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Solum's sprites


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I reduced his face line ( our left) and hair to make him older. Because finally he was still like a child. And two versions of this older mug, on the right the one with Warg's suggestion

Edited by Solum
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Okay... I want to tell you this : I am sorry about the recent evenements I managed (may I say managed?) Some spriters have seen their creations in this thread.

The fact is that I used some parts of some mugs to get the base of elements of mugs ( not all of them but. ) when I failed to do it with myself.

And after that overdrawing to don't make it a fake stolen mug.

I won't do this anymore, and I will learn by my fails and mistakes.

And chose to do videos of me spriting.

In a first goal : reassure people about their creations which I said. I don't use anymore.

In a second : maybe would you like to see just spriting videos?

And again, my sincerely apologize.

Until I find a way to do videos with the horrible PC I have, I post the last version of th mug I tryied to improve :

> Shaman Thank you very much for your help. I think I made him a little more older here. But your version is too old. at the end I had just a slicy modification to do.

>Freohr I shaded the left part of his hair. But I don't know how to shade more here. If it's enough then it's cool =)

I took also notes of Nayr with soulder's size, green pixels in his hair...

So... Does it looks better now? =)


Rather than just splicing or referencing a person's work out of the blue, how about you contact the spriter who made the original first and asking permission? Then when you post, let people know you have permission, so that everything is cool.

Most spriters are only a PM away.

Also online drawing tutorials are a good way to learn things like proportions, detailing, etc. The only difference in sprites being that proportions are slightly smaller and you're manipulating 3-4 different colors to create your image(and you make the head anime style.)

And yes, that does look better, although you don't need a constant line on the neck of the collar, just something to show that the cloth is folding.

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Rather than just splicing or referencing a person's work out of the blue, how about you contact the spriter who made the original first and asking permission? Then when you post, let people know you have permission, so that everything is cool.

You know I didn't had this permission. But I say it again I won't have to ask it in the future in the case that I won't use this bad method anymore.

Here is so the last update, I don't kow why but... I find he as still a strange eyes looking.


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That's because the eyes are too large, the irises need to be reshaded, and the eyes have too much skin colors in them(top color makes up the sclera, but the second color should be used for light antialiasing, nothing more.) Raise them up a pixel from the bottom, then lower the eye and brow down by one pixel. Then make the far side of the hair match the near(looks like two totally different shading styles.)

And then remove the hair that shows up on the side of the face and put a proper outline there(from that angle, you shouldn't see so much of that, not to mention yours looks blobby where it arguably would be spikey.)

Also the body still looks too small. Try stretching it out a couple of pixels on each side.

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I changed the right eye (OPV) and wonder if it's better... Because I think I didn't understand what you meant by "raise up from the bottom" (My bad, because I need to improve myself in english x)

I guess you wanted to reduce the eyes and also de space of his face? I will try it.

In this new one I expanded his body and shaded a bit more some parts of its hair. But I don't know precisely where you wanted me to do this. (My bad again xD)

2nd Edit : I tryied to do what you said with the eyes. I don't know if it's what you though but... xD


Edit :

I also begin a new mug and post the new version of Phenix because it wasn't finished yet AND because of the steal problem.


Red circles are edited areas. It still not finished while eyes are not very clean, sharp is shaded like I was drunk, same thing with the hair.

But here it is ^^

Edited the new mug's advancement.

Sorry for the big image.

It will be a FireMage girl named Ami. I am still searching for an original form to give to her hair. and actualy shading everywhere.


I currently don't know what I do with her clothes but... Hope I will.

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Sorry for the triple post n_u

Here's the finished Ami's mug :


I'm also sorry I didn't make a video because of a bad PC. I hope I will be able to make it with another one but xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah well... I really don't like multiposting. With four posts in a row. I don't know if you want to see my works anymore.

Actually... I can understand why...

But anyway I will continue until I've proved my wish of learn and not other shame goal.

I will do a video for the next mug I will begin. But now I've tryied to fix this mug's face and colors to reduce it to 15.

Moved his head right and reduced its size. Raised the (opv) right shoulder up by one pixel. And tryied to clean the shading of the hair.

1. 228834SolumRevamp.png

With also hack format and frames.

And fished this one too :


So something better?

Thank you all for your help. And comprehension.

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Huh. Well I think one reason the first guy is looking a little funny is because he doesn't have any ears. It sort of seems like he's glued his hair to his head to hide his ears, or is wearing a weird hair helmet. Male haircuts are generally longer on top and shorter on the sides. The shading on the top part of his hair is really strange and suggest some oddball lighting situation that doesn't conform with Fire Emblem standards at all (I think someone mentioned this already), but even though it's weird I think it looks kind of cool. His mouth also doesn't seem completely aligned with the center of his face, shift it a pixel to the left?

This sprite has improved a lot though good job.

The Ami sprite has lovely hair, but it kinda seems like it's a wig that's slipping off to the side and back of her head. I think if you pushed it down one pixel and to the left another pixel, it would look more situated on her head and her forehead would seem less big, as well as fixing the shape of the top of her head.

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So I worked on all this notes.

Just question. about an area :


If it's what you meant then I tryied to improve it :


I kniw that now I gave him ears the hair is strange. But I don't know if I prefer it with or without hidden ears.

Here's the new version of Ami. I tryied to do what you said with hair. And added few things :


New kind of sprite too : Weapons.

My revamp of Silver and Kiling weapons. (Killing Bow is based on FE 10 's)


Thanks to Lord Glenn's tutorial which helped me a lot.

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Oooh better. And for the hair shading, I actually meant the whole top left area of his hair. But it's stylized and interesting, so I wouldn't change it if I were you, it just doesn't make sense -realistically-. The part that you did change in the hair didn't even occur to me as an issue, but you definitely did a good job of making it look better.

I think the ear looks weird because the hair on top of it is a completely straight diagonal line, try to break that up with some small strands of hair coming down maybe? I definitely like the ear though.

Ami's hair still seems a bit high to me though, maybe bring it down a little bit further. Her forehead is pretty large. Also I like the additions you made to her clothes and stuff.

Aaand I can offer no advice on the weapon icons. The killing axe does seem a bit dark on the blades though.

Edited by Mewiyev
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  • 1 month later...

Hi! I post two things since... Long time? An edit for the first one and a new mug sarted with only splicing.



Seth - Caellach - Gilliam - Cormag.

I customed the splice to make him looks like a wyvern Rider. ( the armor in main part )

Named him Al ~~~

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His shoulders look too high making him appear hunched and his eyes need more whites and shine because he looks like he's mid-blink. Otherwise, nice work.

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Seth - Caellach - Gilliam - Cormag.

I customed the splice to make him looks like a wyvern Rider. ( the armor in main part )

Named him Al ~~~

I think his face has too much of the 3rd skin tone (under his mouth and nose mostly) and I agree that his eyes could use a bit of white, but daaaaaayum! That is beautiful. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Heya again ! I finished a new one I would show you :


I always try hard to make it more smooth and realistic. But I always fail to do something good especially with clothes (and especially again with shades and shape/volume of the clothes ) At the end I find it unclean x)

Okay I think I will stop chatting now !

Also I forget to put Al with you suggestions applies :


( Yes the wyvn symbol is red... RED *-* )

For the eyes I don't really know, because the precedent version makes him more... Over or like dreamin all time. But yeah this is better now.

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