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So, uh, I got the addition question in the registration form wrong. I'm contemplating staying a lurker to help save myself from further embarrassment.

Oh, who am I kidding, lurking is boring.

Anyway... hey, hello, good evening, hay gurl hay, what's up, and yo to all of you!

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Dear Hybrid animal,

Meow, I am Waha Kitty. You may only refer to me as Waha Kitty. If you call me anything but Waha Kitty, you will be seriously punished. I mean seriously. This is not an empty threat. Also, don't quote me without changing the title of the quote to Waha Kitty. Waha Kitty. You better not leave or I will haunt you IRL. Seriously, not kidding. Anyway, enjoy your stay. You better...

With these tough economic times, you might want to consider using a Knife for protection instead of a Gun. You can conceal Knives easier and they are more lethal at close range. Unless you got a Gun to someone's head. Why am I capitalizing Gun and Knife? Just cuz. Is this paragraph relevant to the introduction? Shut up, you ask too many questions.

There are many dicks on this forum. Not the kinds that would be appealing to females or homosexual men. Many were weeded out by the travel back in time. Oh yeah, the forum is actually 3 months older than it appears. That's cuz of a bug that caused the site to have amnesia. I think. The forums reopened up in early January 2008, although it was open like 2 months before that. Somebody had server payment issues.

Call me Waha Kitty. I know I said this already, but people still seem to call me by my screen name. Only people on my list can call me Knitty. My list is in the "about me" section of my profile. You can still apply to be on the list, but remember to call me Waha Kitty.

Man, roommates suck. Me and my roommate always fight about bills, video games, and other friends. He uses up more electricity than me, but I have to pay 50% regardless? He wants to hook up his 360 so I have to take down my Wii? He brings over his friends when I'm having a nice private dinner? Trust me, don't ever get roommates. Don't sell your soul for 50% off rent and utilities... If you do, you will be Waha Punished™.

Don't mess with Texas. That's right, I am from Texas. In Texas, you can be killed for a crime you didn't commit. In Texas, you can go the a farm and dance with the cows. In Texas, I saw a guy get shot by an officer for littering. Everything is bigger in Texas. Including my ****.

I've never copied & pasted. Never. I like to take my time writing out all my messages to make more of an impression. I am Waha Ashamed of everyone who uses copy & paste. How can I tell? I just do. I don't know why the computer geeks added in a copy & paste feature, but I think that was the worst move ever.

I've been here longer than 3 years (with a bunch of breaks in between), so respect mah senioritay. I never really did much. Oh yeah, I helped kick start a Fire Emblem fangame based on users on this site. I disappeared for 2 months and people assumed I was dead. I helped a lot of users get banned. Hell, I don't know why they still keep me here.

Don't be a Waha Idiot either. I know some guys in the intro threads that seem to be following me around trying to piss me of. If you become a Waha Idiot and annoy me too much, you will be Waha Punished™. Oh yeah, don't break the forum rules or you will be Waha Punished™. What the mods will do to you is nothing compared to what I will do to you...

Why don't I change my display name to Waha Kitty? Why don't you shut up? What? You never asked me? Bullshit, I can read your mind. I know your deepest fears. Like I said, if you go inactive, I will come for you IRL. Only I can do that. How come? Again, you ask too many questions (even though you didn't ask them).

Now I must end this rant, because you probably stopped caring about whatever I said. What was the point of writing this message? To test you. If you skipped everything, you can go fuck yourself. But if you took the time to read this, maybe we can be friends and maybe you could call me Knitty. But whatever you do, don't get on my bad side or you will receive Waha Punishment™.

What is Waha Punishment™? You don't want to find out. The last guy who received Waha Punishment™ didn't post for an entire day. A week later, he got banned. Surely you do not want to suffer the same fate (or do you?)...

You have given me no choice but to make a gay joke. But fortunately for you, a lot of people here are accepting of it, so show your true Waha Colors!


Waha Kitty

Edited by Knitty
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Hello Monkey & Bear, how are you dong today?

I'm Strawman, nice to meet you.

Welcome the Serenes Forest Forums, hopefully you'll find it somewhat pleasant here.

Very good! Thank you for asking.

Eh, everyone seems nice here so I'm sure I will.

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You came into the chat.

We said hi.

You left without saying anything.

You are a meanie >:(.

Sorry. :<

I didn't see any text and I assumed it was dead. Again, sorry.

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Congratulations; you are now officially a member of this forest! Enjoy your stay here, party hard (but not too hard or else you'll find yourself in bed with an unpleasant person, etc etc)

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Classy as usual, Kai.

There used to be an ancient list of unofficial rules/pieces of advice that someone (usually me or Fireman) used to give to new people but I can't remember it and I can't be arsed to dig it up from someone's old rotting intro thread. The one bit I do remember was set the forest on fire, it's a good idea.

So yeah, do that.

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There used to be an ancient list of unofficial rules/pieces of advice that someone (usually me or Fireman) used to give to new people but I can't remember it and I can't be arsed to dig it up from someone's old rotting intro thread. The one bit I do remember was set the forest on fire, it's a good idea.

Perfect timing!! I found it before I read this!

We're not as scary as we seem at first. Don't be scared away if people spam your intro topic.

We have our own sitcom.

You can pay the Fireman to do whatever for 10,000 gold.

We like foxes, and valkyries.

Feel free to burn the forest down.

If you need a Fireman, just look for the biggest fire.

Fourth Fox was elected queen.

You missed the Great Serenes Civil War.

Ilyana ate the king that never existed.

Don't crash through glass windows.

Here in the forest, it is a Vincentocracy.

Don't change your username to God.

Bianchi, Hikarusa, and Metal Rabbit are the myths of Serenes. Apparently Haruhi is now too. And Hikari. And Arc.

You can get sued for having a heart attack here.

If you're nice to me and have a lot of patience, I might make you a character art.

This is the generic greeting for all newcomers!

I'm totally gonna start using this from now on, no edits!!! >=D

Sooo, hiya there Monkey & Bear and welcome to the Forest!!! I hope you enjoy your stay here!! =]

Sadly the first rule/guideline/thingy doesn't always apply since it was way spammier back then D=

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Perfect timing!! I found it before I read this!

I'm totally gonna start using this from now on, no edits!!! >=D

Sooo, hiya there Monkey & Bear and welcome to the Forest!!! I hope you enjoy your stay here!! =]

Sadly the first rule/guideline/thingy doesn't always apply since it was way spammier back then D=

Epic lack of Waha Kitty. In fact, it should be mentioned twice.

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Too bad that quote came from way back before the Kitty fad. I think you still did the waha kife stuff back then but they never really said that. It said you were the brawl expert.

Besides your posts already take care of that Knife =P

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