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Fire Emblem 12 ~Heroes~ Translation Project

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On Ellerean:

It's really difficult to figure out what sort of anglicized spelling would sound similar to his Japanese name "エルレーン," but frankly, any sort of translation that's similar to Elren or Elrean or Elleren or whatever is close enough.

On Belf:

Suggesting "Bell" and "Belves" as possible names. The former ignores the last kana in the Japanese name and is a somewhat common surname in English. The latter is the name of a city in France, and is (at least in my opinion) fairly close to the Japanese name as f and v sounds tend to use similar kana when written in Japanese.

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By the by, I'm particularly looking forward to the supports. I really like Vergil, and the Lintonesque fashion in which he has aided me in the past, but...I really want to sorta know why he's in the middle of nowhere. And why he can't see through Camus' mask.

Well actually, Shimuzi Hitomi actually done a rough translation of the Belf/Camus (I MEAN SIRIUS') "supports."

Sirius/Belf 1. Poor Belf. :( (dude's sharp! Uhh, not that you need to be all that sharp to figure this one out, but still.) basically Belf tries to get Sirius to take his mask off. This one breaks my heart for some reason. I think because they both know... And they're both so polite to each other and there's just this undercurrent of regret that makes me all :[ (especially because when MyUnit confronted Sirius, Sirius basically intimidated her off XD) And then Belf actually calls him "Captain!" :[

Belf/Sirius 2. Belf continues to be polite but persistent. Sirius continues to be polite but firm. "I thought I asked you to stop bothering me", except politer. Belf sez, you can hide behind that mask, but your spear technique is obviously that of Grust. Sirius is like, please go away -_- (except politer). Belf is like, "I'm only bugging you because you won't admit it." (except politer). Then he asks Sirius to at least explain why he's hiding his identity. To which Sirius says "............" And Belf calls him Captain again. Oh guys, you are killing me. :[ And then Sirius says OK FINE. Supposing for a moment I really am your captain from Grust. Whatcha gonna do about it huh? Except politer. (sorry, I AM EASILY AMUSED.)

Sirius/Belf 3

[as mentioned before, both parties are really really really polite, Belf slightly more so than Sirius]

Belf: Sir Sirius, my apologies for my rudeness up to now. It appears that I mistook you for someone else after all.

Sirius: ... The important thing is that the misunderstanding has been resolved. Your apology is accepted.

Belf: Please wait. May I not... reminisce a little about the past with you?

Sirius: .........

Belf: The captain who led the Sable Order of Grust to which I belonged was a truly impressive individual.

The captain told me this: the lance of a knight is wielded not for himself, but for the sake of protecting the defenseless populace.

I have come this far bearing those words in my heart.

However, as this is not a path I determined for myself, there are also times when I am troubled over whether or not this is the right choice...

Sir Sirius, if my captain were still alive, I wonder what he would tell me?

Sirius: Belf... I am proud to have had a subordinate like you.

It is my wish that you, in place of I who have forsaken Archanea, continue to protect the common people from now on....

Belf: ....!

Sirius: ... If I were that captain, that is what he would surely tell you.

Belf: .... My... deepest gratitude!

[Aw man. Sirius, why so contradictory? XD But yes, he actually does say he's abandoned Archanea, which is left to us to interpret as we will...]

But anyway. On Bell or Belves: I actually thought of Bell, but thought other people would view it as a stupid name. I don't know. Maybe people would be mature enough to give him the nickname Bellend. Tee-hee.

Belves seems okay to me, I would take that as well, though.

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On Ellerean:

It's really difficult to figure out what sort of anglicized spelling would sound similar to his Japanese name "エルレーン," but frankly, any sort of translation that's similar to Elren or Elrean or Elleren or whatever is close enough.

I personally, would probably have stuck with something like Eluren, but maybe that is just the Tolkien influence swaying my judgement. It feels like something you'd get out of Sindarin.

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...Um, how exactly does this fit into anything?

And big deal, you vehemently oppose Malicia. Hell hasn't begun to freeze over.

No, seriously, how does this prove anything about 'what IS suggested'.

Malicia+Maricia, together, got 1/3 of the votes Maliesia got. Maybe they should go with things other than what IS suggested, because not even IS is infallible.

I like Eluren, or Elleren, or anything that doesn't end with an een sound, really.

Edited by Rewjeo
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f you have to know Japanese to make an English localization then everyone who doesn't know Japanese might as well move out of the picture

There are two categories of contributors that don't need to know Japanese: Hackers, and proofreaders. This is because their contributions are divorced from the actual localization process, instead focusing on providing the technical means necessary, and a professional level of polish.

