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SF Mafia Info Dump & Resources


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Yeah Prims is right

well this is the mafia info dump, so here's some info:

- Prims is NEVER right ALWAYS wrong more than JB could ever hope to be

- Life is ALWAYS mafia, even in game's he's not playing in. Even in games he's hosting

- Prims and I are married. He just doesn't know it yet.

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0. Kaoz, Hell Kaiser

1. Luka M - Reinfleche, Rein, Lightning, Strider

2. Snike - Chew Toy!, Solid Snike, Liquid Snike, Solidus Snike, Naked Snike

3. Komatsu - Spykor, Darros, Uhai, Spy, Tibarn, Hawk King

π. Tables - I eat tables, Tableskitty, IET, Mathemagician

4. Freohr Datia - Agnaktor, Free

5. Paperblade - Paper, Brad, Papermole, Moleblade, Papermoleblade, Papayablade

6. Scarlet - Raymond, Ray, Raykitty, Shade of Shadow

7. Luster Purge – Proto, Kiku-Ichimonji

8. Psych - arachnidsGrip

9. Kopfjager - Wen Yang

10. eclipse - Clipsey!

11. Swordmaster Guy - Big FE Fan

12. Kay – Pariah, San

13. kirsche - Kevin

14. TheTinyImp - Impy

15. Shinori

16. Sho.M.The.Panty - ShoM, Sho

17. sawslothducksaucestrawman - Straw, Strawman, Ducky, Acey, StSS, Strawman the DucksawDucky

18. Fear The Pika - FtP, Fear, Pika

19. Anouleth - Annie, Anou

20. Sober Emo Girl - SEG, DGG

21. Mysterio

22. Naglfar - Naggy, Nags

23. Thomas Raith – BigBangMeteor, BBM, VP Viper

24. cyborg sammy davis jr. – Prims

25. Mancer Necro – Mancer

26. Helios

27. Sangyul – Boron, Taewoo, Xin Li

28. Shatter – JB, JBCWK, Joshaymin

29. Elieson – Elie

30. j00

31. NekoRex – Neko, NNR

32. scorri

33. CT075 – Camtech, Cam

34. Iris

35. Manix

36. Leder – Bizz, Levity

37. Bluedoom – Marth, Marf

38. Rapier

39. Jack SBarrow – Serious Bananas, SB

40. Aleph – Obviam, Hextator

41. Balcerzak - Bal

An updated list with everyone's names and alternate names. I might have missed some people, but I think I got most people who're active here and have played at least 3 games. I also put only the most common names (too lazy to go through all of Bizz's and Boron's name changes).

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I don't think anybody has ever called Snike any of those things ever.

and like 10 of those people don't play anymore

interesting priorities with some of the order too

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The first 20 of those are just what was on the most recent list that Proto created like more than a year ago. That's why all those old players are there. After that, I started to go by memory and added myself and Prims, but then I just began to go through the posting history for the most recent games and adding people from most posts to least posts. So there's no real priority or anything. I can take out the old players who don't play anymore if you want.

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adding my own two cents, I think maybe organizing the list into active players vs. inactive players (aka the ones who don't play anymore) might work. The reason being sometimes in games the older players might be referenced which can be confusing, so having them on the list would be beneficial so names aren't confused. Sometimes players like Life/Raymond/etc. are still mentioned in games even though they don't play anymore. Easy reference and all that.

Edited by Leder
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Exactly one of Snike's nicknames is mentioned by exactly one other person on the board.

With that being said, whoever wants to keep that list updated can be my guest.

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prims' quality guide to avoiding stagnation in mafia games:

do your re-read and post your vote within the first 24 (ideally 12) hours of the day you lazy shit

re-read during the night phase instead and take notes then if that'll be more useful

if people did this every game and the entire playerlist was voting 24 hours in i 100% guarantee games would stagnate a lot less

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also LAST MINUTE DEADLINE RUSH wouldn't be as much of a problem if people tried to talk to eachother to find common ground on lynches earlier in the day, and tried to take the first step in combining wagons onto scum if the wagon they were pushing wasn't working out

just saying since that and stagnation are basically sf's biggest problems with noc (barring the occasional idiotic unprompted claim which isn't that common these days)

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also LAST MINUTE DEADLINE RUSH wouldn't be as much of a problem if people tried to talk to eachother to find common ground on lynches earlier in the day, and tried to take the first step in combining wagons onto scum if the wagon they were pushing wasn't working out

just saying since that and stagnation are basically sf's biggest problems with noc (barring the occasional idiotic unprompted claim which isn't that common these days)

First, people would have to be willing to compromise. Starting with you.

