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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 100


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Best: Kieran... Silly and good-lookin' in one package!

Honorable mentions to Geoffrey, Cuan, Seth, Lex, FE7!Marcus, Frey, Carrion and all the Christmas Knights in existence... Mwohohoho! *explodes*

Okay Frosty... quit the fanboying already! *gets hammered*

WORST: VALTOME! You deserve that for three freaking rounds!

Dishonorable mention to Makalov (UGH), Izuka (UGH, UGH!), Gheb (FREAKING DISGUSTING!) and lastly... Gharnef!

Edited by Frostbite
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Best: Shinon. Honorable mentions to Horace, Karel, and Leonardo.

Worst: Valtome.

Edited by Pariah
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Why does no one vote Volug what the hell people I don't think anyone else has even so much as mentioned him this is stupid.

Also yeah fuck commas I don't need punctuation.

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Hooraaaay 100!!!

Best is same as the other best/worst looking thingy

Best: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Any honorable mentions? Hmm.... I suppose Zihark, Geoffrey, Ephraim, Rhys is pretty huggable. Oh! And Bastian!!

Worst: I suppose Izuka though it was a hard to choose between Izuka and Gheb...

Edited by Agnaktor
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Why does no one vote Volug what the hell people I don't think anyone else has even so much as mentioned him this is stupid.

Also yeah fuck commas I don't need punctuation.

But Volug has no nipples. He's unrealistic.

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But Volug has no nipples. He's unrealistic.

Find me a Fire Emblem character that shows their nipples in official art.

And male, of course, so no one takes that the wrong way and thinks I'm asking for porn.

And lastly, lol @ unrealistic when blue is a common hair color for main characters.

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best: skrimir skrimir skrimir


Many honourable mentions:

Warren, Holyn, Beowolf, Celice, Aless, Faval, Othin, Homeros, Dean, Percival, Wade, Geese, Sain, Jaffar, Gerik, Boyd, Geoffrey, Kieran, Oscar.

worst: gheb

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No. Gheb.

Best looking male: Add another vote for Cuan here.

Honorable mention goes to Alexander the Black Knight, Eltoshen, Sigurd, Levin, Holyn, Noce, Jamuka, Azel, Lex, Midayle, Finn, Claude, Shanan, Oifey, Sety, Shakasher, Celice, Arthur, Delmud, Faval, Corple, Camus, Merric, Marth, Ogma, Navarre, Cain, Abel, Eliwood, Sain, Kent, Raven, Lucius, Pent, Karel, Nils, Roy, Alan, Lance, Noah, Deke, Oujay, Shin, Klein, Percival, Ephraim, Seth, Joshua, Forde, Rennac, Ike, Oscar, Gatrie, Soren, Kieran, Reyson, Janaff, Haar, Rafiel, Kurthnaga, and Sephiran.

Worst looking male: Strke another vote for that fat ugly chazzer Gheb in hopes of getting another round where he's voted #1 for worst.

Dishonorable mention goes to: Oliver, Makalov, Ashnard, Izuka, Binks, Xemcel, Shagall, Batta, Glass, Bug, any homosexual bandit, and Jamuka's older brothers.

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And male, of course, so no one takes that the wrong way and thinks I'm asking for porn.

Maybe I'm being a wee bit old fasioned here but that would just be nudity, unless she's banging somebody in the picture then it would be porn.

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Best: Volug is manly.

Worst: Gheb is not.

Interesting I never had Gheb down as being effeminate in any way.

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Interesting I never had Gheb down as being effeminate in any way.

Just because you're not manly doesn't mean you're effeminate. Gheb lacks many qualities that are associated with masculinity, such as respect towards women, courage, or chin ownership. But that doesn't mean he possesses feminine qualities.

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Just because you're not manly doesn't mean you're effeminate. Gheb lacks many qualities that are associated with masculinity, such as respect towards women, courage, or chin ownership. But that doesn't mean he possesses feminine qualities.

Well I was trying to set up a Star Wars quote but that chin ownership part more than makes up for it.

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They named a guy "Maggie"...

And that isn't all - his partner is "Rose"... And they have that ugly face sprite that Pain and Agony have.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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And that isn't all - his partner is "Rose"... And they have that ugly face sprite that Pain and Agony have.

And let's not forget, they named a guy "Jasmine", whose partner in crime is Paul.

Guess whose face sprites they both share.

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