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RIP Tangerine empire


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Given the lack of response from Tang to Ether, I really think RF finds the Ether-slave thing a lot funnier. Poor Ether, getting ignored by one of his "mistresses".

All I ever wanted was recognition ;-;. Do I really do so bad a job in your service that I cannot get even that? Am I not even worth that much to Mistress Tangerine?

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The only battles we have are for position, why would we fight here?!

AH! I did not know we had scholars of Han Feizi on this forum! The reason that I discuss the power of position is for mediocre rulers such as Tangerine. This ruler at best she does not reach the level of the sages Jyo and VincentASM, and at worst she does not behave like the arch tyrants Jie or Zhou. If she holds to the law and depends on the power of her position, then there will be order; but if she abandons the power of law and turns her back on the power of position, there will be disorder. Now if one abandons the power of position, turns one's back on the law, and waits for a Jyo or VincentASM, then when a Jyo or VincentASM arrives there will indeed be order, but it will only be one generation of order in a thousand generations of disorder!

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Haha, I'll be changing things back to normal soon anyway. I'm not gonna spam a bunch of random member groups, only did this 'cause you guys caught me bug testing/teasing and you seemed to be having fun with it!

I-I lose my special orange? :<

I feel for next year's April Fools, if Tangerine is still an Admin, she needs to hack in her own Tangerine skin and put everyone in the I <3 Tangerine group for that day.

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I-I lose my special orange? :<

I feel for next year's April Fools, if Tangerine is still an Admin, she needs to hack in her own Tangerine skin and put everyone in the I <3 Tangerine group for that day.

You should have put that in a PM if you were serious about it. xD Now everyone knows, so no one will be fooled.

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