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Sleep Settings


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What this topic is asking is, how do you all sleep best? In order for me to have an optimal sleeping experience, I need to have:

-A mattress (As opposed to a futon or something)

-Sheet covering the mattress

-Two pillows, a firmer one below a softer one

-A ceiling fan on "high"

-Complete darkness. Meaning, no laptop lights, no cracks of light under the door, no clock illumination...nothing.

As for my body, I usually fall asleep on my stomach/side with my head resting on my arms, but always wake up on my back.

So, how do the rest of you sleep?

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2. It must be dead silent. Anything other than that, and I don't sleep well.

I forgot to put that, as well. My ceiling fan makes a little noise, so I guess I've adjusted to that. But, I can honestly say that I never adjusted to intoxicated girls yelling and even vomiting outside my dorm, conveniently located near my school's Greek housing.

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I have a fan on, on my side, usually hugging a firm pillow for support. What I sleep on pretty much various and I'm not picky--but I sleep best how's such is.

Lately I've gotten out of my home for the summer, and my laptop's been without battery--I conditioned myself into falling asleep to watching a specific series on youtube, and since I can't, I haven't been falling asleep all too well in the process because of that D:

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A mattress, a sheet over it, one pillow, not too hot/cold, and absolutely must have a fan going on. I used to be able to sleep without it until during the one summer where my dad tried to use air conditioning as little as possible and I had to turn it on every day. Then I just got too used to it. I also get bugged by light, though sometimes I can go to sleep in the middle of the day. I'm also pretty sensitive during sleep, which makes the fan help.

I think that's just about like what everyone else said =D

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I can sleep anywhere, on anything, in any position, with any amount of noise, in any amount of dark/light, at any temperature. Yeah, I'm just that good. But I prefer not to sleep at all. Oh and I'm being serious with that answer. Except I don't think I can sleep standing up or with my eyes open.

Edited by Strawman the SawmanShaman
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Who needs sleep, we have the internet

I have a mattress with a pad on top, then sheets and 5 blankets, though that part doesn't matter too much for me. Usually though I need a ton of pillows stacked on eachother so I can sleep. I have 5 on my bed now.

I also used to need my fan on, but my parents told me to stop, so I broke that habit.

I could sleep through a thunderstorm.

On Wednesday night I did sleep through a thunderstorm.

Edited by Darros
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I can sleep pretty much anywhere. I typically like a lot of blankets so I'm warm, but I can do without just about everything. I've fallen asleep with the lights on in my room before, I sleep through storms and other loud noises, and once I slept on a friend's floor with no blankets, no pillow, and no mattress. It wasn't comfortable, but I was tired.

Ideally, though, I sleep with a mattress, one or two pillows, and a lot of sheets.

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A comfy bed, a fan or an AC (preferably AC), 2 pillows, 2 hugging pillows, 1 blanket, complete darkness, headphones in ears with a playing Ipod. Happy Amely.

Edited by Amelia
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Ah, actually, there's also supposedly, for some people, some instinctual response to sleeping in an enclosed environment. I forget where I read the studies, but if you sleep underneath a table, for example, you're more likely to fall asleep quicker, and enjoy a better night's rest.

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-I can sleep when im tired to music, other noises are near impossible.

-Darkness is a must for me, i've gotta put a pillow on my face or something.

-I use one pillow.

-and my sleep schedule is really fuckeed up right now, i keep waking up at 8:30 really tired then sleeping another hour or hour and a half.

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I like two pillows, a blanket, and something for me to sleep on, mattress, blanket, carpet, hardwood, or tile (from greatest to least). Like the rest of my family, I'm used to sleeping on the floor.

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I like two pillows, a blanket, and something for me to sleep on, mattress, blanket, carpet, hardwood, or tile (from greatest to least). Like the rest of my family, I'm used to sleeping on the floor.

I dont sleep on anything, i perfer spaaaaaace.

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A mattress

A pillow (a fluffy one, but not too fluffy your head goes right through, for lack of a better word.)

My blanket (i use one year round, not sure if its called blanket in english since it actally keeps you quite warm.)

Must be relatively cold, although not too cold. If it gets too hot i have trouble falling asleep, specially since it gets hard to use my blanket.

Dark is cool but not a necessity. Hopefully low light though.

Little noise is important.

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It is very difficult for me to fall asleep, and I generally find myself incapable of being able to do so at someone else's home. Obviously I need a matress, a blanket, pillows, etc. Or at least, I expect them. However, I require the sleeping area to be at least cool to begin with. If it's warm, I'm not going to be able to sleep regardless of how tired I am. Unless, I suppose, I'm very cold. Though that is very rare. I also need some sort of background noise to help me sleep. I suppose I prefer a fan, since it would also keep me from getting overly warm. Finally, I need to have the door to the room I'm sleeping in shut.

As for how I sleep, it's kind of a mess. I generally start by trying to lay on my left side, but I toss and turn about all the time. I suppose I just sleep however I finally manage to get myself to fall asleep.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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I can't sleep well in environments that are heated. :/

Apparently I've slept through a fire alarm, so I guess I'm a pretty heavy sleeper when I do sleep though that was quite a while ago.

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I have a mattress, 4 pillows (two of those ornamental pillows that are uncomfortable and I don't use and two regular ones), comforter and sheets. I sleep in any position and, for some reason, fall asleep extremely quick when I stack my pillows. Woo.

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