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IRL vs Online


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Lately I've been thinking about how I act differently online than in real life. Honestly, the only way I see myself acting different is how I talk to new people. With people I know IRL and online, I've been described the same: "A guy who always means well (read: I suck at everything despite having good intentions <_<) and has the unique quality to annoy the crap out of people and have them not mad at him at the end of the day".

But when it comes to meeting new people I act a lot differently. IRL I tend to shy away from people who aren't good friends of mine, and when it comes to meeting new people I don't talk much, if it all. Online I post in every intro thread and make myself known. I like meeting people and aren't shy at all. Maybe it's because of common interest.

So forum, I ask you, do you act differently online and IRL? If so, how?

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I would say I am a significantly larger asshole on here, in part because it seems an easier way to generate content. Offline, I am less of an asshole because content seems harder to generate, asshole or not, I am more of a goofy but somewhat quiet type.

Edited by Blue Mars
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Honestly, once upon a time, I'd act differently on the web than here. Then I sorta got used to my internet persona and started to act the same I did on the internet in real life. Took a while to get a adjusted but now, I'm the same person in real life and on the internet.

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I'm a lot nicer online.

Mainly because I suck at arguing and shit online can't be solved by a punch to the face or me throwing shit at people, since computer screen. Plus ignore works sometimes.


I guess I can be nice IRL too

only when not pissed off

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Me IRL and Online are pretty much the same...only I sob less, hug less, emote less, stick my tongue out less...and don't go 'Heya Folks!' :P:

Also I'm more talkative IRL than Online since I type much slower compared to actually speaking.

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I would say I am a significantly larger asshole on here, in part because it seems an easier way to generate content. Offline, I am less of an asshole because content seems harder to generate, asshole or not, I am more of a goofy but somewhat quiet type.

Honestly, once upon a time, I'd act differently on the web than here. Then I sorta got used to my internet persona and started to act the same I did on the internet in real life. Took a while to get a adjusted but now, I'm the same person in real life and on the internet.

I would say a mixture of these.

Before 11th grade, I hung out with people who had no interest in intellectuality and knowledge. I hid myself from everyone, plus I was somewhat religious.

Now I'm a senior, and I act pretty much the same as I do online. I'm a stoic, quiet (I don't like getting close to people, unless they go "51% of the way," which is never), argumentative kind of person that enjoys debating and learning. My friends seem to like me the way I am, I think, and I feel like myself. I'm less of a douche-bag in real life though. When I am it's playful. Here, I'm probably just a douche-bag. At least somewhat.

But, I do have a "class clown" personality in real life. Here, I'd say my jokes usually fail/only make me laugh at my own cleverness. Ergo, my seriousness.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I'm more outspoken online. I say few words in real life.

More outspoken actually encompasses a lot of things so I seem different between the two mediums of life and the internet.

But online is basically how I'd be in real life if I wasn't so afraid of how my words would be received.

So online is closer to how the "real me" is.

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Without a human front, things proceed quite a bit more fluently. Differently, too, I suppose. One cannot gesture their way softly to another person--and one must also deal with not expressing oneself, but being read. The conversation is quite apparent.

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IRL, I never talk to people, always sit alone and don't like it when people start talking to me.

online I'm basically the same, yet very different.

see my friend list, nearly empty. and those who are in there I haven't talked to in ages.

and yeah, I post a lot, but they aren't exactly conversations...

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I guess I'm a bit more formal online than in RL. But otherwise, like on the internet, I only talk when I feel I want or need to, and that's not often.

I don't have any enemies IRL or online, as far as I'm aware.

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I guess I'm a bit more formal online than in RL.


If "wanna see my dick" is formal then... god, you are such a funny guy, lol.

I talk a lot less in person and am a bit less nice I guess. "In real life" is such a stupid fucking expression, what are we, roleplaying full time?

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Offline and online are both just different bits of the personality pie for me. It entirely depends on the situation I'm in, whether it's online or offline, and how I want to deal with it. At work I'm absurdly nice and subservient, and lack any sort of argumentitiveness or detest for authority (at least outwardly), but often online or in real life I can be very argumentative. It's really all context. As Phoenix Wright said when he talked about himself in the past, sometimes you "hide" yourself, and while I'd prefer to avoid it, it's certainly sometimes necessary in order to make social interaction a little more fluid.

Oh yeah and Death, while most people aren't, I actually kind of am roleplaying full time, or at least part time.

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Online, i tend to talk and say stuff i'd never say IRL. I don't tend to let myself be all out like i am online. I tend to be quieter and nicer IRL and don't express my views. Thats possibly because as i was growing up, my brothers would always object on what i said and how i did things... Online however i feel a freedom from social expectations that i don't have IRL except when i'm together with a few certain people.

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I talk a lot less in person and am a bit less nice I guess. "In real life" is such a stupid fucking expression, what are we, roleplaying full time?

All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts,

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All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts,

It's amazing how many quotes playing Civ IV teaches you.

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All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts,

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.

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Oh yeah offline I don't really talk at all. I only talk when spoken to.

I would agree that common interest is what affects it. I know that I wouldn't make a fool out of myself as much on here as offline since I'm a nerd xD

But the other problem is that for some reason I have trouble coming up with subjects to talk about. I don't like being put on the spot to say things (which is why I'm gonna fear my first job interview because... well.... it'll put me on the spot to say things... and say positive things about myself!!! D= All that come in my mind are "I'm real quiet so it's hard to hear me. I'm short and have real short reach. I have horrible hearing." and so on). And not only that, but when I feel like I'm put on the spot I can't think quickly at all and so I say dumb things because I'm so slow.

So yeah I'm gonna have so much trouble in my job interview liaudrhveruoasisudrvnhoisgksjdumboiwuernkgvjdbpooplfkjgwhorngvlskjdfer

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Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.

Dread is an alien power which lays hold of an individual, and yet one cannot tear oneself away, nor has a will to do so; for one fears what one desires.

And as for the above, Freohr is adorable and I don't know what to say to help her except "good luck" which isn't much help.

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