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No. I'm saying it's impossible, because it is; Morzas is immune to magic, therefore Lena cannot kill him as a Bishop. If you'd like to claim otherwise, you're going to need to prove it.

As for the rest of the chapter, I don't know; I've never played past the first few chapters of FE11 (or FE12, for that matter). It certainly seems as though it would be quite difficult, at least outside of Normal Mode, and if you know of a way it could be done, I expect a video of the strategy would be quite impressive and fun to watch.

I have not finished the game (playing it the first time on a harder mode is not a good idea, as I have found out) so I didn't know this. One example does not disprove my point though, Lena can kill just about anything, and that is completely against the cleric way.

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Indeed, accuracy matters. But accuracy is not necessarily more important that damage. If you double an enemy, and the axe can kill the enemy in two hits, while the sword needs three, it won't matter if the sword is more likely to land both hits; the axe is more likely to kill. Both weapon types have advantages in combat... and axes have a huge advantage in availability. Other types of axes don't always hold up as well, but you should have all the Iron Axes you need, which are as powerful and as accurate as even Steel Swords, only lighter, cheaper, and again, more available.

I never had to use an Iron Axe after chapter 8. The reason was because swords are just better. There's no way that Iron Axes compete with swords of C rank or above.

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I never had to use an Iron Axe after chapter 8. The reason was because swords are just better. There's no way that Iron Axes compete with swords of C rank or above.

Your experiences are not necessarily representative. I don't know how much of FE5's chapters you actually played, but C rank and higher swords won't necessarily last you the whole game. Whenever you choose to experience more of the game offered than on an SSS run, I would expect falling back on weaker weapons at times to be a necessity. At those times, Iron Axes are effective; at other times, you have more powerful axes available. 120 uses of axe between the Pugi and Hero Axe from the start, for one thing, and Killer and Silver Axes later.

I have not finished the game (playing it the first time on a harder mode is not a good idea, as I have found out) so I didn't know this. One example does not disprove my point though, Lena can kill just about anything, and that is completely against the cleric way.

Then if you're so sure, I'd like to see you prove it. Certainly doesn't sound like you can possibly be sure, though.


Doesn't sound like clergy fighting was unheard of. Furthermore, even if it was false that they used maces to avoid drawing blood, it's an understandable distinction between fighting with a sword and fighting with a mace... or with magic.

Edited by Othin
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Your experiences are not necessarily representative.

Neither are yours!

I don't know how much of FE5's chapters you actually played, but C rank and higher swords won't necessarily last you the whole game.

I cleared the entire game in 173 turns, thank you very much. I had no problem making do with 2 Fire Swords, a Wind Sword, a Thunder Sword, 2 Silver Swords, an Armorslayer, a Killing Edge, and 2 Master Swords.

Whenever you choose to experience more of the game offered than on an SSS run, I would expect falling back on weaker weapons at times to be a necessity. At those times, Iron Axes are effective; at other times, you have more powerful axes available. 120 uses of axe between the Pugi and Hero Axe from the start, for one thing, and Killer and Silver Axes later.

How are Iron Axes any more effective than Steel Swords or Longswords? How are more powerful axes superior to the array of excellent C+ rank swords? I don't like to count Pugi because it is Othin-exclusive, but the Light Sword is likely more useful overall anyway.

Edited by dondon151
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You know, guys, Reclass exists as an optional feature. For those who don't want to reclass, they don't have to touch it ever. I like reclassing, personally, since I enjoy having an extremely versatile team using just characters I want to, but I can see how people don't like it, and those people don't need to use it. The game doesn't force you to reclass, it just makes certain hard modes easier if you do.

And in chapter 15, if you don't play efficiently and stay a bit past Shanam's spawn time (because fuck, I want Mareeta to be Supermareeta c:), there's plenty of Killing Edge people you can capture with Dean and then dropped off by someone else. I got like, 4 KEs off of those guys. Good times.

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I find that it's a good way to make sure that unmounted combat units not named Othin or Asvel are not completely overshadowed by mounted units.

I disagree, I think it's a pretty awful way to do that. Sure, it balances them but it's not fun to have their weapons fucked with.

Then have their movement reduced while they're dismounted, so that their movement is somewhat lower than regular foot soldiers (maybe the same than an armour's, but without the huge defense), but keeping their primary mounted weapon. This way they have the same handicap against foot soldiers when dismounted than the foot soldiers when the former are mounted.

I wholeheartedly support this, so much better.

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Make reclassing a second playthrough+ bonus option like fixed mode in 9, everyone is happy

Or just have it from the beginning. What is wrong with having this option from the start?

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Or just have it from the beginning. What is wrong with having this option from the start?

See: Shadow Dragon, and the amount of whining it drew.

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I think reclassing should just be confined to either a character-by-character list (like the Altean knights being able to access Knight-Cavalier-Archer) or in more connected lists (like magi, the aforementioned 'armoured guys', the brutes Fighter-Mercenary-Hunter, the finesse Myrmidon-Pirate or maybe pegasus-More traditional archer as opposed to Archanean Bow Armours). A stat bonus for the character's original class would be nice, too.

But I have no real issues with full, FE12 reclassing. If you are an idiot like me and only reclass to classes that fit the mug, then use Cavalier Draug but refrain from Hunter Roger. If you don't reclass, don't reclass. If you play for gameplay, then go ahead with your Mage Cecilles. If you favour pure psycho factor, then go crazy with, like, Pirate Yubello. NOBODY is forcing you to reclass a certain way, and everything is fully beatable with a non-reclassed team.

Edited by Furetchen
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The only change I'd make to the reclassing is giving females the option of being the male classes. I don't even care if they use the same sprites as the males, just give us the option.

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Agreed. I was rather annoyed that I didn't get HeroMalice, and it'd be nice if chicks can access an axe class that can go over 23AS.

BerserkerCatria would be pretty amazing.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Agreed. I was rather annoyed that I didn't get HeroMalice, and it'd be nice if chicks can access an axe class that can go over 23AS.

BerserkerCatria would be pretty amazing.

Almost as annoying as Berserker!Etzel.

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Making a game less fun because it's not realistic is stupid and you (yes, you) should be ashamed if you thought that was a good idea

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I like Reclassing and I wouldn't mind seeing it in this game. It probably won't since Reclassing was the DS games' "thing" (like Laguz with Tellius for example), but one can hope.

Edited by Clockwork Sage
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Make reclassing a second playthrough+ bonus option like fixed mode in 9, everyone is happy

No, having gameplay options be New Game+ things sucks.

I think reclassing should just be confined to either a character-by-character list (like the Altean knights being able to access Knight-Cavalier-Archer) or in more connected lists (like magi, the aforementioned 'armoured guys', the brutes Fighter-Mercenary-Hunter, the finesse Myrmidon-Pirate or maybe pegasus-More traditional archer as opposed to Archanean Bow Armours). A stat bonus for the character's original class would be nice, too.

I like this idea, and I don't mind full reclassing either. It would be cool if there were no "Sets" too.

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I feel it's worth noting that I actually agree with giving characters a wide variety of options to become eventually; what I disagree with is the instant results. This past summer, I designed a class system set up for a game with a small number of unpromoted classes that could train to learn a variety of weapons and skills and thereby become one of a much larger number of promoted classes with widely varying capabilities. A key feature was a need to devote Exp and training both in and out of combat to learning those new skills - in other words, adding the options without being stupid about it.

Just throwing that out there. That's the sort of system I'm in favor of, although it's nothing I would expect the FE series of today to actually produce.

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