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What I do doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that you're trolling, and that can never be justified no matter how much of a jerk you think someone is. If you've got such a serious problem with me, Ignore me or Report me and then move on, it's really that simple.

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If you've got such a serious problem with me, Ignore me or Report me and then move on, it's really that simple.

You know that we could say this exact same thing to you, right? ' x'

Hi pot, my name's kettle, you're black.

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You're right, some reports WOULD be in order, since trolling trolling is, y'know, AGAINST THE RULES.

But we're not trolling.

Unless you consider trolling proving you wrong, which is the only thing people did in this thread ' x'

There's also that this is FFtF, and you shouldn't consider everything here to be serious discussion, which is in the Serious Discussion board.

Honestly, chill, Crash ~( ' x')~

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They're mocking and harassing me, is that trollish enough for you?

Do you not notice that you invited all of this onto yourself? Hika made the topic, and you responded with a rather narrow minded view, to which people disagreed. And you keep responding to it. If, in fact, anyone is actually "trolling" you, then don't you think that not responding would stop them from doing so? All you're doing is continually feeding the "trolls", because, for whatever reason, you can't seem to leave a topic alone.

It's astounding ' x'

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The hell? Crash is actually a rather bright young lad. Sure he's stubborn. With a lot of things. To the point where we basically go WTF. BUT these aren't really reasons enough to mock him at every turn just because he has his own views. My god. Sometimes you guys are the ones who should just let things go. I read how others say he never lets things go but we always egg him on to do this...

I disbelieve. If he really was a bright young lad he wouldn't continue to believe the many, many completely headfucked things he believes despite being presented with a great deal of evidence, and myriad arguments to the contrary. Stubborn doesn't even begin to describe it.

And yes, these are reasons to oppose him at every turn. Everyone has their own views, certainly, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to change them. Now, honestly, I don't really think that Crash is ever going to change, but that doesn't mean he should be left alone. To tolerate what he does is to say it's okay, and I'm really not okay with people being like that.

No I don't, nobody ever deserves trolling.

Hey look I can make random moral judgements with absolutely no support out of nowhere:

Anybody with the username CrashGordon94 is morally reprehensible!

What I do doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that you're trolling, and that can never be justified no matter how much of a jerk you think someone is.

Explain this please, because it sounds seriously retarded.

If you've got such a serious problem with me, Ignore me or Report me and then move on, it's really that simple.

I don't support Ignoring people or Reporting people, and thus I don't use those functions. This is what I do instead.

Also, I don't oppose Crash because I'm trolling him (I might get a little bit of pleasure from his rage, but it's not the prime motivator), I oppose him because the things he says are ridiculous.

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Hitler deserved to be trolled. :(

I tried this before, his response is "Hitler deserved worse than trolling, so if you only trolled Hitler you would still be in the wrong".

He's pretty fucked.

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How did I miss this?

You're right, some reports WOULD be in order, since trolling trolling is, y'know, AGAINST THE RULES.


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EDIT: Also, what the fuck is up with people and being like "Oh these people are arguing on the internet CLEARLY THEY ARE TAKING IT REALLY SERIOUSLY HURF DURF DURF DURF". Bro, some of us are capable of arguing about things without being irreversibely emotionally invested in them.

Maybe because usually people argue with others if they care?

People in here, you in particular, are coming up with pretty long posts arguing against others and seem to be trying pretty hard to prove their point. If you didn't care why would you waste your effort in trying to argue back? =b

If you are saying a whoooole bunch to try make your point and you seriously don't care, then your behavior confounds me.

And emotionally feeling for it doesn't have to be a factor to make it seem like a serious discussion to me

Aw see now you've got me all serious tooooooooooo

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Maybe because usually people argue with others if they care?

People in here, you in particular, are coming up with pretty long posts arguing against others and seem to be trying pretty hard to prove their point. If you didn't care why would you waste your effort in trying to argue back? =b

If you are saying a whoooole bunch to try make your point and you seriously don't care, then your behavior confounds me.

And emotionally feeling for it doesn't have to be a factor to make it seem like a serious discussion to me

Aw see now you've got me all serious tooooooooooo

But the thing is that it's simply not true. I've said more than this in some arguments that were complete jokes, and I've said less than this in arguments that were incredibly serious. I have no investment in it, but since I generally enjoy arguing, and I would like to convey my opinion, I don't think it's wasted effort, even if I don't really care.

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You just wrinkled my brain, man.

They would never see it coming.

Honestly, it makes the most sense to me. He always incites people to flame him, he always make side comments that incite arguements, among other things....I think he's the perfect troll. I would be a liar if I told you I hadn't thought long and hard on this matter, but I have reached a conclusion. Crash Gordon is now to be labled a troll in all provinces of Serenes Forest, and any claim by said troll of others being trolls will be looked upon with scorn, because obviously, he's the troll.


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Honestly, it makes the most sense to me. He always incites people to flame him, he always make side comments that incite arguements, among other things....I think he's the perfect troll. I would be a liar if I told you I hadn't thought long and hard on this matter, but I have reached a conclusion. Crash Gordon is now to be labled a troll in all provinces of Serenes Forest, and any claim by said troll of others being trolls will be looked upon with scorn, because obviously, he's the troll.


lol relax. srs bsns people need trolls and trolls need srs bsns people. it's the habitat of the internet we thrive in. some people would never learn to develop a sense of humor and survive the mental stress of living life if they didn't otherwise.

but i do agree with you that he might be a secret agent troll. i can tell because i enjoy trolling myself. but i also enjoy srs bsns discussions from time to time. if i had a choice i would go straight when i reached a fork in the road. but most of the time i don't =/

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lol relax. srs bsns people need trolls and trolls need srs bsns people. it's the habitat of the internet we thrive in. some people would never learn to develop a sense of humor and survive the mental stress of living life if they didn't otherwise.

but i do agree with you that he might be a secret agent troll. i can tell because i enjoy trolling myself. but i also enjoy srs bsns discussions from time to time. if i had a choice i would go straight when i reached a fork in the road. but most of the time i don't =/

HAHA and you say you enjoy trolling.

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