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Do ghosts wear the same clothes they did when they died?


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first question would be, do I believe in ghosts? answer is no.

if they were to exist, second question would be, would they be visible to anyone? answer is no.

but please, do define the true meaning of this thing people call "ghosts".

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I imagine that the ghost would wear whatever it wanted to.

The fact that a ghost would wear something that the person died wearing is just a coincidence, as the person died while wearing his or her favorite outfit.

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Soul, I think you're going to get silly answers to this regardless of what forum you place it in.

I don't believe in ghosts or the supernatural in general. I can see no reason why a spirit would need clothing or even a distinct form for that matter. Some believers have claimed that ghosts are seen wearing clothing because ghosts are "residual memories", and the clothing is part of the memory. This sounds all well and good, but in the end it is nothing more than imaginative speculation devoid of even the faintest shred of evidence.

Edited by Charlie
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first question would be, do I believe in ghosts? answer is no.

if they were to exist, second question would be, would they be visible to anyone? answer is no.

Thankfully, your reality doesn't constitute an actuality. Otherwise everything you perceive would be the absolute in which everyone perceives.


Now, the question is actually a bit interesting. We would have to decide what a ghost really is defined as. Is it the soul of an individual lingering around? Why the would the spirit be adorned in clothing? Souls are not, should we believe them real substances, born clothed. That is what the body wears. And it's not a body which shuffles around after death. That's a zombified corpse.

People can attribute the clothes to a ghost if the spirit was that of a person whose clothing reflected a certain concept. I'm sure there's many accounts of the ghosts of soldiers wearing their uniforms, bloodied and all, and also of noble classes which are seen still wearing clothing like that. Those sort of observations seem tainted with the observer's bias: they think they see things they'd associate with the death as being attached still to the ghost.

But if the spirit of a ghost really is just the soul remaining around, then there's not really a reason why the clothing should be attached.

Yet, if we believe a ghost is the final image of a disturbed, traumatic death, then we could believe that clothing is going to be there--because at the moment of death, that was part of the image of the person. It's like those flash-shadows at Hiroshima, where the silhouettes were burned into a physical (well, more physical) form. If this is what ghosts would be, then clothing would probably be attached. But then it's the question of, Is the ghost nothing more than that false-image, a lingering trace of what happened, or is it still part of the soul, and thus, a "self?"

(an interesting point to clear up what a ghost is is to consider whether animals or plants or rocks or atoms have ghosts. and by asking this question, you can also indirectly see how a "ghost" is more of a phenomena that is created by the observer, rather than an actual phenomena. there's too much "self" of the observer involved in believing in ghosts.)

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I was in a train a week ago, when I passed through civil war era sites en route to FL.

That evening, I saw something that could have been a ghost-or some bum walking around in bright colored clothes and a wierd shaped cap.

So, it couldv'e been a ghost.

I've also seen a wierd thing that looke like the "Black Shuck" in a forest< it was only for a few seconds.

But I saw the rear half of a dog/wolf that was bigger than a bears or SUVs rear half........

I saw the movie "Aliens" when I was was 3 yrs old though... so it couldv'e been the "trauma" of remembring the scenes.

Edited by Silver Harpoon
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Thankfully, your reality doesn't constitute an actuality. Otherwise everything you perceive would be the absolute in which everyone perceives.

Wow. As if he even stated his perception of reality is absolutely true.

I was in a train a week ago, when I passed through civil war era sites en route to FL.

That evening, I saw something that could have been a ghost-or some bum walking around in bright colored clothes and a wierd shaped cap.

So, it couldv'e been a ghost.

I've also seen a wierd thing that looke like the "Black Shuck" in a forest< it was only for a few seconds.

But I saw the rear half of a dog/wolf that was bigger than a bears or SUVs rear half........

I saw the movie "Aliens" when I was was 3 yrs old though... so it couldv'e been the "trauma" of remembring the scenes.

This community is eating my soul alive day by day.

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The idea of ghosts scares me too much so I'd hope they aren't real but idk.

But if they didn't exist whats up with all those shows about people who's houses have been haunted. My mom even said she knew someone who had lived in a haunted house. Ghost threw a vase at her son or something.

Plus they have those little devices that detect them and record their voices.

Anyways, I don't really have an answer for your question. It just seems too coincidental that ghosts are always seen as wearing clothes that the person who's ghost it is is depicted in. Like no person who died and is a ghost ever had more than one outfit. Or they just happened to have died wearing the exact same thing they are wearing in that really creepy old photograph.

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Seriously, I'm legally blind without my glasses, but I'm sure I saw something.......

And that led you to conclude that it was something supernatural.

You aren't seeing where that stops being logical?

The idea of ghosts scares me too much so I'd hope they aren't real but idk.

But if they didn't exist whats up with all those shows about people who's houses have been haunted. My mom even said she knew someone who had lived in a haunted house. Ghost threw a vase at her son or something.

Plus they have those little devices that detect them and record their voices.

