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Poll: Purple-haired cleric

Feedback for the FE12 fan translation  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. What name do you prefer? (read carefully!)

    • Malliesia
    • Malicia (A)
    • Maricia (A)
    • Marysia
    • Malisha (B)
    • Marisha (B)
    • Mellisa
    • Other (please state)

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Another quick poll just to gather some information that might be useful for the FE12 fan translation.

This time, I'm interested to know what name you prefer for this purple-haired cleric.


Note: Due to their similarity, suggestions 2+3 (A) and 5+6 (B) count as one set of votes each.

What's her name?

Mariishia in Japanese

Malliesia according to FE3's official art and TCG

Maricia according to FE12's internal code

Malicia according to... the Heroes of Shadow (...who!? These guys.)

Who is she?

A young girl from Grust. High-spirited and prone to flights of fancy. She pretended to be a child to hide from Lang.

[spoiler=FE3 script]

Actually I have already become of age...

But, my grandmother lied for me so the soldiers wouldn’t take me away.

Well, I know if I stay here I will eventually be discovered and captured by the imperial soldiers.

Lang’s soldiers are like beasts.

But, you’re different.

You have very kind eyes.

Please, take me out of this country and to your own country.

Is that alright, grandmother?

BTW, Malicia is apparently a real word, meaning to trick your opponent into a compromisable position. Of course, Malicia is actually a nice person... or is she!?

[spoiler=FE3 ending]Her ending suggests that she went and became a bad apple. Whatever that means.

Kind of lazy to look up her FE12 base conversations ^^;;;

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trick your opponent into a compromisable position

Malicia, huh? She does kinda trick the army so that she doesn't have to join or whatever and she's in a good position. Not a very clear thought but meh

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I voted Malicia, but if Mallesia stands a better chance of winning then consider my alleigance...flexible.

Meh, what do I care, I use Etzel, Linde, Yumina or Elrean~

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Wow, for some reason I never read her original despite knowing katakana and playing the game often. I was calling her Malli-esia all this time. Derp.

Malliesia reads a bit awkward to me. Malicia just looks better.

Edited by Mousefire
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Ya know, Vincent, I bet if Mallesia was on the poll in the first place when you made the topic, a lot more people would've voted for it xD

I prefer Mallesia(I pronounce it as Mal-Asia) to Malliesia(Mal-i-es-i-a). Unless of course she's hispanic, in which it is May-a-si-a

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At the end of this we should pitch Malliesi-

We should pitch whichever wins against Mallesia. Have a straightforward battle to the end. Because I know where my loyalties lie.

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It's not unnecessary if that vowel is meant to be pronounced .-.

Whether it's meant to be pronounced or not, it is unnecessary. I mean a name like Aeneriothua may mean for every vowel to be pronounced; that doesn't mean it doesn't have any unnecessary vowels.

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