Everyone else in a translation project should have at least moderate proficiency in the language.

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I could probably get along fine in Japan with what I know, and I wouldn't consider joining the translation team because I don't feel I know enough Japanese :/

Anyways, what did you guys go for with Cecil/Cecile? I'm curious because, although I like Cecil more, the Katakana seems, to me, to imply Cecile more.

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I could probably get along fine in Japan with what I know, and I wouldn't consider joining the translation team because I don't feel I know enough Japanese :/


Considering how they have Snow, though, I think they'll be fine.

I mean, from what it looks like, he's doing a ton more research naming wise than simply "Hey, this is what it probably is, sounding out the Katakana".

Taking into account the possible origins from different countries... I'm fine with whatever they dish out.

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I could probably get along fine in Japan with what I know, and I wouldn't consider joining the translation team because I don't feel I know enough Japanese :/

Anyways, what did you guys go for with Cecil/Cecile? I'm curious because, although I like Cecil more, the Katakana seems, to me, to imply Cecile more.

At least in the patch I have (with stuff like Elrean, Malicia and Sima...latest public for a while) it's Cecille. Two els.

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At least in the patch I have (with stuff like Elrean, Malicia and Sima...latest public for a while) it's Cecille. Two els.

She's just complicated when you have to deal with Celice, Cecelia, Celica and then herself. >_>

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I could probably get along fine in Japan with what I know, and I wouldn't consider joining the translation team because I don't feel I know enough Japanese :/

Anyways, what did you guys go for with Cecil/Cecile? I'm curious because, although I like Cecil more, the Katakana seems, to me, to imply Cecile more.

Cecil is a boy's name, Cecile sounds more like a girl's name.

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Cecil is a boy's name, Cecile sounds more like a girl's name.

Cecil is actually a bi-gendered name, but as you've displayed, most people associate it with being male, so Cecille, which is actually a female name, fits better to avoid confusion.

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There are two categories of contributors that don't need to know Japanese: Hackers, and proofreaders. This is because their contributions are divorced from the actual localization process, instead focusing on providing the technical means necessary, and a professional level of polish.

Everyone else in a translation project should have at least moderate proficiency in the language.

With a project set up like this, most people involved are proofreaders, in different senses.

Which perhaps shows the issue with this setup better than anything else.

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I would be a hacker, I essentially do all the stuff that the rest of the team can't or doesn't want to do like I analyze suggestions most of the time

While I've been arguing some names because some comments get annoying/I feel like it/I like to share my thoughts on things/I'd like to think people should know the reasoning behind names, I still haven't actually decided on a single name to be used in the game, except for Malicia, but that's what we were originally using anyway IIRC, before I had even decided for sure

IIRC it was

Malicia -> stupid ass poll -> Malliesia -> my post -> Malicia

Everything else was either an FE11 name, translated/localized by Vincent, localized by Arch, or precedence (AKA taken from FE3... which really means "translated by Vincent with precedence in mind").

Back to the point, I would fall in the hacker category, and Arch in the proofreader category, and Snow and Vincent in the translation category, and while we intermingle in each other's categories it's really nothing to fret over because it has little to no negative impact (no name will be approved unless it's approved by someone who knows what they're talking about, like Vincent).

Vincent knows some hacking, Arch knows some hacking (well, whatever I taught him, anyway), and like-wise I know some basic Japanese fundamentals as does Arch. Not enough to be making big decisions but enough that we can have an opinion worth reading, IMO.

I also like how people think they're so cool and know everything about how to work translation groups, I like it so much it makes me want to puke (don't mean to offend anyone here since some people are sensitive to me using the words 'puke' and 'cool')


fun fun fun

I'm just going to have some fun fun fun doing more hacking you guys make your ragefest hacks using GBA FE hacking programs, try hacking textures in a hex editor, that's a REAL ragefest >___> but I've almost figured out how to hack the title logo, yay

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I don't get why Malicia is the name you're going with, of all the names. Like I said, if the fandom seemed to agree with it, I'd accept it, but Malliesia got THREE TIMES as many votes as it, and all that I've heard regarding why you're using it is "AASHDOAISHGLJXHV AOISDHFW HOW DARE YOU QUESTION US WE ARE GOD"

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lulz, exaggerations

and that poll was total bull**** and anyone who analyzed the situation knows it, all it did was prove that people would rather not have things change than having things change for the better when they risk having things change for the worse, if Malliesia's name were known as "Mallisha" before and we put "Mallisha" up as one of the changes people probably would have chosen that,

not to mention it polled people from SF and SF only

no matter what polling is going to have flaws, and a lot of them, but at least get a variety of people and a lot of people if you're going to factor in polling in making decisions, which we didn't do for that poll at all, which is why I was shocked that we had actually for a moment decided to go along with it (I had no idea that we were going to change "Malicia" to "Malliesia" until Arch mentioned it to me later and I had a "woah, WTF is this, I didn't know that happened" moment 2 seconds after).

