.

"I had a feeling I'd find you here" came a voice from behind her. Vivian gasped and turned around to see Nathan enter the balcony and stand next to her, looking out to the ocean. "Your mother and I used to come here together in the mornings and eat breakfast, watching the sunrise just like you do."

"Daddy... are you all right?" Vivian asked.

Nathan didn't answer immediately. Instead, he continued to stare at the horizon. Finally, knelt down so he had to look up at Vivian, and put a ring into her hand. "Here, take this." He said. "It's the ring I gave your mother when I asked her to marry me. I want you to hold on to it."

She took the ring, and watched as Nathan seemed to struggle with what he wanted to say next. After a short while, she realized what was going to happen and said "You're sending me away, aren't you?"

Nathan sighed, and answered "...Yes. It's too dangerous in Mitnala right now. Tomorrow, I want you to catch the train to Kafti and stay with your grandmother until this is all over."

Vivian nodded, then glanced back up sharply and said "Wait, you're not coming?"

"No, I'll stay and help the town. No buts, Vivian! Not this time." He hugged her tightly before saying "When it's safe, I'll see you again. I promise. Have I ever broken a promise to you?"


"And I don't intend to start now." He stood back up and said "Now go back and get ready for the day."

Vivian went back down the stairs as Nathan turned back to the beach, watching the waves hit the sand as the sky continued to brighten.

"Very touching." Now Nathan was the one whirling around to meet a speaker behind him. Except this time the speaker had a gun. Before Nathan could move, the man fired the gun, shooting him in the chest. He felt an immeasurable pain, and fell over the railing into the waves.

His attacker swore, ran to the railing and leaned over, but he couldn't see the body anywhere. Still, there was no way he could have survived...

Balcerzak has died. He was:

Balcerzak, you are Nathan: Town Mason

Nathan is the Chief Justice of Mitnala, and is also a single father caring for his daughter, Vivian. His wife Karen died due to an illness several years back. He opposes the idea of lynching the townspeople, but he goes along with it to try and protect innocents from being hung. His biggest concern is keeping Vivian safe.

You are part of a group of Masons who know who each other are and know you are all innocent.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all other factions are eliminated.

Bizz has also died. Unfortunately, you can not glean any information from what's left of her body.

It is now Day Two. The phase will end on Friday, 10 p.m. GMT. Night results are being sent out now.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Janitor. Lovely.

Bizz was one of my masons, FYI.

Haze, Excellen just messaged me. He thinks that you and Eclipse are scum.

If I die soon, Excellen may be mafia

throwing that out there now

##Vote: Excellen Browning

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