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Fire Emblem 12 ~Heroes~ Translation Project

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I disagree. This is a fan project, not a page of tools/resource, an explanation, warning, announcement, or a set of rules about the forum or anything. It also doesn't get very many replies since most everyone just visits the blog. Though, I ultimately don't really care since it's just a topic pin, I just don't think it needs to be pinned, personally.

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There is a pinned thread over in the general Fire Emblem section (I think) that deals with translations. When the patch has been released, that thread I'm sure will be updated to include the relative information and links.

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Stop bringing up conflict-inducing talk, no one who matters cares for that talk in this topic, do it somewhere else instead of our team's translation topic please. Even the way you bring up the matter is provocative, and if you had maybe put in a little effort you'd have found out that we discarded the name "Malliesia" ages ago. It's fine to have your opinion but it isn't welcomed here if it's going to "disrupt the peace" and given the tone of what you're saying and the record of everyone else who has brought up name translations, it's going to do just that, so try to make a "c-c-c-c-combo breaker" and take it somewhere else where people can put up with the inevitable stubbornness of humanity, please.

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So sorry to interrupt the great Malliesia debate, but I have a good suggestion.

You could translate Katarina as Catalina. I ran Catalina through a name converter and it was translated into Romanji as Katarina. Catalina means "pure" in Spanish and I think it works pretty well.

I probably suggested to late but whatevs.

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Did you guys ever realize that her name is not Malliesia?


"Malliesia (マリーシア, Maleesia, translated Malicia or Marisa in fan translations)"

TCG said her name is Malliesia also.

Edited by King Marth 64
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So sorry to interrupt the great Malliesia debate, but I have a good suggestion.

You could translate Katarina as Catalina. I ran Catalina through a name converter and it was translated into Romanji as Katarina. Catalina means "pure" in Spanish and I think it works pretty well.

I probably suggested to late but whatevs.

Given the trends of how the Fire Emblem names are chosen, Catalina is the likely intended connection.

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Indeed, FE8's localization team chose to make that change from the literal translation. If this is intended to be a professional-level translation, aiming for the translations to be meaningful in English, this project should be willing to do the same thing. Which it sounds like it is, so there's nothing more to discuss.

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Not to mention that, if we went by Romanji, the villain of TearRing Saga is a "Dark Load".

Edited to appease the masses

>Denying facts

>Comparing names to regular words

The fact an official name is crappy (lol Siglud) doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Given the trends of how the Fire Emblem names are chosen, Catalina is the likely intended connection.

Guess what guys, Katarina, Catalina and Catarina are all versions of the same name.

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Stick to English, buddy; this statement only goes to show that your skill at Japanese is lacking, to say the least.


Straight from the unmodified Japanese game. I've only taken half a year of Japanese so far, but I believe this is indeed what is known as "Romaji". So, where is this problem? Surely you're not getting all upset over a typo.

Fun fact: Later on, Brave Warrior gets a sword to "concur" evil. This stuff may be in characters we recognize, but it was not necessarily made by people who know how to translate.

Edited by Othin
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I've only taken half a year of Japanese so far, but I believe this is indeed what is known as "Romaji".

Actually, it's not. Romaji is, quite literally, the romanization of the Japanese language. What you're referring to is a bad translation.

Aside from the fact that the kana ロード has traditionally denoted the class for every lord in the Fire Emblem series, the same kana can be interpreted (based on context) to mean "load" or "road." Whatever the case, I believe my appraisal of Banzai's lack of Japanese skill is correct, as he incorrectly referred to a translation as "Romanji" (nevermind the fact that it's "Romaji").



Edited by dondon151
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While most of what I posted is clearly poor translation, nor Romaji (while still being relevant to the matter at hand, as I noted), the focus was on the "Dark Load" part. This was certainly translated from the katakana you posted, and it seems to me that in the case of katakana like this, the line between romanization and translation is blurred, as that katakana appears to be whatever a "reverse romanization" would be called. Now, I'm going a bit outside the scope of what I've learned in class here, so I realize that there might be some subtle distinction I'm missing, and I would appreciate anything you can explain about it. But I believe we can understand that if any mistake has been made, it is the result of a lack of education in these subtle distinctions, not a lack of skill.

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Not to mention that, if we went by Romanji, the villain of TearRing Saga is a "Dark Load".

Any relation to Dark Phallus of Phantasy Star?


Quite shocking given how FE5 actually had an opening in PROPER English.

Edited by deuxhero
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While most of what I posted is clearly poor translation, nor Romaji (while still being relevant to the matter at hand, as I noted), the focus was on the "Dark Load" part. This was certainly translated from the katakana you posted, and it seems to me that in the case of katakana like this, the line between romanization and translation is blurred, as that katakana appears to be whatever a "reverse romanization" would be called. Now, I'm going a bit outside the scope of what I've learned in class here, so I realize that there might be some subtle distinction I'm missing, and I would appreciate anything you can explain about it. But I believe we can understand that if any mistake has been made, it is the result of a lack of education in these subtle distinctions, not a lack of skill.

How can you write so much about what's just an obvious mistake

Any relation to Dark Phallus of Phantasy Star?


Though considering how its "projection" that attacks Alis in Motavia is called succubus/incubus, that one might just have been done on purpose...

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What exactly is your point with this anyway? The guy in charge of this TRS translation obviously just chose a really really horrible romanisation. That doesn't mean that Malliesia is a flawed translation, it doesn't make Malicia better.

Edited by Anouleth
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What exactly is your point with this anyway? The guy in charge of this TRS translation obviously just chose a really really horrible romanisation. That doesn't mean that Malliesia is a flawed translation, it doesn't make Malicia better.

It shows that the "official" romanizations might be flawed. It shows that while they can be considered, they should be judged solely on their own merits as a name, with no preference given whatsoever on the basis of their being "official".

That is all. I do not intend to post in this thread again; I have nothing more to say about these matters.

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