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Mechanics that you want


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The Full Guard comes about halfway through FE9 and there is basically no reason not to use it on a flier. Regardless of when it shows up, it's a totally unnecessary empowerment to an already great class.

It's silly.

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It should be an innate skill that has to do with the character's Dragon or Pegasus, because they have special armour, but IS won't do that I think :/

Characters should be able to equip special armour depending on their class and body size. Units with mounts could put special equipment on them such as a Guard that protects from arrows more often (1/4 fail rate). They probably won't innovate that well :/

I hate the new art, not because it makes the game worse, but because it shows they are sell outs who have run out of ideas. They need new fresh and innovative new young minds making videogames, because these old fuck suck.

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I hate the new art, not because it makes the game worse, but because it shows they are sell outs who have run out of ideas. They need new fresh and innovative new young minds making videogames, because these old fuck suck.

The hell does the artwork have to do with mechanics?!

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I'm sorry but are you serious. This thread has spent the last couple of pages arguing over their favorite hard mode. You could have at least added some input or replied to the other part of my post. I'm on a phone in venezuela and it takes 5 minutes to load the mobile version, but someone said something interesting so I took the time to add my thoughts about the art as well. Honestly there should just be one thread, because each one only gets a couple of posts a day.

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I hate the new art, not because it makes the game worse, but because it shows they are sell outs who have run out of ideas. They need new fresh and innovative new young minds making videogames, because these old fuck suck.

How the hell does it show they are sell outs who have run out of ideas? Why? Another blue-haired sword using Lord? Ike was one of those and he turned out to be the most original main character in the entire series.

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The bit about artwork was off course, but the rest of his post was relevant (though I have to wonder how he knows the ages of everyone on Fire Emblem's dev team). No need to jump on his back because one line in his post is not quite on topic.

But with that being said, let's leave the art discussion to the art thread. This topic has gotten large enough as it is. There's no reason to bloat it any further with off-topic discussion.

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Well that's good for you. I wasn't justifying myself I know I was wrong and I even apologised.

You didn't just not reply but you also didn't add anything new, at all. I'm just so baffled as to why you people decide to argue and hate instead of actually talk about something.

They are talking mechanics, I didn't say they weren't, I simply mentioned that they were discussing which hard mode they liked most, which honestly adds no new mechanics ideas for the FE3DS. I don't care, but I'm just pointing that out.

Peace and love man, just chill. I'm sorry.

I also hope the add a mount system where anyone could be mounted. You simply have to find, buy, steal, or recruit units with mounts. One could even make it so that your mount has HP. It would get complicated I think but I would dig it.

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I also hope the add a mount system where anyone could be mounted. You simply have to find, buy, steal, or recruit units with mounts. One could even make it so that your mount has HP. It would get complicated I think but I would dig it.

I think someone suggested something like that already. I personally don't mind the idea as such, though I'm not sure I'm fond of it, it doesn't really fit well with the FE I know and love.

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I believe that Berwick Saga used a system like that.

Not for all characters, but it had a system with buying mounts which would have limited HP and sometimes special effects like stat bonuses.

Although I personally favor the hypothetical version where mounts are accessible to all characters. I was working with Banzai a while ago on specifications for a game that included mounting as a rank that any character could learn and improve, although I don't think we ever came up with much in the way of details.

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I believe that Berwick Saga used a system like that.

Yeah, I had heard of something like that. That's mainly why I particularly specific "the FE I know and love", it probably works fine with BS, but i've never played it so I can't say. Just saying that I don't think it'd fit with teh English-language FEs that I've played.

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It's not easy though. When you fight on horseback, a lot changes. You sacrifice your agility and ability to dodge in favor of a different center of gravity and to be able to throw the weight of your horse into your swing. It is a lot different.

I'm actually not against the idea of mountable units though, just... it's something that can be screwed up easily, so I hope they either figure out how to do it right or avoid it all together.


Came up with a few ideas just now.

Petrify: When a unit is killed by a petrify weapon, they become a stone statue. These statues cannot be hurt, but can be destroyed via a action command by the petrifiers side (so if a player petrifies a enemy unit, any player unit can shatter the statue. Conversely, if a enemy unit petrifies a player unit, that unit can be shattered by any enemy unit). Petrified units can have the status removed via a restore staff which leaves them with 1 HP.

Inclining/Declining weapons: Weapons that start off with MT lower/higher than their normal counterparts, but for every kill, they gain/lose one MT. Resets at chapter end.

Healing Shiv: A knife that allows a thief to heal any unit it attacks, player or enemy. If assassinate activates, it heals them so much they become a baby and can't fight (okay, maybe not, just full health).

Berserk: Unit gains 1 STR for every unit it can kill in the chapter, but if it goes more than one Phase without a kill, it declines at 50% (rounded up) per phase.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Came up with a few ideas just now.

Petrify: When a unit is killed by a petrify weapon, they become a stone statue. These statues cannot be hurt, but can be destroyed via a action command by the petrifiers side (so if a player petrifies a enemy unit, any player unit can shatter the statue. Conversely, if a enemy unit petrifies a player unit, that unit can be shattered by any enemy unit). Petrified units can have the status removed via a restore staff which leaves them with 1 HP.

Inclining/Declining weapons: Weapons that start off with MT lower/higher than their normal counterparts, but for every kill, they gain/lose one MT. Resets at chapter end.

Healing Shiv: A knife that allows a thief to heal any unit it attacks, player or enemy. If assassinate activates, it heals them so much they become a baby and can't fight (okay, maybe not, just full health).

Berserk: Unit gains 1 STR for every unit it can kill in the chapter, but if it goes more than one Phase without a kill, it declines at 50% (rounded up) per phase.

Don't double post. You've been warned previously for this. *Merging posts.*

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Crap I had a really nice idea that was an addition to something... I forgot... I'll remember one day.

NVM remembered it now.

Ok, listen up... We are gonna nerf HIGH move units on some chapters! Take a look at the Sneak chapter in fe9, the prison.

Now picture an ambush of some sort, and your entire team of deployed units has to stay together! No one may be away from eachother further than 5 spaces. OR 6 or so, so everyone is hustled together. PReventing you from using your OP Jeaigan with awesome growths and stats (jeigan what actually?) from going ahead and decimating the enemy. He has to stay close to the lord, other units and that pink 5 move armor. Fuckyeah.

Some chapters, not all of them. Just where the situation calls for hustle together. (Even though we have an OP unit who destroys the enemy.)

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Petrify: When a unit is killed by a petrify weapon, they become a stone statue. These statues cannot be hurt, but can be destroyed via a action command by the petrifiers side (so if a player petrifies a enemy unit, any player unit can shatter the statue. Conversely, if a enemy unit petrifies a player unit, that unit can be shattered by any enemy unit). Petrified units can have the status removed via a restore staff which leaves them with 1 HP.

I don't see why anyone would want to use a weapon like that...

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Not to mention the fact that you can get stoned out of your mind

The biggest advantage to petrification is being able to simply petrify one unit in a key spot to slow/stop an advance instead of having to kill all units. I didn't think of giving them to enemies, but that is also another point. A enemy strong enough to 1RKO could wield these weapons without problem since they would need another unit/turn to shatter the petrified unit.

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