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Thunder magic, opinions?


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What's the general consensus on thunder magic? Thunder Magic seems to be decent, after giving it a second glance.

~No mage should have any issue with strength beyond siege tomes, so weight isn't really a liability.

~ All mages have a +45% skill growth, as such they should not have many accuracy issues (after awhile).

~All the damage utility mage would provide would (usually)be through chip damage

If mages were to be used, wouldn't it be more convenient to just have them use thunder magic for the critical bonus? I mean if you aregoing to use a mage; giving a mage Elthunder 5mt/10crt 1470gp or a forged thunder tome 8mt/20crt 5280gp would be their best bets at an offense.

Lolwind magic is used to ensure that your attack connects. While fire magic is useful when you require 10+ hit with an extra three mt. of damage.

As for bonus damage Pegasus knights and crows/hawks are kind of rare, not to mention easy to deal with. The beast tribe is basically allocated to one level in which you can use fire magic on them. Thunder magic on the other hand gets bonus damage on freakin' wyverns and dragons. Both of which are sometimes a pain to ORKO.

Thunder magic although unreliable and expensive, has its uses.

Edit: Thunder magic's uses basically stem down to minor effective bonuses and a chance to turn a chip into a kill.

Edited by Epsilon
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Thunder magic is considered the hotheaded sister of the elements here. I like it though. I agree with you, thunder for chipping. But i never chip with mages, i usually have them kill.

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Wind and Fire tomes are more accurate, cheaper, and stronger. Since mages typically have low skill relative to enemy luck, it's difficult to get a significant amount of critical with them, and the 5 crit is never more valuable than more reliable hit rates and damage.

Only use for Thunder tomes is against Wyverns, who are not very common.

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Thunder weapons seem like a weapon type better suited for enemies in this game, considering its strength against 2 of the player's most powerful units and its augmented likelihood at gimping units that aren't weak to the type in particular.

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Uh, that seems like you're trying to say "because it has a chance to critical and kill".

I guess that is the more direct way of putting it. Besides Tormod and Calill in their allotted chapters, your mages don't really double very much and will mainly be doing chip damage before promotion.

Edited by Epsilon
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The problem we have with Thunder is that Fire and Wind beat it in every way except crit which, as people above me have said, isn't very useful at all. Fire and Wind both have more might (attack power is always useful), more accuracy (imperative in earlygame sections, particularly for first tier Ilyana dry.gif), less cost (more important in RD than other FEs) and El, long range and Arc tomes from Fire and Wind can be used one weapon level lower than corresponding Thunder. All Thunder has going for it is bonus damage against Wyverns (which I'd say is the most useful) and Dragons (which is very handy a couple of times), a small crit bonus and Elthunder being very cheap proportional to other El tomes. Thunder is useful to have on hand but is a pretty poor main weapon.

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I guess that is the more direct way of putting it. Besides Tormod and Calill in their allotted chapters, your mages don't really double very much and will mainly be doing chip damage before promotion.

I was responding to dondon. But personally, I would much rather have +2 damage and +10 hit than a tiny chance to critical an enemy. It seems to me that you're saying that Sages are completely useless, so having a 1% chance to do significant damage is better than nothing, which is an awfully defeatist view to take.

But I'd say that the bonus damage is never really useful. It's not necessary for a 1-turn in 4-E-1, and Wyverns just aren't that common throughout the game, only appearing a handful of times, and those few times our magic users are unlikely to have the opportunity to engage them.

Edited by Anouleth
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While Thunder does have some accuracy issues (sometimes), i tend to be using an awful lot. I just like it i suppose. Fire is my second fave. It is cheaper and way more accurate. When i use Soren (which is all the time), hes usually rocking a fire tome and a thunder tome of some sort.

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Thunder is the only magic type that's ever going to actually use its effective bonus outside of 4-5. Seems that should count for something.

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Seems to be about RD Thunder magic, so yeah, you probably are.

I think he meant this should be in FFtF.

Anyway, this is FE10, where outside of part one (on NM and lolEM) missing rarely happens. Thunder Magic's slightly lower hit rates never bothered me, not even with Ilyana. I've never had a problem with Dark Magic either in the hitting department either.

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I hate thunder magic, and never use it outside of when I'm forced to (Ilyana). It's weak and has terrible accuracy. The only use it ever sees is when Soren happens to come upon a dracoknight-variant, which I don't think is very often and even using one of the alternates (Elfire, Elwind) seems to do the job anyway.

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I think he meant this should be in FFtF.

It's actually more along the lines of me thinking that "If this is a topic hyping thunder magic, shouldn't this be in the PoR section? Because it's not really the best magic to have outside of situational use in RD. Wind and Fire are better in that respect."
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It's actually more along the lines of me thinking that "If this is a topic hyping thunder magic, shouldn't this be in the PoR section? Because it's not really the best magic to have outside of situational use in RD. Wind and Fire are better in that respect."

This is not a topic about hyping Thunder magic; this is a topic about considering merits of using Thunder magic in FE10 specifically, not any other games. The fact that Thunder magic is generally better in FE9 is completely irrelevant. I suggest paying more attention.

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This is not a topic about hyping Thunder magic; this is a topic about considering merits of using Thunder magic in FE10 specifically, not any other games. The fact that Thunder magic is generally better in FE9 is completely irrelevant. I suggest paying more attention.

What he was trying to say was "if this is a topic about hyping thunder magic, it doesn't belong here, because thunder magic sucks in this game".

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What he was trying to say was "if this is a topic about hyping thunder magic, it doesn't belong here, because thunder magic sucks in this game".

If he's saying he doesn't think that anymore, then I apologize for the unwarranted hostility.

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