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Serenes Forest's Fire Emblem Character Battle 2011

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Serenes Forest's Fire Emblem Character Battle 2011


It's the Top Eight!!!

[spoiler=Round 1 Results with Tiebreaker Results]01: Shinon (17) vs Zihark (11)

02: Misha (10) vs Arthur (18)

03: Fir (21) vs Eliwood (7)

04: Cormag (19) vs Delmud (9)

05: Midayle (12) vs Cecilia (16)

06: Darros (6) vs Titania (22)

07: Largo (22) vs Femina (6)

08: Roddlevan (6) vs Karin (22)

09: Eyrios (8) vs Lester (20)

10: Isadora (17) vs Geitz (11)

11: Lex (16) vs Ike (12)

12: Katua (21) vs Tana (7)

13: Marth (25) vs Atlas (3)

14: Jarod (8) vs Sain (20)

15: Percival (24) vs Dew (4)

16: Meg (Bye)

17: Aideen (11) vs Sara (17)

18: Anna (23) vs Athos (5)

19: Hawk (12) vs Leanne (16)

20: Joshua (12) vs Haar (16)

21: Cliff (6) vs Echidna (22)

22: Tanith (12) vs Aless (16)

23: Alm (11) vs Geese (17)

24: Nephenee (20) vs Shiva (8)

25: Farina (7) vs Pent (21)

26: Micaiah (10) vs Oguma (18)

27: Pamela (9) vs Clarine (19)

28: Gerik (18) vs Patty (10)

29: Knoll vs Gonzales (Tied at 14) - Tiebreaker Match: Knoll (12) vs Gonzales (13)

30: Lute (13) vs Marcia (15)

31: Canas (6) vs Volke (22)

32: L'Arachel (Bye)

33: Fee (11) vs Othin (17)

34: Mia (18) vs Louise (10)

35: Sothe (17) vs Roshea (11)

36: Paola (9) vs Sirius (19)

37: Trabant (18) vs Lilina (10)

38: Miledy (23) vs Nino (5)

39: Sigrun (11) vs Dieck (17)

40: Ayra (21) vs Gale (7)

41: Levin (22) vs Ashnard (6)

42: Brunya (18) vs Hawkeye (10)

43: Raven (19) vs Lena (9)

44: Mist (12) vs Rath (16)

45: Levail (17) vs Radd (11)

46: Eltoshan (9) vs Lakche (19)

47: Fury (13) vs Rutger (15)

48: Boyd (Bye)

49: Priscilla (16) vs Hardin (12)

50: Ethlin (21) vs Roy (7)

51: Tinny (12) vs Nanna (16)

52: Mahnya (10) vs Calill (18)

53: Tomas (12) vs Valter (16)

54: Parn (19) vs Narshen (9)

55: Lyre (11) vs Kyza (17)

56: Lloyd (20) vs Tate (8)

57: Caesar (8) vs Lifis (20)

58: Hector vs Ilyana (Tied at 14) - Tiebreaker Match: Hector (9) vs Ilyana (16)

59: Tiltyu (21) vs Natasha (7)

60: Aimee (17) vs Saber (11)

61: Lachesis (10) vs Ishtar (18)

62: Jill (7) vs Sigurd (21)

63: Alvis (22) vs Lowen (6)

64: Volug (Bye)

[spoiler=Round 2 Results]01: Shinon (11) vs Arthur (16)

02: Fir (12) vs Cormag (15)

03: Cecilia (12) vs Titania (15)

04: Largo (9) vs Karin (18)

05: Lester (7) vs Isadora (20)

06: Lex (12) vs Katua (15)

07: Marth (13) vs Sain (14)

08: Percival (23) vs Meg (4)

09: Sara (19) vs Anna (8)

10: Leanne (6) vs Haar (21)

11: Echidna (9) vs Aless (18)

12: Geese (8) vs Nephenee (19)

13: Pent (13) vs Oguma (14)

14: Clarine (8) vs Gerik (19)

15: Gonzales (9) vs Marcia (18)

16: Volke (16) vs L'Arachel (11)

17: Othin (12) vs Mia (15)

18: Sothe (4) vs Sirius (23)

19: Trabant (11) vs Miledy (16)

20: Dieck (7) vs Ayra (20)

21: Levin (19) vs Brunya (8)

22: Raven (18) vs Rath (9)

23: Levail (6) vs Lakche (21)

24: Rutger (21) vs Boyd (6)

25: Priscilla (11) vs Ethlin (16)

26: Nanna (18) vs Calill (9)

27: Valter (9) vs Parn (18)

28: Kyza (2) vs Lloyd (25)

29: Lifis (14) vs Ilyana (13)

30: Tiltyu (24) vs Aimee (3)

31: Ishtar (15) vs Sigurd (12)

32: Alvis (22) vs Volug (5)

[spoiler=Round 3 Results]01: Arthur (17) vs Cormag (16)

02: Titania (18) vs Karin (15)

03: Isadora (12) vs Katua (21)

04: Sain (11) vs Percival (22)

05: Sara (13) vs Haar (20)

06: Aless (21) vs Nephenee (12)

07: Oguma (14) vs Gerik (19)

08: Marcia (16) vs Volke (17)

09: Mia (14) vs Sirius (19)

10: Miledy (15) vs Ayra (18)

11: Levin (25) vs Raven (8)

12: Lakche (22) vs Rutger (11)

13: Ethlin (19) vs Nanna (14)

14: Parn (15) vs Lloyd (18)

15: Lifis (9) vs Tiltyu (24)

16: Ishtar (21) vs Alvis (12)

[spoiler=Round 4 Results with Tiebreaker Results]01: Arthur (17) vs Titania (19)

02: Katua (16) vs Percival (20)

03: Haar (21) vs Aless (15)

04: Gerik vs Volke (Tied at 18) - Tiebreaker Match: Gerik (15) vs Volke (10)

05: Sirius (14) vs Ayra (22)

06: Levin (19) vs Lakche (17)

07: Ethlin vs Lloyd (Tied at 18) - Tiebreaker Match: Ethlin (12) vs Lloyd (13)

08: Tiltyu (17) vs Ishtar (19)

Keep in mind:

  • You must vote in all matches, otherwise, your vote will not count. Please make your choices obvious.
  • Please post only votes.
  • This round will last for 72 hours after this post is made.

01: Titania vs Percival

02: Haar vs Gerik

03: Ayra vs Levin

04: Lloyd vs Ishtar


I will be voting for:

01: Titania

02: Gerik

03: Ayra

04: Lloyd

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01: Titania Easy choice.

02: Haar :(:

03: Ayra :(:

04: Ishtar Another easy choice.

Edited by Spykor
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I can't believe this...


1. Titania

2. Gerik

3. Levin

4. Lloyd

I'm sorry, Ishtar...

Edited by Kiku-Ichimonji
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