By the way I might sound angry or ticked off, I'm not, I've just kind of lost the patience to make myself sound like a slightly dignified person (i.e. mature, intelligent and calm, I may not have these qualities but I can at least pretend), since doing so takes a lot of effort and by nature I'm lazy so it's not my thing

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That's still not an answer- it's just "because we said so." You can't use polls and then just disregard them when they don't conform to what you want. That's like if Obama lost this next election with only 22% of the votes to the Republican candidate's 65% and he just said "there are all sorts of problems with polling, so I'm just gonna stay president anyways." And did you ever put up a poll about it on the blog? Why, not that I've seen, or that I can see now! You can hardly say that that poll was invalid when you clearly don't care enough to make another valid one. Unless I'm missing something on your site. And, again, that is still not any reason for why it should be Malicia. If the poll had had the opposite result and Malicia had totally destroyed Malliesia and I said "that poll was total bull****" would you have taken that as a reason to use Maliesia? All I'm asking for is the reason to use Malicia.

This whole "people just wanna go with what's familiar" thing is a total double standard, too. You talk about changing names to be more familiar (localization) but you can't NOT change a name so that it's familiar? Edit: Further, you're going with FE11 names because, and I quote, "A: FE11 names will be retained for consistency." Now consistency isn't super detailed, but I think it's safe to assume that part of that consistency is being consistent with what people are familiar with at this point. But we can't have Malliesia for the same reasons.

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Still to this moment, there's not really any definable argument for supporting what Blazer and Arch suggest, other than, "We want it that way." But there's many points which support going against unnecessary changes.

The only action is, of course, to blatantly forego whatever brings opposition :newyears: And this is what has been pursued since. Other projects which try to go down this way are usually denied from most translation hubs that I know of.

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The only action is, of course, to blatantly forego whatever brings opposition :newyears: And this is what has been pursued since. Other projects which try to go down this way are usually denied from most translation hubs that I know of.

So daring to say 'It sounds better' is what's going to make you never download/openly discredit this translation?

Has anybody ever told you how sad that is?

Look, to my memory, and this could be wrong, VINCENT MADE THE FE3 TRANSLATION NAMES ANYWAY. I just get the SLIGHTEST feeling he has greater authority than anyone to change them. And...oh, yeah, that's right, he's ON THE FUCKING PATCH TEAM.

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So daring to say 'It sounds better' is what's going to make you never download/openly discredit this translation?

Rather, it's daring to be the first to say those words. Congratulations. Investing what you suppose into the mouths of others always takes a large, personal step.

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Celice, I don't really care if you choose to not play/attempt to discredit our translation. In the end, you don't really matter much. You're just one loud member of the community's outraeg machine, which in reality only makes up a little handful of people on one internet forum. I'm confident that, although you may complain and moan for something like Belf -> Vergil, 99% of the people that this translation is designed for will enjoy that they have the game in English and will grow to accept and approve the improved names for the cast.

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Improved is subjective, but. . .as long as I can kinda figure out who's who, I don't really care.

(Malliesia/Malicia will forever be known as "that staff chick" to me)

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I do neither, but I do point out real issues which are apparent. You can form an opinion on someone based on facts which exist outside of them--but be careful doing so, as that tendency falls under a logical fallacy. It's usually a bit more efficient to deal with the issues, rather than argue against the person speaking of them.

although you may complain and boycott for something like Belf -> Vergil, 99%
Celice, I don't really care if you choose to not play/attempt to discredit our translation.

It's understood that you read things how you want. You don't need to remind us. Most people I've known don't go around make-believing things never said, though.

(Malliesia/Malicia will forever be known as "that staff chick" to me)

She was always the chick with huge hair for me :P It's like, more than half her mugshot.

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Ooh, someone's busting out the rhetorical terms. Question for you, then. Ever heard of the "strawman" fallacy?

there's not really any definable argument for supporting what Blazer and Arch suggest, other than, "We want it that way."

In case you haven't, it means framing an opponent's argument in an overly simplified way so as to make it easier to argue against. I've outlined standards of "improvement" several times in this topic, maybe you could invest a little time into fairly reading our arguments before you commit a logical fallacy talking about them.

Also, Celice, it's nice to know that I'm just imagining that you're complaining about everything. Maybe you could stop complaining all together so as to make your assertions correct and have a triumph over me? We'd both win with that one :P:.

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