One time I met this guy that swore he was abducted as a kid. Said aliens literally lifted him off his bed and took him to Jupiter.

Do you believe in little green men from Jupiter now?

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Ghosts do not exist. The soul is not a thing that exists, therefore when someone dies there is nothing from which a ghost can be created. If ghosts did exist, they would almost definitely streak and constantly be invisi-fucking or molesting people. I'm not even joking.

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I saw something that I thought was a bear.

Then I realized that there are no bears in FL.

I then realized that it was like a huge dog.

The Black Shuck a.k.a. the Hellhound.

(I"m gonna get flamed

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I saw something that I thought was a bear.

Then I realized that there are no bears in FL.

I then realized that it was like a huge dog.

The Black Shuck a.k.a. the Hellhound.

(I"m gonna get flamed

Yes. You saw something really quickly, thinking it might have been a bear. You're legally blind without your glasses, and only saw it a moment, but found it sufficient reason to conclude that what you saw was a supernatural entity.

Are you being serious right now

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If its not too much to ask i;d like to know what brought you to this question... perhaps it'd make it a bit easir to answer.

Now i don't believe in ghost (Although i do fear dark places because i fear something might jump out or something... My brother used to scare me like this :<) but if modern thought of ghost is anything to go off of, than i'd say no, ghost have no need for clothes.

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While I do believe in them... I would very much like to believe that they are required to wear clothing. I mean, imagine you are walking home late one night, so you take a shortcut through a back alleyway to speed up the journey. Then, all of a sudden, NUDE MALE GHOST IN YOUR FACE!

I honestly don't think they are required to wear any particular set of clothes though, or even clothes at all... *shudder*

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While I do believe in them... I would very much like to believe that they are required to wear clothing. I mean, imagine you are walking home late one night, so you take a shortcut through a back alleyway to speed up the journey. Then, all of a sudden, NUDE MALE GHOST IN YOUR FACE!

I honestly don't think they are required to wear any particular set of clothes though, or even clothes at all... *shudder*

Of course they wouldn't, they're supposedly fucking ghosts. Who would make them?

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People who say "ghosts aren't real" should know that whoever posted this would take that as a "given" by now that people don't believe in them. It's an entirely pointless post. If you actually try to give reasoning then that makes the post more reasonable.

Personally I find it hard to believe in them as well because the concept of a soul inside our bodies just sounds ridiculous to me. But that's just me and I don't know everything, it's just my view upon things and does not at all prove mean that they don't exist. Anyone else can believe in them if they want and I don't really find much reason to try convince you otherwise. I just am letting my status on this be known, I suppose.

Sometimes, though, I still wonder about "what if they are" then I think of all the concepts I've heard dealing with ghosts. I know these theories from when I used to believe in ghosts, when I tried to learn about them and why people think they exist.

I just get confused by what everyone says about when a person dies. People would say they look like the age they were when they died, and they also seem to see a ghost of someone younger than when they were known to be when they died. Can someone make up their own appearance, as a spirit?

The reason they think they see ghosts of soldiers in their uniforms comes from the concept that I heard of a residual entity, where the energy from an event, which for some reason must be an event that was tragic to stick into ones' memory, or an event that's happened again and again and again so that the energy from that remains (which to me sounds pretty weird also) and so the way that person looked and how they were dressed will show to be the same. That's what I would think would be why people are seen to be in those outfits and if they are in soldiers' outfits then they probably can't even tell that you're watching them at the time.

Otherwise if they are self-aware spirits and can watch their surroundings, then can they just create their own appearance? Then shouldn't that mean that they can change other aspects of themselves as well? Personally I would imagine that if a soul is supposed to be a person, then the person is all that should show because that person is not clothing, that person is just... themself.

But of course shouldn't that mean that people should be running around screaming that they just saw someone naked? Or is it just supposed to be a hazy looking thing? There are many people say that they say crisp, clear images of a supposed person they saw and that they weren't even see through so they clearly saw colors of outfits and the shapes and whatnot. They would even say they recognized their own relatives because of how clearly they saw their face. Could all these claims be someone who's hallucinating and thinking too much about what they thought they saw? And what if the person wasn't even thinking of anything related to what they saw?

What would that imply? Maybe they don't have the power to influence their own appearance but can "change their clothes" like they coudl when they were still alive?

I think I am just thinking too much on this =I Since I don't know for sure what could be going on then I'm just gonna keep coming up with many many assumptions and keep proving everything wrong or right.

I guess this subject is probably just too hard to argue over since nothing is known ^~^;; AND I KNOW that all non-ghosts believers are thinking the exact same thing I am and I really don't see much reason to try to yell it out to all those who do believe

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I don't believe purely because there is no evidence.

However, if ghosts - free spirits or souls - do in fact exist, then the matter of whether they wear clothes or not, or to be more specific; the clothes they were wearing when they died, is totally down to opinion, because we can't even see the fuckers.

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