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but effort

idk, early in the game i can basically always just sit down for 1-3 hours (depending on amount of spam slash content) and churn out some reads and a post before the 24 hour mark hits unless i'm busy for whatever reason. hell, i can even do this as scum pretty consistently and i hate reading and constantly put off posting when i'm scum

i don't really see sf's problem with reading tbh. if you have a good enough sense of the game that you can tell what you're going to pay attention to and what will be totally irrelevant to your scumhunting while you re-read you can save yourself some time too by skipping the spammy, unimportant shit, so it's not even that time-consuming

First, people would have to be willing to compromise. Starting with you.

i compromise on wagons at less than 24 hours in basically all the games i join and the only time i remember breaking from this off-hand was in ssbu, it's like you don't even read my posts

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i compromise on wagons at less than 24 hours in basically all the games i join and the only time i remember breaking from this off-hand was in ssbu, it's like you don't even read my posts

Compromise is more than just wagons. It's about realizing that you're a part of this forum, and thus, part of the stagnation problem, whether you realize it or not. Can you figure out what your role in it is, and compromise a part of your play style to combat the problem?

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my problem is that i enjoy hosting more than i enjoy playing and therefore people don't get enough of a chance to follow my shining example as much as they could

that and i'm too lenient with inactivity modkills :(

for real, though, just because all mafia players are a part of the playerbase doesn't mean they're all going to contribute to the problem equally. being super vague like your post doesn't help anybody either way

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my problem is that i enjoy hosting more than i enjoy playing and therefore people don't get enough of a chance to follow my shining example as much as they could

that and i'm too lenient with inactivity modkills :(

for real, though, just because all mafia players are a part of the playerbase doesn't mean they're all going to contribute to the problem equally. being super vague like your post doesn't help anybody either way

Everyone does, from the loudest person on D1 to the person who has to be prodded or modkilled. If you read past games, you'll see that discussion stagnates when everyone who was sparking discussion and the discussion points are dead. I like contribution, but when it gets to the point where only one person is actively looking for stuff, and said person dies, what do you expect will happen? If past games are any indication, one OTHER person may step up and attempt to lead things. However, NOC isn't follow-the-loud-person; for it to be truly successful, everyone needs to be equally loud. Otherwise, we might as well go back to OC, where follow-the-leader is SOP.

Thus, if you notice that everyone is responding to you more than anyone, that means you've taken over discussion. Ask yourself what happens if you were to be dayvigged that instant - if it means the rest of the town would be lost as all hell, give others a reason to be invested. Likewise, those that aren't as inclined to start discussion/be a part of it unless lynched need to get up and do so as soon as possible - what if all the loudmouths were to drop dead because of some gimmick that some bastard host put in there? Everyone needs to be a talking point, and for that to happen, everyone needs to find a happy balance between personality and contribution. Also, take into account things like time zones and special situations like Blitz's connection - just because you've got a lot of time to post doesn't mean everyone else can.

In my case, I need to learn to be more fluid with what I already know, and apply it accordingly. This will draw attention to myself, which means I need to do it in such a way that it doesn't wind up being a mislynch. Just because someone's looked town all game doesn't mean they are.

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Thanks, BBM.


Compiled the lists we have (names, timezones, age) there and attempted to add an activity status, it will be in the op from now on. If you want me to correct anything, please VM me or catch me on IRC. I don't want to see a post per piece of information in here though.

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Thanks, BBM.


Compiled the lists we have (names, timezones, age) there and attempted to add an activity status, it will be in the op from now on. If you want me to correct anything, please VM me or catch me on IRC. I don't want to see a post per piece of information in here though.

Thank you so much, Kaoz and BBM. ^^ You have no idea how helpful this is.

Wow. This should really get bolded in the OP -- something like "Mafia Players and Aliases."

Edited by Paulina
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re: eclipse: i think the main problem is that there are a lot of people who just plain don't bother to go the extra step and try to make themselves heard. the reason discussion tends to be dominated by noisy players like me, levity, bbm, helios, etc is that a lot of the time other people will just post a few reads then disappear until they're about to get prodded (or after the fact). there are some people like kay and obviam who are good at the whole "disappear for 24 hours then write a comprehensive wall of text and repeat" playstyle, but they're in the minority.

noisy townies can ask the less active players questions, but they can't do much more to boost activity across the board other than that. the drop in the activity following their inevitable deaths isn't their fault; it's the fault of the inactive players for relying on those active townies to keep the game alive. the inactive players need to actually have a desire to take part in the game to decrease stagnation, which is why not all of the playerbase contributes to the problem equally. generally the louder people tend to become less potent when everybody is taking part in the game, too, because there's no need to compensate for everybody else being a lazy fuck

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